Пример #1
struct item *item_alloc(uint8_t id, char *key, uint16_t nkey, int exptime, char *value, uint32_t nbyte) {
    struct item *it, *oit;
    it = _item_alloc(id, key, nkey, exptime, value, nbyte);
    if (it == NULL) return NULL;
    oit = _item_get(key, nkey);
    if (oit != NULL) _item_replace(oit, it);
    else {
    if (oit != NULL) _item_remove(oit);
    return it;
Пример #2
item_reserve(struct item **it_p, const struct bstring *key, const struct bstring
        *val, uint32_t vlen, uint8_t olen, proc_time_i expire_at)
    item_rstatus_e status;
    struct item *it;

    if ((status = _item_alloc(it_p, key->len, vlen, olen)) != ITEM_OK) {
        log_debug("item reservation failed");
        return status;

    it = *it_p;

    _item_define(it, key, val, olen, expire_at);

    log_verb("reserve it %p of id %"PRIu8" for key '%.*s' optional len %"PRIu8,
            it, it->id,key->len, key->data, olen);

    return ITEM_OK;
Пример #3
item_annex(struct item *oit, const struct bstring *key, const struct bstring
        *val, bool append)
    item_rstatus_e status = ITEM_OK;
    struct item *nit = NULL;
    uint8_t id;
    uint32_t ntotal = oit->vlen + val->len;

    id = item_slabid(oit->klen, ntotal, oit->olen);
    if (id == SLABCLASS_INVALID_ID) {
        log_info("client error: annex operation results in oversized item with"
                   "key size %"PRIu8" old value size %"PRIu32" and new value "
                   "size %"PRIu32, oit->klen, oit->vlen, ntotal);

        return ITEM_EOVERSIZED;

    if (append) {
        /* if it is large enough to hold the extra data and left-aligned,
         * which is the default behavior, we copy the delta to the end of
         * the existing data. Otherwise, allocate a new item and store the
         * payload left-aligned.
        if (id == oit->id && !(oit->is_raligned)) {
            cc_memcpy(item_data(oit) + oit->vlen, val->data, val->len);
            oit->vlen = ntotal;
            INCR_N(slab_metrics, item_keyval_byte, val->len);
            INCR_N(slab_metrics, item_val_byte, val->len);
        } else {
            status = _item_alloc(&nit, oit->klen, ntotal, oit->olen);
            if (status != ITEM_OK) {
                log_debug("annex failed due to failure to allocate new item");
                return status;
            _copy_key_item(nit, oit);
            nit->expire_at = oit->expire_at;
            nit->create_at = time_proc_sec();
            /* value is left-aligned */
            cc_memcpy(item_data(nit), item_data(oit), oit->vlen);
            cc_memcpy(item_data(nit) + oit->vlen, val->data, val->len);
            nit->vlen = ntotal;
            item_insert(nit, key);
    } else {
        /* if oit is large enough to hold the extra data and is already
         * right-aligned, we copy the delta to the front of the existing
         * data. Otherwise, allocate a new item and store the payload
         * right-aligned, assuming more prepends will happen in the future.
        if (id == oit->id && oit->is_raligned) {
            cc_memcpy(item_data(oit) - val->len, val->data, val->len);
            oit->vlen = ntotal;
            INCR_N(slab_metrics, item_keyval_byte, val->len);
            INCR_N(slab_metrics, item_val_byte, val->len);
        } else {
            status = _item_alloc(&nit, oit->klen, ntotal, oit->olen);
            if (status != ITEM_OK) {
                log_debug("annex failed due to failure to allocate new item");
                return status;
            _copy_key_item(nit, oit);
            nit->expire_at = oit->expire_at;
            nit->create_at = time_proc_sec();
            /* value is right-aligned */
            nit->is_raligned = 1;
            cc_memcpy(item_data(nit) - ntotal, val->data, val->len);
            cc_memcpy(item_data(nit) - oit->vlen, item_data(oit), oit->vlen);
            nit->vlen = ntotal;
            item_insert(nit, key);

    log_verb("annex to it %p of id %"PRIu8", new it at %p", oit, oit->id,
            nit ? oit : nit);

    return status;