Пример #1
  _WCRTLINK int _findnext( long handle, struct _finddata_t *fileinfo )
#ifdef __NT__
    WIN32_FIND_DATA ffb;
    BOOL            rc;

    /*** Try to find another matching file ***/
    rc = FIND_NEXT( (HANDLE)handle, &ffb );
    if( rc == FALSE ) {
        return( __set_errno_nt() );
    if( !CHECK_FIND_NEXT_ATTR( (HANDLE)handle, FIND_ATTR, &ffb ) ) {
        return( __set_errno_dos( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) );
    /*** Got one! ***/
  #ifdef __INT64__
    __F_NAME(__nt_finddatai64_cvt,__nt_wfinddatai64_cvt)( &ffb, fileinfo );
    __F_NAME(__nt_finddata_cvt,__nt_wfinddata_cvt)( &ffb, fileinfo );
#elif defined( __OS2__ )
    APIRET          rc;
    FF_BUFFER       ffb;
    OS_UINT         searchcount = 1;

    rc = DosFindNext( (HDIR)handle, &ffb, sizeof( ffb ), &searchcount );
    if( rc != 0 ) {
        return( __set_errno_dos( rc ) );
    /*** Got one! ***/
  #ifdef __INT64__
    __F_NAME(__os2_finddatai64_cvt,__os2_wfinddatai64_cvt)( &ffb, fileinfo );
    __F_NAME(__os2_finddata_cvt,__os2_wfinddata_cvt)( &ffb, fileinfo );

#elif defined( __RDOS__ )
    RDOSFINDTYPE *   findbuf = (RDOSFINDTYPE*) handle;


    if( __rdos_finddata_get( findbuf, fileinfo ) )
        return( 0 );
        return( -1 );

#else   /* DOS */
    if( __F_NAME(_dos_findnext,_wdos_findnext)( (DOSFINDTYPE *)handle ) ) {
        return( -1 );
  #ifdef __INT64__
    __F_NAME(__dos_finddatai64_cvt,__dos_wfinddatai64_cvt)( (DOSFINDTYPE *)handle, fileinfo );
    __F_NAME(__dos_finddata_cvt,__dos_wfinddata_cvt)( (DOSFINDTYPE *)handle, fileinfo );
    return( 0 );
Пример #2
_WCRTLINK int dup( int old_hid )
    HANDLE      new_handle;
    int         hid;
    HANDLE      cprocess;

    __handle_check( old_hid, -1 );

    // First try to get the required slot.
    // No point in creating a new handle only to not use it.  JBS 99/11/01
    hid = __allocPOSIXHandle( DUMMY_HANDLE );
    if( hid == -1 ) {
        return( -1 );

    cprocess = GetCurrentProcess();

    if( !DuplicateHandle( cprocess,  __getOSHandle( old_hid ), cprocess,
                        &new_handle, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ) ) {
        // Give back the slot we got
        __freePOSIXHandle( hid );
        return( __set_errno_nt() );
    // Now use the slot we got
    __setOSHandle( hid, new_handle );   // JBS 99/11/01
    __SetIOMode( hid, __GetIOMode( old_hid ) );
    return( hid );
Пример #3
_WCRTLINK int __F_NAME(unlink,_wunlink)( const CHAR_TYPE *filename )
    if( __lib_DeleteFile( filename )  ==  FALSE ) {
        return( __set_errno_nt() );
    return( 0 );
Пример #4
int __close( int hid )
    int         is_closed;
    int         rc;
    HANDLE      h;
    LPWDATA res;

    __handle_check( hid, -1 );

    is_closed = 0;
    rc = 0;
    h = __getOSHandle( hid );

        if( _WindowsCloseWindow != 0 ) {
            res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( hid );
            if( res != NULL ) {
                _WindowsRemoveWindowedHandle( hid );
                _WindowsCloseWindow( res );
                is_closed = 1;
    if( !is_closed && !CloseHandle( h ) ) {
        rc = __set_errno_nt();
    __freePOSIXHandle( hid );
    __SetIOMode_nogrow( hid, 0 );
    return( rc );
Пример #5
_WCRTLINK long __lseek( int handle, long offset, int origin )
    long            pos;

    __handle_check( handle, -1 );

#if defined( __OS2__ )
        APIRET          rc;

        rc = DosChgFilePtr( handle, offset, origin, (PULONG)&pos );
        if( rc != 0 ) {
            return( __set_errno_dos( rc ) );
#elif defined( __NT__ )
    pos = SetFilePointer( __getOSHandle( handle ), offset, 0, origin );
    if( pos == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER ) {
        return( __set_errno_nt() );
#elif defined( __DOS__ ) || defined( __WINDOWS__ )
        tiny_ret_t      rc;

        rc = TinyLSeek( handle, offset, origin, (u32_stk_ptr)&pos );
        if( TINY_ERROR( rc ) ) {
            return( __set_errno_dos( TINY_INFO( rc ) ) );
    return( pos );
Пример #6
_WCRTLINK int fsync( int handle )
    int                 ret = 0;

    __handle_check( handle, -1 );

    #if defined(__DOS__) || defined(__WINDOWS__)
    ret = _dos_commit( handle );
    #elif defined(__NT__)
    if( !FlushFileBuffers( __getOSHandle( handle ) ) ) 
        ret = -1;
    #elif defined(__OS2__)
    if( DosBufReset( handle ) != 0 ) 
        __set_errno( EBADF );
        ret = -1;
    #elif defined(__NETWARE__)

    if( FEFlushWrite( handle ) != 0 ) 
        __set_errno( EBADF );
        ret = -1;
        #error Unknown target system

    return( ret );
Пример #7
_WCRTLINK CHAR_TYPE *__F_NAME(getcwd,_wgetcwd)( CHAR_TYPE *buf, size_t size )
    CHAR_TYPE           path[ _MAX_PATH ];
    DWORD               realsize;

    /*** Get the current directory ***/
    realsize = __lib_GetCurrentDirectory( _MAX_PATH, path );

    if( realsize == 0 ) {
        return( NULL );
    if( buf == NULL ) {
        buf = lib_malloc( max( size, realsize + 1 ) * CHARSIZE );
        if( buf == NULL ) {
            __set_errno( ENOMEM );
            return( NULL );
    } else {
        if( realsize + 1 > size ) {
            __set_errno( ERANGE );
            return( NULL );
    return( memcpy( buf, path, ( realsize + 1 ) * CHARSIZE ) );
Пример #8
_WCRTLINK int unlock( int hid, unsigned long offset, unsigned long nbytes )
    __handle_check( hid, -1 );

    if( !UnlockFile( __getOSHandle( hid ), offset, 0L, nbytes, 0L ) ) {
        return( __set_errno_nt() );
    return( 0 );
Пример #9
_WCRTLINK int __F_NAME(rmdir,_wrmdir)( const CHAR_TYPE *path )
    BOOL                rc;

    rc = __lib_RemoveDirectory( path );
    if( rc == FALSE ) {
        return( __set_errno_nt() );
    return( 0 );
Пример #10
_WCRTLINK int __F_NAME(chdir,_wchdir)( const CHAR_TYPE *path )
    BOOL                rc;

    rc = __lib_SetCurrentDirectory( path );

    if( rc == FALSE ) {
        return( __set_errno_nt() );
    return( 0 );
Пример #11
static int os_write( int handle, const void *buffer, unsigned len, unsigned *amt )
    LPWDATA     res;
#if defined(__NT__)
    HANDLE      h;
    int         rc;
    tiny_ret_t  rc;

    rc = 0;
    if( _WindowsStdout != 0 && (res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( handle )) != 0 ) {
        *amt = _WindowsStdout( res, buffer, len );
    } else
#if defined(__NT__)
        h = __getOSHandle( handle );
        if( !WriteFile( h, (LPCVOID)buffer, (DWORD)len, (LPDWORD)amt, NULL ) ) {
            rc = __set_errno_nt();
#elif defined(__OS2_286__)
        rc = DosWrite( handle, (PVOID)buffer, (USHORT)len, (PUSHORT)amt );
#elif defined(__OS2__)
        rc = DosWrite( handle, (PVOID)buffer, (ULONG)len, (PULONG)amt );
        rc = TinyWrite( handle, buffer, len );
        *amt = TINY_LINFO( rc );
        if( TINY_OK( rc ) ) {
            rc = 0;
#if !defined(__NT__)
    if( TINY_ERROR( rc ) ) {
        rc = __set_errno_dos( TINY_INFO( rc ) );
    if( *amt != len ) {
        rc = ENOSPC;
        __set_errno( rc );
    return( rc );
Пример #12
_WCRTLINK int __F_NAME(closedir,_wclosedir)( DIR_TYPE *dirp )

    if( dirp == NULL || dirp->d_first == _DIR_CLOSED ) {
        return( __set_errno_dos( ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE ) );
    if( !FindClose( DIR_HANDLE_OF( dirp ) ) ) {
        return( __set_errno_nt() );
    dirp->d_first = _DIR_CLOSED;
    if( dirp->d_openpath != NULL )
        free( dirp->d_openpath );
    lib_free( dirp );
    return( 0 );
Пример #13
static int os_write( int handle, const void *buffer, unsigned len, unsigned *amt )
    int         rc;
    LPWDATA     res;
#if defined(__NT__)
    HANDLE      h;
#elif defined(__OS2__)
    APIRET      rc1;
    tiny_ret_t  rc1;

    rc = 0;
    if( _WindowsStdout != NULL && (res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( handle )) != NULL ) {
        *amt = _WindowsStdout( res, buffer, len );
    } else
#if defined(__NT__)
        h = __getOSHandle( handle );
        if( !WriteFile( h, (LPCVOID)buffer, (DWORD)len, (LPDWORD)amt, NULL ) ) {
            return( __set_errno_nt() );
#elif defined(__OS2__)
        rc1 = DosWrite( handle, (PVOID)buffer, (OS_UINT)len, (OS_PUINT)amt );
        if( rc1 ) {
            return( __set_errno_dos( rc1 ) );
        rc1 = TinyWrite( handle, buffer, len );
        if( TINY_ERROR( rc1 ) ) {
            return( __set_errno_dos( TINY_INFO( rc1 ) ) );
        *amt = TINY_LINFO( rc1 );
    if( *amt != len ) {
        rc = ENOSPC;
        _RWD_errno = rc;
    return( rc );
Пример #14
static DIR_TYPE *__F_NAME(___opendir,___wopendir)( const CHAR_TYPE *dirname, DIR_TYPE *dirp )
    WIN32_FIND_DATA     ffb;
    HANDLE              h;

    if( dirp->d_first != _DIR_CLOSED ) {
        FindClose( DIR_HANDLE_OF( dirp ) );
        dirp->d_first = _DIR_CLOSED;
    h = __lib_FindFirstFile( dirname, &ffb );
    if( h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
        return( NULL );
    DIR_HANDLE_OF( dirp ) = h;
    __GetNTDirInfo( dirp, &ffb );
    dirp->d_first = _DIR_ISFIRST;
    return( dirp );
Пример #15
_WCRTLINK CHAR_TYPE *__F_NAME(_sys_fullpath,_sys_wfullpath)
                ( CHAR_TYPE *buff, const CHAR_TYPE *path, size_t size )

#if defined(__NT__)
    CHAR_TYPE       *filepart;
    DWORD           rc;

    if( __F_NAME(stricmp,_wcsicmp)( path, STRING( "con" ) ) == 0 ) {
        _WILL_FIT( 3 );
        return( __F_NAME(strcpy,wcscpy)( buff, STRING( "con" ) ) );

    /*** Get the full pathname ***/
    rc = __lib_GetFullPathName( path, size, buff, &filepart );
    // If the buffer is too small, the return value is the size of
    // the buffer, in TCHARs, required to hold the path.
    // If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
    // information, call GetLastError.
    if( ( rc == 0 ) || ( rc > size ) ) {
        return( NULL );

    return( buff );
#elif defined(__WARP__)
    APIRET      rc;
    char        root[ 4 ];      /* SBCS: room for drive, ':', '\\', and null */
  #ifdef __WIDECHAR__
    char        mbBuff[ _MAX_PATH * MB_CUR_MAX ];
    char        mbPath[ _MAX_PATH * MB_CUR_MAX ];

    if( __F_NAME(isalpha,iswalpha)( path[ 0 ] ) && ( path[ 1 ] == STRING( ':' ) ) && ( path[ 2 ] == STRING( '\\' ) ) ) {
        int i;
        i = __F_NAME(strlen,wcslen)( path );
        _WILL_FIT( i );
        __F_NAME(strcpy,wcscpy)( buff, path );
        return( buff );

     * Check for x:filename.ext when drive x doesn't exist.  In this
     * case, return x:\filename.ext, not NULL, to be consistent with
     * MS and with the NT version of _fullpath.
    if( __F_NAME(isalpha,iswalpha)( path[ 0 ] ) && path[ 1 ] == STRING( ':' ) ) {
        /*** We got this far, so path can't start with letter:\ ***/
        root[ 0 ] = (char)path[ 0 ];
        root[ 1 ] = ':';
        root[ 2 ] = '\\';
        root[ 3 ] = '\0';
        rc = DosQueryPathInfo( root, FIL_QUERYFULLNAME, buff, size );
        if( rc != NO_ERROR ) {
            /*** Drive does not exist; return x:\filename.ext ***/
            _WILL_FIT( __F_NAME(strlen,wcslen)( &path[ 2 ] ) + 3 );
            buff[ 0 ] = root[ 0 ];
            buff[ 1 ] = STRING( ':' );
            buff[ 2 ] = STRING( '\\' );
            __F_NAME(strcpy,wcscpy)( &buff[ 3 ], &path[ 2 ] );
            return( buff );

  #ifdef __WIDECHAR__
    if( wcstombs( mbPath, path, sizeof( mbPath ) ) == (size_t)-1 ) {
        return( NULL );
    rc = DosQueryPathInfo( (PSZ)mbPath, FIL_QUERYFULLNAME, mbBuff, sizeof( mbBuff ) );
    rc = DosQueryPathInfo( (PSZ)path, FIL_QUERYFULLNAME, buff, size );
    if( rc != 0 ) {
        __set_errno_dos( rc );
        return( NULL );
  #ifdef __WIDECHAR__
    if( mbstowcs( buff, mbBuff, size ) != (size_t)-1 ) {
        return( buff );
    } else {
        return( NULL );
    return( buff );
#elif defined(__QNX__) || defined( __NETWARE__ )
    size_t len;
    char temp_dir[ _MAX_PATH ];

  #if defined(__NETWARE__)
    if( ConvertNameToFullPath( path, temp_dir ) != 0 ) {
        return( NULL );
    if( __qnx_fullpath( temp_dir, path ) == NULL ) {
        return( NULL );
    len = strlen( temp_dir );
    if( len >= size ) {
        __set_errno( ERANGE );
        return( NULL );
    return( strcpy( buff, temp_dir ) );
#elif defined(__UNIX__)
    const char  *p;
    char        *q;
    size_t      len;
    char        curr_dir[ _MAX_PATH ];

    p = path;
    q = buff;
    if( ! _IS_SLASH( p[ 0 ] ) ) {
        if( getcwd( curr_dir, sizeof( curr_dir ) ) == NULL ) {
            __set_errno( ENOENT );
            return( NULL );
        len = strlen( curr_dir );
        _WILL_FIT( len );
        strcpy( q, curr_dir );
        q += len;
        if( q[ -1 ] != '/' ) {
            _WILL_FIT( 1 );
            *(q++) = '/';
        for( ;; ) {
            if( p[ 0 ] == '\0' )
            if( p[ 0 ] != '.' ) {
                _WILL_FIT( 1 );
                *(q++) = *(p++);
            if( _IS_SLASH( p[ 0 ] ) ) {
                /* ignore "./" in directory specs */
                if( ! _IS_SLASH( q[ -1 ] ) ) {
                    *q++ = '/';
            if( p[ 0 ] == '\0' )
            if( p[ 0 ] == '.' && _IS_SLASH( p[ 1 ] ) ) {
                /* go up a directory for a "../" */
                p += 2;
                if( ! _IS_SLASH( q[ -1 ] ) ) {
                    return( NULL );
                q -= 2;
                for( ;; ) {
                    if( q < buff ) {
                        return( NULL );
                    if( _IS_SLASH( *q ) )
                *q = '\0';
            _WILL_FIT( 1 );
            *(q++) = '.';
        *q = '\0';
    } else {
        len = strlen( p );
        _WILL_FIT( len );
        strcpy( q, p );
    return( buff );
    const CHAR_TYPE     *p;
    CHAR_TYPE           *q;
    size_t              len;
    int                 path_drive_idx;
    char                curr_dir[ _MAX_PATH ];

    p = path;
    q = buff;
    _WILL_FIT( 2 );
    if( __F_NAME(isalpha,iswalpha)( p[ 0 ] ) && p[ 1 ] == STRING( ':' ) ) {
        path_drive_idx = ( __F_NAME(tolower,towlower)( p[ 0 ] ) - STRING( 'a' ) ) + 1;
        q[ 0 ] = p[ 0 ];
        q[ 1 ] = p[ 1 ];
        p += 2;
    } else {
  #if defined(__OS2__)
        ULONG   drive_map;
        OS_UINT os2_drive;

        if( DosQCurDisk( &os2_drive, &drive_map ) ) {
            __set_errno( ENOENT );
            return( NULL );
        path_drive_idx = os2_drive;
        path_drive_idx = TinyGetCurrDrive() + 1;
        q[ 0 ] = STRING( 'A' ) + ( path_drive_idx - 1 );
        q[ 1 ] = STRING( ':' );
    q += 2;
    if( ! _IS_SLASH( p[ 0 ] ) ) {
  #if defined(__OS2__)
        OS_UINT dir_len = sizeof( curr_dir );

        if( DosQCurDir( path_drive_idx, curr_dir, &dir_len ) ) {
            __set_errno( ENOENT );
            return( NULL );
        if( __getdcwd( curr_dir, path_drive_idx ) ) {
            __set_errno( ENOENT );
            return( NULL );
        len = strlen( curr_dir );
        if( curr_dir[ 0 ] != '\\' ) {
            _WILL_FIT( 1 );
            *(q++) = STRING( '\\' );
        _WILL_FIT( len );
  #ifdef __WIDECHAR__
        if( mbstowcs( q, curr_dir, len + 1 ) == (size_t)-1 ) {
            return( NULL );
        strcpy( q, curr_dir );
        q += len;
        if( q[ -1 ] != STRING( '\\' ) ) {
            _WILL_FIT( 1 );
            *(q++) = STRING( '\\' );
        for( ;; ) {
            if( p[ 0 ] == NULLCHAR )
            if( p[ 0 ] != STRING( '.' ) ) {
                _WILL_FIT( 1 );
                *(q++) = *(p++);
            ++p;     // at least '.'
            if( _IS_SLASH( p[ 0 ] ) ) {
                /* ignore "./" in directory specs */
                if( ! _IS_SLASH( q[ -1 ] ) ) {
                    *q++ = STRING( '\\' );
            if( p[ 0 ] == NULLCHAR )
            if( p[ 0 ] == STRING( '.' ) ) {  /* .. */
                if( _IS_SLASH( p[ 0 ] ) ) {   /* "../" */
                if( ! _IS_SLASH( q[ -1 ] ) ) {
                    return( NULL );
                q -= 2;
                for( ;; ) {
                    if( q < buff ) {
                        return( NULL );
                    if( _IS_SLASH( *q ) )
                    if( *q == STRING( ':' ) ) {
                        *q = STRING( '\\' );
                *q = NULLCHAR;
            _WILL_FIT( 1 );
            *(q++) = STRING( '.' );
        *q = NULLCHAR;
    } else {
        len = __F_NAME(strlen,wcslen)( p );
        _WILL_FIT( len );
        __F_NAME(strcpy,wcscpy)( q, p );
    /* force to all backslashes */
    for( q = buff; *q != NULLCHAR; ++q ) {
        if( *q == STRING( '/' ) ) {
            *q = STRING( '\\' );
    return( buff );
Пример #16
int __F_NAME(_dospawn,_wdospawn)( int mode, CHAR_TYPE *pgmname, CHAR_TYPE *cmdline,
                                  CHAR_TYPE *envp, const CHAR_TYPE * const argv[] )
    STARTUPINFO         sinfo;
    DWORD               rc;
    BOOL                osrc;

    __F_NAME(__ccmdline,__wccmdline)( pgmname, argv, cmdline, 0 );

    memset( &sinfo, 0, sizeof( sinfo ) );
    sinfo.cb = sizeof( sinfo );
    // set ShowWindow default value for nCmdShow parameter
    sinfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
    if( mode == P_DETACH ) {
        sinfo.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;
    } else {
        sinfo.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
    /* When passing in Unicode environments, the OS may not know which code
     * page to use when translating to MBCS in spawned program's startup
     * code.  Result: Possible corruption of Unicode environment variables.
    osrc = __lib_CreateProcess( cmdline, (mode != P_DETACH), envp, &sinfo, &pinfo );

    if( osrc == FALSE ) {
        DWORD err;
        err = GetLastError();
        if( (err == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
         || (err == ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT)
         || (err == ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME) ) {
            err = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
        return( __set_errno_dos( err ) );

    if( mode == P_WAIT ) {
        if( WIN32_IS_WIN32S ) {
            // this is WIN32s
            Sleep( 1000 );
            rc = STILL_ACTIVE;
            while( rc == STILL_ACTIVE ) {
                Sleep( 100 );
                if( !GetExitCodeProcess( pinfo.hProcess, &rc ) ) {
                    return( __set_errno_nt() );
        } else {
            /* this is WIN32 or Windows95 */
            if( WaitForSingleObject( pinfo.hProcess, INFINITE ) == 0 ) {
                GetExitCodeProcess( pinfo.hProcess, &rc );
            } else {
                rc = __set_errno_nt();
        CloseHandle( pinfo.hProcess );
    } else if( mode == P_DETACH ) {
        /* P_DETACH should just return 0 for success */
        rc = 0;
    } else {
        /* no difference between P_NOWAIT and P_NOWAITO */
        rc = (int)pinfo.hProcess;
        /* cwait will close (free) the handle */
    CloseHandle( pinfo.hThread );
    return( rc );
Пример #17
  _WCRTLINK long _findfirst( const char *filespec, struct _finddata_t *fileinfo )
#if defined( __NT__ )
    WIN32_FIND_DATA ffb;
    HANDLE          h;

    /*** Initialize the find ***/
    h = FIND_FIRST( filespec, &ffb );
    if( h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
        return( __set_errno_nt() );

    /*** Look for the first file ***/
    if( !CHECK_FIND_NEXT_ATTR( h, FIND_ATTR, &ffb ) ) {
        FindClose( h );
        return( __set_errno_dos( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) );

    /*** Got one! ***/
  #ifdef __INT64__
    __F_NAME(__nt_finddatai64_cvt,__nt_wfinddatai64_cvt)( &ffb, fileinfo );
    __F_NAME(__nt_finddata_cvt,__nt_wfinddata_cvt)( &ffb, fileinfo );
    return( (long)h );
#elif defined( __OS2__ )
    APIRET          rc;
    HDIR            h = HDIR_CREATE;
    FF_BUFFER       ffb;
    OS_UINT         searchcount = 1;
 #ifdef __WIDECHAR__
    char            mbFilespec[MB_CUR_MAX * _MAX_PATH];

    if( wcstombs( mbFilespec, filespec, sizeof( mbFilespec ) ) == -1 ) {
        mbFilespec[0] = '\0';
    rc = DosFindFirst( (char*)__F_NAME(filespec,mbFilespec), &h, FIND_ATTR,
                                &ffb, sizeof( ffb ), &searchcount, FF_LEVEL );
    if( rc != 0 ) {
        return( -1L );
    /*** Got one! ***/
 #ifdef __INT64__
    __F_NAME(__os2_finddatai64_cvt,__os2_wfinddatai64_cvt)( &ffb, fileinfo );
    __F_NAME(__os2_finddata_cvt,__os2_wfinddata_cvt)( &ffb, fileinfo );
    return( (long)h );
#elif defined( __RDOS__ )
    RDOSFINDTYPE *  findbuf;

    findbuf = (RDOSFINDTYPE*) lib_malloc( sizeof( RDOSFINDTYPE ) );
    if( findbuf == NULL )  return( -1L );

    findbuf->handle = RdosOpenDir( filespec );
    findbuf->entry = 0;

    if( __rdos_finddata_get( findbuf, fileinfo ) )
        return( (long) findbuf );
    else {
        lib_free( findbuf );        
        return( -1 );
#else   /* DOS */
    DOSFINDTYPE     *findbuf;
    unsigned       rc;

    /*** Start a new find using _dos_findfirst ***/
    findbuf = (DOSFINDTYPE*) lib_malloc( sizeof( DOSFINDTYPE ) );
    if( findbuf == NULL )  return( -1L );
    rc = __F_NAME(_dos_findfirst,_wdos_findfirst)( filespec, FIND_ATTR, findbuf );
    if( rc != 0 ) {
        lib_free( findbuf );
        return( -1L );

    /*** Got one! ***/
  #ifdef __INT64__
    __F_NAME(__dos_finddatai64_cvt,__dos_wfinddatai64_cvt)( findbuf, fileinfo );
    __F_NAME(__dos_finddata_cvt,__dos_wfinddata_cvt)( findbuf, fileinfo );
    return( (long)findbuf );
Пример #18
_WCRTLINK int _pipe( int *phandles, unsigned psize, int textmode )
#if defined(__NT__)
    HANDLE              hRead, hWrite;
//  HANDLE              osHandle;               // removed by JBS
    BOOL                rc;
#elif defined(__OS2__) && defined(__386__)
    HFILE               hRead, hWrite;
    APIRET              rc;
#elif defined(__OS2__) && !defined(__386__)
    HFILE               hRead, hWrite;
    USHORT              rc;
    int                 hReadPosix, hWritePosix;

// removed by JBS - allow O_NOINHERIT
//  /*** Sanity check ***/
//  if( textmode != 0  &&  textmode != _O_TEXT  &&  textmode != _O_BINARY ) {
//      return( -1 );
//  }

    /*** Create the pipes (note that psize==0 ==> use default size) ***/
    #if defined(__NT__)
        sa.nLength = sizeof( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES );
        sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
        sa.bInheritHandle = (((textmode & O_NOINHERIT)==O_NOINHERIT)?FALSE:TRUE);
        rc = CreatePipe( &hRead, &hWrite, &sa, psize );
        if( rc == FALSE ) {
            return( __set_errno_nt() );
    #elif defined(__OS2__)
        if( psize == 0 )  psize = 4096;
        #ifdef __386__
            rc = DosCreatePipe( &hRead, &hWrite, psize );
            rc = DosMakePipe( &hRead, &hWrite, psize );
        if( rc != NO_ERROR ) {
            __set_errno( ENOMEM );
            return( -1 );

// removed by JBS - used sa struct instead
//    /*** Make read handle inheritable ***/
//    #ifdef __NT__
//        rc = DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), hRead, GetCurrentProcess(),
//                              &osHandle, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS );
//        if( rc == FALSE ) {
//            CloseHandle( hRead );
//            CloseHandle( hWrite );
//            return( -1 );
//        }
//        CloseHandle( hRead );
//        hRead = osHandle;
//    #elif defined(__OS2__)
//        /* Handle is inheritable by default */
//    #endif
//    /*** Make write handle inheritable ***/
//    #ifdef __NT__
//        rc = DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), hWrite, GetCurrentProcess(),
//                              &osHandle, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS );
//        if( rc == FALSE ) {
//            CloseHandle( hRead );
//            CloseHandle( hWrite );
//            return( -1 );
//        }
//        CloseHandle( hWrite );
//        hWrite = osHandle;
//    #elif defined(__OS2__)
//        /* Handle is inheritable by default */
//    #endif

    /*** Initialize the POSIX-level handles ***/
    hReadPosix = _hdopen( (int)hRead, textmode|_O_RDONLY );
    hWritePosix = _hdopen( (int)hWrite, textmode|_O_WRONLY );
    if( hReadPosix == -1  ||  hWritePosix == -1 ) {
        if( hReadPosix != -1 ) {
            close( hReadPosix );
        } else {
            #if defined(__NT__)
                CloseHandle( hRead );
            #elif defined(__OS2__)
                DosClose( hRead );
        if( hWritePosix != -1 ) {
            close( hWritePosix );
        } else {
            #if defined(__NT__)
                CloseHandle( hWrite );
            #elif defined(__OS2__)
                DosClose( hWrite );
        return( -1 );

    /*** Store the new POSIX handles in return buffer ***/
    phandles[0] = hReadPosix;
    phandles[1] = hWritePosix;
    return( 0 );
Пример #19
  _WCRTLINK int read( int handle, void *buf, unsigned len )
    unsigned read_len, total_len;
    unsigned reduce_idx, finish_idx;
    unsigned iomode_flags;
    char *buffer = buf;
#if defined(__NT__)
    DWORD   amount_read;
    BOOL    rc;
    HANDLE  h;
#elif defined(__WARP__)
    ULONG amount_read;
#elif defined(__OS2_286__)
    USHORT amount_read;
    unsigned amount_read;
#if !defined(__NT__)
    tiny_ret_t rc;
    LPWDATA res;

    __handle_check( handle, -1 );
    __ChkTTYIOMode( handle );
    iomode_flags = __GetIOMode( handle );
    if( iomode_flags == 0 ) {
#if defined( __WINDOWS__ ) || defined( __WINDOWS_386__ )
        return( _lread( handle, buffer, len ) );
        _RWD_errno = EBADF;
        return( -1 );
    if( !(iomode_flags & _READ) ) {
        _RWD_errno = EACCES;     /* changed from EBADF to EACCES 23-feb-89 */
        return( -1 );
#ifdef __NT__
    h = __getOSHandle( handle );
    if( iomode_flags & _BINARY ) {       /* if binary mode */
        if( _WindowsStdin != 0 &&
                (res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( handle )) != 0 ) {
            total_len = _WindowsStdin( res, buffer, len );
            rc = 0;
        } else
#if defined(__NT__)
            rc = ReadFile( h, buffer, len, &amount_read, NULL );
            total_len = amount_read;
            if( !rc ) {
                if (GetLastError() == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE)
                    return total_len;

                return( __set_errno_nt() );
#elif defined( __OS2__ )
            rc = DosRead( handle, buffer, len, &amount_read );
            total_len = amount_read;
            rc = TinyRead( handle, buffer, len );
            total_len = TINY_LINFO( rc );
#if !defined(__NT__)
        if( TINY_ERROR( rc ) ) {
            return( __set_errno_dos( TINY_INFO( rc ) ) );
    } else {
        _AccessFileH( handle );
        total_len = 0;
        read_len = len;
        do {
            if( _WindowsStdin != 0 &&
                    (res = _WindowsIsWindowedHandle( handle )) != 0L ) {
                amount_read = _WindowsStdin( res, buffer, read_len );
                rc = 0;
            } else
#if defined(__NT__)
                rc = ReadFile( h, buffer, read_len, &amount_read, NULL );
                if( !rc ) {
                    _ReleaseFileH( handle );

                    if( GetLastError() == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE )
                        return total_len;

                    return( __set_errno_nt() );
#elif defined( __OS2__ )
                rc = DosRead( handle, buffer, read_len, &amount_read );
                rc = TinyRead( handle, buffer, read_len );
                amount_read = TINY_LINFO( rc );
#if !defined(__NT__)
            if( TINY_ERROR( rc ) ) {
                _ReleaseFileH( handle );
                return( __set_errno_dos( TINY_INFO( rc ) ) );
            if( amount_read == 0 ) {                    /* EOF */
            reduce_idx = 0;
            finish_idx = reduce_idx;
            for( ; reduce_idx < amount_read; ++reduce_idx ) {
                if( buffer[ reduce_idx ] == 0x1a ) {    /* EOF */
                    __lseek( handle,
                           ((long)reduce_idx - (long)amount_read)+1L,
                           SEEK_CUR );
                    total_len += finish_idx;
                    _ReleaseFileH( handle );
                    return( total_len );
                if( buffer[ reduce_idx ] != '\r' ) {
                    buffer[ finish_idx++ ] = buffer[ reduce_idx ];
            total_len += finish_idx;
            buffer += finish_idx;
            read_len -= finish_idx;
            if( iomode_flags & _ISTTY ) {
                break;  /* 04-feb-88, FWC */
        } while( read_len != 0 );
        _ReleaseFileH( handle );
    return( total_len );
Пример #20
  _WCRTLINK int write( int handle, const void *buffer, unsigned len )
    unsigned    iomode_flags;
    char        *buf;
    unsigned    buf_size;
    unsigned    len_written, i, j;
#if defined(__NT__)
    HANDLE      h;
    LONG        cur_ptr_low;
    LONG        cur_ptr_high;
    DWORD       rc1;
    tiny_ret_t  rc1;
    int         rc2;

    __handle_check( handle, -1 );
    iomode_flags = __GetIOMode( handle );
    if( iomode_flags == 0 ) {
#if defined(__WINDOWS__) || defined(__WINDOWS_386__)
        // How can we write to the handle if we never opened it? JBS
        return( _lwrite( handle, buffer, len ) );
        __set_errno( EBADF );
        return( -1 );
    if( !(iomode_flags & _WRITE) ) {
        __set_errno( EACCES );     /* changed from EBADF to EACCES 23-feb-89 */
        return( -1 );

#if defined(__NT__)
    h = __getOSHandle( handle );

    // put a semaphore around our writes

    _AccessFileH( handle );
    if( (iomode_flags & _APPEND) && !(iomode_flags & _ISTTY) ) {
#if defined(__NT__)
        if( GetFileType( h ) == FILE_TYPE_DISK ) {
            cur_ptr_low = 0;
            cur_ptr_high = 0;
            rc1 = SetFilePointer( h, cur_ptr_low, &cur_ptr_high, FILE_END );
            if( rc1 == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER ) { // this might be OK so
                if( GetLastError() != NO_ERROR ) {
                    _ReleaseFileH( handle );
                    return( __set_errno_nt() );
#elif defined(__OS2__)
            unsigned long       dummy;
            rc1 = DosChgFilePtr( handle, 0L, SEEK_END, &dummy );
            // should we explicitly ignore ERROR_SEEK_ON_DEVICE here?
        rc1 = TinySeek( handle, 0L, SEEK_END );
#if !defined(__NT__)
        if( TINY_ERROR( rc1 ) ) {
            _ReleaseFileH( handle );
            return( __set_errno_dos( TINY_INFO( rc1 ) ) );

    len_written = 0;
    rc2 = 0;

    // Pad the file with zeros if necessary
    if( iomode_flags & _FILEEXT ) {
        // turn off file extended flag
        __SetIOMode_nogrow( handle, iomode_flags&(~_FILEEXT) );

        // It is not required to pad a file with zeroes on an NTFS file system;
        // unfortunately it is required on FAT (and probably FAT32). (JBS)
        rc2 = zero_pad( handle );

    if( rc2 == 0 ) {
        if( iomode_flags & _BINARY ) {  /* if binary mode */
            rc2 = os_write( handle, buffer, len, &len_written );
            /* end of binary mode part */
        } else {    /* text mode */
            i = stackavail();
            if( i < 0x00b0 ) {
                __STKOVERFLOW();    /* not enough stack space */
            buf_size = 512;
            if( i < (512 + 48) ) {
                buf_size = 128;
#if defined(__AXP__) || defined(__PPC__)
            buf = alloca( buf_size );
            buf = __alloca( buf_size );
            j = 0;
            for( i = 0; i < len; ) {
                if( ((const char*)buffer)[i] == '\n' ) {
                    buf[j] = '\r';
                    if( j == buf_size ) {
                        rc2 = os_write( handle, buf, buf_size, &j );
                        if( rc2 == -1 )
                        len_written += j;
                        if( rc2 == ENOSPC )
                        len_written = i;
                        j = 0;
                buf[j] = ((const char*)buffer)[i];
                if( j == buf_size ) {
                    rc2 = os_write( handle, buf, buf_size, &j );
                    if( rc2 == -1 )
                    len_written += j;
                    if( rc2 == ENOSPC )
                    len_written = i;
                    j = 0;
            if( j ) {
                rc2 = os_write( handle, buf, j, &i );
                if( rc2 == ENOSPC ) {
                    len_written += i;
                } else {
                    len_written = len;
            /* end of text mode part */
    _ReleaseFileH( handle );
    if( rc2 == -1 ) {
        return( rc2 );
    } else {
        return( len_written );
Пример #21
int __F_NAME(_dospawn,_wdospawn)( int mode, CHAR_TYPE *pgmname, CHAR_TYPE *cmdline,
                                  CHAR_TYPE *envp, const CHAR_TYPE * const argv[] )
    STARTUPINFO         sinfo;
    DWORD               rc;
    BOOL                osrc;

    __F_NAME(__ccmdline,__wccmdline)( pgmname, argv, cmdline, 0 );

    memset( &sinfo, 0, sizeof( sinfo ) );
    sinfo.wShowWindow = SW_NORMAL;

    // When passing in Unicode environments, the OS may not know which code
    // page to use when translating to MBCS in spawned program's startup
    // code.  Result: Possible corruption of Unicode environment variables.
    #ifdef __WIDECHAR__
        #if defined(__AXP__) || defined(__PPC__)
            osrc = CreateProcessW( NULL, cmdline, NULL, NULL, TRUE,
                                   CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT, envp,
                                   NULL, &sinfo, &pinfo );
            osrc = __lib_CreateProcessW( cmdline, TRUE, envp, &pinfo );
        osrc = CreateProcessA( NULL, cmdline, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0,
                               envp, NULL, &sinfo, &pinfo );

    if( osrc == FALSE ) {
        DWORD err;
        err = GetLastError();
        if( (err == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
         || (err == ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT)
         || (err == ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME) ) {
            err = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
        return( __set_errno_dos( err ) );
    if( mode == P_WAIT ) {
        if( WIN32_IS_WIN32S ) {
            // this is WIN32s
            Sleep( 1000 );
            rc = STILL_ACTIVE;
            while( rc == STILL_ACTIVE ) {
                Sleep( 100 );
                if( !GetExitCodeProcess( pinfo.hProcess, &rc ) ) {
                    return( __set_errno_nt() );
        } else {
            // this is WIN32 or Windows95
            if( WaitForSingleObject( pinfo.hProcess, INFINITE ) == 0 ) {
                GetExitCodeProcess( pinfo.hProcess, &rc );
            } else {
                rc = __set_errno_nt();
        CloseHandle( pinfo.hProcess );
    } else {
        /* no difference between P_NOWAIT and P_NOWAITO */
        rc = (int)pinfo.hProcess;
        /* cwait will close (free) the handle */
    CloseHandle( pinfo.hThread );
    return( rc );