int Cvfgk::Compress(FILE* fin, FILE* fout) { unsigned char ch; int ret; if((fin==NULL)||(fout==NULL)) return 1; if(!feof(fin)) ch = ValidateInput((unsigned char)fgetc(fin)); while(!feof(fin)) { if(Encode(fout,ch)) return 1; Update(ch); ch = ValidateInput((unsigned char)fgetc(fin)); } if(Encode(fout,ctEndChar)) return 1; if(Flush(fout)) return 1; return 0; }
//Edit the recipe or price of the lemonade void EditRecipeAndPrice() { int iChoice = 0; while (iChoice != 3) { DisplayRecipeAndPriceMenu(); //display edit menu while (iChoice < 1 || iChoice > 3) //prompt until valid input { DisplayRecipeAndPriceMenu(); //display edit menu iChoice = ValidateInput(); //check if input is valid } switch (iChoice) { case 1: EditRecipe(); //edit recipe break; case 2: EditPrice(); //edit price break; case 3: system("cls"); //clear screen and return; //go back } iChoice = 0; } }
//prepare lemonade void MakeLemonade() { bool isLemonadeRoomInit = true; //make lemonade is starting int iChoice = 0; while (iChoice != 2) { cout << "WELCOME TO THE LEMONADE MAKING ROOM\n\n"; if (isLemonadeRoomInit) { RandomStockLoss(); //lose random supplies isLemonadeRoomInit = false; //make lemonade already started } DisplayStock(); //show curren stock while (iChoice < 1 || iChoice > 2) //prompt until valid input { DisplayLemonadeRoomMenu(); //display menu iChoice = ValidateInput(); //check if input is valid } switch (iChoice) { case 1: PromptLemonade(); //ask how many lemonades to make break; case 2: system("cls"); //clear screen and return; //go back } iChoice = 0; } }
void CDlgLogin::OnOK() { if (!ValidateInput()) return; EndDialog(IDOK); }
// return 1 if error int Cvfgk::CompressNextByte(char ch){ int ret; ch=ValidateInput((unsigned char)ch); if(Encode(fByteOut,ch)) return 1; Update(ch); return 0; }
void NewClassDlg::OnButtonOK(wxCommandEvent& e) { wxUnusedVar(e); if(!ValidateInput()) { return; } // Save the check boxes ticked size_t flags(0); if(m_checkBoxCopyable->IsChecked()) flags |= NewClassDlgData::NonCopyable; if(m_checkBoxImplPureVirtual->IsChecked()) flags |= NewClassDlgData::ImplAllPureVirtualFuncs; if(m_checkBoxImplVirtual->IsChecked()) flags |= NewClassDlgData::ImplAllVirtualFuncs; if(m_checkBoxInline->IsChecked()) flags |= NewClassDlgData::FileIniline; if(m_checkBoxHpp->IsChecked()) flags |= NewClassDlgData::HppHeader; if(m_checkBoxSingleton->IsChecked()) flags |= NewClassDlgData::Singleton; if(m_checkBoxVirtualDtor->IsChecked()) flags |= NewClassDlgData::VirtualDtor; NewClassDlgData data; data.SetFlags(flags); EditorConfigST::Get()->WriteObject(wxT("NewClassDlgData"), &data); EndModal(wxID_OK); }
void ParseAsync(const Nan::FunctionCallbackInfo<Value> &args) { Isolate *isolate = args.GetIsolate(); int args_length = args.Length(); if (args_length < 2) { isolate->ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "Wrong number of arguments"))); return; } Local<Value> input = args[0]; if (!ValidateInput(input, isolate)) { return; } if (!args[1]->IsFunction()) { isolate->ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "Second parameter must be a callback"))); return; } Nan::Callback *callback = new Nan::Callback(args[1].As<Function>()); anitomyJs::Worker *worker = new anitomyJs::Worker(callback); if (args_length >= 3) { Local<Value> options = args[2]; if (!ValidateOptions(options, isolate) || !worker->GetAnitomy()->SetOptions(options->ToObject(isolate->GetCurrentContext()).ToLocalChecked(), isolate)) { return; } } worker->GetAnitomy()->SetInput(input, isolate); Nan::AsyncQueueWorker(worker); args.GetReturnValue().Set(Nan::Undefined()); }
void ParseSync(const Nan::FunctionCallbackInfo<Value> &args) { Isolate *isolate = args.GetIsolate(); int args_length = args.Length(); if (args_length < 1) { isolate->ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "Wrong number of arguments"))); return; } Local<Value> input = args[0]; if (!ValidateInput(input, isolate)) { return; } anitomyJs::AnitomyJs anitomy; if (args_length >= 2) { Local<Value> options = args[1]; if (!ValidateOptions(options, isolate) || !anitomy.SetOptions(options->ToObject(isolate->GetCurrentContext()).ToLocalChecked(), isolate)) { return; } } anitomy.SetInput(input, isolate); anitomy.Parse(); args.GetReturnValue().Set(anitomy.ParsedResult(isolate)); }
int Cvfgk::Compress(FILE* fin, FILE* fout, char byTermChar) { unsigned char ch; int ret; if((fin==NULL)||(fout==NULL)) return 1; if(!feof(fin)) ch = ValidateInput((unsigned char)fgetc(fin)); while(!feof(fin)) { if(Encode(fout,ch)) return 1; Update(ch); ch = ValidateInput((unsigned char)fgetc(fin)); if(ch==byTermChar){ fseek(fin,-1,SEEK_CUR); break; } } if(Encode(fout,ctEndChar)) return 1; if(Flush(fout)) return 1; return 0; }
void NewClassDlg::OnButtonOK(wxCommandEvent& e) { wxUnusedVar(e); if(!ValidateInput()) { return; } DoSaveOptions(); EndModal(wxID_OK); }
void CGUIEditControl::SetInputValidation(StringValidation::Validator inputValidator, void *data /* = NULL */) { if (m_inputValidator == inputValidator) return; m_inputValidator = inputValidator; m_inputValidatorData = data; // the input validator has changed, so re-validate the current data ValidateInput(); }
//============================ // SenosorWait // // Wait for an input on sensorNum // then wait waitTime until exiting // function //============================ void SensorWait( int sensorNum ) { ValidateInput( sensorNum ); #ifdef NOT_ROBOTC printf("SensorWait: sensorNum %d\n", sensorNum); sleep( 2 ); printf("SensorWait: got a signal on %d!\n", sensorNum); #else while ( SensorValue[sensorNum] ) {} #endif }
ValidationError SoftwareKeyboard::Finalize(const std::string& text, u8 button) { ValidationError error; if ((error = ValidateInput(text)) != ValidationError::None) { return error; } if ((error = ValidateButton(button)) != ValidationError::None) { return error; } data = {text, button}; return ValidationError::None; }
int Cvfgk::CompressFasta(FILE* fin, FILE* fout, char byRecStartChar) { unsigned char ch; int ret; fEndOfLineReach=false; if((fin==NULL)||(fout==NULL)) return 1; if(!feof(fin)) ch = ValidateInput((unsigned char)fgetc(fin)); while(!feof(fin)) { if(Encode(fout,ch)) return 1; Update(ch); ch = ValidateInput((unsigned char)fgetc(fin)); if((ch==byRecStartChar)&&fEndOfLineReach){ fseek(fin,-1,SEEK_CUR); break; } fEndOfLineReach=(ch=='\n')?true:false; } if(Encode(fout,ctEndChar)) return 1; if(Flush(fout)) return 1; return 0; }
void CGUIEditControl::UpdateText(bool sendUpdate) { m_smsTimer.Stop(); if (sendUpdate) { ValidateInput(); SEND_CLICK_MESSAGE(GetID(), GetParentID(), 0); m_textChangeActions.ExecuteActions(GetID(), GetParentID()); } SetInvalid(); }
void _ValidateInput( void ) { int inputNum = 0; printf("Enter an input number:\n" "(1 -> 6) = (in1 -> in6)\n" "(7 -> 12) = (dgtl1 -> dgtl6)\n"); scanf("%d", &inputNum); inputNum = NumtoIO( inputNum, INPUT ); printf("Validating input number %d.\n", inputNum); ValidateInput( inputNum ); }
void CGUIEditControl::SetLabel2(const std::string &text) { m_edit.clear(); std::wstring newText; g_charsetConverter.utf8ToW(text, newText); if (newText != m_text2) { m_isMD5 = (m_inputType == INPUT_TYPE_PASSWORD_MD5 || m_inputType == INPUT_TYPE_PASSWORD_NUMBER_VERIFY_NEW); m_text2 = newText; m_cursorPos = m_text2.size(); ValidateInput(); SetInvalid(); } }
void CDlgLogin::OnChgpwd() { if (!ValidateInput()) return; if (!m_csUID.IsEmpty()) { CDlgChgInfo dlg(m_csUID, this); dlg.DoModal(); } else { MessageBox("请先填写用户名!", "注意"); } }
void CGUIEditControl::ValidateInput() { // validate the input bool invalid = !ValidateInput(m_text2); // nothing to do if still valid/invalid if (invalid != m_invalidInput) { // the validity state has changed so we need to update the control m_invalidInput = invalid; // let the window/dialog know that the validity has changed CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_VALIDITY_CHANGED, GetID(), GetID(), m_invalidInput ? 0 : 1); SendWindowMessage(msg); SetInvalid(); } }
//{Events void avVersionEditorDlg::OnAcceptClick(wxCommandEvent&) { tmrValidateInput.Stop(); ValidateInput(); txtMajorVersion->GetValue().ToLong(&m_major); txtMinorVersion->GetValue().ToLong(&m_minor); txtBuildNumber->GetValue().ToLong(&m_build); txtRevisionNumber->GetValue().ToLong(&m_revision); txtBuildCount->GetValue().ToLong(&m_count); m_autoMajorMinor = chkAutoIncrement->IsChecked(); m_dates = chkDates->IsChecked(); m_svn = chkSvn->IsChecked(); m_svnDirectory = txtSvnDir->GetValue(); m_commit = chkCommit->IsChecked(); m_askCommit = chkAskCommit->IsChecked(); m_language = rbHeaderLanguage->GetStringSelection(); m_headerPath = txtHeaderPath->GetValue(); m_status = cmbStatus->GetValue(); m_statusAbbreviation = cmbAbbreviation->GetValue(); txtMinorMaximun->GetValue().ToLong(&m_minorMaximun); txtBuildNumberMaximun->GetValue().ToLong(&m_buildMaximun); txtRevisionMax->GetValue().ToLong(&m_revisionMaximun); txtRevisionRandom->GetValue().ToLong(&m_revisionRandomMaximun); txtBuildTimes->GetValue().ToLong(&m_buildTimesToMinorIncrement); m_changes = chkChanges->IsChecked(); m_changesTitle = txtChangesTitle->GetValue(); m_changesLogPath = txtChangesLogPath->GetValue(); m_headerGuard = txtHeaderGuard->GetValue(); m_namespace = txtNameSpace->GetValue(); m_prefix = txtPrefix->GetValue(); EndModal(0); }
//buy ingredients void BuyStock() { SetRandomCosts(currentCosts); int iChoice = 0; while (iChoice!=4) { cout << "WELCOME TO THE SHOP\n\n"; DisplayCosts(currentCosts); DisplayRecipe(currentRecipe); DisplayStock(); DisplayMoneyLeft(); while (iChoice < 1 || iChoice > 5) { DisplayShopMenu(); iChoice = ValidateInput(); } switch (iChoice) { //HANDLE PURCHASE case 1: BuyLemons(); break; case 2: BuySugar(); break; case 3: BuyIce(); break; case 4: system("cls"); return; } iChoice = 0; } }
void avVersionEditorDlg::OnTmrValidateInputTrigger(wxTimerEvent& event) { ValidateInput(); }
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] ) { int32_T offset; int32_T numBytes; FILE *fp; mxArray *A; mxArray *Atmp; mxArray *count; int outputSize[2]; uint8_T *prA; uint8_T *prAtmp; size_t readCount = 0; int k; ValidateInput(nlhs, nrhs, prhs, &fp, &offset, &numBytes); /* Initialize output */ outputSize[0] = numBytes; outputSize[1] = 1; A = mxCreateNumericArray(2, outputSize, mxUINT8_CLASS, mxREAL); prA = (uint8_T *) mxGetPr(A); /* Seek to starting offset */ if (fseek(fp, offset, SEEK_SET) != 0) { fclose(fp); mexErrMsgTxt(strerror(errno)); } /* Read data */ readCount = fread((void *) prA, sizeof(uint8_T), (size_t) numBytes, fp); if (ferror(fp)) { fclose(fp); mexErrMsgTxt(strerror(errno)); } /* Did we read as much data as requested? */ if (readCount < numBytes) { /* We must reallocate the output matrix with the correct size */ outputSize[0] = readCount; outputSize[1] = 1; Atmp = mxCreateNumericArray(2, outputSize, mxUINT8_CLASS, mxREAL); prAtmp = (uint8_T *) mxGetPr(Atmp); for (k = 0; k < readCount; k++) { *prAtmp = *prA; prAtmp++; prA++; } mxDestroyArray(A); A = Atmp; Atmp = NULL; } /* Return the first output argument and clean up */ plhs[0] = A; fclose(fp); }
void ClientGameSession::handleEvent( const Event& _theEvent ) { if( _theEvent.getType() == EventType::GAMEPLAY ) { const GameplayEvent& gpEvent = static_cast<const GameplayEvent&>( _theEvent ); switch( gpEvent.getType() ) { case GameEvent::MATCHED: { const MatchedGameplayEvent& m = static_cast<const MatchedGameplayEvent&>( _theEvent ); mIsPlayer0 = m.GetIsPlayer0(); mOpponentName = m.GetOpponentName(); mMatched = true; } break; case GameEvent::VALID_TURN: { const ValidTurnGameplayEvent& vt = static_cast<const ValidTurnGameplayEvent&>( _theEvent ); AddDisc( vt.GetColumn(), mIsPlayer0Turn ); IntegrateInput( vt.GetColumn(), mIsPlayer0Turn ); } break; } } else if( _theEvent.getType() == EventType::KEYBOARD ) { const KeyboardEvent& kbEvent = static_cast<const KeyboardEvent&>( _theEvent ); if( kbEvent.getKey() == Key::KEY_LEFT && kbEvent.getKeyState() == KeyState::KEYSTATE_DOWN ) { if( mGameState == GameState::MY_TURN ) { mpSoundProvider->playSound( "assets/woosh1.wav" ); mSelectedColumn = ( mSelectedColumn + COLUMN_COUNT - 1 ) % COLUMN_COUNT; } } else if( kbEvent.getKey() == Key::KEY_RIGHT && kbEvent.getKeyState() == KeyState::KEYSTATE_DOWN ) { if( mGameState == GameState::MY_TURN ) { mpSoundProvider->playSound( "assets/woosh1.wav" ); mSelectedColumn = ( mSelectedColumn + 1 ) % COLUMN_COUNT; } } else if( kbEvent.getKey() == Key::KEY_SPACE && kbEvent.getKeyState() == KeyState::KEYSTATE_DOWN ) { if( ValidateInput( mSelectedColumn, mIsPlayer0 ) ) { mpSoundProvider->playSound( "assets/woosh3.wav" ); mpNetworkPeer->SendTurnPropose( mSelectedColumn ); } } if( kbEvent.getKey() == Key::KEY_ESCAPE ) { exit(); } if( kbEvent.getKey() == Key::KEY_Z ) { mpSoundProvider->stopAllSounds(); } } }
int DruckerPrager::Check( const Properties& props, const GeometryType& geom, const ProcessInfo& CurrentProcessInfo ) { if ( ValidateInput( props ) ) return 0; return -1; }