Пример #1
XnBool XnVPushDetector::IsPushDetected(const XnV3DVector& vImmediateVelocity, const XnV3DVector& vPreviousVelocity, XnFloat& fZAngle)
	// Check if current motion is too slow
	if (vImmediateVelocity.Magnitude() < m_fPushImmediateMinVelocity)
		return false;

	if (vPreviousVelocity.Magnitude() < m_fPushPreviousMinVelocity)
		fZAngle = AngleBetweenVectors(vImmediateVelocity, XnV3DVector(0,0,-1));

		if (fZAngle < m_fPushMaxAngleFromZ)
			xnLogVerbose(XNV_NITE_MASK_EVENTS,	"Push Detector %s [0x%08x]: "
												"Immediate Velocity %5.3f over threshold %5.3f in the last %d ms (%d ms offset), "
												"Previous  Velocity %5.3f under threshold %5.3f in the last %d ms (%d ms offset), "
												"Angle between Immediate and the Z Axis is %5.3f, under the threshold of %5.3f",
												GetListenerName(), this,
												vImmediateVelocity.Magnitude(), m_fPushImmediateMinVelocity, m_nPushImmediateDuration, m_nPushImmediateOffset,
												vPreviousVelocity.Magnitude(), m_fPushPreviousMinVelocity, m_nPushPreviousDuration, m_nPushPreviousOffset,
												fZAngle, m_fPushMaxAngleFromZ);
			return true;
		return false;

	XnFloat fAngle = AngleBetweenVectors(vPreviousVelocity, vImmediateVelocity);
	if (fAngle > m_fPushMinAngleImmediateAndPrevious)
		fZAngle = AngleBetweenVectors(vImmediateVelocity, XnV3DVector(0,0,-1));
		if (fZAngle < m_fPushMaxAngleFromZ)
			xnLogVerbose(XNV_NITE_MASK_EVENTS,	"Push Detector %s [0x%08x]: "
				"Immediate Velocity %5.3f over threshold %5.3f in the last %d ms (%d ms offset), "
				"Previous  Velocity %5.3f over threshold %5.3f in the last %d ms (%d ms offset), "
				"Angle between Immediate and the Z Axis is %5.3f, under the threshold of %5.3f, "
				"Angle between Immediate and Previous direction is %5.3f, over the threshold of %5.3f",
				GetListenerName(), this,
				vImmediateVelocity.Magnitude(), m_fPushImmediateMinVelocity, m_nPushImmediateDuration, m_nPushImmediateOffset,
				vPreviousVelocity.Magnitude(), m_fPushPreviousMinVelocity, m_nPushPreviousDuration, m_nPushPreviousOffset,
				fZAngle, m_fPushMaxAngleFromZ,
				fAngle, m_fPushMinAngleImmediateAndPrevious);
			return true;

	return false;
} // XnVPushDetector::IsPushDetected
Пример #2
void XnVPointDenoiser::UpdatePointDenoise(XnPoint3D &ptToChange, const XnPoint3D &ptDontChange)
	XnV3DVector vDir = XnV3DVector(ptDontChange) - XnV3DVector(ptToChange);
	XnFloat fLen = vDir.Normalize();
	XnFloat fSoftThreshold = SoftThreshold(fLen, m_fDistanceThreshold);

	XnV3DVector vToChange = ptToChange;
	XnV3DVector vDontChange = ptDontChange;

	if (fSoftThreshold == 0)
		ptToChange = vToChange*(1-m_fCloseRatio) + vDontChange*m_fCloseRatio;
		XnV3DVector vNewPoint = XnV3DVector(ptToChange) + (fSoftThreshold) * vDir;
		ptToChange = vToChange*(1-m_fFarRatio) + vNewPoint*m_fFarRatio;
} // XnVPointDenoiser::UpdatePointDenoise
Пример #3
void DrawCircle(const XnPoint3D& ptCenter, double radius, int width, double r, double g, double b)
    const int n=50;
    double theta=0, dtheta = 2*XnVMathCommon::PI/n;
    XnV3DVector vecCurr;

#ifdef USE_GLUT

    for(int i=0; i<n; i++, theta+=dtheta) {
        vecCurr = XnV3DVector(ptCenter) + radius * XnV3DVector(sin(theta), cos(theta), 0);
        glVertex3f(vecCurr.X, vecCurr.Y, vecCurr.Z);


    GLfloat verts[n * 3];
    int curr = 0;

    for(int i=0; i<n; i++, theta+=dtheta, curr += 3)
        vecCurr = XnV3DVector(ptCenter) + radius * XnV3DVector(sin(theta), cos(theta), 0);
        verts[curr] = vecCurr.X;
        verts[curr+1] = vecCurr.Y;
        verts[curr+2] = vecCurr.Z;

    glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, verts);
    glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_LOOP, 0, n);

Пример #4
// this function is called each frame
void glutDisplay (void)
    // Read next available data

    // Process the data


    // Setup the OpenGL viewpoint

#ifdef USE_GLUT
    //glOrtho(0, GL_WIN_SIZE_X, 0, GL_WIN_SIZE_Y, -1.0, 1.0);
    glOrtho(0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, -1.0, 1.0);
    //glOrthof(0, GL_WIN_SIZE_X, 0, GL_WIN_SIZE_Y, -1.0, 1.0);
    glOrthof(0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, -1.0, 1.0);

    // draw
    if (g_bDrawFrame)
        DrawFrame(xnCreatePoint3D(0.0, 0.0, 0), xnCreatePoint3D(1.0, 1.0, 0), 8, g_fFrameR, g_fFrameG, g_fFrameB);

    if (g_bDrawCircle)
        XnV3DVector vec(0.5, 0.5, 0);
        vec += XnV3DVector(sin(g_fCircleAngle), -cos(g_fCircleAngle), 0) * 0.3;
        DrawCircle(xnCreatePoint3D(0.5, 0.5, 0), 0.3, 3, g_fCircleR, g_fCircleG, g_fCircleB);
        DrawLine(xnCreatePoint3D(0.5, 0.5, 0), vec, 4, g_fCircleLineR, g_fCircleLineG, g_fCircleLineB);

    // flip surfaces
#ifdef USE_GLUT
    eglSwapBuffers(display, surface);
Пример #5
XnStatus XnVSwipeDetector::AddPoint(const XnPoint3D& pt, XnFloat fTime)
	m_pMovementDetectionBuffer->AddPoint(pt, fTime);
	if (m_pMovementDetectionBuffer->GetAvailableTimespan() < m_nMotionDetectionTime)

	XnV3DVector currentVelocity(m_pMovementDetectionBuffer->GetAverageVelocityByTime(m_nMotionDetectionTime, fTime));

	if (m_pPendingEvent != NULL)
		XnFloat fMotionVelocity = currentVelocity.Magnitude();
		// we will wait for the final slowdown once our velocity is below
		// a certain threshold
		if (m_bWaitingForSlowdown)
			if (fMotionVelocity <= m_fLowestVelocity)
				m_fLowestVelocity = fMotionVelocity;
				m_pPendingEvent->Raise(m_fPendingVelocity, m_fPendingAngle);
				m_pSwipeCBs->Raise(m_ePendingDirection, m_fPendingVelocity, m_fPendingAngle);
				m_pPendingEvent = NULL;
				m_ePendingDirection = DIRECTION_ILLEGAL;
				m_bWaitingForSlowdown = false;
				if (m_bUseSteady)
					m_bInSteady = true;
			m_bWaitingForSlowdown = true;
			m_fLowestVelocity = fMotionVelocity;
		} // if (m_bWaitingForSlowdown) else

		return XN_STATUS_OK;
	} // if (m_pPendingEvent != NULL)

	currentVelocity.Z = 0;
	XnFloat fMotionVelocity = currentVelocity.Magnitude();

	if (fMotionVelocity >= m_fMotionDetectionSpeed)
		m_fPendingVelocity = fMotionVelocity;
		XnFloat fHowCloseToX = acos(DotProduct(currentVelocity, XnV3DVector(1, 0, 0))) * (180.0f/XnVMathCommon::PI);
		XnFloat fHowCloseToY = acos(DotProduct(currentVelocity, XnV3DVector(0, 1, 0))) * (180.0f/XnVMathCommon::PI);

		if (fabs(fabs(fHowCloseToX) - 180) < m_fAngleXThreshold)
			m_pPendingEvent = m_pSwipeLeftCBs;
			m_ePendingDirection = DIRECTION_LEFT;
			m_fPendingAngle = fHowCloseToX;
			xnLogVerbose(XNV_NITE_MASK_EVENTS, "Swipe Detector %s [0x%08x]: Motion Velocity %5.2f m/s over threshold %5.2f in the last %d ms. Angle from X axis is %5.2f, within range [%5.2f-%5.2f] as LEFT",
				GetListenerName(), this,
				fMotionVelocity, m_fMotionDetectionSpeed, m_nMotionDetectionTime,
				fabs(fHowCloseToX), 180-m_fAngleXThreshold, 180+m_fAngleXThreshold);

		if (fabs(fHowCloseToX) < m_fAngleXThreshold)
			m_pPendingEvent = m_pSwipeRightCBs;
			m_ePendingDirection = DIRECTION_RIGHT;
			m_fPendingAngle = fHowCloseToX;
			xnLogVerbose(XNV_NITE_MASK_EVENTS, "Swipe Detector %s [0x%08x]: Motion Velocity %5.2f m/s over threshold %5.2f in the last %d ms. Angle from X axis is %5.2f, within range [%5.2f-%5.2f] as RIGHT",
				GetListenerName(), this,
				fMotionVelocity, m_fMotionDetectionSpeed, m_nMotionDetectionTime,
				fHowCloseToX, -m_fAngleXThreshold, m_fAngleXThreshold);

		if (fabs(fabs(fHowCloseToY) - 180) < m_fAngleYThreshold)
			m_pPendingEvent = m_pSwipeDownCBs;
			m_ePendingDirection = DIRECTION_DOWN;
			m_fPendingAngle = fHowCloseToY;
			xnLogVerbose(XNV_NITE_MASK_EVENTS, "Swipe Detector %s [0x%08x]: Motion Velocity %5.2f m/s over threshold %5.2f in the last %d ms. Angle from Y axis is %5.2f, within range [%5.2f-%5.2f] as DOWN",
				GetListenerName(), this,
				fMotionVelocity, m_fMotionDetectionSpeed, m_nMotionDetectionTime,
				fabs(fHowCloseToY), 180-m_fAngleYThreshold, 180+m_fAngleYThreshold);

		if (fabs(fHowCloseToY) < m_fAngleYThreshold)
			m_pPendingEvent = m_pSwipeUpCBs;
			m_ePendingDirection = DIRECTION_UP;
			m_fPendingAngle = fHowCloseToY;
			xnLogVerbose(XNV_NITE_MASK_EVENTS, "Swipe Detector %s [0x%08x]: Motion Velocity %5.2f m/s over threshold %5.2f in the last %d ms. Angle from Y axis is %5.2f, within range [%5.2f-%5.2f] as UP",
				GetListenerName(), this,
				fMotionVelocity, m_fMotionDetectionSpeed, m_nMotionDetectionTime,
				fHowCloseToY, -m_fAngleYThreshold, m_fAngleYThreshold);
	} // if (fMotionVelocity >= m_fMotionDetectionSpeed)

	return XN_STATUS_OK;
} // XnVSwipeDetector::AddPoint