Пример #1
 * Function:        void USBCtrlTrfSetupHandler(void)
 * PreCondition:    SetupPkt buffer is loaded with valid USB Setup Data
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        This routine is a task dispatcher and has 3 stages.
 *                  1. It initializes the control transfer state machine.
 *                  2. It calls on each of the module that may know how to
 *                     service the Setup Request from the host.
 *                     Module Example: USB9, HID, CDC, MSD, ...
 *                     As new classes are added, ClassReqHandler table in
 *                     usbdsc.c should be updated to call all available
 *                     class handlers.
 *                  3. Once each of the modules has had a chance to check if
 *                     it is responsible for servicing the request, stage 3
 *                     then checks direction of the transfer to determine how
 *                     to prepare EP0 for the control transfer.
 *                     Refer to USBCtrlEPServiceComplete() for more details.
 * Note:            Microchip USB Firmware has three different states for
 *                  the control transfer state machine:
 *                  1. WAIT_SETUP
 *                  2. CTRL_TRF_TX
 *                  3. CTRL_TRF_RX
 *                  Refer to firmware manual to find out how one state
 *                  is transitioned to another.
 *                  A Control Transfer is composed of many USB transactions.
 *                  When transferring data over multiple transactions,
 *                  it is important to keep track of data source, data
 *                  destination, and data count. These three parameters are
 *                  stored in pSrc,pDst, and wCount. A flag is used to
 *                  note if the data source is from ROM or RAM.
void USBCtrlTrfSetupHandler(void)
    byte i;

Bug Fix: May 14, 2007 (#F7 - Partial 1/4)
For a control transfer read, if the host tries to read more data
than what it has requested, the peripheral device should stall the
extra IN transactions and the status stage. Typically, a host does
not try to read more data than what it has requested. The original
firmware did not handle this situation. Instead of stalling extra
IN transactions, the device kept sending out zero length packets.

This work around forces the IN endpoint back to be owned by the
CPU after if it was stalled previously. The short_pkt_status flag
is also re-initialized.
    if(ep0Bi.Stat.UOWN != 0)
        ep0Bi.Stat._byte = _UCPU;           // Compensate for after a STALL
    short_pkt_status = SHORT_PKT_NOT_USED;

    /* Stage 1 */
    ctrl_trf_state = WAIT_SETUP;
    ctrl_trf_session_owner = MUID_NULL;     // Set owner to NULL
    wCount._word = 0;

    /* Stage 2 */
    USBCheckStdRequest();                   // See system\usb9\usb9.c

    for(i=0;i < (sizeof(ClassReqHandler)/sizeof(pFunc));i++)
        if(ctrl_trf_session_owner != MUID_NULL)break;
        ClassReqHandler[i]();               // See autofiles\usbdsc.c
    }//end while

    /* Stage 3 */

}//end USBCtrlTrfSetupHandler
Пример #2
 * Function:        void USBCtrlTrfSetupHandler(void)
 * PreCondition:    SetupPkt buffer is loaded with valid USB Setup Data
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        This routine is a task dispatcher and has 3 stages.
 *                  1. It initializes the control transfer state machine.
 *                  2. It calls on each of the module that may know how to
 *                     service the Setup Request from the host.
 *                     Module Example: USB9, HID, CDC, MSD, ...
 *                     As new classes are added, ClassReqHandler table in
 *                     usbdsc.c should be updated to call all available
 *                     class handlers.
 *                  3. Once each of the modules has had a chance to check if
 *                     it is responsible for servicing the request, stage 3
 *                     then checks direction of the transfer to determine how
 *                     to prepare EP0 for the control transfer.
 *                     Refer to USBCtrlEPServiceComplete() for more details.
 * Note:            Microchip USB Firmware has three different states for
 *                  the control transfer state machine:
 *                  1. WAIT_SETUP
 *                  2. CTRL_TRF_TX
 *                  3. CTRL_TRF_RX
 *                  Refer to firmware manual to find out how one state
 *                  is transitioned to another.
 *                  A Control Transfer is composed of many USB transactions.
 *                  When transferring data over multiple transactions,
 *                  it is important to keep track of data source, data
 *                  destination, and data count. These three parameters are
 *                  stored in pSrc,pDst, and wCount. A flag is used to
 *                  note if the data source is from ROM or RAM.
void USBCtrlTrfSetupHandler(void)
    byte i;
    /* Stage 1 */
    ctrl_trf_state = WAIT_SETUP;
    ctrl_trf_session_owner = MUID_NULL;     // Set owner to NULL
    wCount._word = 0;
    /* Stage 2 */
    USBCheckStdRequest();                   // See system\usb9\usb9.c

    /* Modifiable Section */
    /* Insert other USB Device Class Request Handlers here */
    /* End Modifiable Section */

    /* Stage 3 */
}//end USBCtrlTrfSetupHandler
Пример #3
 * Function:        void USBCtrlTrfSetupHandler(void)
 * PreCondition:    SetupPkt buffer is loaded with valid USB Setup Data
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          None
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        This routine is a task dispatcher and has 3 stages.
 *                  1. It initializes the control transfer state machine.
 *                  2. It calls on each of the module that may know how to
 *                     service the Setup Request from the host.
 *                     Module Example: USB9, HID, CDC, MSD, ...
 *                     As new classes are added, ClassReqHandler table in
 *                     usbdsc.c should be updated to call all available
 *                     class handlers.
 *                  3. Once each of the modules has had a chance to check if
 *                     it is responsible for servicing the request, stage 3
 *                     then checks direction of the transfer to determine how
 *                     to prepare EP0 for the control transfer.
 *                     Refer to USBCtrlEPServiceComplete() for more details.
 * Note:            Microchip USB Firmware has three different states for
 *                  the control transfer state machine:
 *                  1. WAIT_SETUP
 *                  2. CTRL_TRF_TX
 *                  3. CTRL_TRF_RX
 *                  Refer to firmware manual to find out how one state
 *                  is transitioned to another.
 *                  A Control Transfer is composed of many USB transactions.
 *                  When transferring data over multiple transactions,
 *                  it is important to keep track of data source, data
 *                  destination, and data count. These three parameters are
 *                  stored in pSrc,pDst, and wCount. A flag is used to
 *                  note if the data source is from ROM or RAM.
void USBCtrlTrfSetupHandler(void)
    byte i;
    /* Stage 1 */
    ctrl_trf_state = WAIT_SETUP;
    ctrl_trf_session_owner = MUID_NULL;     // Set owner to NULL
    wCount._word = 0;
    /* Stage 2 */
    USBCheckStdRequest();                   // See system\usb9\usb9.c
    for(i=0;i < (sizeof(ClassReqHandler)/sizeof(pFunc));i++)
        if(ctrl_trf_session_owner != MUID_NULL)break;
        ClassReqHandler[i]();               // See autofiles\usbdsc.c
    }//end while
    /* Stage 3 */
}//end USBCtrlTrfSetupHandler