Пример #1
static char *				/* O - End of string */
cups_scan_strings(char *buffer)		/* I - Start of string */
  char	*bufptr;			/* Pointer into string */

  for (bufptr = buffer + 1; *bufptr && *bufptr != '\"'; bufptr ++)
    if (*bufptr == '\\')
      if (bufptr[1] >= '0' && bufptr[1] <= '3' &&
	  bufptr[2] >= '0' && bufptr[2] <= '7' &&
	  bufptr[3] >= '0' && bufptr[3] <= '7')
	* Decode \nnn octal escape...

	*bufptr = ((((bufptr[1] - '0') << 3) | (bufptr[2] - '0')) << 3) |
		  (bufptr[3] - '0');
	_cups_strcpy(bufptr + 1, bufptr + 4);
	* Decode \C escape...

	_cups_strcpy(bufptr, bufptr + 1);
	if (*bufptr == 'n')
	  *bufptr = '\n';
	else if (*bufptr == 'r')
	  *bufptr = '\r';
	else if (*bufptr == 't')
	  *bufptr = '\t';

  return (bufptr);
Пример #2
static device_uri_t *			/* O - Device URI */
add_device_uri(char *value)		/* I - Value from snmp.conf */
  device_uri_t	*device_uri;		/* Device URI */
  char		*start;			/* Start of value */

  * Allocate memory as needed...

  if (!DeviceURIs)
    DeviceURIs = cupsArrayNew(NULL, NULL);

  if (!DeviceURIs)
    return (NULL);

  if ((device_uri = calloc(1, sizeof(device_uri_t))) == NULL)
    return (NULL);

  if ((device_uri->uris = cupsArrayNew(NULL, NULL)) == NULL)
    return (NULL);

  * Scan the value string for the regular expression and URI(s)...

  value ++; /* Skip leading " */

  for (start = value; *value && *value != '\"'; value ++)
    if (*value == '\\' && value[1])
      _cups_strcpy(value, value + 1);

  if (!*value)
    fputs("ERROR: Missing end quote for DeviceURI!\n", stderr);


    return (NULL);

  *value++ = '\0';

  if (regcomp(&(device_uri->re), start, REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE))
    fputs("ERROR: Bad regular expression for DeviceURI!\n", stderr);


    return (NULL);

  while (*value)
    while (isspace(*value & 255))
      value ++;

    if (!*value)

    for (start = value; *value && !isspace(*value & 255); value ++);

    if (*value)
      *value++ = '\0';

    cupsArrayAdd(device_uri->uris, strdup(start));

  * Add the device URI to the list and return it...

  cupsArrayAdd(DeviceURIs, device_uri);

  return (device_uri);
Пример #3
int					/* O - Number of options found */
    const char    *arg,			/* I - Argument to parse */
    int           num_options,		/* I - Number of options */
    cups_option_t **options)		/* O - Options found */
  char	*copyarg,			/* Copy of input string */
	*ptr,				/* Pointer into string */
	*name,				/* Pointer to name */
	*value,				/* Pointer to value */
	sep,				/* Separator character */
	quote;				/* Quote character */

  DEBUG_printf(("cupsParseOptions(arg=\"%s\", num_options=%d, options=%p)", arg, num_options, (void *)options));

  * Range check input...

  if (!arg)
    DEBUG_printf(("1cupsParseOptions: Returning %d", num_options));
    return (num_options);

  if (!options || num_options < 0)
    DEBUG_puts("1cupsParseOptions: Returning 0");
    return (0);

  * Make a copy of the argument string and then divide it up...

  if ((copyarg = strdup(arg)) == NULL)
    DEBUG_puts("1cupsParseOptions: Unable to copy arg string");
    DEBUG_printf(("1cupsParseOptions: Returning %d", num_options));
    return (num_options);

  if (*copyarg == '{')
    * Remove surrounding {} so we can parse "{name=value ... name=value}"...

    if ((ptr = copyarg + strlen(copyarg) - 1) > copyarg && *ptr == '}')
      *ptr = '\0';
      ptr  = copyarg + 1;
      ptr = copyarg;
    ptr = copyarg;

  * Skip leading spaces...

  while (_cups_isspace(*ptr))
    ptr ++;

  * Loop through the string...

  while (*ptr != '\0')
    * Get the name up to a SPACE, =, or end-of-string...

    name = ptr;
    while (!strchr("\f\n\r\t\v =", *ptr) && *ptr)
      ptr ++;

    * Avoid an empty name...

    if (ptr == name)

    * Skip trailing spaces...

    while (_cups_isspace(*ptr))
      *ptr++ = '\0';

    if ((sep = *ptr) == '=')
      *ptr++ = '\0';

    DEBUG_printf(("2cupsParseOptions: name=\"%s\"", name));

    if (sep != '=')
      * Boolean option...

      if (!_cups_strncasecmp(name, "no", 2))
        num_options = cupsAddOption(name + 2, "false", num_options,
        num_options = cupsAddOption(name, "true", num_options, options);


    * Remove = and parse the value...

    value = ptr;

    while (*ptr && !_cups_isspace(*ptr))
      if (*ptr == ',')
        ptr ++;
      else if (*ptr == '\'' || *ptr == '\"')
	* Quoted string constant...

	quote = *ptr;
	_cups_strcpy(ptr, ptr + 1);

	while (*ptr != quote && *ptr)
	  if (*ptr == '\\' && ptr[1])
	    _cups_strcpy(ptr, ptr + 1);

	  ptr ++;

	if (*ptr)
	  _cups_strcpy(ptr, ptr + 1);
      else if (*ptr == '{')
	* Collection value...

	int depth;

	for (depth = 0; *ptr; ptr ++)
	  if (*ptr == '{')
	    depth ++;
	  else if (*ptr == '}')
	    depth --;
	    if (!depth)
	      ptr ++;
	  else if (*ptr == '\\' && ptr[1])
	    _cups_strcpy(ptr, ptr + 1);
	* Normal space-delimited string...

	while (*ptr && !_cups_isspace(*ptr))
	  if (*ptr == '\\' && ptr[1])
	    _cups_strcpy(ptr, ptr + 1);

	  ptr ++;

    if (*ptr != '\0')
      *ptr++ = '\0';

    DEBUG_printf(("2cupsParseOptions: value=\"%s\"", value));

    * Skip trailing whitespace...

    while (_cups_isspace(*ptr))
      ptr ++;

    * Add the string value...

    num_options = cupsAddOption(name, value, num_options, options);

  * Free the copy of the argument we made and return the number of options
  * found.


  DEBUG_printf(("1cupsParseOptions: Returning %d", num_options));

  return (num_options);
Пример #4
char *					/* O - Line from buffer, "", or NULL */
cupsdStatBufUpdate(cupsd_statbuf_t *sb,	/* I - Status buffer */
                   int             *loglevel,
					/* O - Log level */ 
                   char            *line,
					/* I - Line buffer */
                   int             linelen)
					/* I - Size of line buffer */
  int		bytes;			/* Number of bytes read */
  char		*lineptr,		/* Pointer to end of line in buffer */
		*message;		/* Pointer to message text */

  * Check if the buffer already contains a full line...

  if ((lineptr = strchr(sb->buffer, '\n')) == NULL)
    * No, read more data...

    if ((bytes = read(sb->fd, sb->buffer + sb->bufused,
                      CUPSD_SB_BUFFER_SIZE - sb->bufused - 1)) > 0)
      sb->bufused += bytes;
      sb->buffer[sb->bufused] = '\0';

      * Guard against a line longer than the max buffer size...

      if ((lineptr = strchr(sb->buffer, '\n')) == NULL &&
          sb->bufused == (CUPSD_SB_BUFFER_SIZE - 1))
	lineptr = sb->buffer + sb->bufused;
    else if (bytes < 0 && errno == EINTR)
      * Return an empty line if we are interrupted...

      *loglevel = CUPSD_LOG_NONE;
      line[0]   = '\0';

      return (line);
      * End-of-file, so use the whole buffer...

      lineptr  = sb->buffer + sb->bufused;
      *lineptr = '\0';

    * Final check for end-of-file...

    if (sb->bufused == 0 && bytes == 0)
      lineptr = NULL;

  if (!lineptr)
    * End of file...

    *loglevel = CUPSD_LOG_NONE;
    line[0]   = '\0';

    return (NULL);

  * Terminate the line and process it...

  *lineptr++ = '\0';

  * Figure out the logging level...

  if (!strncmp(sb->buffer, "EMERG:", 6))
    *loglevel = CUPSD_LOG_EMERG;
    message   = sb->buffer + 6;
  else if (!strncmp(sb->buffer, "ALERT:", 6))
    *loglevel = CUPSD_LOG_ALERT;
    message   = sb->buffer + 6;
  else if (!strncmp(sb->buffer, "CRIT:", 5))
    *loglevel = CUPSD_LOG_CRIT;
    message   = sb->buffer + 5;
  else if (!strncmp(sb->buffer, "ERROR:", 6))
    *loglevel = CUPSD_LOG_ERROR;
    message   = sb->buffer + 6;
  else if (!strncmp(sb->buffer, "WARNING:", 8))
    *loglevel = CUPSD_LOG_WARN;
    message   = sb->buffer + 8;
  else if (!strncmp(sb->buffer, "NOTICE:", 7))
    *loglevel = CUPSD_LOG_NOTICE;
    message   = sb->buffer + 7;
  else if (!strncmp(sb->buffer, "INFO:", 5))
    *loglevel = CUPSD_LOG_INFO;
    message   = sb->buffer + 5;
  else if (!strncmp(sb->buffer, "DEBUG:", 6))
    *loglevel = CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG;
    message   = sb->buffer + 6;
  else if (!strncmp(sb->buffer, "DEBUG2:", 7))
    *loglevel = CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2;
    message   = sb->buffer + 7;
  else if (!strncmp(sb->buffer, "PAGE:", 5))
    *loglevel = CUPSD_LOG_PAGE;
    message   = sb->buffer + 5;
  else if (!strncmp(sb->buffer, "STATE:", 6))
    *loglevel = CUPSD_LOG_STATE;
    message   = sb->buffer + 6;
  else if (!strncmp(sb->buffer, "ATTR:", 5))
    *loglevel = CUPSD_LOG_ATTR;
    message   = sb->buffer + 5;
    *loglevel = CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG;
    message   = sb->buffer;

  * Skip leading whitespace in the message...

  while (isspace(*message & 255))
    message ++;

  * Send it to the log file as needed...

  if (*loglevel > CUPSD_LOG_NONE &&
      (*loglevel != CUPSD_LOG_INFO || LogLevel == CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2))
    * General status message; send it to the error_log file...

    if (message[0] == '[')
      cupsdLogMessage(*loglevel, "%s", message);
      cupsdLogMessage(*loglevel, "%s %s", sb->prefix, message);
  else if (*loglevel < CUPSD_LOG_NONE && LogLevel == CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2)
    cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "%s %s", sb->prefix, sb->buffer);

  * Copy the message to the line buffer...

  strlcpy(line, message, linelen);

  * Copy over the buffer data we've used up...

  if (lineptr < sb->buffer + sb->bufused)
    _cups_strcpy(sb->buffer, lineptr);

  sb->bufused -= lineptr - sb->buffer;

  if (sb->bufused < 0)
    sb->bufused = 0;

  return (line);
Пример #5
static int				/* O - Exit status */
auto_configure(ppd_file_t *ppd,		/* I - PPD file */
               const char *user)	/* I - Printing user */
  int		status = 0;		/* Exit status */
  ppd_option_t	*option;		/* Current option in PPD */
  ppd_attr_t	*attr;			/* Query command attribute */
  const char	*valptr;		/* Pointer into attribute value */
  char		buffer[1024],		/* String buffer */
		*bufptr;		/* Pointer into buffer */
  ssize_t	bytes;			/* Number of bytes read */
  int		datalen;		/* Side-channel data length */

  * See if the backend supports bidirectional I/O...

  datalen = 1;
  if (cupsSideChannelDoRequest(CUPS_SC_CMD_GET_BIDI, buffer, &datalen,
                               30.0) != CUPS_SC_STATUS_OK ||
      buffer[0] != CUPS_SC_BIDI_SUPPORTED)
    fputs("DEBUG: Unable to auto-configure PostScript Printer - no "
          "bidirectional I/O available!\n", stderr);
    return (1);

  * Put the printer in PostScript mode...

  begin_ps(ppd, user);

  * (STR #4028)
  * As a lot of PPDs contain bad PostScript query code, we need to prevent one
  * bad query sequence from affecting all auto-configuration.  The following
  * error handler allows us to log PostScript errors to cupsd.

  puts("/cups_handleerror {\n"
       "  $error /newerror false put\n"
       "  (:PostScript error in \") print cups_query_keyword print (\": ) "
       "  $error /errorname get 128 string cvs print\n"
       "  (; offending command:) print $error /command get 128 string cvs "
       "print (\n) print flush\n"
       "} bind def\n"
       "errordict /timeout {} put\n"
       "/cups_query_keyword (?Unknown) def\n");

  * Wait for the printer to become connected...

    datalen = 1;
  while (cupsSideChannelDoRequest(CUPS_SC_CMD_GET_CONNECTED, buffer, &datalen,
                                  5.0) == CUPS_SC_STATUS_OK && !buffer[0]);

  * Then loop through every option in the PPD file and ask for the current
  * value...

  fputs("DEBUG: Auto-configuring PostScript printer...\n", stderr);

  for (option = ppdFirstOption(ppd); option; option = ppdNextOption(ppd))
    * See if we have a query command for this option...

    snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "?%s", option->keyword);

    if ((attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, buffer, NULL)) == NULL || !attr->value)
      fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Skipping %s option...\n", option->keyword);

    * Send the query code to the printer...

    fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Querying %s...\n", option->keyword);

    for (bufptr = buffer, valptr = attr->value; *valptr; valptr ++)
      * Log the query code, breaking at newlines...

      if (*valptr == '\n')
        *bufptr = '\0';
        fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s\\n\n", buffer);
        bufptr = buffer;
      else if (*valptr < ' ')
        if (bufptr >= (buffer + sizeof(buffer) - 4))
	  *bufptr = '\0';
	  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s\n", buffer);
	  bufptr = buffer;

        if (*valptr == '\r')
          *bufptr++ = '\\';
          *bufptr++ = 'r';
        else if (*valptr == '\t')
          *bufptr++ = '\\';
          *bufptr++ = 't';
          *bufptr++ = '\\';
          *bufptr++ = '0' + ((*valptr / 64) & 7);
          *bufptr++ = '0' + ((*valptr / 8) & 7);
          *bufptr++ = '0' + (*valptr & 7);
        if (bufptr >= (buffer + sizeof(buffer) - 1))
	  *bufptr = '\0';
	  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s\n", buffer);
	  bufptr = buffer;

	*bufptr++ = *valptr;

    if (bufptr > buffer)
      *bufptr = '\0';
      fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s\n", buffer);

    printf("/cups_query_keyword (?%s) def\n", option->keyword);
					/* Set keyword for error reporting */
    fputs("{ (", stdout);
    for (valptr = attr->value; *valptr; valptr ++)
      if (*valptr == '(' || *valptr == ')' || *valptr == '\\')
    fputs(") cvx exec } stopped { cups_handleerror } if clear\n", stdout);
    					/* Send query code */

    datalen = 0;
    cupsSideChannelDoRequest(CUPS_SC_CMD_DRAIN_OUTPUT, buffer, &datalen, 5.0);

    * Read the response data...

    bufptr    = buffer;
    buffer[0] = '\0';
    while ((bytes = cupsBackChannelRead(bufptr, sizeof(buffer) - (size_t)(bufptr - buffer) - 1, 10.0)) > 0)
      * No newline at the end? Go on reading ...

      bufptr += bytes;
      *bufptr = '\0';

      if (bytes == 0 ||
          (bufptr > buffer && bufptr[-1] != '\r' && bufptr[-1] != '\n'))

      * Trim whitespace and control characters from both ends...

      bytes = bufptr - buffer;

      for (bufptr --; bufptr >= buffer; bufptr --)
        if (isspace(*bufptr & 255) || iscntrl(*bufptr & 255))
	  *bufptr = '\0';

      for (bufptr = buffer; isspace(*bufptr & 255) || iscntrl(*bufptr & 255);
	   bufptr ++);

      if (bufptr > buffer)
        _cups_strcpy(buffer, bufptr);
	bufptr = buffer;

      fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Got %d bytes.\n", (int)bytes);

      * Skip blank lines...

      if (!buffer[0])

      * Check the response...

      if ((bufptr = strchr(buffer, ':')) != NULL)
        * PostScript code for this option in the PPD is broken; show the
        * interpreter's error message that came back...

	fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG%s\n", bufptr);

      * Verify the result is a valid option choice...

      if (!ppdFindChoice(option, buffer))
	if (!strcasecmp(buffer, "Unknown"))

	bufptr    = buffer;
	buffer[0] = '\0';

      * Write out the result and move on to the next option...

      fprintf(stderr, "PPD: Default%s=%s\n", option->keyword, buffer);

    * Printer did not answer this option's query

    if (bytes <= 0)
	      "DEBUG: No answer to query for option %s within 10 seconds.\n",
      status = 1;

  * Finish the job...


  * Return...

  if (status)
    _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "WARNING",
                         _("Unable to configure printer options."));

  return (0);
Пример #6
int					/* O - Process ID or 0 */
    const char  *command,		/* I - Full path to command */
    char        *argv[],		/* I - Command-line arguments */
    char        *envp[],		/* I - Environment */
    int         infd,			/* I - Standard input file descriptor */
    int         outfd,			/* I - Standard output file descriptor */
    int         errfd,			/* I - Standard error file descriptor */
    int         backfd,			/* I - Backchannel file descriptor */
    int         sidefd,			/* I - Sidechannel file descriptor */
    int         root,			/* I - Run as root? */
    void        *profile,		/* I - Security profile to use */
    cupsd_job_t *job,			/* I - Job associated with process */
    int         *pid)			/* O - Process ID */
  int		i;			/* Looping var */
  const char	*exec_path = command;	/* Command to be exec'd */
  char		*real_argv[110],	/* Real command-line arguments */
		cups_exec[1024],	/* Path to "cups-exec" program */
		user_str[16],		/* User string */
		group_str[16],		/* Group string */
		nice_str[16];		/* FilterNice string */
  uid_t		user;			/* Command UID */
  cupsd_proc_t	*proc;			/* New process record */
  posix_spawn_file_actions_t actions;	/* Spawn file actions */
  posix_spawnattr_t attrs;		/* Spawn attributes */
  sigset_t	defsignals;		/* Default signals */
#elif defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) && !defined(HAVE_SIGSET)
  struct sigaction action;		/* POSIX signal handler */
#endif /* USE_POSIX_SPAWN */
#if defined(__APPLE__)
  char		processPath[1024],	/* CFProcessPath environment variable */
		linkpath[1024];		/* Link path for symlinks... */
  int		linkbytes;		/* Bytes for link path */
#endif /* __APPLE__ */

  *pid = 0;

  * Figure out the UID for the child process...

  if (RunUser)
    user = RunUser;
  else if (root)
    user = 0;
    user = User;

  * Check the permissions of the command we are running...

  if (_cupsFileCheck(command, _CUPS_FILE_CHECK_PROGRAM, !RunUser,
                     cupsdLogFCMessage, job ? job->printer : NULL))
    return (0);

#if defined(__APPLE__)
  if (envp)
    * Add special voodoo magic for OS X - this allows OS X programs to access
    * their bundle resources properly...

    if ((linkbytes = readlink(command, linkpath, sizeof(linkpath) - 1)) > 0)
      * Yes, this is a symlink to the actual program, nul-terminate and
      * use it...

      linkpath[linkbytes] = '\0';

      if (linkpath[0] == '/')
	snprintf(processPath, sizeof(processPath), "CFProcessPath=%s",
	snprintf(processPath, sizeof(processPath), "CFProcessPath=%s/%s",
		 dirname((char *)command), linkpath);
      snprintf(processPath, sizeof(processPath), "CFProcessPath=%s", command);

    envp[0] = processPath;		/* Replace <CFProcessPath> string */
#endif	/* __APPLE__ */

  * Use helper program when we have a sandbox profile...

  if (profile)
#endif /* !USE_POSIX_SPAWN */
    snprintf(cups_exec, sizeof(cups_exec), "%s/daemon/cups-exec", ServerBin);
    snprintf(user_str, sizeof(user_str), "%d", user);
    snprintf(group_str, sizeof(group_str), "%d", Group);
    snprintf(nice_str, sizeof(nice_str), "%d", FilterNice);

    real_argv[0] = cups_exec;
    real_argv[1] = (char *)"-g";
    real_argv[2] = group_str;
    real_argv[3] = (char *)"-n";
    real_argv[4] = nice_str;
    real_argv[5] = (char *)"-u";
    real_argv[6] = user_str;
    real_argv[7] = profile ? profile : "none";
    real_argv[8] = (char *)command;

    for (i = 0;
         i < (int)(sizeof(real_argv) / sizeof(real_argv[0]) - 10) && argv[i];
	 i ++)
      real_argv[i + 9] = argv[i];

    real_argv[i + 9] = NULL;

    argv      = real_argv;
    exec_path = cups_exec;

  if (LogLevel == CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2)
    cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdStartProcess: Preparing to start \"%s\", arguments:", command);

    for (i = 0; argv[i]; i ++)
      cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdStartProcess: argv[%d] = \"%s\"", i, argv[i]);

  * Setup attributes and file actions for the spawn...

  cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdStartProcess: Setting spawn attributes.");
  sigaddset(&defsignals, SIGTERM);
  sigaddset(&defsignals, SIGCHLD);
  sigaddset(&defsignals, SIGPIPE);

  posix_spawnattr_setflags(&attrs, POSIX_SPAWN_SETPGROUP | POSIX_SPAWN_SETSIGDEF);
  posix_spawnattr_setpgroup(&attrs, 0);
  posix_spawnattr_setsigdefault(&attrs, &defsignals);

  cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdStartProcess: Setting file actions.");
  if (infd != 0)
    if (infd < 0)
      posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen(&actions, 0, "/dev/null", O_RDONLY, 0);
      posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&actions, infd, 0);

  if (outfd != 1)
    if (outfd < 0)
      posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen(&actions, 1, "/dev/null", O_WRONLY, 0);
      posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&actions, outfd, 1);

  if (errfd != 2)
    if (errfd < 0)
      posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen(&actions, 2, "/dev/null", O_WRONLY, 0);
      posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&actions, errfd, 2);

  if (backfd != 3 && backfd >= 0)
    posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&actions, backfd, 3);

  if (sidefd != 4 && sidefd >= 0)
    posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&actions, sidefd, 4);

  cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdStartProcess: Calling posix_spawn.");

  if (posix_spawn(pid, exec_path, &actions, &attrs, argv, envp ? envp : environ))
    cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to fork %s - %s.", command, strerror(errno));

    *pid = 0;
    cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdStartProcess: pid=%d", (int)*pid);


  * Block signals before forking...


  if ((*pid = fork()) == 0)
    * Child process goes here; update stderr as needed...

    if (errfd != 2)
      if (errfd < 0)
        errfd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);

      if (errfd != 2)
        dup2(errfd, 2);

    * Put this process in its own process group so that we can kill any child
    * processes it creates.

    if (!RunUser && setpgid(0, 0))
      exit(errno + 100);
#  else
    if (!RunUser && setpgrp())
      exit(errno + 100);
#  endif /* HAVE_SETPGID */

    * Update the remaining file descriptors as needed...

    if (infd != 0)
      if (infd < 0)
        infd = open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY);

      if (infd != 0)
        dup2(infd, 0);

    if (outfd != 1)
      if (outfd < 0)
        outfd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);

      if (outfd != 1)
        dup2(outfd, 1);

    if (backfd != 3 && backfd >= 0)
      dup2(backfd, 3);
      fcntl(3, F_SETFL, O_NDELAY);

    if (sidefd != 4 && sidefd >= 0)
      dup2(sidefd, 4);
      fcntl(4, F_SETFL, O_NDELAY);

    * Change the priority of the process based on the FilterNice setting.
    * (this is not done for root processes...)

    if (!root)

    * Reset group membership to just the main one we belong to.

    if (!RunUser && setgid(Group))
      exit(errno + 100);

    if (!RunUser && setgroups(1, &Group))
      exit(errno + 100);

    * Change user to something "safe"...

    if (!RunUser && user && setuid(user))
      exit(errno + 100);

    * Change umask to restrict permissions on created files...


    * Unblock signals before doing the exec...

#  ifdef HAVE_SIGSET
    sigset(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL);
    sigset(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
    sigset(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
#  elif defined(HAVE_SIGACTION)
    memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action));

    action.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;

    sigaction(SIGTERM, &action, NULL);
    sigaction(SIGCHLD, &action, NULL);
    sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, NULL);
#  else
    signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL);
    signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
    signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
#  endif /* HAVE_SIGSET */


    * Execute the command; if for some reason this doesn't work, log an error
    * exit with a non-zero value...

    if (envp)
      execve(exec_path, argv, envp);
      execv(exec_path, argv);

    exit(errno + 100);
  else if (*pid < 0)
    * Error - couldn't fork a new process!

    cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to fork %s - %s.", command,

    *pid = 0;

#endif /* USE_POSIX_SPAWN */

  if (*pid)
    if (!process_array)
      process_array = cupsArrayNew((cups_array_func_t)compare_procs, NULL);

    if (process_array)
      if ((proc = calloc(1, sizeof(cupsd_proc_t) + strlen(command))) != NULL)
        proc->pid    = *pid;
	proc->job_id = job ? job->id : 0;
	_cups_strcpy(proc->name, command);

	cupsArrayAdd(process_array, proc);

		  "cupsdStartProcess(command=\"%s\", argv=%p, envp=%p, "
		  "infd=%d, outfd=%d, errfd=%d, backfd=%d, sidefd=%d, root=%d, "
		  "profile=%p, job=%p(%d), pid=%p) = %d",
		  command, argv, envp, infd, outfd, errfd, backfd, sidefd,
		  root, profile, job, job ? job->id : 0, pid, *pid);

  return (*pid);
int					/* O - 1 on success, 0 on error */
translate_messages(cups_array_t *cat,	/* I - Message catalog */
                   const char *lang)	/* I - Output language... */
  * Google provides a simple translation/language tool for translating
  * from one language to another.  It is far from perfect, however it
  * can be used to get a basic translation done or update an existing
  * translation when no other resources are available.
  * Translation requests are sent as HTTP POSTs to
  * "http://translate.google.com/translate_t" with the following form
  * variables:
  *   Name      Description                         Value
  *   --------  ----------------------------------  ----------------
  *   hl        Help language?                      "en"
  *   ie        Input encoding                      "UTF8"
  *   langpair  Language pair                       "en|" + language
  *   oe        Output encoding                     "UTF8"
  *   text      Text to translate                   translation string

  int		ret;			/* Return value */
  _cups_message_t *m;			/* Current message */
  int		tries;			/* Number of tries... */
  http_t	*http;			/* HTTP connection */
  http_status_t	status;			/* Status of POST request */
  char		*idptr,			/* Pointer into msgid */
		buffer[65536],		/* Input/output buffer */
		*bufptr,		/* Pointer into buffer */
		*bufend,		/* Pointer to end of buffer */
		length[16];		/* Content length */
  int		bytes;			/* Number of bytes read */

  * Connect to translate.google.com...

  puts("Connecting to translate.google.com...");

  if ((http = httpConnect("translate.google.com", 80)) == NULL)
    perror("Unable to connect to translate.google.com");
    return (0);

  * Scan the current messages, requesting a translation of any untranslated
  * messages...

  for (m = (_cups_message_t *)cupsArrayFirst(cat), ret = 1;
       m = (_cups_message_t *)cupsArrayNext(cat))
    * Skip messages that are already translated...

    if (m->str && m->str[0])

    * Encode the form data into the buffer...

    snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
             "hl=en&ie=UTF8&langpair=en|%s&oe=UTF8&text=", lang);
    bufptr = buffer + strlen(buffer);
    bufend = buffer + sizeof(buffer) - 5;

    for (idptr = m->id; *idptr && bufptr < bufend; idptr ++)
      if (*idptr == ' ')
        *bufptr++ = '+';
      else if (*idptr < ' ' || *idptr == '%')
        sprintf(bufptr, "%%%02X", *idptr & 255);
	bufptr += 3;
      else if (*idptr != '&')
        *bufptr++ = *idptr;

    *bufptr++ = '&';
    *bufptr = '\0';

    sprintf(length, "%d", (int)(bufptr - buffer));

    * Send the request...

    printf("\"%s\" = ", m->id);

    tries = 0;

      httpSetField(http, HTTP_FIELD_CONTENT_TYPE,
      httpSetField(http, HTTP_FIELD_CONTENT_LENGTH, length);

      if (httpPost(http, "/translate_t"))
	httpPost(http, "/translate_t");

      httpWrite2(http, buffer, bufptr - buffer);

      while ((status = httpUpdate(http)) == HTTP_CONTINUE);

      if (status != HTTP_OK && status != HTTP_ERROR)

      tries ++;
    while (status == HTTP_ERROR && tries < 10);

    if (status == HTTP_OK)
      * OK, read the translation back...

      bufptr = buffer;
      bufend = buffer + sizeof(buffer) - 1;

      while ((bytes = httpRead2(http, bufptr, bufend - bufptr)) > 0)
        bufptr += bytes;

      if (bytes < 0)
        * Read error, abort!

        puts("READ ERROR!");
	ret = 0;

      *bufptr = '\0';

      * Find the div containing translation

      if ((bufptr = strstr(buffer, "<div id=result_box")) == NULL)
        * No textarea, abort!

        puts("NO div id=result_box!");
	ret = 0;

      if ((bufptr = strchr(bufptr, '>')) == NULL)
        * textarea doesn't end, abort!

        puts("DIV SHORT DATA!");
	ret = 0;

      bufptr ++;

      if ((bufend = strstr(bufptr, "</div>")) == NULL)
        * textarea doesn't close, abort!

        puts("/DIV SHORT DATA!");
	ret = 0;

      *bufend = '\0';

      * Copy the translation...

      m->str = strdup(bufptr);

      * Convert character entities to regular chars...

      for (bufptr = strchr(m->str, '&');
	   bufptr = strchr(bufptr + 1, '&'))
        if (!strncmp(bufptr, "&lt;", 4))
	  *bufptr = '<';
	  _cups_strcpy(bufptr + 1, bufptr + 4);
        else if (!strncmp(bufptr, "&gt;", 4))
	  *bufptr = '>';
	  _cups_strcpy(bufptr + 1, bufptr + 4);
        else if (!strncmp(bufptr, "&amp;", 5))
	  _cups_strcpy(bufptr + 1, bufptr + 5);

      printf("\"%s\"\n", m->str);
    else if (status == HTTP_ERROR)
      printf("NETWORK ERROR (%s)!\n", strerror(httpError(http)));
      ret = 0;
      printf("HTTP ERROR %d!\n", status);
      ret = 0;


  return (ret);
Пример #8
ipp_t *					/* O - Attributes */
    const char *filename,		/* I - File to load */
    char       **authtype,		/* O - Authentication type, if any */
    char       **command,		/* O - Command to run, if any */
    char       **device_uri,		/* O - Device URI, if any */
    char       **make,			/* O - Manufacturer */
    char       **model,			/* O - Model */
    char       **proxy_user)		/* O - Proxy user, if any */
  ipp_t		*attrs;			/* Attributes to return */
  cups_file_t	*fp;			/* File */
  int		linenum = 0;		/* Current line number */
  char		attr[128],		/* Attribute name */
		token[1024],		/* Token from file */
		*tokenptr;		/* Pointer into token */
  ipp_tag_t	value;			/* Current value type */
  ipp_attribute_t *attrptr;		/* Attribute pointer */

  if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(filename, "r")) == NULL)
    serverLog(SERVER_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Unable to open \"%s\": %s", filename, strerror(errno));
    return (NULL);

  attrs = ippNew();

  while (get_token(fp, token, sizeof(token), &linenum) != NULL)
    if (!_cups_strcasecmp(token, "ATTR"))
      * Attribute...

      if (!get_token(fp, token, sizeof(token), &linenum))
	serverLog(SERVER_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Missing ATTR value tag on line %d of \"%s\".", linenum, filename);
        goto load_error;

      if ((value = ippTagValue(token)) == IPP_TAG_ZERO)
	serverLog(SERVER_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Bad ATTR value tag \"%s\" on line %d of \"%s\".", token, linenum, filename);
        goto load_error;

      if (!get_token(fp, attr, sizeof(attr), &linenum))
	serverLog(SERVER_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Missing ATTR name on line %d of \"%s\".", linenum, filename);
        goto load_error;

      if (!get_token(fp, token, sizeof(token), &linenum))
	serverLog(SERVER_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Missing ATTR value on line %d of \"%s\".", linenum, filename);
        goto load_error;

      attrptr = NULL;

      switch (value)
	    if (!_cups_strcasecmp(token, "true"))
	      attrptr = ippAddBoolean(attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, attr, 1);
	      attrptr = ippAddBoolean(attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, attr, (char)atoi(token));

	case IPP_TAG_ENUM :
	    if (!strchr(token, ','))
	      attrptr = ippAddInteger(attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, value, attr, (int)strtol(token, &tokenptr, 0));
	      int	values[100],	/* Values */
			num_values = 1;	/* Number of values */

	      values[0] = (int)strtol(token, &tokenptr, 10);
	      while (tokenptr && *tokenptr &&
		     num_values < (int)(sizeof(values) / sizeof(values[0])))
		if (*tokenptr == ',')
		  tokenptr ++;
		else if (!isdigit(*tokenptr & 255) && *tokenptr != '-')

		values[num_values] = (int)strtol(tokenptr, &tokenptr, 0);
		num_values ++;

	      attrptr = ippAddIntegers(attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, value, attr, num_values, values);

	    if (!tokenptr || *tokenptr)
	      serverLog(SERVER_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Bad %s value \"%s\" on line %d of \"%s\".", ippTagString(value), token, linenum, filename);
              goto load_error;

	      int	xres,		/* X resolution */
			yres;		/* Y resolution */
	      ipp_res_t	units;		/* Units */
	      char	*start,		/* Start of value */
			*ptr,		/* Pointer into value */
			*next = NULL;	/* Next value */

	      for (start = token; start; start = next)
		xres = yres = (int)strtol(start, (char **)&ptr, 10);
		if (ptr > start && xres > 0)
		  if (*ptr == 'x')
		    yres = (int)strtol(ptr + 1, (char **)&ptr, 10);

		if (ptr && (next = strchr(ptr, ',')) != NULL)
		  *next++ = '\0';

		if (ptr <= start || xres <= 0 || yres <= 0 || !ptr ||
		    (_cups_strcasecmp(ptr, "dpi") &&
		     _cups_strcasecmp(ptr, "dpc") &&
		     _cups_strcasecmp(ptr, "dpcm") &&
		     _cups_strcasecmp(ptr, "other")))
		  serverLog(SERVER_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Bad resolution value \"%s\" on line %d of \"%s\".", token, linenum, filename);
                  goto load_error;

		if (!_cups_strcasecmp(ptr, "dpc") || !_cups_strcasecmp(ptr, "dpcm"))
		  units = IPP_RES_PER_CM;
		  units = IPP_RES_PER_INCH;

                if (attrptr)
		  ippSetResolution(attrs, &attrptr, ippGetCount(attrptr), units, xres, yres);
		  attrptr = ippAddResolution(attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, attr, units, xres, yres);

	      int	lowers[4],	/* Lower value */
			uppers[4],	/* Upper values */
			num_vals;	/* Number of values */

	      num_vals = sscanf(token, "%d-%d,%d-%d,%d-%d,%d-%d",
				lowers + 0, uppers + 0,
				lowers + 1, uppers + 1,
				lowers + 2, uppers + 2,
				lowers + 3, uppers + 3);

	      if ((num_vals & 1) || num_vals == 0)
		serverLog(SERVER_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Bad rangeOfInteger value \"%s\" on line %d of \"%s\".", token, linenum, filename);
                goto load_error;

	      attrptr = ippAddRanges(attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, attr, num_vals / 2, lowers,

	    if (!strcmp(token, "{"))
	      ipp_t	*col = get_collection(fp, filename, &linenum);
				    /* Collection value */

	      if (col)
		attrptr = ippAddCollection(attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, attr, col);
	      serverLog(SERVER_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Bad ATTR collection value on line %d of \"%s\".", linenum, filename);
              goto load_error;

	      ipp_t	*col;			/* Collection value */
	      long	pos = cupsFileTell(fp);	/* Save position of file */

	      if (!get_token(fp, token, sizeof(token), &linenum))

	      if (strcmp(token, ","))
		cupsFileSeek(fp, pos);

	      if (!get_token(fp, token, sizeof(token), &linenum) || strcmp(token, "{"))
		serverLog(SERVER_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Unexpected \"%s\" on line %d of \"%s\".", token, linenum, filename);
                goto load_error;

	      if ((col = get_collection(fp, filename, &linenum)) == NULL)

	      ippSetCollection(attrs, &attrptr, ippGetCount(attrptr), col);
	    while (!strcmp(token, "{"));

	    attrptr = ippAddOctetString(attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, attr, token, (int)strlen(token));

	default :
	    serverLog(SERVER_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Unsupported ATTR value tag %s on line %d of \"%s\".", ippTagString(value), linenum, filename);
            goto load_error;

	case IPP_TAG_TEXT :
	case IPP_TAG_NAME :
	case IPP_TAG_URI :
	    if (!strchr(token, ','))
	      attrptr = ippAddString(attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, value, attr, NULL, token);
	      * Multiple string values...

	      int	num_values;	/* Number of values */
	      char	*values[100],	/* Values */
			*ptr;		/* Pointer to next value */

	      values[0]  = token;
	      num_values = 1;

	      for (ptr = strchr(token, ','); ptr; ptr = strchr(ptr, ','))
		if (ptr > token && ptr[-1] == '\\')
		  _cups_strcpy(ptr - 1, ptr);
		  *ptr++ = '\0';
		  values[num_values] = ptr;
		  num_values ++;
		  if (num_values >= (int)(sizeof(values) / sizeof(values[0])))

	      attrptr = ippAddStrings(attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, value, attr, num_values, NULL, (const char **)values);

      if (!attrptr)
        serverLog(SERVER_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Unable to add attribute on line %d of \"%s\": %s", linenum, filename, cupsLastErrorString());
        goto load_error;
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(token, "AUTHTYPE") && authtype)
      if (!get_token(fp, token, sizeof(token), &linenum))
	serverLog(SERVER_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Missing AUTHTYPE value on line %d of \"%s\".", linenum, filename);
        goto load_error;

      *authtype = strdup(token);
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(token, "COMMAND") && command)
      if (!get_token(fp, token, sizeof(token), &linenum))
	serverLog(SERVER_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Missing COMMAND value on line %d of \"%s\".", linenum, filename);
        goto load_error;

      *command = strdup(token);
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(token, "DEVICEURI") && device_uri)
      if (!get_token(fp, token, sizeof(token), &linenum))
	serverLog(SERVER_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Missing DEVICE-URI value on line %d of \"%s\".", linenum, filename);
        goto load_error;

      *device_uri = strdup(token);
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(token, "MAKE") && make)
      if (!get_token(fp, token, sizeof(token), &linenum))
	serverLog(SERVER_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Missing MAKE value on line %d of \"%s\".", linenum, filename);
        goto load_error;

      *make = strdup(token);
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(token, "MODEL") && model)
      if (!get_token(fp, token, sizeof(token), &linenum))
	serverLog(SERVER_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Missing MODEL value on line %d of \"%s\".", linenum, filename);
        goto load_error;

      *model = strdup(token);
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(token, "PROXYUSER") && proxy_user)
      if (!get_token(fp, token, sizeof(token), &linenum))
	serverLog(SERVER_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Missing PROXY-USER value on line %d of \"%s\".", linenum, filename);
        goto load_error;

      *proxy_user = strdup(token);
      serverLog(SERVER_LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "Unknown directive \"%s\" on line %d of \"%s\".", token, linenum, filename);
      goto load_error;


  return (attrs);

  * If we get here something bad happened...




  return (NULL);
Пример #9
char *					/* O  - Line read or @code NULL@ on end of file or error */
cupsFileGetConf(cups_file_t *fp,	/* I  - CUPS file */
                char        *buf,	/* O  - String buffer */
		size_t      buflen,	/* I  - Size of string buffer */
                char        **value,	/* O  - Pointer to value */
		int         *linenum)	/* IO - Current line number */
  char	*ptr;				/* Pointer into line */

  * Range check input...

  DEBUG_printf(("2cupsFileGetConf(fp=%p, buf=%p, buflen=" CUPS_LLFMT
                ", value=%p, linenum=%p)", fp, buf, CUPS_LLCAST buflen,
		value, linenum));

  if (!fp || (fp->mode != 'r' && fp->mode != 's') ||
      !buf || buflen < 2 || !value)
    if (value)
      *value = NULL;

    return (NULL);

  * Read the next non-comment line...

  *value = NULL;

  while (cupsFileGets(fp, buf, buflen))
    (*linenum) ++;

    * Strip any comments...

    if ((ptr = strchr(buf, '#')) != NULL)
      if (ptr > buf && ptr[-1] == '\\')
        // Unquote the #...
	_cups_strcpy(ptr - 1, ptr);
        // Strip the comment and any trailing whitespace...
	while (ptr > buf)
	  if (!_cups_isspace(ptr[-1]))

	  ptr --;

	*ptr = '\0';

    * Strip leading whitespace...

    for (ptr = buf; _cups_isspace(*ptr); ptr ++);

    if (ptr > buf)
      _cups_strcpy(buf, ptr);

    * See if there is anything left...

    if (buf[0])
      * Yes, grab any value and return...

      for (ptr = buf; *ptr; ptr ++)
        if (_cups_isspace(*ptr))

      if (*ptr)
        * Have a value, skip any other spaces...

        while (_cups_isspace(*ptr))
	  *ptr++ = '\0';

        if (*ptr)
	  *value = ptr;

        * Strip trailing whitespace and > for lines that begin with <...

        ptr += strlen(ptr) - 1;

        if (buf[0] == '<' && *ptr == '>')
	  *ptr-- = '\0';
	else if (buf[0] == '<' && *ptr != '>')
	  * Syntax error...

	  *value = NULL;
	  return (buf);

        while (ptr > *value && _cups_isspace(*ptr))
	  *ptr-- = '\0';

      * Return the line...

      return (buf);

  return (NULL);
Пример #10
Файл: attr.c Проект: ezeep/cups
char *					/* O - Normalized make-and-model string or NULL on error */
    const char *make_and_model,		/* I - Original make-and-model string */
    char       *buffer,			/* I - String buffer */
    size_t     bufsize)			/* I - Size of string buffer */
  char	*bufptr;			/* Pointer into buffer */

  if (!make_and_model || !buffer || bufsize < 1)
    if (buffer)
      *buffer = '\0';

    return (NULL);

  * Skip leading whitespace...

  while (_cups_isspace(*make_and_model))
    make_and_model ++;

  * Remove parenthesis and add manufacturers as needed...

  if (make_and_model[0] == '(')
    strlcpy(buffer, make_and_model + 1, bufsize);

    if ((bufptr = strrchr(buffer, ')')) != NULL)
      *bufptr = '\0';
  else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(make_and_model, "XPrint", 6))
    * Xerox XPrint...

    snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "Xerox %s", make_and_model);
  else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(make_and_model, "Eastman", 7))
    * Kodak...

    snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "Kodak %s", make_and_model + 7);
  else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(make_and_model, "laserwriter", 11))
    * Apple LaserWriter...

    snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "Apple LaserWriter%s", make_and_model + 11);
  else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(make_and_model, "colorpoint", 10))
    * Seiko...

    snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "Seiko %s", make_and_model);
  else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(make_and_model, "fiery", 5))
    * EFI...

    snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "EFI %s", make_and_model);
  else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(make_and_model, "ps ", 3) ||
	   !_cups_strncasecmp(make_and_model, "colorpass", 9))
    * Canon...

    snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "Canon %s", make_and_model);
  else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(make_and_model, "primera", 7))
    * Fargo...

    snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "Fargo %s", make_and_model);
  else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(make_and_model, "designjet", 9) ||
           !_cups_strncasecmp(make_and_model, "deskjet", 7))
    * HP...

    snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "HP %s", make_and_model);
    strlcpy(buffer, make_and_model, bufsize);

  * Clean up the make...

  if (!_cups_strncasecmp(buffer, "agfa", 4))
    * Replace with AGFA (all uppercase)...

    buffer[0] = 'A';
    buffer[1] = 'G';
    buffer[2] = 'F';
    buffer[3] = 'A';
  else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(buffer, "Hewlett-Packard hp ", 19))
    * Just put "HP" on the front...

    buffer[0] = 'H';
    buffer[1] = 'P';
    _cups_strcpy(buffer + 2, buffer + 18);
  else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(buffer, "Hewlett-Packard ", 16))
    * Just put "HP" on the front...

    buffer[0] = 'H';
    buffer[1] = 'P';
    _cups_strcpy(buffer + 2, buffer + 15);
  else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(buffer, "Lexmark International", 21))
    * Strip "International"...

    _cups_strcpy(buffer + 8, buffer + 21);
  else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(buffer, "herk", 4))
    * Replace with LHAG...

    buffer[0] = 'L';
    buffer[1] = 'H';
    buffer[2] = 'A';
    buffer[3] = 'G';
  else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(buffer, "linotype", 8))
    * Replace with LHAG...

    buffer[0] = 'L';
    buffer[1] = 'H';
    buffer[2] = 'A';
    buffer[3] = 'G';
    _cups_strcpy(buffer + 4, buffer + 8);

  * Remove trailing whitespace and return...

  for (bufptr = buffer + strlen(buffer) - 1;
       bufptr >= buffer && _cups_isspace(*bufptr);
       bufptr --);

  bufptr[1] = '\0';

  return (buffer[0] ? buffer : NULL);
Пример #11
static int				/* O - 0 on success, -1 on error */
get_device(cupsd_backend_t *backend)	/* I - Backend to read from */
  char	line[2048],			/* Line from backend */
	temp[2048],			/* Copy of line */
	*ptr,				/* Pointer into line */
	*dclass,			/* Device class */
	*uri,				/* Device URI */
	*make_model,			/* Make and model */
	*info,				/* Device info */
	*device_id,			/* 1284 device ID */
	*location;			/* Physical location */

  if (cupsFileGets(backend->pipe, line, sizeof(line)))
    * Each line is of the form:
    *   class URI "make model" "name" ["1284 device ID"] ["location"]

    strlcpy(temp, line, sizeof(temp));

    * device-class

    dclass = temp;

    for (ptr = temp; *ptr; ptr ++)
      if (isspace(*ptr & 255))

    while (isspace(*ptr & 255))
      *ptr++ = '\0';

    * device-uri

    if (!*ptr)
      goto error;

    for (uri = ptr; *ptr; ptr ++)
      if (isspace(*ptr & 255))

    while (isspace(*ptr & 255))
      *ptr++ = '\0';

    * device-make-and-model

    if (*ptr != '\"')
      goto error;

    for (ptr ++, make_model = ptr; *ptr && *ptr != '\"'; ptr ++)
      if (*ptr == '\\' && ptr[1])
        _cups_strcpy(ptr, ptr + 1);

    if (*ptr != '\"')
      goto error;

    for (*ptr++ = '\0'; isspace(*ptr & 255); *ptr++ = '\0');

    * device-info

    if (*ptr != '\"')
      goto error;

    for (ptr ++, info = ptr; *ptr && *ptr != '\"'; ptr ++)
      if (*ptr == '\\' && ptr[1])
        _cups_strcpy(ptr, ptr + 1);

    if (*ptr != '\"')
      goto error;

    for (*ptr++ = '\0'; isspace(*ptr & 255); *ptr++ = '\0');

    * device-id

    if (*ptr == '\"')
      for (ptr ++, device_id = ptr; *ptr && *ptr != '\"'; ptr ++)
	if (*ptr == '\\' && ptr[1])
	  _cups_strcpy(ptr, ptr + 1);

      if (*ptr != '\"')
	goto error;

      for (*ptr++ = '\0'; isspace(*ptr & 255); *ptr++ = '\0');

      * device-location

      if (*ptr == '\"')
	for (ptr ++, location = ptr; *ptr && *ptr != '\"'; ptr ++)
	  if (*ptr == '\\' && ptr[1])
	    _cups_strcpy(ptr, ptr + 1);

	if (*ptr != '\"')
	  goto error;

	*ptr = '\0';
        location = NULL;
      device_id = NULL;
      location  = NULL;

    * Add the device to the array of available devices...

    if (!add_device(dclass, make_model, info, uri, device_id, location))
      fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: [cups-deviced] Found device \"%s\"...\n", uri);

    return (0);

  * End of file...

  backend->pipe = NULL;

  return (-1);

  * Bad format; strip trailing newline and write an error message.


  if (line[strlen(line) - 1] == '\n')
    line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0';

  fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: [cups-deviced] Bad line from \"%s\": %s\n",
	  backend->name, line);
  return (0);
Пример #12
static void
    const char  *command,		/* I - Command name */
    mime_t      *mime,			/* I - MIME database */
    mime_type_t *filtertype,		/* I - Printer or prefilter MIME type */
    const char  *filter)		/* I - Filter to add */
  char		super[MIME_MAX_SUPER],	/* Super-type for filter */
		type[MIME_MAX_TYPE],	/* Type for filter */
		dsuper[MIME_MAX_SUPER],	/* Destination super-type for filter */
		dtype[MIME_MAX_TYPE],	/* Destination type for filter */
					/* Destination super/type */
		program[1024];		/* Program/filter name */
  int		cost;			/* Cost of filter */
  size_t	maxsize = 0;		/* Maximum supported file size */
  mime_type_t	*temptype,		/* MIME type looping var */
		*desttype;		/* Destination MIME type */
  mime_filter_t	*filterptr;		/* MIME filter */

  * Parse the filter string; it should be in one of the following formats:
  *     source/type cost program
  *     source/type cost maxsize(nnnn) program
  *     source/type dest/type cost program
  *     source/type dest/type cost maxsize(nnnn) program

  if (sscanf(filter, "%15[^/]/%255s%*[ \t]%15[^/]/%255s%d%*[ \t]%1023[^\n]",
             super, type, dsuper, dtype, &cost, program) == 6)
    snprintf(dest, sizeof(dest), "%s/%s/%s", filtertype->type, dsuper, dtype);

    if ((desttype = mimeType(mime, "printer", dest)) == NULL)
      desttype = mimeAddType(mime, "printer", dest);
    if (sscanf(filter, "%15[^/]/%255s%d%*[ \t]%1023[^\n]", super, type, &cost,
               program) == 4)
      desttype = filtertype;
      _cupsLangPrintf(stderr, _("%s: Invalid filter string \"%s\"."), command,

  if (!strncmp(program, "maxsize(", 8))
    char	*ptr;			/* Pointer into maxsize(nnnn) program */

    maxsize = (size_t)strtoll(program + 8, &ptr, 10);

    if (*ptr != ')')
      printf("testmime: Invalid filter string \"%s\".\n", filter);

    ptr ++;
    while (_cups_isspace(*ptr))
      ptr ++;

    _cups_strcpy(program, ptr);

  * See if the filter program exists; if not, stop the printer and flag
  * the error!

  if (strcmp(program, "-"))
    char filename[1024];		/* Full path to program */

    if (program[0] == '/')
      strlcpy(filename, program, sizeof(filename));
      snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/filter/%s", ServerBin, program);

    if (_cupsFileCheck(filename, _CUPS_FILE_CHECK_PROGRAM, !geteuid(), check_cb,
                       (void *)command))

  * Add the filter to the MIME database, supporting wildcards as needed...

  for (temptype = mimeFirstType(mime);
       temptype = mimeNextType(mime))
    if (((super[0] == '*' && _cups_strcasecmp(temptype->super, "printer")) ||
         !_cups_strcasecmp(temptype->super, super)) &&
        (type[0] == '*' || !_cups_strcasecmp(temptype->type, type)))
      if (desttype != filtertype)
        filterptr = mimeAddFilter(mime, temptype, desttype, cost, program);

        if (!mimeFilterLookup(mime, desttype, filtertype))
          mimeAddFilter(mime, desttype, filtertype, 0, "-");
        filterptr = mimeAddFilter(mime, temptype, filtertype, cost, program);

      if (filterptr)
	filterptr->maxsize = maxsize;
Пример #13
Файл: lpc.c Проект: lanceit/cups
main(int  argc,				/* I - Number of command-line arguments */
     char *argv[])			/* I - Command-line arguments */
  http_t	*http;			/* Connection to server */
  char		line[1024],		/* Input line from user */
		*params;		/* Pointer to parameters */


  * Connect to the scheduler...

  http = httpConnectEncrypt(cupsServer(), ippPort(), cupsEncryption());

  if (argc > 1)
    * Process a single command on the command-line...

    do_command(http, argv[1], argv[2]);
    * Do the command prompt thing...

    _cupsLangPuts(stdout, _("lpc> ")); /* TODO: Need no-newline version */
    while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin) != NULL)
      * Strip trailing whitespace...

      for (params = line + strlen(line) - 1; params >= line;)
        if (!isspace(*params & 255))
	  *params-- = '\0';

      * Strip leading whitespace...

      for (params = line; isspace(*params & 255); params ++);

      if (params > line)
        _cups_strcpy(line, params);

      if (!line[0])
        * Nothing left, just show a prompt...

	_cupsLangPuts(stdout, _("lpc> ")); /* TODO: Need no newline version */

      * Find any options in the string...

      for (params = line; *params != '\0'; params ++)
        if (isspace(*params & 255))

      * Remove whitespace between the command and parameters...

      while (isspace(*params & 255))
        *params++ = '\0';

      * The "quit" and "exit" commands exit; otherwise, process as needed...

      if (!compare_strings(line, "quit", 1) ||
          !compare_strings(line, "exit", 2))

      if (*params == '\0')
        do_command(http, line, NULL);
        do_command(http, line, params);

      * Put another prompt out to the user...

      _cupsLangPuts(stdout, _("lpc> ")); /* TODO: Need no newline version */

  * Close the connection to the server and return...


  return (0);
Пример #14
static void
    char       *make_model,		/* I - New make-and-model string */
    const char *old_make_model,		/* I - Old make-and-model string */
    int        make_model_size)		/* I - Size of new string buffer */
  char	*mmptr;				/* Pointer into make-and-model string */

  * Fix some common problems with the make-and-model string so
  * that printer driver detection works better...

  if (!_cups_strncasecmp(old_make_model, "Hewlett-Packard", 15))
    * Strip leading Hewlett-Packard and hp prefixes and replace
    * with a single HP manufacturer prefix...

    mmptr = (char *)old_make_model + 15;

    while (isspace(*mmptr & 255))
      mmptr ++;

    if (!_cups_strncasecmp(mmptr, "hp", 2))
      mmptr += 2;

      while (isspace(*mmptr & 255))
	mmptr ++;

    make_model[0] = 'H';
    make_model[1] = 'P';
    make_model[2] = ' ';
    strlcpy(make_model + 3, mmptr, (size_t)make_model_size - 3);
  else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(old_make_model, "deskjet", 7))
    snprintf(make_model, (size_t)make_model_size, "HP DeskJet%s", old_make_model + 7);
  else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(old_make_model, "officejet", 9))
    snprintf(make_model, (size_t)make_model_size, "HP OfficeJet%s", old_make_model + 9);
  else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(old_make_model, "stylus_pro_", 11))
    snprintf(make_model, (size_t)make_model_size, "EPSON Stylus Pro %s", old_make_model + 11);
    strlcpy(make_model, old_make_model, (size_t)make_model_size);

  if ((mmptr = strstr(make_model, ", Inc.,")) != NULL)
    * Strip inc. from name, e.g. "Tektronix, Inc., Phaser 560"
    * becomes "Tektronix Phaser 560"...

    _cups_strcpy(mmptr, mmptr + 7);

  if ((mmptr = strstr(make_model, " Network")) != NULL)
    * Drop unnecessary informational text, e.g. "Xerox DocuPrint N2025
    * Network LaserJet - 2.12" becomes "Xerox DocuPrint N2025"...

    *mmptr = '\0';

  if ((mmptr = strchr(make_model, ',')) != NULL)
    * Drop anything after a trailing comma...

    *mmptr = '\0';
Пример #15
static void
ppd_load_constraints(ppd_file_t *ppd)	/* I - PPD file */
  int		i;			/* Looping var */
  ppd_const_t	*oldconst;		/* Current UIConstraints data */
  ppd_attr_t	*constattr;		/* Current cupsUIConstraints attribute */
  _ppd_cups_uiconsts_t	*consts;	/* Current cupsUIConstraints data */
  _ppd_cups_uiconst_t	*constptr;	/* Current constraint */
  ppd_group_t	*installable;		/* Installable options group */
  const char	*vptr;			/* Pointer into constraint value */
  char		option[PPD_MAX_NAME],	/* Option name/MainKeyword */
		choice[PPD_MAX_NAME],	/* Choice/OptionKeyword */
		*ptr;			/* Pointer into option or choice */

  DEBUG_printf(("7ppd_load_constraints(ppd=%p)", ppd));

  * Create an array to hold the constraint data...

  ppd->cups_uiconstraints = cupsArrayNew(NULL, NULL);

  * Find the installable options group if it exists...

  for (i = ppd->num_groups, installable = ppd->groups;
       i > 0;
       i --, installable ++)
    if (!_cups_strcasecmp(installable->name, "InstallableOptions"))

  if (i <= 0)
    installable = NULL;

  * Load old-style [Non]UIConstraints data...

  for (i = ppd->num_consts, oldconst = ppd->consts; i > 0; i --, oldconst ++)
    * Weed out nearby duplicates, since the PPD spec requires that you
    * define both "*Foo foo *Bar bar" and "*Bar bar *Foo foo"...

    if (i > 1 &&
	!_cups_strcasecmp(oldconst[0].option1, oldconst[1].option2) &&
	!_cups_strcasecmp(oldconst[0].choice1, oldconst[1].choice2) &&
	!_cups_strcasecmp(oldconst[0].option2, oldconst[1].option1) &&
	!_cups_strcasecmp(oldconst[0].choice2, oldconst[1].choice1))

    * Allocate memory...

    if ((consts = calloc(1, sizeof(_ppd_cups_uiconsts_t))) == NULL)
      DEBUG_puts("8ppd_load_constraints: Unable to allocate memory for "

    if ((constptr = calloc(2, sizeof(_ppd_cups_uiconst_t))) == NULL)
      DEBUG_puts("8ppd_load_constraints: Unable to allocate memory for "

    * Fill in the information...

    consts->num_constraints = 2;
    consts->constraints     = constptr;

    if (!_cups_strncasecmp(oldconst->option1, "Custom", 6) &&
	!_cups_strcasecmp(oldconst->choice1, "True"))
      constptr[0].option      = ppdFindOption(ppd, oldconst->option1 + 6);
      constptr[0].choice      = ppdFindChoice(constptr[0].option, "Custom");
      constptr[0].installable = 0;
      constptr[0].option      = ppdFindOption(ppd, oldconst->option1);
      constptr[0].choice      = ppdFindChoice(constptr[0].option,
      constptr[0].installable = ppd_is_installable(installable,

    if (!constptr[0].option || (!constptr[0].choice && oldconst->choice1[0]))
      DEBUG_printf(("8ppd_load_constraints: Unknown option *%s %s!",
		    oldconst->option1, oldconst->choice1));

    if (!_cups_strncasecmp(oldconst->option2, "Custom", 6) &&
	!_cups_strcasecmp(oldconst->choice2, "True"))
      constptr[1].option      = ppdFindOption(ppd, oldconst->option2 + 6);
      constptr[1].choice      = ppdFindChoice(constptr[1].option, "Custom");
      constptr[1].installable = 0;
      constptr[1].option      = ppdFindOption(ppd, oldconst->option2);
      constptr[1].choice      = ppdFindChoice(constptr[1].option,
      constptr[1].installable = ppd_is_installable(installable,

    if (!constptr[1].option || (!constptr[1].choice && oldconst->choice2[0]))
      DEBUG_printf(("8ppd_load_constraints: Unknown option *%s %s!",
		    oldconst->option2, oldconst->choice2));

    consts->installable = constptr[0].installable || constptr[1].installable;

    * Add it to the constraints array...

    cupsArrayAdd(ppd->cups_uiconstraints, consts);

  * Then load new-style constraints...

  for (constattr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsUIConstraints", NULL);
       constattr = ppdFindNextAttr(ppd, "cupsUIConstraints", NULL))
    if (!constattr->value)
      DEBUG_puts("8ppd_load_constraints: Bad cupsUIConstraints value!");

    for (i = 0, vptr = strchr(constattr->value, '*');
	 i ++, vptr = strchr(vptr + 1, '*'));

    if (i == 0)
      DEBUG_puts("8ppd_load_constraints: Bad cupsUIConstraints value!");

    if ((consts = calloc(1, sizeof(_ppd_cups_uiconsts_t))) == NULL)
      DEBUG_puts("8ppd_load_constraints: Unable to allocate memory for "

    if ((constptr = calloc((size_t)i, sizeof(_ppd_cups_uiconst_t))) == NULL)
      DEBUG_puts("8ppd_load_constraints: Unable to allocate memory for "

    consts->num_constraints = i;
    consts->constraints     = constptr;

    strlcpy(consts->resolver, constattr->spec, sizeof(consts->resolver));

    for (i = 0, vptr = strchr(constattr->value, '*');
	 i ++, vptr = strchr(vptr, '*'), constptr ++)
      * Extract "*Option Choice" or just "*Option"...

      for (vptr ++, ptr = option; *vptr && !_cups_isspace(*vptr); vptr ++)
	if (ptr < (option + sizeof(option) - 1))
	  *ptr++ = *vptr;

      *ptr = '\0';

      while (_cups_isspace(*vptr))
	vptr ++;

      if (*vptr == '*')
	choice[0] = '\0';
	for (ptr = choice; *vptr && !_cups_isspace(*vptr); vptr ++)
	  if (ptr < (choice + sizeof(choice) - 1))
	    *ptr++ = *vptr;

	*ptr = '\0';

      if (!_cups_strncasecmp(option, "Custom", 6) && !_cups_strcasecmp(choice, "True"))
	_cups_strcpy(option, option + 6);
	strlcpy(choice, "Custom", sizeof(choice));

      constptr->option      = ppdFindOption(ppd, option);
      constptr->choice      = ppdFindChoice(constptr->option, choice);
      constptr->installable = ppd_is_installable(installable, option);
      consts->installable   |= constptr->installable;

      if (!constptr->option || (!constptr->choice && choice[0]))
	DEBUG_printf(("8ppd_load_constraints: Unknown option *%s %s!",
		      option, choice));

    if (!vptr)
      cupsArrayAdd(ppd->cups_uiconstraints, consts);
Пример #16
static void
    DNSServiceRef       sdRef,		/* I - Service reference */
    DNSServiceFlags     flags,		/* I - Data flags */
    uint32_t            interfaceIndex,	/* I - Interface */
    DNSServiceErrorType errorCode,	/* I - Error, if any */
    const char          *fullName,	/* I - Full service name */
    uint16_t            rrtype,		/* I - Record type */
    uint16_t            rrclass,	/* I - Record class */
    uint16_t            rdlen,		/* I - Length of record data */
    const void          *rdata,		/* I - Record data */
    uint32_t            ttl,		/* I - Time-to-live */
    void                *context)	/* I - Device */
#  else
 * 'query_callback()' - Process query data.

static void
    AvahiRecordBrowser     *browser,	/* I - Record browser */
    AvahiIfIndex           interfaceIndex,
					/* I - Interface index (unused) */
    AvahiProtocol          protocol,	/* I - Network protocol (unused) */
    AvahiBrowserEvent      event,	/* I - What happened? */
    const char             *fullName,	/* I - Service name */
    uint16_t               rrclass,	/* I - Record class */
    uint16_t               rrtype,	/* I - Record type */
    const void             *rdata,	/* I - TXT record */
    size_t                 rdlen,	/* I - Length of TXT record */
    AvahiLookupResultFlags flags,	/* I - Flags */
    void                   *context)	/* I - Device */
  AvahiClient		*client = avahi_record_browser_get_client(browser);
					/* Client information */
#  endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
  char		*ptr;			/* Pointer into string */
  cups_device_t	*device = (cups_device_t *)context;
					/* Device */
  const uint8_t	*data,			/* Pointer into data */
		*datanext,		/* Next key/value pair */
		*dataend;		/* End of entire TXT record */
  uint8_t	datalen;		/* Length of current key/value pair */
  char		key[256],		/* Key string */
		value[256],		/* Value string */
		make_and_model[512],	/* Manufacturer and model */
		model[256],		/* Model */
		pdl[256],		/* PDL */
		device_id[2048];	/* 1284 device ID */

#  ifdef HAVE_DNSSD
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG2: query_callback(sdRef=%p, flags=%x, "
                  "interfaceIndex=%d, errorCode=%d, fullName=\"%s\", "
		  "rrtype=%u, rrclass=%u, rdlen=%u, rdata=%p, ttl=%u, "
          sdRef, flags, interfaceIndex, errorCode, fullName, rrtype, rrclass, rdlen, rdata, ttl, context);

  * Only process "add" data...

  if (errorCode != kDNSServiceErr_NoError || !(flags & kDNSServiceFlagsAdd))

#  else
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG2: query_callback(browser=%p, interfaceIndex=%d, "
                  "protocol=%d, event=%d, fullName=\"%s\", rrclass=%u, "
		  "rrtype=%u, rdata=%p, rdlen=%u, flags=%x, context=%p)\n",
          browser, interfaceIndex, protocol, event, fullName, rrclass, rrtype, rdata, (unsigned)rdlen, flags, context);

  * Only process "add" data...

  if (event != AVAHI_BROWSER_NEW)
    if (event == AVAHI_BROWSER_FAILURE)
      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n",

#  endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */

  * Pull out the priority and make and model from the TXT
  * record and save it...

  device_id[0]      = '\0';
  make_and_model[0] = '\0';
  pdl[0]            = '\0';

  strlcpy(model, "Unknown", sizeof(model));

  for (data = rdata, dataend = data + rdlen;
       data < dataend;
       data = datanext)
    * Read a key/value pair starting with an 8-bit length.  Since the
    * length is 8 bits and the size of the key/value buffers is 256, we
    * don't need to check for overflow...

    datalen = *data++;

    if (!datalen || (data + datalen) > dataend)

    datanext = data + datalen;

    for (ptr = key; data < datanext && *data != '='; data ++)
      *ptr++ = (char)*data;
    *ptr = '\0';

    if (data < datanext && *data == '=')
      data ++;

      if (data < datanext)
	memcpy(value, data, (size_t)(datanext - data));
      value[datanext - data] = '\0';

      fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG2: query_callback: \"%s=%s\".\n",
	      key, value);
      fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG2: query_callback: \"%s\" with no value.\n",

    if (!_cups_strncasecmp(key, "usb_", 4))
      * Add USB device ID information...

      ptr = device_id + strlen(device_id);
      snprintf(ptr, sizeof(device_id) - (size_t)(ptr - device_id), "%s:%s;", key + 4, value);

    if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "usb_MFG") || !_cups_strcasecmp(key, "usb_MANU") ||
	!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "usb_MANUFACTURER"))
      strlcpy(make_and_model, value, sizeof(make_and_model));
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "usb_MDL") || !_cups_strcasecmp(key, "usb_MODEL"))
      strlcpy(model, value, sizeof(model));
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "product") && !strstr(value, "Ghostscript"))
      if (value[0] == '(')
	* Strip parenthesis...

	if ((ptr = value + strlen(value) - 1) > value && *ptr == ')')
	  *ptr = '\0';

	strlcpy(model, value + 1, sizeof(model));
	strlcpy(model, value, sizeof(model));
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "ty"))
      strlcpy(model, value, sizeof(model));

      if ((ptr = strchr(model, ',')) != NULL)
	*ptr = '\0';
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "pdl"))
      strlcpy(pdl, value, sizeof(pdl));
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "priority"))
      device->priority = atoi(value);
    else if ((device->type == CUPS_DEVICE_IPP ||
	      device->type == CUPS_DEVICE_IPPS ||
	      device->type == CUPS_DEVICE_PRINTER) &&
	     !_cups_strcasecmp(key, "printer-type"))
      * This is a CUPS printer!

      device->cups_shared = 1;

      if (device->type == CUPS_DEVICE_PRINTER)
	device->sent = 1;
    else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "UUID"))
      device->uuid = strdup(value);

  if (device->device_id)

  if (!device_id[0] && strcmp(model, "Unknown"))
    if (make_and_model[0])
      snprintf(device_id, sizeof(device_id), "MFG:%s;MDL:%s;",
	       make_and_model, model);
    else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(model, "designjet ", 10))
      snprintf(device_id, sizeof(device_id), "MFG:HP;MDL:%s;", model + 10);
    else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(model, "stylus ", 7))
      snprintf(device_id, sizeof(device_id), "MFG:EPSON;MDL:%s;", model + 7);
    else if ((ptr = strchr(model, ' ')) != NULL)
      * Assume the first word is the make...

      memcpy(make_and_model, model, (size_t)(ptr - model));
      make_and_model[ptr - model] = '\0';

      snprintf(device_id, sizeof(device_id), "MFG:%s;MDL:%s;",
	       make_and_model, ptr + 1);

  if (device_id[0] &&
      !strstr(device_id, "CMD:") &&
      !strstr(device_id, "COMMAND SET:") &&
      (strstr(pdl, "application/pdf") ||
       strstr(pdl, "application/postscript") ||
       strstr(pdl, "application/vnd.hp-PCL") ||
       strstr(pdl, "image/")))
    value[0] = '\0';
    if (strstr(pdl, "application/pdf"))
      strlcat(value, ",PDF", sizeof(value));
    if (strstr(pdl, "application/postscript"))
      strlcat(value, ",PS", sizeof(value));
    if (strstr(pdl, "application/vnd.hp-PCL"))
      strlcat(value, ",PCL", sizeof(value));
    for (ptr = strstr(pdl, "image/"); ptr; ptr = strstr(ptr, "image/"))
      char *valptr = value + strlen(value);
      					/* Pointer into value */

      if (valptr < (value + sizeof(value) - 1))
        *valptr++ = ',';

      ptr += 6;
      while (isalnum(*ptr & 255) || *ptr == '-' || *ptr == '.')
        if (isalnum(*ptr & 255) && valptr < (value + sizeof(value) - 1))
          *valptr++ = (char)toupper(*ptr++ & 255);

      *valptr = '\0';

    ptr = device_id + strlen(device_id);
    snprintf(ptr, sizeof(device_id) - (size_t)(ptr - device_id), "CMD:%s;", value + 1);

  if (device_id[0])
    device->device_id = strdup(device_id);
    device->device_id = NULL;

  if (device->make_and_model)

  if (make_and_model[0])
    strlcat(make_and_model, " ", sizeof(make_and_model));
    strlcat(make_and_model, model, sizeof(make_and_model));

    if (!_cups_strncasecmp(make_and_model, "EPSON EPSON ", 12))
      _cups_strcpy(make_and_model, make_and_model + 6);
    else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(make_and_model, "HP HP ", 6))
      _cups_strcpy(make_and_model, make_and_model + 3);
    else if (!_cups_strncasecmp(make_and_model, "Lexmark International Lexmark ", 30))
      _cups_strcpy(make_and_model, make_and_model + 22);

    device->make_and_model = strdup(make_and_model);
    device->make_and_model = strdup(model);
Пример #17
static void
add_ppd_filter(mime_t      *mime,	/* I - MIME database */
               mime_type_t *filtertype,	/* I - Filter or prefilter MIME type */
	       const char  *filter)	/* I - Filter to add */
  char		super[MIME_MAX_SUPER],	/* Super-type for filter */
		type[MIME_MAX_TYPE],	/* Type for filter */
		dsuper[MIME_MAX_SUPER],	/* Destination super-type for filter */
		dtype[MIME_MAX_TYPE],	/* Destination type for filter */
					/* Destination super/type */
		program[1024];		/* Program/filter name */
  int		cost;			/* Cost of filter */
  size_t	maxsize = 0;		/* Maximum supported file size */
  mime_type_t	*temptype,		/* MIME type looping var */
		*desttype;		/* Destination MIME type */
  mime_filter_t	*filterptr;		/* MIME filter */

  DEBUG_printf(("add_ppd_filter(mime=%p, filtertype=%p(%s/%s), filter=\"%s\")",
                mime, filtertype, filtertype->super, filtertype->type, filter));

  * Parse the filter string; it should be in one of the following formats:
  *     source/type cost program
  *     source/type cost maxsize(nnnn) program
  *     source/type dest/type cost program
  *     source/type dest/type cost maxsize(nnnn) program

  if (sscanf(filter, "%15[^/]/%255s%*[ \t]%15[^/]/%255s%d%*[ \t]%1023[^\n]",
             super, type, dsuper, dtype, &cost, program) == 6)
    snprintf(dest, sizeof(dest), "test/%s/%s", dsuper, dtype);

    if ((desttype = mimeType(mime, "printer", dest)) == NULL)
      desttype = mimeAddType(mime, "printer", dest);
    if (sscanf(filter, "%15[^/]/%255s%d%*[ \t]%1023[^\n]", super, type, &cost,
               program) == 4)
      desttype = filtertype;
      printf("testmime: Invalid filter string \"%s\".\n", filter);

  if (!strncmp(program, "maxsize(", 8))
    char	*ptr;			/* Pointer into maxsize(nnnn) program */

    maxsize = strtoll(program + 8, &ptr, 10);

    if (*ptr != ')')
      printf("testmime: Invalid filter string \"%s\".\n", filter);

    ptr ++;
    while (_cups_isspace(*ptr))
      ptr ++;

    _cups_strcpy(program, ptr);

  * Add the filter to the MIME database, supporting wildcards as needed...

  for (temptype = mimeFirstType(mime);
       temptype = mimeNextType(mime))
    if (((super[0] == '*' && _cups_strcasecmp(temptype->super, "printer")) ||
         !_cups_strcasecmp(temptype->super, super)) &&
        (type[0] == '*' || !_cups_strcasecmp(temptype->type, type)))
      if (desttype != filtertype)
        DEBUG_printf(("add_ppd_filter: Adding filter %s/%s %s/%s %d %s",
		      temptype->super, temptype->type, desttype->super,
		      desttype->type, cost, program));
        filterptr = mimeAddFilter(mime, temptype, desttype, cost, program);

        if (!mimeFilterLookup(mime, desttype, filtertype))
          DEBUG_printf(("add_printer_filter: Adding filter %s/%s %s/%s 0 -",
	                desttype->super, desttype->type, filtertype->super,
          mimeAddFilter(mime, desttype, filtertype, 0, "-");
        DEBUG_printf(("add_printer_filter: Adding filter %s/%s %s/%s %d %s",
		      temptype->super, temptype->type, filtertype->super,
		      filtertype->type, cost, program));
        filterptr = mimeAddFilter(mime, temptype, filtertype, cost, program);

      if (filterptr)
	filterptr->maxsize = maxsize;