void AnnouncerManager::GetAnnouncerNames( vector<RString>& AddTo ) { GetDirListing( ANNOUNCERS_DIR+"*", AddTo, true ); StripCvsAndSvn( AddTo ); StripMacResourceForks( AddTo ); // strip out the empty announcer folder for( int i=AddTo.size()-1; i>=0; i-- ) if( !strcasecmp( AddTo[i], EMPTY_ANNOUNCER_NAME ) ) AddTo.erase(AddTo.begin()+i, AddTo.begin()+i+1 ); }
void BackgroundUtil::GetGlobalBGAnimations( const Song *pSong, const RString &sMatch, vector<RString> &vsPathsOut, vector<RString> &vsNamesOut ) { vsPathsOut.clear(); GetDirListing( BG_ANIMS_DIR+sMatch+"*", vsPathsOut, true, true ); GetDirListing( BG_ANIMS_DIR+sMatch+"*.xml", vsPathsOut, false, true ); vsNamesOut.clear(); FOREACH_CONST( RString, vsPathsOut, s ) vsNamesOut.push_back( Basename(*s) ); StripCvsAndSvn( vsPathsOut, vsNamesOut ); }
void BackgroundUtil::GetBackgroundEffects( const RString &_sName, vector<RString> &vsPathsOut, vector<RString> &vsNamesOut ) { RString sName = _sName; if( sName == "" ) sName = "*"; vsPathsOut.clear(); GetDirListing( BACKGROUND_EFFECTS_DIR+sName+".lua", vsPathsOut, false, true ); vsNamesOut.clear(); FOREACH_CONST( RString, vsPathsOut, s ) vsNamesOut.push_back( GetFileNameWithoutExtension(*s) ); StripCvsAndSvn( vsPathsOut, vsNamesOut ); }
void BackgroundUtil::GetSongBGAnimations( const Song *pSong, const RString &sMatch, vector<RString> &vsPathsOut, vector<RString> &vsNamesOut ) { vsPathsOut.clear(); if( sMatch.empty() ) { GetDirListing( pSong->GetSongDir()+"*", vsPathsOut, true, true ); } else { GetDirListing( pSong->GetSongDir()+sMatch, vsPathsOut, true, true ); } vsNamesOut.clear(); FOREACH_CONST( RString, vsPathsOut, s ) vsNamesOut.push_back( Basename(*s) ); StripCvsAndSvn( vsPathsOut, vsNamesOut ); }
BOOL LanguagesDlg::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); DialogUtil::LocalizeDialogAndContents( *this ); vector<RString> vs; GetDirListing( SpecialFiles::THEMES_DIR+"*", vs, true ); StripCvsAndSvn( vs ); FOREACH_CONST( RString, vs, s ) m_listThemes.AddString( *s ); if( !vs.empty() ) m_listThemes.SetSel( 0 ); OnSelchangeListThemes(); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control }
CharacterManager::CharacterManager() { // Register with Lua. { Lua *L = LUA->Get(); lua_pushstring( L, "CHARMAN" ); this->PushSelf( L ); lua_settable( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX ); LUA->Release( L ); } for( unsigned i=0; i<m_pCharacters.size(); i++ ) SAFE_DELETE( m_pCharacters[i] ); m_pCharacters.clear(); vector<RString> as; GetDirListing( CHARACTERS_DIR "*", as, true, true ); StripCvsAndSvn( as ); StripMacResourceForks( as ); bool FoundDefault = false; for( unsigned i=0; i<as.size(); i++ ) { RString sCharName, sDummy; splitpath(as[i], sDummy, sCharName, sDummy); sCharName.MakeLower(); if( sCharName.CompareNoCase("default")==0 ) FoundDefault = true; Character* pChar = new Character; if( pChar->Load( as[i] ) ) m_pCharacters.push_back( pChar ); else delete pChar; } if( !FoundDefault ) RageException::Throw( "'Characters/default' is missing." ); // If FoundDefault, then we're not empty. -Chris // if( m_pCharacters.empty() ) // RageException::Throw( "Couldn't find any character definitions" ); }
void BackgroundUtil::GetSongBitmaps( const Song *pSong, const RString &sMatch, vector<RString> &vsPathsOut, vector<RString> &vsNamesOut ) { vsPathsOut.clear(); if( sMatch.empty() ) { FILEMAN->GetDirListingWithMultipleExtensions(pSong->GetSongDir()+sMatch, ActorUtil::GetTypeExtensionList(FT_Bitmap), vsPathsOut, false, true); } else { GetDirListing( pSong->GetSongDir()+sMatch, vsPathsOut, false, true ); } vsNamesOut.clear(); FOREACH_CONST( RString, vsPathsOut, s ) vsNamesOut.push_back( Basename(*s) ); StripCvsAndSvn( vsPathsOut, vsNamesOut ); }
void ThemeManager::GetThemeNames( vector<RString>& AddTo ) { GetDirListing( SpecialFiles::THEMES_DIR + "*", AddTo, true ); StripCvsAndSvn( AddTo ); StripMacResourceForks( AddTo ); }