Пример #1
int SiTabCtl_GetRowCount(void)
	int row = TabCtrl_GetRowCount(hwnd_tab_ctl);
	if(row == 0)
		row = 1;
	return row;
Пример #2
void UpdateStrings() {
  // Update window title
  PropSheet_SetTitle(g_cfgwnd, 0, l10n->title);

  // Update tab titles
  HWND tc = PropSheet_GetTabControl(g_cfgwnd);
  int numrows_prev = TabCtrl_GetRowCount(tc);
  wchar_t *titles[] = { l10n->tab_general, l10n->tab_input, l10n->tab_blacklist, l10n->tab_advanced, l10n->tab_about };
  int i;
  for (i=0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(titles); i++) {
    TCITEM ti;
    ti.mask = TCIF_TEXT;
    ti.pszText = titles[i];
    TabCtrl_SetItem(tc, i, &ti);

  // Modify UI if number of rows have changed
  int numrows = TabCtrl_GetRowCount(tc);
  if (numrows_prev != numrows) {
    HWND page = PropSheet_GetCurrentPageHwnd(g_cfgwnd);
    if (page != NULL) {
      int diffrows = numrows-numrows_prev;
      // Resize window
      GetWindowPlacement(g_cfgwnd, &wndpl);
      wndpl.rcNormalPosition.bottom += 18*diffrows;
      SetWindowPlacement(g_cfgwnd, &wndpl);
      // Resize tabcontrol
      GetWindowPlacement(tc, &wndpl);
      wndpl.rcNormalPosition.bottom += 18*diffrows;
      SetWindowPlacement(tc, &wndpl);
      // Move button
      HWND button = GetDlgItem(g_cfgwnd, IDOK);
      GetWindowPlacement(button, &wndpl);
      int height = wndpl.rcNormalPosition.bottom-wndpl.rcNormalPosition.top;
      wndpl.rcNormalPosition.top += 18*diffrows;
      wndpl.rcNormalPosition.bottom = wndpl.rcNormalPosition.top+height;
      SetWindowPlacement(button, &wndpl);
      // Re-select tab
      PropSheet_SetCurSel(g_cfgwnd, page, 0);
      // Invalidate region
      GetWindowPlacement(g_cfgwnd, &wndpl);
      InvalidateRect(g_cfgwnd, &wndpl.rcNormalPosition, TRUE);
Пример #3
void TabBar::reSizeTo(RECT & rc2Ajust)
	RECT rowRect;
	int rowCount, tabsHight;

	// Important to do that!
	// Otherwise, the window(s) it contains will take all the resouce of CPU
	// We don't need to resize the contained windows if they are even invisible anyway
	display(rc2Ajust.right > 10);
	RECT rc = rc2Ajust;

	// Do our own calculations because TabCtrl_AdjustRect doesn't work
	// on vertical or multi-lined tab controls

	rowCount = TabCtrl_GetRowCount(_hSelf);
	TabCtrl_GetItemRect(_hSelf, 0, &rowRect);

	int larger = _isVertical ? rowRect.right : rowRect.bottom;
	int smaller = _isVertical ? rowRect.left : rowRect.top;
	int marge = 0;

	LONG_PTR style = ::GetWindowLongPtr(_hSelf, GWL_STYLE);
	if (rowCount == 1)
		style &= ~TCS_BUTTONS;
	else // (rowCount >= 2)
		style |= TCS_BUTTONS;
		marge = (rowCount - 2) * 3; // in TCS_BUTTONS mode, each row has few pixels higher

	::SetWindowLongPtr(_hSelf, GWL_STYLE, style);
	tabsHight = rowCount * (larger - smaller) + marge;
	tabsHight += GetSystemMetrics(_isVertical ? SM_CXEDGE : SM_CYEDGE);

	if (_isVertical)
		rc2Ajust.left += tabsHight;
		rc2Ajust.right -= tabsHight;
		rc2Ajust.top += tabsHight;
		rc2Ajust.bottom -= tabsHight;
Пример #4
void TabBar::reSizeTo(RECT & rc2Ajust)
	RECT RowRect;
	int RowCount, TabsLength;

	// Important to do that!
	// Otherwise, the window(s) it contains will take all the resouce of CPU
	// We don't need to resize the contained windows if they are even invisible anyway
	display(rc2Ajust.right > 10);
	RECT rc = rc2Ajust;
	//TabCtrl_AdjustRect(_hSelf, FALSE, &rc2Ajust);

	// Do our own calculations because TabCtrl_AdjustRect doesn't work
	// on vertical or multi-lined tab controls

	RowCount = TabCtrl_GetRowCount(_hSelf);
	TabCtrl_GetItemRect(_hSelf, 0, &RowRect);
	if (_isTraditional)
		TabCtrl_AdjustRect(_hSelf, FALSE, &rc2Ajust);
	else if (_isVertical)
		TabsLength  = RowCount * (RowRect.right - RowRect.left);
		TabsLength += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE);

		rc2Ajust.left	+= TabsLength + 5;
		rc2Ajust.right	-= TabsLength + 10;
		rc2Ajust.top    += 5;
		rc2Ajust.bottom -= 10;
		TabsLength  = RowCount * (RowRect.bottom - RowRect.top);
		TabsLength += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE);

		rc2Ajust.top	+= TabsLength + 5;
		rc2Ajust.bottom -= TabsLength + 10;
		rc2Ajust.left	+= 5;
		rc2Ajust.right	-= 10;
Пример #5
int wxNotebook::GetRowCount() const
    return TabCtrl_GetRowCount(GetHwnd());
Пример #6
// Get the number of rows
int wxTabCtrl::GetRowCount() const
    return (int) TabCtrl_GetRowCount( (HWND) GetHWND() );