Пример #1
hMatrix Jacobian_hMatrix(double *theta, double *alpha, double *a, double *d) {
	hMatrix T01(4,4), T02(4,4), T03(4,4), T04(4,4), T05(4,4), T06(4,4), T07(4,4);	
	T01 = T_hMatrix(&theta[0], &alpha[0], &a[0], &d[0], 1);
	T02 = T_hMatrix(&theta[0], &alpha[0], &a[0], &d[0], 2);
	T03 = T_hMatrix(&theta[0], &alpha[0], &a[0], &d[0], 3);
	T04 = T_hMatrix(&theta[0], &alpha[0], &a[0], &d[0], 4);
	T05 = T_hMatrix(&theta[0], &alpha[0], &a[0], &d[0], 5);
	T06 = T_hMatrix(&theta[0], &alpha[0], &a[0], &d[0], 6);
	T07 = T_hMatrix(&theta[0], &alpha[0], &a[0], &d[0], 7);

	double k[3] = {0,0,1};
	double z1[3] = { T01.element(0,2),T01.element(1,2), T01.element(2,2)};
	double z2[3] = { T02.element(0,2),T02.element(1,2), T02.element(2,2)};
	double z3[3] = { T03.element(0,2),T03.element(1,2), T03.element(2,2)};
	double z4[3] = { T04.element(0,2),T04.element(1,2), T04.element(2,2)};
	double z5[3] = { T05.element(0,2),T05.element(1,2), T05.element(2,2)};
	double z6[3] = { T06.element(0,2),T06.element(1,2), T06.element(2,2)};

	double o1[3] = {T01.element(0,3), T01.element(1,3), T01.element(2,3)};
	double o2[3] = {T02.element(0,3), T02.element(1,3), T02.element(2,3)};
	double o3[3] = {T03.element(0,3), T03.element(1,3), T03.element(2,3)};
	double o4[3] = {T04.element(0,3), T04.element(1,3), T04.element(2,3)};
	double o5[3] = {T05.element(0,3), T05.element(1,3), T05.element(2,3)};
	double o6[3] = {T06.element(0,3), T06.element(1,3), T06.element(2,3)};
	double o7[3] = {T07.element(0,3), T07.element(1,3), T07.element(2,3)};
	double O1[3] ={o7[0],o7[1],o7[2]};
	double O2[3] ={o7[0]-o1[0],o7[1]-o1[1],o7[2]-o1[2]};
	double O3[3] ={o7[0]-o2[0],o7[1]-o2[1],o7[2]-o2[2]};
	double O4[3] ={o7[0]-o3[0],o7[1]-o3[1],o7[2]-o3[2]};
	double O5[3] ={o7[0]-o4[0],o7[1]-o4[1],o7[2]-o4[2]};
	double O6[3] ={o7[0]-o5[0],o7[1]-o5[1],o7[2]-o5[2]};
	double O7[3] ={o7[0]-o6[0],o7[1]-o6[1],o7[2]-o6[2]};
	hMatrix c1(1,3),c2(1,3),c3(1,3),c4(1,3),c5(1,3),c6(1,3),c7(1,3);
	c1 =  cross(&k[0],&O1[0]);
	c2 =  cross(&z1[0],&O2[0]);
	c3 =  cross(&z2[0],&O3[0]);
	c4 =  cross(&z3[0],&O4[0]);
	c5 =  cross(&z4[0],&O5[0]);
	c6 =  cross(&z5[0],&O6[0]);
	c7 =  cross(&z6[0],&O7[0]);

	double J[42] = { c1.element(0,0), c2.element(0,0), c3.element(0,0), c4.element(0,0), c5.element(0,0), c6.element(0,0), c7.element(0,0),
					c1.element(0,1), c2.element(0,1), c3.element(0,1), c4.element(0,1), c5.element(0,1), c6.element(0,1), c7.element(0,1),
					c1.element(0,2), c2.element(0,2), c3.element(0,2), c4.element(0,2), c5.element(0,2), c6.element(0,2), c7.element(0,2),
	hMatrix Jacobian(6,7);
	return Jacobian;
Пример #2
enum parseType T()
	char *save = next;
	if (!T04()) {
		next = save;
		if (!T02()) {
			next = save;
			if (!T03()) {
				next = save;
				if (!T01()) {
					return tERR;
				} else return tT01;
			} else return tT03;
		} else return tT02;
	} else return tT04;
	return tERR;
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    /*Polynomial2 poly2;
    poly2.kuu = -1; 
    poly2.kuv = 1; 
    poly2.kvv= -1; 
    poly2.ku = 0.25; 
    poly2.kv = 0.25; 
    poly2.k1 = 5;
    CurveRasterizer<Polynomial2> raster(1, 1, -100, 100, poly2);
    CurveRasterizer2<Polynomial2> raster2(1, 1, -100, 100, poly2);

    auto tr0 = clock();
    int x1 = 0;
    int x2 = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
        x1 += raster.x;
    auto tr1 = clock();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
        x2 += raster2.x;
    auto tr2 = clock();
    cout << "optimized " << double(tr1 - tr0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
    cout << "simple " << double(tr2 - tr1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
    cout << x1 << " " << x2 << endl;
    return 0;*/
    ifstream paramFile(argv[1]);
    if (not paramFile.is_open())
        cout << argv[1] << " : ERROR, file is not found" << endl;
        return 0;
    array<double, 6> params1;
    array<double, 6> params2;
    cout << "First EU Camera model parameters :" << endl;
    for (auto & p: params1) 
        paramFile >> p;
        cout << setw(10) << p;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Second EU Camera model parameters :" << endl;
    for (auto & p: params2) 
        paramFile >> p;
        cout << setw(10) << p;
    cout << endl;
    array<double, 6> cameraPose;
    cout << "Camera pose wrt the robot :" << endl;
    for (auto & e: cameraPose) 
        paramFile >> e;
        cout << setw(10) << e;
    cout << endl;
    Transformation<double> TbaseCamera(cameraPose.data());
    array<double, 6> robotPose1, robotPose2;
    cout << "First robot's pose :" << endl;
    for (auto & e: robotPose1) 
        paramFile >> e;
        cout << setw(10) << e;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Second robot's pose :" << endl;
    for (auto & e: robotPose2) 
        paramFile >> e;
        cout << setw(10) << e;
    cout << endl;
    Transformation<double> T01(robotPose1.data()), T02(robotPose2.data());
    Transformation<double> TleftRight = T01.compose(TbaseCamera).inverseCompose(T02.compose(TbaseCamera));
    SGMParameters stereoParams;
    stereoParams.flawCost = 5;
    stereoParams.verbosity = 0;
    stereoParams.hypMax = 1;
//    stereoParams.salientPoints = false;
    paramFile >> stereoParams.u0;
    paramFile >> stereoParams.v0;
    paramFile >> stereoParams.dispMax;
    paramFile >> stereoParams.scale;
//    stereoParams.lambdaStep = 3;
//    stereoParams.lambdaJump = 15;
    string fileName1, fileName2;
    while(getline(paramFile, fileName1))
        getline(paramFile, fileName2);
        Mat8u img1 = imread(fileName1, 0);
        Mat8u img2 = imread(fileName2, 0);
        Mat16s img1lap, img2lap;

        stereoParams.uMax = img1.cols;
        stereoParams.vMax = img1.rows;
    //    Laplacian(img1, img1lap, CV_16S, 3);
    //    Laplacian(img2, img2lap, CV_16S, 3);
    //    GaussianBlur(img1, img1, Size(3, 3), 0, 0);
    //    GaussianBlur(img2, img2, Size(3, 3), 0, 0);
    //    img1lap = img1lap + 128;
    //    img2lap = img2lap + 128;
    //    img1lap.copyTo(img1);
    //    img2lap.copyTo(img2);
        Timer timer;
        EnhancedCamera camera1(params1.data()), camera2(params2.data());
        EnhancedSGM stereo(TleftRight, &camera1, &camera2, stereoParams);
        cout << "    initialization time : " << timer.elapsed() << endl;
        Mat8u out1, out2;
    //    for (auto & x : {Point(320, 300), Point(500, 300), Point(750, 300), Point(350, 500), Point(600, 450)})
    //    {
    //        out1(x) = 0;
    //        out1(x.y + 1, x.x) = 0;
    //        out1(x.y, x.x + 1) = 255;
    //        out1(x.y + 1, x.x + 1) = 255;
    //        stereo.traceEpipolarLine(x, out2);
    //    }

    //    Mat32f res;
    //    timer.reset();
    //    stereo.computeCurveCost(img1, img2);
    //    cout << timer.elapsed() << endl;
    //    timer.reset();
    //    stereo.computeDynamicProgramming();
    //    cout << timer.elapsed() << endl;
    //    timer.reset();
    //    stereo.reconstructDisparity();
    //    cout << timer.elapsed() << endl;
    //    timer.reset();
    //    stereo.computeDepth(res);
    //    cout << timer.elapsed() << endl;
        DepthMap depth;
        Mat32f depthMat;
    //    stereo.computeStereo(img1, img2, depthMat);
        stereo.computeStereo(img1, img2, depth);
        cout << "    stereo total time : " << timer.elapsed() << endl;
        imshow("out1", out1);
        imshow("out2", out2);
        imshow("res", depthMat/ 3);
        imshow("disp", stereo.disparity() * 256);
        cout << stereo.disparity()(350, 468) << " " << stereo.disparity()(350, 469) << endl;
    return 0;
Пример #4
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    ifstream paramFile(argv[1]);
    if (not paramFile.is_open())
        cout << argv[1] << " : ERROR, file is not found" << endl;
        return 0;
    array<double, 6> params1;
    array<double, 6> params2;
    cout << "First EU Camera model parameters :" << endl;
    for (auto & p: params1) 
        paramFile >> p;
        cout << setw(10) << p;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Second EU Camera model parameters :" << endl;
    for (auto & p: params2) 
        paramFile >> p;
        cout << setw(10) << p;
    cout << endl;
    array<double, 6> cameraPose;
    cout << "Camera pose wrt the robot :" << endl;
    for (auto & e: cameraPose) 
        paramFile >> e;
        cout << setw(10) << e;
    cout << endl;
    Transformation<double> TbaseCamera(cameraPose.data());
    array<double, 6> robotPose1, robotPose2;
    cout << "First robot's pose :" << endl;
    for (auto & e: robotPose1) 
        paramFile >> e;
        cout << setw(10) << e;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Second robot's pose :" << endl;
    for (auto & e: robotPose2) 
        paramFile >> e;
        cout << setw(10) << e;
    cout << endl;
    Transformation<double> T01(robotPose1.data()), T02(robotPose2.data());
    Transformation<double> TleftRight = T01.compose(TbaseCamera).inverseCompose(T02.compose(TbaseCamera));
    EnhancedCamera cam1(params1.data()), cam2(params2.data());
    EnhancedEpipolar epipolar(&cam1, &cam2, TleftRight, 2000);
    string fileName1, fileName2;
    getline(paramFile, fileName1); //to SGM parameters
    const int LENGTH = 5;
    //TODO fix the constructor to avoid NULL 
    EpipolarDescriptor epipolarDescriptor(LENGTH, 3, {1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9});
    StereoEpipoles epipoles(&cam1, &cam2, TleftRight);
    while(getline(paramFile, fileName1))
        getline(paramFile, fileName2);
        img1 = imread(fileName1, 0);
        img2 = imread(fileName2, 0);
        Mat8u descStepMat(img1.size());
        for (int v = 0; v < img1.rows; v++)
            for (int u = 0; u < img1.cols; u++)
                Vector3d X;
                cam1.reconstructPoint(Vector2d(u, v), X);
                CurveRasterizer<int, Polynomial2> raster(Vector2i(u, v), epipoles.getFirstPx(),
                if (epipoles.firstIsInverted()) raster.setStep(-1);
                vector<uint8_t> descriptor;
                const int step = epipolarDescriptor.compute(img1, raster, descriptor);
                if (step > 0)  descStepMat(v, u) = (10 - step) * 25; 
                else descStepMat(v, u) = 0;
        imshow("out1", img1);
        imshow("out2", img2);
        imshow("descStep", descStepMat);
    return 0;
Пример #5
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    /*Polynomial2 poly2;
    poly2.kuu = -1; 
    poly2.kuv = 1; 
    poly2.kvv= -1; 
    poly2.ku = 0.25; 
    poly2.kv = 0.25; 
    poly2.k1 = 5;
    CurveRasterizer<Polynomial2> raster(1, 1, -100, 100, poly2);
    CurveRasterizer2<Polynomial2> raster2(1, 1, -100, 100, poly2);

    auto tr0 = clock();
    int x1 = 0;
    int x2 = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
        x1 += raster.x;
    auto tr1 = clock();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
        x2 += raster2.x;
    auto tr2 = clock();
    cout << "optimized " << double(tr1 - tr0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
    cout << "simple " << double(tr2 - tr1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
    cout << x1 << " " << x2 << endl;
    return 0;*/
    ifstream paramFile(argv[1]);
    if (not paramFile.is_open())
        cout << argv[1] << " : ERROR, file is not found" << endl;
        return 0;
    array<double, 6> params;
    cout << "EU Camera model parameters :" << endl;
    for (auto & p: params) 
        paramFile >> p;
        cout << setw(10) << p;
    cout << endl;
    array<double, 6> cameraPose;
    cout << "Camera pose wrt the robot :" << endl;
    for (auto & e: cameraPose) 
        paramFile >> e;
        cout << setw(10) << e;
    cout << endl;
    Transformation<double> TbaseCamera(cameraPose.data());
    array<double, 6> robotPose1, robotPose2;

    SGMParameters stereoParams;
    stereoParams.verbosity = 3;
    stereoParams.salientPoints = false;
    paramFile >> stereoParams.u0;
    paramFile >> stereoParams.v0;
    paramFile >> stereoParams.dispMax;
    paramFile >> stereoParams.scale;
    string imageDir;
    getline(paramFile, imageDir);
    string imageInfo, imageName;
    getline(paramFile, imageInfo);
    istringstream imageStream(imageInfo);
    imageStream >> imageName;
    for (auto & x : robotPose1) imageStream >> x;

    Mat8u img1 = imread(imageDir + imageName, 0);
    stereoParams.uMax = img1.cols;
    stereoParams.vMax = img1.rows;
    int counter = 2;
    EnhancedCamera camera(params.data());
    while (getline(paramFile, imageInfo))
        istringstream imageStream(imageInfo);
        imageStream >> imageName;
        for (auto & x : robotPose2) imageStream >> x;
        Transformation<double> T01(robotPose1.data()), T02(robotPose2.data());
        Transformation<double> TleftRight = T01.compose(TbaseCamera).inverseCompose(T02.compose(TbaseCamera));
        Mat8u img2 = imread(imageDir + imageName, 0);

        EnhancedSGM stereo(TleftRight, &camera, &camera, stereoParams);

        DepthMap depth;
        auto t2 = clock();
        stereo.computeStereo(img1, img2, depth);
        auto t3 = clock();
        cout << double(t3 - t2) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
        Mat32f dMat;
//        imwrite(imageDir + "res" + to_string(counter++) + ".png", depth*200);
        imwrite(imageDir + "res" + to_string(counter++) + ".png", dMat*30);
    return 0;
Пример #6
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    /*Polynomial2 poly2;
    poly2.kuu = -1; 
    poly2.kuv = 1; 
    poly2.kvv= -1; 
    poly2.ku = 0.25; 
    poly2.kv = 0.25; 
    poly2.k1 = 5;
    CurveRasterizer<Polynomial2> raster(1, 1, -100, 100, poly2);
    CurveRasterizer2<Polynomial2> raster2(1, 1, -100, 100, poly2);

    auto tr0 = clock();
    int x1 = 0;
    int x2 = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
        x1 += raster.x;
    auto tr1 = clock();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
        x2 += raster2.x;
    auto tr2 = clock();
    cout << "optimized " << double(tr1 - tr0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
    cout << "simple " << double(tr2 - tr1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
    cout << x1 << " " << x2 << endl;
    return 0;*/
    ifstream paramFile(argv[1]);
    if (not paramFile.is_open())
        cout << argv[1] << " : ERROR, file is not found" << endl;
        return 0;
    array<double, 6> params;
    cout << "EU Camera model parameters :" << endl;
    for (auto & p: params) 
        paramFile >> p;
        cout << setw(10) << p;
    cout << endl;
    array<double, 6> cameraPose;
    cout << "Camera pose wrt the robot :" << endl;
    for (auto & e: cameraPose) 
        paramFile >> e;
        cout << setw(10) << e;
    cout << endl;
    Transformation<double> TbaseCamera(cameraPose.data());
    array<double, 6> robotPose1, robotPose2;

    SGMParameters stereoParams2;
    stereoParams2.salientPoints = false;
    stereoParams2.verbosity = 3;
    stereoParams2.hypMax = 1;
//    stereoParams.salientPoints = false;
    paramFile >> stereoParams2.u0;
    paramFile >> stereoParams2.v0;
    paramFile >> stereoParams2.dispMax;
    paramFile >> stereoParams2.scale;
    string imageDir;
    getline(paramFile, imageDir);
    string imageInfo, imageName;
    getline(paramFile, imageInfo);
    istringstream imageStream(imageInfo);
    imageStream >> imageName;
    for (auto & x : robotPose1) imageStream >> x;

    Mat8u img1 = imread(imageDir + imageName, 0);
    cout << "Image name: "<< imageDir + imageName << endl;
    cout << "Image size: "<<img1.size()<<endl;;
    stereoParams2.u0 = 50;
    stereoParams2.v0 = 50;
    stereoParams2.uMax = img1.cols;
    stereoParams2.vMax = img1.rows;
//    stereoParams2.salientPoints = true;
    int counter = 2;
    EnhancedCamera camera(params.data());
    DepthMap depth;
//    stereoParams2.dispMax = 40;
//    stereoParams2.descRespThresh = 2;
//    stereoParams2.scaleVec = vector<int>{1};
    MotionStereoParameters stereoParams(stereoParams2);
    stereoParams.verbosity = 1;
    stereoParams.descLength = 5;
//    stereoParams.descRespThresh = 2;
//    stereoParams.scaleVec = vector<int>{1};
    MotionStereo stereo(&camera, &camera, stereoParams);
    //do SGM to init the depth
    getline(paramFile, imageInfo);
    getline(paramFile, imageInfo);
    getline(paramFile, imageInfo);
    imageStream >> imageName;
    for (auto & x : robotPose2) imageStream >> x;
    Mat8u img2 = imread(imageDir + imageName, 0);
    Transformation<double> T01(robotPose1.data()), T02(robotPose2.data());
    Transformation<double> TleftRight = T01.compose(TbaseCamera).inverseCompose(T02.compose(TbaseCamera));
    EnhancedSGM stereoSG(TleftRight, &camera, &camera, stereoParams2);
    Timer timer;
    stereoSG.computeStereo(img1, img2, depth);
    cout << timer.elapsed() << endl; 
    Mat32f res, sigmaRes;
    Mat32f res2, sigmaRes2;
    imshow("res" + to_string(counter), res2 *0.12);
    imshow("sigma " + to_string(counter), sigmaRes2*20);
    while (getline(paramFile, imageInfo))
        istringstream imageStream(imageInfo);
        imageStream >> imageName;
        for (auto & x : robotPose2) imageStream >> x;
        Transformation<double> T01(robotPose1.data()), T02(robotPose2.data());
        Transformation<double> TleftRight = T01.compose(TbaseCamera).inverseCompose(T02.compose(TbaseCamera));
        Mat8u img2 = imread(imageDir + imageName, 0);

//        depth.setDefault();
        cout << TleftRight << endl;
        DepthMap depth2 = stereo.compute(TleftRight, img2, depth, counter - 3);
        depth = depth2;
        cout << timer.elapsed() << endl; 
//        imwrite(imageDir + "res" + to_string(counter++) + ".png", depth*200);
        imshow("sigma " + to_string(counter), sigmaRes*20);
        imshow("d sigma " + to_string(counter), (sigmaRes - sigmaRes2)*20  + 0.5);
//        cout << (sigmaRes - sigmaRes2)(Rect(150, 150, 15, 15)) << endl;
        imshow("res " + to_string(counter), res *0.12);
    return 0;