Пример #1
double expdp_c(double a)

double Halfe = 0.5; //Zeroe = 0.0, Onee = 1.0,  ;

double Maxe  =    1.7976931348623157e+308 ;
double LnMaxe=  709.7827138470578 ;
double  a0e= 0.249999999999999993;
double  a1e= 0.694360001511792852e-2 ;
double  a2e= 0.165203300268279130e-4;
double  b0e= 0.5 ;
double  b1e= 0.555538666969001188e-1 ;
double  b2e= 0.495862884905441294e-3 ; 
double  c1e= 0.693359375  ;                /*  355/512      */
double  C2e=-2.1219444005469058277e-4 ;

double L2e = 1.4426950408889634074  ;      /* log (base  2) of e   */ 

double  Ye,Xe,We,Re,Se,Be,Ce,De;
int     Ne, upper; 

        Ye = a;

        Ce = Ye*L2e ;                     /* base e --> base 2 argument */           
        Ne = _dpint(Ce) ;                 /* get unbiased exponent as an int */
        Se = Ne ;                         /* double(int N) */ 
        Xe = (Ye - Se*c1e) - Se*C2e ;         /*  range reduction  */ 

        We = Xe*Xe ;

        Be = (b2e*We + b1e)*We + b0e ;                  /* denominator  */
        De = ((a2e*We + a1e)*We + a0e)*Xe ;             /* numerator  */
        Re = Halfe + divdpMod_ci5( De, (Be-De) ) ;
        upper = 1024 + Ne;
        upper = _extu(upper,20,0); 
        Se = _itod(upper,0x00000000);

        Ce = Re*Se ;                       /* scale by power of 2  */ 
		if (a > LnMaxe)  Ce = (Maxe)  ;  /* > LnMax returns MAX  */
        return (Ce) ;
Пример #2
static  inline int divide ( int num, int den )
    int i, sign ;
    sign = num >> 31 ; // test the sign of numerator 
    num = _abs(num);
    num += den >> 1 ;
    den <<= NUM_NORM ; // align denominator 
    for ( i = 0 ; i <= NUM_NORM ; i++ ) 
        num = _subc(num, den);
    num = _extu(num, 31 - NUM_NORM, 31 - NUM_NORM);
    /* unsigned extraction */
    if ( sign ) 
        num = -num ;
    return (num);
Пример #3
This function allows to get the luminance prediction of a non IDR picture when xFracl = 0 and yFracl = 1.

@param image Table of current frame.
@param refPicLXl Table of the reference decoded picture buffer.
@param PicWidthSamples Stride of the reference buffer.
@param stride Stride of the current image.
void luma_sample_interp_0_1_TI(unsigned char image [], unsigned char refPicLXl[],	const short PicWidthSamples, const short stride){

	/* No horizontal interpolation */

	unsigned int uiLine1,uiLine2,uiLine3,uiLine4,uiLine5,uiLine6,uiLine7,uiLine8,uiLine9;
	unsigned int uiTmpLine12_h,uiTmpLine34_h,uiTmpLine12_l,uiTmpLine34_l,uiTmpLine1234_4,uiTmpLine1234_2,uiTmpLine1234_3,uiTmpLine1234_1;
	unsigned int uiTmpLine56_h,uiTmpLine78_h,uiTmpLine56_l,uiTmpLine78_l,uiTmpLine5678_4,uiTmpLine5678_2,uiTmpLine5678_3,uiTmpLine5678_1;
	unsigned int tmpc1_1,tmpc1_2,tmpc2_1,tmpc2_2,tmpc1,tmpc2;
	unsigned int tmpc3_1,tmpc3_2,tmpc4_1,tmpc4_2,tmpc3,tmpc4;
	unsigned int tmp12,tmp34,tmpend1,tmpend2,tmpend3,tmpend4;
	unsigned int tmpl9l,tmpl9h;
	unsigned int input1,input2,input3,input4;
	unsigned char* pRefImgPtr;
	unsigned char* pImgPtr;

	pRefImgPtr = refPicLXl-(PicWidthSamples<<1);
	pImgPtr = image;

	uiLine1 = _mem4(pRefImgPtr);
	pRefImgPtr += PicWidthSamples;
	uiLine2 = _mem4(pRefImgPtr);
	pRefImgPtr += PicWidthSamples;
	uiLine3 = _mem4(pRefImgPtr);
	pRefImgPtr += PicWidthSamples;
	uiLine4 = _mem4(pRefImgPtr);
	pRefImgPtr += PicWidthSamples;
	uiLine5 = _mem4(pRefImgPtr);
	pRefImgPtr += PicWidthSamples;
	uiLine6 = _mem4(pRefImgPtr);
	pRefImgPtr += PicWidthSamples;
	uiLine7 = _mem4(pRefImgPtr);
	pRefImgPtr += PicWidthSamples;
	uiLine8 = _mem4(pRefImgPtr);
	pRefImgPtr += PicWidthSamples;
	uiLine9 = _mem4(pRefImgPtr);

	input1 = uiLine3;
	input2 = uiLine4;
	input3 = uiLine5;
	input4 = uiLine6;

	uiTmpLine12_h = _packh4(uiLine1,uiLine2);
	uiTmpLine34_h = _packh4(uiLine3,uiLine4);
	uiTmpLine12_l = _packl4(uiLine1,uiLine2);
	uiTmpLine34_l = _packl4(uiLine3,uiLine4);
	uiTmpLine1234_4 = _packh4(uiTmpLine12_h,uiTmpLine34_h);
	uiTmpLine1234_2 = _packl4(uiTmpLine12_h,uiTmpLine34_h);
	uiTmpLine1234_3 = _packh4(uiTmpLine12_l,uiTmpLine34_l);
	uiTmpLine1234_1 = _packl4(uiTmpLine12_l,uiTmpLine34_l);

	uiTmpLine56_h = _packh4(uiLine5,uiLine6);
	uiTmpLine78_h = _packh4(uiLine7,uiLine8);
	uiTmpLine56_l = _packl4(uiLine5,uiLine6);
	uiTmpLine78_l = _packl4(uiLine7,uiLine8);
	uiTmpLine5678_4 = _packh4(uiTmpLine56_h,uiTmpLine78_h);
	uiTmpLine5678_2 = _packl4(uiTmpLine56_h,uiTmpLine78_h);
	uiTmpLine5678_3 = _packh4(uiTmpLine56_l,uiTmpLine78_l);
	uiTmpLine5678_1 = _packl4(uiTmpLine56_l,uiTmpLine78_l);

	tmpc1_1 = _dotpsu4(0x01FB1414,uiTmpLine1234_1);
	tmpc1_2 = _dotpsu4(0xFB010000,uiTmpLine5678_1);

	tmpc2_1 = _dotpsu4(0x01FB1414,uiTmpLine1234_2);
	tmpc2_2 = _dotpsu4(0xFB010000,uiTmpLine5678_2);

	tmpc1 = _spack2(tmpc1_1,tmpc2_1);
	tmpc2 = _spack2(tmpc1_2,tmpc2_2);

	tmp12 = _sadd2(tmpc1,tmpc2);
	tmp12 = _shr2(_sadd2(tmp12,0x00100010),5);

	tmpc3_1 = _dotpsu4(0x01FB1414,uiTmpLine1234_3);
	tmpc3_2 = _dotpsu4(0xFB010000,uiTmpLine5678_3);

	tmpc4_1 = _dotpsu4(0x01FB1414,uiTmpLine1234_4);
	tmpc4_2 = _dotpsu4(0xFB010000,uiTmpLine5678_4);

	tmpc3 = _spack2(tmpc3_1,tmpc4_1);
	tmpc4 = _spack2(tmpc3_2,tmpc4_2);

	tmp34 = _sadd2(tmpc3,tmpc4);
	tmp34 = _shr2(_sadd2(tmp34,0x00100010),5);

	tmpend1 = _spacku4(tmp34,tmp12);
	tmpend1 = _swap4(tmpend1);

	_amem4(pImgPtr) = _avgu4(tmpend1,input1);
	pImgPtr += stride;

	tmpc1_1 = _dotpsu4(0x0001FB14,uiTmpLine1234_1);
	tmpc1_2 = _dotpsu4(0x14FB0100,uiTmpLine5678_1);

	tmpc2_1 = _dotpsu4(0x0001FB14,uiTmpLine1234_2);
	tmpc2_2 = _dotpsu4(0x14FB0100,uiTmpLine5678_2);

	tmpc1 = _spack2(tmpc1_1,tmpc2_1);
	tmpc2 = _spack2(tmpc1_2,tmpc2_2);

	tmp12 = _sadd2(tmpc1,tmpc2);
	tmp12 = _shr2(_sadd2(tmp12,0x00100010),5);

	tmpc3_1 = _dotpsu4(0x0001FB14,uiTmpLine1234_3);
	tmpc3_2 = _dotpsu4(0x14FB0100,uiTmpLine5678_3);

	tmpc4_1 = _dotpsu4(0x0001FB14,uiTmpLine1234_4);
	tmpc4_2 = _dotpsu4(0x14FB0100,uiTmpLine5678_4);

	tmpc3 = _spack2(tmpc3_1,tmpc4_1);
	tmpc4 = _spack2(tmpc3_2,tmpc4_2);

	tmp34 = _sadd2(tmpc3,tmpc4);
	tmp34 = _shr2(_sadd2(tmp34,0x00100010),5);

	tmpend2 = _spacku4(tmp34,tmp12);
	tmpend2 = _swap4(tmpend2);

	_amem4(pImgPtr) = _avgu4(tmpend2,input2);
	pImgPtr += stride;

	tmpc1_1 = _dotpsu4(0x000001FB,uiTmpLine1234_1);
	tmpc1_2 = _dotpsu4(0x1414FB01,uiTmpLine5678_1);

	tmpc2_1 = _dotpsu4(0x000001FB,uiTmpLine1234_2);
	tmpc2_2 = _dotpsu4(0x1414FB01,uiTmpLine5678_2);

	tmpc1 = _spack2(tmpc1_1,tmpc2_1);
	tmpc2 = _spack2(tmpc1_2,tmpc2_2);

	tmp12 = _sadd2(tmpc1,tmpc2);
	tmp12 = _shr2(_sadd2(tmp12,0x00100010),5);

	tmpc3_1 = _dotpsu4(0x000001FB,uiTmpLine1234_3);
	tmpc3_2 = _dotpsu4(0x1414FB01,uiTmpLine5678_3);

	tmpc4_1 = _dotpsu4(0x000001FB,uiTmpLine1234_4);
	tmpc4_2 = _dotpsu4(0x1414FB01,uiTmpLine5678_4); 

	tmpc3 = _spack2(tmpc3_1,tmpc4_1);
	tmpc4 = _spack2(tmpc3_2,tmpc4_2);

	tmp34 = _sadd2(tmpc3,tmpc4);
	tmp34 = _shr2(_sadd2(tmp34,0x00100010),5);

	tmpend3 = _spacku4(tmp34,tmp12);
	tmpend3 = _swap4(tmpend3);

	_amem4(pImgPtr) = _avgu4(tmpend3,input3);
	pImgPtr += stride;

	uiLine9 = _swap4(uiLine9);
	tmpl9h = _unpkhu4 (uiLine9);
	tmpl9l = _unpklu4 (uiLine9);

	tmpc1_1 = _extu(uiTmpLine1234_1,24,24);//_dotpsu4(0x00000001,uiTmpLine1234_1);
	tmpc1_2 = _dotpsu4(0xFB1414FB,uiTmpLine5678_1);

	tmpc2_1 = _extu(uiTmpLine1234_2,24,24);//_dotpsu4(0x00000001,uiTmpLine1234_2);
	tmpc2_2 = _dotpsu4(0xFB1414FB,uiTmpLine5678_2);

	tmpc1 = _spack2(tmpc1_1,tmpc2_1);
	tmpc2 = _spack2(tmpc1_2,tmpc2_2);

	tmp12 = _sadd2(tmpc1,tmpc2);
	tmp12 = _sadd2(tmp12,tmpl9l);
	tmp12 = _shr2(_sadd2(tmp12,0x00100010),5);

	tmpc3_1 = _extu(uiTmpLine1234_3,24,24);//_dotpsu4(0x00000001,uiTmpLine1234_3);
	tmpc3_2 = _dotpsu4(0xFB1414FB,uiTmpLine5678_3);

	tmpc4_1 = _extu(uiTmpLine1234_4,24,24);//_dotpsu4(0x00000001,uiTmpLine1234_4);
	tmpc4_2 = _dotpsu4(0xFB1414FB,uiTmpLine5678_4);

	tmpc3 = _spack2(tmpc3_1,tmpc4_1);
	tmpc4 = _spack2(tmpc3_2,tmpc4_2);

	tmp34 = _sadd2(tmpc3,tmpc4);
	tmp34 = _sadd2(tmp34,tmpl9h);
	tmp34 = _shr2(_sadd2(tmp34,0x00100010),5);

	tmpend4 = _spacku4(tmp34,tmp12);
	tmpend4 = _swap4(tmpend4);

	_amem4(pImgPtr) = _avgu4(tmpend4,input4);

Пример #4
double logdp_c(double a)

// double One=1.0 ;
double Zero = 0.0, Half = 0.5 ;
double srHalf= 0.70710678118654752440 ;         /*  sqrt(0.5)   */
double MIN   =    2.2250738585072014e-308 ;
double LnMin = -708.3964185322641 ;
double MAX   =    1.7976931348623157e+308 ;
double LnMax =  709.7827138470578 ;
double  a0 =-0.64124943423745581147e+2 ;
double  a1 = 0.16383943563021534222e+2 ;
double  a2 =-0.78956112887491257267e+0 ;
double  b0 =-0.76949932108494879777e+3 ;
double  b1 = 0.31203222091924532844e+3 ;
double  b2 =-0.35667977739034646171e+2 ; /*  Note b3 = 1.0        */
double  c1 = 0.693359375  ;       		 /*  355/512      */
double  c2 =-2.121944400546905827679e-4 ;

double  Y,Z,zn,zd,X,W,Rz,Sa,Bd,Cn,Da ;
int     N, exp, upper; 

        Y = a ;
        exp = _extu(_hi(Y),1,21);
       	N = exp - 1022;

 		upper = _clr(_hi(Y),20,31);
		upper = 0x3fe00000 | upper;
		Z = _itod(upper, _lo(Y));
		if (exp == 0) Z = 0;

        if (Z > srHalf)
                { zn=(Z-Half)-Half ; zd=Z*Half+Half  ; }
                { zn=Z-Half; zd=zn*Half+Half ; N=N-1 ; }
        //X = zn/zd;
        X = divdpMod_clog(zn,zd);
        W = X*X ;
        Bd= ( (W+b2) * W + b1) * W + b0 ;
        Cn= (W*a2 + a1) * W + a0 ;
        Rz= W * divdpMod_clog(Cn,Bd);//Cn / Bd ;
        Sa = X + X*Rz ;
        Cn= N ;
        Da = (Cn*c2 + Sa) + Cn*c1 ;

		if (Y <= Zero) Da = 0;//{Z = setnmx(Y) ; Da = (Z) ; }
        if (Y < MIN)  Da = (LnMin)  ;
        if (Y > MAX)  Da = (LnMax)  ;

        return (Da) ;
