void CEncryptedStreamSocket::OnSend(int){
	// if the socket just connected and this is outgoing, we might want to start the handshake here
	if (m_StreamCryptState == ECS_PENDING || m_StreamCryptState == ECS_PENDING_SERVER){
	// check if we have negotiating data pending
	if (m_pfiSendBuffer != NULL){
		ASSERT( m_StreamCryptState >= ECS_NEGOTIATING );
		SendNegotiatingData(NULL, 0);
Пример #2
void CEncryptedStreamSocket::OnSend(int)
	// if the socket just connected and this is outgoing, we might want to start the handshake here
	if (m_StreamCryptState == ECS_PENDING || m_StreamCryptState == ECS_PENDING_SERVER){
		//printf("Starting connection negotiation on OnSend for %s\n", (const char*) unicode2char(DbgGetIPString()));

	// check if we have negotiating data pending
	if (!m_pfiSendBuffer.IsEmpty()) {
		wxASSERT( m_StreamCryptState >= ECS_NEGOTIATING );
		SendNegotiatingData(NULL, 0);
int CEncryptedStreamSocket::Receive(void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, int nFlags){
	m_nObfuscationBytesReceived = CAsyncSocketEx::Receive(lpBuf, nBufLen, nFlags);
	m_bFullReceive = m_nObfuscationBytesReceived == (uint32_t)nBufLen;

	if(m_nObfuscationBytesReceived == SOCKET_ERROR || m_nObfuscationBytesReceived <= 0){
		return m_nObfuscationBytesReceived;
	switch (m_StreamCryptState) {
		case ECS_NONE: // disabled, just pass it through
			return m_nObfuscationBytesReceived;
			ASSERT( false );
			DebugLogError(_T("CEncryptedStreamSocket Received data before sending on outgoing connection"));
			m_StreamCryptState = ECS_NONE;
			return m_nObfuscationBytesReceived;
		case ECS_UNKNOWN:{
			uint32_t nRead = 1;
			bool bNormalHeader = false;
			switch (((uchar*)lpBuf)[0]){
				case OP_EMULEPROT:
					bNormalHeader = true;
			if (!bNormalHeader){
				const uint32_t nNegRes = Negotiate((uchar*)lpBuf + nRead, m_nObfuscationBytesReceived - nRead);
				if (nNegRes == (-1))
					return 0;
				nRead += nNegRes;
				if (nRead != (uint32_t)m_nObfuscationBytesReceived){
					// this means we have more data then the current negotiation step required (or there is a bug) and this should never happen
					// (note: even if it just finished the handshake here, there still can be no data left, since the other client didnt received our response yet)
					DebugLogError(_T("CEncryptedStreamSocket: Client %s sent more data then expected while negotiating, disconnecting (1)"), DbgGetIPString());
				return 0;
				// doesn't seems to be encrypted
				m_StreamCryptState = ECS_NONE;

				// if we require an encrypted connection, cut the connection here. This shouldn't happen that often
				// at least with other up-to-date eMule clients because they check for incompability before connecting if possible
				if (thePrefs.IsClientCryptLayerRequired()){
					// TODO: Remove me when i have been solved
					// Even if the Require option is enabled, we currently have to accept unencrypted connection which are made
					// for lowid/firewall checks from servers and other from us selected client. Otherwise, this option would
					// always result in a lowid/firewalled status. This is of course not nice, but we can't avoid this walkarround
					// untill servers and kad completely support encryption too, which will at least for kad take a bit
					// only exception is the .ini option ClientCryptLayerRequiredStrict which will even ignore test connections
					// Update: New server now support encrypted callbacks

					SOCKADDR_IN sockAddr = {0};
					int nSockAddrLen = sizeof(sockAddr);
					GetPeerName((SOCKADDR*)&sockAddr, &nSockAddrLen);		
					if (thePrefs.IsClientCryptLayerRequiredStrict() || (!theApp.serverconnect->AwaitingTestFromIP(sockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr)
						&& !theApp.clientlist->IsKadFirewallCheckIP(sockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr)) )
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_BETA)
					// TODO: Remove after testing
					AddDebugLogLine(DLP_DEFAULT, false, _T("Rejected incoming connection because Obfuscation was required but not used %s"), DbgGetIPString() );
						return 0;
						AddDebugLogLine(DLP_DEFAULT, false, _T("Incoming unencrypted firewallcheck connection permitted despite RequireEncryption setting  - %s"), DbgGetIPString() );

				return m_nObfuscationBytesReceived; // buffer was unchanged, we can just pass it through
			// basic obfuscation enabled and set, so decrypt and pass along
			RC4Crypt((uchar*)lpBuf, (uchar*)lpBuf, m_nObfuscationBytesReceived, m_pRC4ReceiveKey);
			return m_nObfuscationBytesReceived;
			const uint32_t nRead = Negotiate((uchar*)lpBuf, m_nObfuscationBytesReceived);
			if (nRead == (-1))
				return 0;
			else if (nRead != (uint32_t)m_nObfuscationBytesReceived && m_StreamCryptState != ECS_ENCRYPTING){
				// this means we have more data then the current negotiation step required (or there is a bug) and this should never happen
				DebugLogError(_T("CEncryptedStreamSocket: Client %s sent more data then expected while negotiating, disconnecting (2)"), DbgGetIPString());
				return 0;
			else if (nRead != (uint32_t)m_nObfuscationBytesReceived && m_StreamCryptState == ECS_ENCRYPTING){
				// we finished the handshake and if we this was an outgoing connection it is allowed (but strange and unlikely) that the client sent payload
				DebugLogWarning(_T("CEncryptedStreamSocket: Client %s has finished the handshake but also sent payload on a outgoing connection"), DbgGetIPString());
				memmove(lpBuf, (uchar*)lpBuf + nRead, m_nObfuscationBytesReceived - nRead);
				return m_nObfuscationBytesReceived - nRead;
				return 0;
			ASSERT( false );
			return m_nObfuscationBytesReceived;
Пример #4
int CEncryptedStreamSocket::Read(void* lpBuf, uint32_t nBufLen)
	CSocketClientProxy::Read(lpBuf, nBufLen);
	m_nObfusicationBytesReceived = CSocketClientProxy::LastCount();
	m_bFullReceive = m_nObfusicationBytesReceived == (uint32)nBufLen;

	//printf("Read %i bytes on %s, socket %p\n", m_nObfusicationBytesReceived, (const char*) unicode2char(DbgGetIPString()), this);
	if (m_nObfusicationBytesReceived == (uint32_t)SOCKET_ERROR || m_nObfusicationBytesReceived <= 0) {
		return m_nObfusicationBytesReceived;
	switch (m_StreamCryptState) {
		case ECS_NONE: // disabled, just pass it through
			return m_nObfusicationBytesReceived;
			//printf("Received %i bytes before sending?\n", m_nObfusicationBytesReceived);
			//DebugLogError(_T("CEncryptedStreamSocket Received data before sending on outgoing connection"));
			m_StreamCryptState = ECS_NONE;
			return m_nObfusicationBytesReceived;
		case ECS_UNKNOWN: {
			//printf("Receiving encrypted data on ECS_UNKNOWN\n");
			uint32_t nRead = 1;
			bool bNormalHeader = false;
			switch (((uint8_t*)lpBuf)[0]) {
				case OP_EMULEPROT:
					bNormalHeader = true;
			if (!bNormalHeader) {
				//printf("Not a normal header, negotiating encryption\n");
				const uint32 nNegRes = Negotiate((uint8_t*)lpBuf + nRead, m_nObfusicationBytesReceived - nRead);
				if (nNegRes == (uint32_t)(-1)) {
					return 0;
				nRead += nNegRes;
				if (nRead != (uint32_t)m_nObfusicationBytesReceived) {
					// this means we have more data then the current negotiation step required (or there is a bug) and this should never happen
					// (note: even if it just finished the handshake here, there still can be no data left, since the other client didn't receive our response yet)
					//DebugLogError(_T("CEncryptedStreamSocket: Client %s sent more data then expected while negotiating, disconnecting (1)"), DbgGetIPString());
					//printf("On error: encryption\n");
				return 0;
			} else {
				// doesn't seem to be encrypted
				//printf("Encrypted data doesn't seem to be encrypted\n");
				m_StreamCryptState = ECS_NONE;
				// if we require an encrypted connection, cut the connection here. This shouldn't happen that often
				// at least with other up-to-date eMule clients because they check for incompability before connecting if possible
				if (thePrefs::IsClientCryptLayerRequired()) {
					// TODO: Remove me when I have been solved
					// Even if the Require option is enabled, we currently have to accept unencrypted connection which are made
					// for lowid/firewall checks from servers and other from us selected client. Otherwise, this option would
					// always result in a lowid/firewalled status. This is of course not nice, but we can't avoid this workaround
					// until servers and kad completely support encryption too, which will at least for kad take a bit
					// only exception is the .ini option ClientCryptLayerRequiredStrict which will even ignore test connections
					// Update: New server now support encrypted callbacks
					amuleIPV4Address address;
					uint32_t ip = StringIPtoUint32(address.IPAddress());
					if (thePrefs::IsClientCryptLayerRequiredStrict() || (!theApp->serverconnect->AwaitingTestFromIP(ip)
						&& !theApp->clientlist->IsKadFirewallCheckIP(ip)) )
						return 0;
					} else {
						//AddDebugLogLine(DLP_DEFAULT, false, _T("Incoming unencrypted firewallcheck connection permitted despite RequireEncryption setting  - %s"), DbgGetIPString() );
				return m_nObfusicationBytesReceived; // buffer was unchanged, we can just pass it through
			//printf("Encryption enabled on data receiving, decrypting and passing along\n");
			// basic obfusication enabled and set, so decrypt and pass along
			m_pfiReceiveBuffer.RC4Crypt((uint8_t*)lpBuf, (uint8_t*)lpBuf, m_nObfusicationBytesReceived);
			//DumpMem(lpBuf, m_nObfusicationBytesReceived, wxT("Directly decrypted data:"));
			return m_nObfusicationBytesReceived;
			//printf("Negotiating on data receive\n");
			const uint32_t nRead = Negotiate((uint8_t*)lpBuf, m_nObfusicationBytesReceived);
			if (nRead == (uint32_t)(-1)) {
				//printf("-> Encryption read error on negotiation\n");
				return 0;
			} else if (nRead != (uint32_t)m_nObfusicationBytesReceived && m_StreamCryptState != ECS_ENCRYPTING) {
				//printf("-> Too much data, bailing out of negotiation step\n");
				// this means we have more data then the current negotiation step required (or there is a bug) and this should never happen
				//DebugLogError(_T("CEncryptedStreamSocket: Client %s sent more data then expected while negotiating, disconnecting (2)"), DbgGetIPString());
				return 0;
			} else if (nRead != (uint32_t)m_nObfusicationBytesReceived && m_StreamCryptState == ECS_ENCRYPTING) {
				//printf("-> Handshake negotiation finished\n");
				// we finished the handshake and if we this was an outgoing connection it is allowed (but strange and unlikely) that the client sent payload
				//DebugLogWarning(_T("CEncryptedStreamSocket: Client %s has finished the handshake but also sent payload on a outgoing connection"), DbgGetIPString());
				memmove(lpBuf, (uint8_t*)lpBuf + nRead, m_nObfusicationBytesReceived - nRead);
				return m_nObfusicationBytesReceived - nRead;
			} else {
				//printf("-> Negotiation went probably ok\n");
				return 0;
			return m_nObfusicationBytesReceived;