Пример #1
void Profile::LoadEditableDataFromDir( CString sDir )
	CString fn = sDir + EDITABLE_INI;

	// Don't load unreasonably large editable.xml files.
	int iBytes = FILEMAN->GetFileSizeInBytes( fn );
		LOG->Warn( "The file '%s' is unreasonably large.  It won't be loaded.", fn.c_str() );

	IniFile ini;
	ini.ReadFile( fn );

	ini.GetValue("Editable","DisplayName",				m_sDisplayName);
	ini.GetValue("Editable","LastUsedHighScoreName",	m_sLastUsedHighScoreName);
	ini.GetValue("Editable","WeightPounds",				m_iWeightPounds);

	// This is data that the user can change, so we have to validate it.
	wstring wstr = CStringToWstring(m_sDisplayName);
	if( wstr.size() > 12 )
		wstr = wstr.substr(0, 12);
	m_sDisplayName = WStringToCString(wstr);
	// TODO: strip invalid chars?
	if( m_iWeightPounds != 0 )
		CLAMP( m_iWeightPounds, 50, 500 );
Пример #2
/* Convert from the given codepage to UTF-8.  Return true if successful. */
static bool CodePageConvert(CString &txt, int cp)
    if( txt.size() == 0 )
        return true;

    int size = MultiByteToWideChar(cp, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, txt.data(), txt.size(), NULL, 0);
    if( size == 0 )
        LOG->Trace("%s\n", werr_ssprintf(GetLastError(), "err: ").c_str());
        return false; /* error */

    wstring out;
    out.append(size, ' ');
    /* Nonportable: */
    size = MultiByteToWideChar(cp, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, txt.data(), txt.size(), (wchar_t *) out.data(), size);
    ASSERT( size != 0 );

    txt = WStringToCString(out);
    return true;