Пример #1
_arb_poly_sinh_cosh_series_exponential(arb_ptr s, arb_ptr c,
    const arb_srcptr h, slong hlen, slong len, slong prec)
    arb_ptr t, u, v;
    arb_t s0, c0;
    hlen = FLINT_MIN(hlen, len);

    if (hlen == 1)
        arb_sinh_cosh(s, c, h, prec);
        _arb_vec_zero(s + 1, len - 1);
        _arb_vec_zero(c + 1, len - 1);


    t = _arb_vec_init(3 * len);
    u = t + len;
    v = u + len;

    arb_sinh_cosh(s0, c0, h, prec);

    _arb_vec_set(t + 1, h + 1, hlen - 1);
    _arb_poly_exp_series(t, t, len, len, prec);

    /* todo: part of the inverse could be avoided since exp computes
       it internally to half the length */
    _arb_poly_inv_series(u, t, len, len, prec);

    /* hyperbolic sine */
    _arb_vec_sub(s, t, u, len, prec);
    _arb_vec_scalar_mul_2exp_si(s, s, len, -1);

    /* hyperbolic cosine */
    _arb_vec_add(c, t, u, len, prec);
    _arb_vec_scalar_mul_2exp_si(c, c, len, -1);

    /* sinh(h0 + h1) = cosh(h0) sinh(h1) + sinh(h0) cosh(h1)
       cosh(h0 + h1) = cosh(h0) cosh(h1) + sinh(h0) sinh(h1) */
    if (!arb_is_zero(s0))
        _arb_vec_scalar_mul(t, s, len, c0, prec);
        _arb_vec_scalar_mul(u, c, len, s0, prec);
        _arb_vec_scalar_mul(v, s, len, s0, prec);
        _arb_vec_add(s, t, u, len, prec);
        _arb_vec_scalar_mul(t, c, len, c0, prec);
        _arb_vec_add(c, t, v, len, prec);

    _arb_vec_clear(t, 3 * len);

_arb_poly_sin_cos_series_tangent(arb_ptr s, arb_ptr c,
        arb_srcptr h, slong hlen, slong len, slong prec, int times_pi)
    arb_ptr t, u, v;
    arb_t s0, c0;
    hlen = FLINT_MIN(hlen, len);

    if (hlen == 1)
        if (times_pi)
            arb_sin_cos_pi(s, c, h, prec);
            arb_sin_cos(s, c, h, prec);
        _arb_vec_zero(s + 1, len - 1);
        _arb_vec_zero(c + 1, len - 1);

    sin(x) = 2*tan(x/2)/(1+tan(x/2)^2)
    cos(x) = (1-tan(x/2)^2)/(1+tan(x/2)^2)


    t = _arb_vec_init(3 * len);
    u = t + len;
    v = u + len;

    /* sin, cos of h0 */
    if (times_pi)
        arb_sin_cos_pi(s0, c0, h, prec);
        arb_sin_cos(s0, c0, h, prec);

    /* t = tan((h-h0)/2) */
    _arb_vec_scalar_mul_2exp_si(u + 1, h + 1, hlen - 1, -1);
    if (times_pi)
        arb_const_pi(t, prec);
        _arb_vec_scalar_mul(u + 1, u + 1, hlen - 1, t, prec);

    _arb_poly_tan_series(t, u, hlen, len, prec);

    /* v = 1 + t^2 */
    _arb_poly_mullow(v, t, len, t, len, len, prec);
    arb_add_ui(v, v, 1, prec);

    /* u = 1/(1+t^2) */
    _arb_poly_inv_series(u, v, len, len, prec);

    /* sine */
    _arb_poly_mullow(s, t, len, u, len, len, prec);
    _arb_vec_scalar_mul_2exp_si(s, s, len, 1);

    /* cosine */
    arb_sub_ui(v, v, 2, prec);
    _arb_vec_neg(v, v, len);
    _arb_poly_mullow(c, v, len, u, len, len, prec);

    /* sin(h0 + h1) = cos(h0) sin(h1) + sin(h0) cos(h1)
       cos(h0 + h1) = cos(h0) cos(h1) - sin(h0) sin(h1) */
    if (!arb_is_zero(s0))
        _arb_vec_scalar_mul(t, s, len, c0, prec);
        _arb_vec_scalar_mul(u, c, len, s0, prec);
        _arb_vec_scalar_mul(v, s, len, s0, prec);
        _arb_vec_add(s, t, u, len, prec);
        _arb_vec_scalar_mul(t, c, len, c0, prec);
        _arb_vec_sub(c, t, v, len, prec);

    _arb_vec_clear(t, 3 * len);

Пример #3
_acb_poly_mullow_transpose(acb_ptr res,
    acb_srcptr poly1, slong len1,
    acb_srcptr poly2, slong len2, slong n, slong prec)
    arb_ptr a, b, c, d, e, f, w;
    arb_ptr t;
    slong i;

    len1 = FLINT_MIN(len1, n);
    len2 = FLINT_MIN(len2, n);

    w = flint_malloc(sizeof(arb_struct) * (2 * (len1 + len2 + n)));
    a = w;
    b = a + len1;
    c = b + len1;
    d = c + len2;
    e = d + len2;
    f = e + n;

    /* (e+fi) = (a+bi)(c+di) = (ac - bd) + (ad + bc)i */
    t = _arb_vec_init(n);

    for (i = 0; i < len1; i++)
        a[i] = *acb_realref(poly1 + i);
        b[i] = *acb_imagref(poly1 + i);

    for (i = 0; i < len2; i++)
        c[i] = *acb_realref(poly2 + i);
        d[i] = *acb_imagref(poly2 + i);

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        e[i] = *acb_realref(res + i);
        f[i] = *acb_imagref(res + i);

    _arb_poly_mullow(e, a, len1, c, len2, n, prec);
    _arb_poly_mullow(t, b, len1, d, len2, n, prec);
    _arb_vec_sub(e, e, t, n, prec);

    _arb_poly_mullow(f, a, len1, d, len2, n, prec);
    /* squaring */
    if (poly1 == poly2 && len1 == len2)
        _arb_vec_scalar_mul_2exp_si(f, f, n, 1);
        _arb_poly_mullow(t, b, len1, c, len2, n, prec);
        _arb_vec_add(f, f, t, n, prec);

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        *acb_realref(res + i) = e[i];
        *acb_imagref(res + i) = f[i];

    _arb_vec_clear(t, n);