MapGridNode::MapGridNode(const vn::vector2i &index) { vn::color_t color(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x20); Quad *p = vnnew Quad(); *p << vn::aabox2f(0, 0, 38, 2) << color << vn::Render2DInterface::kAlphaAdditive; addRenderable(p, false); p = vnnew Quad(); *p << vn::aabox2f(0, 2, 2, 40) << color << vn::Render2DInterface::kAlphaAdditive; addRenderable(p, false); p = vnnew Quad(); *p << vn::aabox2f(38, 0, 40, 38) << color << vn::Render2DInterface::kAlphaAdditive; addRenderable(p, false); p = vnnew Quad(); *p << vn::aabox2f(2, 38, 40, 40) << color << vn::Render2DInterface::kAlphaAdditive; addRenderable(p, false); Text *t = vnnew Text(); vn::c8 buf[32]; sprintf(buf, "%u,%u", index.x + 1, index.y + 1); *t << vn::color_t(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x80) << vn::Render2DInterface::kAlphaAdditive << vn::RenderText::kCenter; *t << vn::FontManager::instance().defaultFont() << buf; SceneNode *node = vnnew SceneNode(); node->setPosition(vn::vector2f(20, 20)); node->setScale(vn::vector2f(0.6f, 0.6f)); node->addRenderable(t, false); addChild(node, false); setPosition(index * 40); setLocalBoundingBox(vn::aabox2f(0, 0, 40, 40)); }
void LevelScreen::ReceiveMessage(Message* m) { if(m->GetMessageName() == "FoodConsumed") { std::stringstream ss; m_highscoreCounter += m_snake->getPointMultiplicator(); ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << m_highscoreCounter; m_highscore->SetDisplayString(ss.str()); } else if(m->GetMessageName() == "PowerupConsumed") { std::stringstream ss; m_highscoreCounter += m_snake->getPointMultiplicator(); ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << m_highscoreCounter; Powerup* powerup = static_cast<Powerup*>(m->GetSender()); if(powerup != NULL) { m_popupText->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f); m_popupText->SetDisplayString(powerup->getDescription()); m_popupText->ChangeColorTo(Color(1.0,0.0,0.0), 5.0, true, "HidePopup"); theWorld.Add(m_popupText, kUILayer); } } else if(m->GetMessageName() == "HidePopup") { theWorld.Remove(m_popupText); } else if(m->GetMessageName() == "EnterPressed") { theSwitchboard.UnsubscribeFrom(this, "EnterPressed"); theSwitchboard.Broadcast(new Message("ShowMenu")); } else if(m->GetMessageName() == "ObstacleHit") { theWorld.Remove(m_popupText); m_snake->stop(); TextActor* gameOver = new TextActor("popup", "GAME OVER"); gameOver->SetPosition(-4.8f, 4.0f); gameOver->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f); TextActor* hitEnterText = new TextActor("standard", "Hit [Enter] to get back to menu..."); hitEnterText->SetPosition(-8.8f, 0.0f); hitEnterText->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f); addRenderable(gameOver, kUILayer); addRenderable(hitEnterText, kUILayer); theSwitchboard.SubscribeTo(this, "EnterPressed"); } }
void populateWorld(void){ RenderableMold* deerMold = loadRenderableMold("Resources/deer-obj.obj","Resources/deer texture.tga"); int i; for(i = 0 ; i < 30 ; i++){ vec3 position = (vec3){-30*i,0,0}; Renderable r = (Renderable){1,position,EMPTY_VEC3,EMPTY_VEC3,deerMold}; addRenderable(r); } vec3 scale = (vec3){0.5,0.5,0.5}; for(i = 0 ; i < 30 ; i++){ vec3 position = (vec3){0,0,30*i}; Renderable r = (Renderable){1,position,EMPTY_VEC3,scale,deerMold}; addRenderable(r); } }
void Particles::createGeometry() { gb = AllocateThis(GeometryBuffer); gb->setBufferAccess(BufferAccess::Write); gb->setBufferUsage(BufferUsage::Dynamic); material = MaterialCreate(AllocatorGetHeap(), "ParticlesMaterial"); Material* pMaterial = material.Resolve(); pMaterial->setDepthWrite(false); pMaterial->setBlending(BlendSource::SourceAlpha, BlendDestination::One); pMaterial->setShader("Tex"); RenderBatchPtr renderable = AllocateHeap(RenderBatch); renderable->setPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType::Points); renderable->setGeometryBuffer(gb); renderable->setMaterial(material); renderable->setRenderLayer(RenderLayer::Transparency); renderable->onPreRender.Bind( this, &Particles::onPreRender ); renderable->onPostRender.Bind( this, &Particles::onPostRender ); addRenderable(renderable); particles.resize(MAX_PARTICLES); }
GameObject* GameScreen::addGameObject(GameObject* go) { // Use the built in code addRenderable(go); mGameObjects.push_back(go); return go; }
void UIBox::resize(int width, int height) { //Renderable *renderable; float ratio = (width / (float)height); int bWidth = (int)(_uiBorder * width), bHeight = (int)(_uiBorder * height * ratio); UIElement::resize(width, height); clearRenderables(); // Add the center box Vec2f boxPosition(0, 0); Vec2f boxDimensions((float)_dimensions.x, (float)_dimensions.y); if(_uiBorder > 0) { // Subtract space for the border if there is a border that protrudes inwards boxPosition += Vec2f((float)bWidth, (float)bHeight); boxDimensions -= Vec2f(bWidth * 2.0f, bHeight * 2.0f); } addRenderable(Renderable::OrthoBox(boxPosition, boxDimensions, false, false, _material)); if(_uiBorder != 0) { int bXOffset = 0, bYOffset = 0; if(_uiBorder < 0) { bXOffset = bWidth; bYOffset = bHeight; } // Top border addRenderable(Renderable::OrthoBox(Vec2f((float)bWidth, (float)_dimensions.h), Vec2f((float)(_dimensions.w - (bWidth * 2)), (float)-bHeight), false, false, _borderMaterial)); // Bottom border addRenderable(Renderable::OrthoBox(Vec2f((float)bWidth, 0.0f), Vec2f((float)(_dimensions.w - (bWidth * 2)), (float)bHeight), false, false, _borderMaterial)); // Left border addRenderable(Renderable::OrthoBox(Vec2f((float)bWidth, 0.0f), Vec2f((float)-bWidth, (float)_dimensions.y), false, false, _borderMaterial)); // Right border addRenderable(Renderable::OrthoBox(Vec2f((float)_dimensions.w, 0.0f), Vec2f((float)-bWidth, (float)_dimensions.y), false, false, _borderMaterial)); } }
void Overlay::createGeometry() { material = MaterialCreate(AllocatorGetThis(), "OverlayMaterial"); renderable = AllocateThis(Renderable); renderable->setPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType::Quads); renderable->setGeometryBuffer( AllocateThis(GeometryBuffer) ); renderable->setMaterial(material); renderable->setRenderLayer(RenderLayer::Overlays); renderable->onPreRender.Bind(this, &Overlay::onPreRender); addRenderable( renderable ); }
void Entity::updateRenderable(MeshHandle meshHandle) { clearAllRenderable(); IMesh *pMesh = gEngModule->pMeshMgr->getDataPtr(meshHandle); const SubMeshVec &subMeshVec = pMesh->getSubMeshVec(); for (int i = 0; i < subMeshVec.size(); ++i) { Renderable *pRenderable = new StaticRenderable(meshHandle, i); addRenderable(pRenderable); std::string mtlName = subMeshVec[i].mtlName; IMaterial *pMaterial = gEngModule->pMaterialMgr->create("res/mesh/" + mtlName); pRenderable->setMaterial(gEngModule->pMaterialMgr->getHandle(pMaterial->getName())); } }
bool Game::onKeyDown(const SDL_KeyboardEvent &tEvent) { switch(tEvent.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_q: { std::unique_ptr<Entities::Box> box(m_factory.createBox(b2Vec2(75, 45))); box->body()->SetTransform(worldToPhysics(m_lastPos), 0); box->body()->SetAwake(false); addRenderable(box.release()); return true; } case SDLK_w: { std::unique_ptr<Entities::Light> light(m_factory.createLight()); light->setScale(0.5f); light->init(); light->body()->SetTransform(worldToPhysics(m_lastPos), 0); light->body()->SetAwake(false); addRenderable(light.release()); return true; } case SDLK_e: { std::unique_ptr<Entities::Box> box(m_factory.createChest()); box->body()->SetTransform(worldToPhysics(m_lastPos), 0); box->body()->SetAwake(false); addRenderable(box.release()); return true; } default: return false; } }
void GizmoRotate::buildGeometry() { //material->setLineWidth(3.0f); lines = generateCircles(); RenderablePtr renderable = AllocateHeap(Renderable); renderable->setPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType::Lines); renderable->setGeometryBuffer(lines); renderable->setMaterial(material); renderable->setRenderLayer(RenderLayer::PostTransparency); renderable->setRenderPriority(100); addRenderable(renderable); }
void GameScreen::deathTick(float delta) { // If the player hits "R", restart the game if(sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::R)) { resetLevel(); mPlayerScore = 0; } else { // If death hasn't been initialized (ie: the death animation hasn't started) start it if(mDeathObjects.size() == 0) { mPromptText.setString("Press [R] to restart the level"); // This is a list of directions. Basically it's an array of Vectors without the overhead int numDirs = 8; // Start pointing straight right, then spiral around clockwise int xDir[] = { 1, 1, 0,-1,-1,-1, 0, 1}; int yDir[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0,-1,-1,-1}; float velocity = 50.0f; DeathParticle* tPart; // Build a bunch of death particles for(int i = 0; i < 33; ++i) { tPart = new DeathParticle((float)xDir[i % numDirs], (float)yDir[i % numDirs], velocity * (i + 1)/ numDirs); tPart->position.x = player->position.x; tPart->position.y = player->position.y; mDeathObjects.push_back(tPart); // Push it to GameObjects to automagically handle drawing. This should probably be extracted // into a renderables list, and a gameobjects list, but for jam, not necessary addRenderable(tPart); } // Change the player to not render player->mRenderingEnabled = false; } // Meow update them all for(std::vector<GameObject*>::iterator itor = mDeathObjects.begin(); itor != mDeathObjects.end(); ++itor) { (*itor)->update(delta); } } }
void TerrainChunk::markDirty(PaletteIndex index) { // Don't need to handle empty voxels. if (index == VoxelPalette::EmptyVoxel) { return; } if (index >= _paletteRenderables.size()) { _paletteRenderables.resize(index + 1, NULL); } if (_paletteRenderables[index] == NULL) { _paletteRenderables[index] = new BlockTerrainChunkRenderable( _terrain, this, index, _terrain->getPalette()->getMaterialForIndex(index)); addRenderable(_paletteRenderables[index]); } _paletteRenderables[index]->markDirty(); }
LevelScreen::LevelScreen() : m_grid(32, 24), m_foodGenerator(&m_grid), m_highscoreCounter(0) { //TODO: CREATE SOME KIND OF LEVEL-WRAPPER, WHICH ADDS THE ACTORS IN THE GRID theSwitchboard.SubscribeTo(this, "FoodConsumed"); theSwitchboard.SubscribeTo(this, "PowerupConsumed"); theSwitchboard.SubscribeTo(this, "ObstacleHit"); theSwitchboard.SubscribeTo(this, "HidePopup"); m_snake = new Snake(&m_grid); //TESTCODE //m_snake->addPowerup(new InvulnerablePowerup(Vector2(0,0), 10000)); //m_snake->addPowerup(new FastPowerup(Vector2(0,0), 10000)); //m_snake->addPowerup(new FastPowerup(Vector2(0,0), 10000)); //TESTCODE END //Generate obstacles to dodge MovingObstacle* obstacle = new MovingObstacle(Vector2(6, 0), Vector2(0,1), 1.0, 5.0, "Resources/Images/obstacles/spikecube.png", m_snake); CirclingObstacle* circleObstacle = new CirclingObstacle(Vector2(0,0), 1.0, 8.0, "Resources/Images/obstacles/spikecube.png", m_snake); //Generate UI elements m_statusbox = new StatusBox(MathUtil::ScreenToWorld(100, 20), m_snake, 10); m_highscore = new TextActor("Console", "0000"); m_highscore->SetPosition(MathUtil::ScreenToWorld(5, 25)); m_highscore->SetColor(1, 1, 1); m_popupText = new TextActor("popup", "", TXT_Center); //Prepare the grid m_grid.LoadBackground(kBackgroundLayer); m_grid.AddActor(m_snake); //Add the renderables to the world and m_objects vector addRenderable(obstacle, kObstacleLayer); addRenderable(circleObstacle, kObstacleLayer); addRenderable(m_snake, kSnakeHeadLayer); addRenderable(m_highscore, kUILayer); addRenderable(m_popupText, kUILayer); addRenderable(m_statusbox, kUILayer); }
void Model::build() { if( modelBuilt ) return; MeshRenderablesMap::iterator it = meshRenderables.find(mesh); if( it == meshRenderables.end() ) { RenderablesVector& rends = meshRenderables[mesh]; if( !MeshBuild(mesh, rends) ) { LogError("Error building mesh '%s'", mesh->getPath().c_str()); return; } } RenderablesVector& rends = meshRenderables[mesh]; for( size_t i = 0; i < rends.size(); ++i ) { Renderable* rend = rends[i].get(); rend->onPreRender.Bind(this, &Model::onRender); addRenderable( rend ); } // Updates the model bounding box. updateBounds(); // Re-compute the bounding box. Transform* transform = getEntity()->getTransform().get(); transform->markBoundingVolumeDirty(); prepareSkinning(); modelBuilt = true; }
Renderable* Renderer::addRenderable(Geometry* geometry, ShaderInfo* shader, glm::mat4 whereMatrix, char* whereUniformLocation){ UniformInfo* noUniforms = addUniformInfo(0, 0, 0, shader); Renderable* render = addRenderable(geometry, shader, noUniforms, 0, 0, whereMatrix, whereUniformLocation); return render; }
RenderQueue::RenderQueue(Renderable* r) { mQueueID = QUEUE_5_MAIN; addRenderable(r); }
void MapBlockCornerNode::updateCorner() { clearRenderables(); vn::c8 path[256]; sprintf(path, "1002:/map.imgs|corner_%u_%u.png", m_corner->type.type , m_corner->type.value & 0xF); vn::PicturePtr pic = vn::PictureManager::instance().createPicture(path); Quad *quad = vnnew Quad(); addRenderable(quad, false); if (m_corner->type.type == 4) { *quad << pic.ptr(); switch (m_corner->type.value & 0xF) { // 1 1 // 0 0 case 3: setLocalBoundingBox(vn::aabox2f(-20, 0, 20, 20)); break; // 0 1 // 0 1 case 6: setLocalBoundingBox(vn::aabox2f(-20, -20, 0, 20)); break; // 0 0 // 1 1 case 12: setLocalBoundingBox(vn::aabox2f(-20, -20, 20, 0)); break; // 1 0 // 1 0 case 9: setLocalBoundingBox(vn::aabox2f(0, -20, 20, 20)); break; // 0 0 // 0 1 case 4: setLocalBoundingBox(vn::aabox2f(-20, -20, 20, 20)); break; // 1 0 // 0 0 case 1: setLocalBoundingBox(vn::aabox2f(-20, -20, 20, 20)); break; // 0 1 // 0 0 case 2: setLocalBoundingBox(vn::aabox2f(-20, -20, 20, 20)); break; // 0 0 // 1 0 case 8: setLocalBoundingBox(vn::aabox2f(-20, -20, 20, 20)); break; // 0 1 // 1 1 case 14: setLocalBoundingBox(vn::aabox2f(-20, -20, 0, 0)); break; // 1 0 // 1 1 case 13: setLocalBoundingBox(vn::aabox2f(0, -20, 20, 0)); break; // 1 1 // 1 0 case 11: setLocalBoundingBox(vn::aabox2f(0, 0, 20, 20)); break; // 1 1 // 0 1 case 7: setLocalBoundingBox(vn::aabox2f(-20, 0, 0, 20)); break; } *quad << getLocalBoundingBox(); return ; } setLocalBoundingBox(vn::aabox2f(-20, -20, 20, 20)); *quad << getLocalBoundingBox(); if (!pic.null()) { if (pic->size > vn::vector2f(40, 40)) { vn::aabox2f rect(pic->texcoords[0], pic->texcoords[2]); vn::vector2f size = rect.size() / 3; int x = m_corner->position.x % 3; int y = m_corner->position.y % 3; rect.min_corner.x += x * size.x; rect.min_corner.y += y * size.y; rect.max_corner = rect.min_corner + size; pic->buildTexcoord(rect); } *quad << pic.ptr(); } }
void GameWidget::init() { glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST ); ShaderInfo* textShad = addShaderInfo( "res/texture.vert", "res/texture.frag" ); Neumont::ShapeData teapot = Neumont::ShapeGenerator::makeTeapot( 5, glm::mat4() ); TextureInfo* brick = addTexture( "res/brick.png" ); TextureInfo* mask = addTexture( "res/Frigate.png" ); tightness = 40.0f; GeometryInfo* cubeGeo = loadFile( "res/cube.mod" ); setUpAttribs( cubeGeo ); GeometryInfo* maskGeo = loadFile( "res/Frigate.mod" ); setUpAttribs( maskGeo ); GeometryInfo* teapotGeo = addGeometry( teapot.verts, teapot.numVerts, teapot.indices, teapot.numIndices, GL_TRIANGLES ); setUpAttribs( teapotGeo ); camera = Camera( float(width())/height(), 0.1, 100 ); camera.setFrom( glm::vec3( 0,0,4) ); camera.setTo( glm::vec3(0,0,0) ); renderableTests = new Renderable*[3]; renderableTests[0] = addRenderable( maskGeo, glm::scale( glm::vec3( 0.02f ) ), textShad, mask ); renderableTests[1] = addRenderable( cubeGeo, glm::translate( glm::vec3( -0.3, -0.4, 0 ) ) * glm::scale(glm::vec3(0.15)) , textShad, brick ); addUniformParameter( textShad, "mvp", PT_MAT4, (float*)&camera.mvp ); setUniformParameter( textShad, "amblight", PT_VEC4, (float*)&glm::vec4(0.1f,0.1f,0.1f,1) ); setUniformParameter( textShad, "diffpos", PT_VEC4, (float*)&glm::vec4(0.0f,8.0f,0.0f,1) ); setUniformParameter( textShad, "difflight", PT_VEC4, (float*)&glm::vec4(0.8f,0.8f,0.8f,1)); setUniformParameter( textShad, "specColor", PT_VEC4, (float*)&glm::vec4(0.8f,0.8f,0.8f,1)); addUniformParameter( textShad, "tightness", PT_FLOAT, (float*)&(tightness) ); addUniformParameter( textShad, "eye", PT_VEC4, (float*)&camera.from); DebugShapes::addPoint( textShad, glm::translate(glm::vec3(0,2,0))*glm::rotate( glm::mat4(), 40.0f, glm::normalize( glm::vec3( -0.8f,0.4f,0.1f ) ) ) ); DebugShapes::addPoint( textShad, glm::translate(glm::vec3(3,-2,0)), -1, true ); DebugShapes::addLine( textShad, glm::vec3(-1, 2, 0), glm::vec3(3, 3, 1), glm::vec4(0,1,1,1), 7 ); DebugShapes::addVector( textShad, glm::vec3(-1, 0, 0), glm::vec3(0, 0, 1), glm::vec4(1,0,1,1), 8 ); DebugShapes::addCube( textShad, glm::translate(glm::vec3(2,2,0)), glm::vec4(1,1,0,1), 8, false ); DebugShapes::addSphere( textShad, glm::translate(glm::vec3(-3.0f,-2.0f,0.0f)), glm::vec4(1,0.5f,0,1), 3, true ); DebugShapes::addSphere( textShad, glm::translate(glm::vec3(3.0f,2.0f,0.0f)), glm::vec4(1,0,0,1), 6, true ); DebugShapes::addPoint( textShad, glm::translate(glm::vec3(-3,0,-5)), -1, false ); DebugShapes::addLine( textShad, glm::vec3(-3,2,-5), glm::vec3(3, 2, -5), glm::vec4(0,1,1,1), -1, false ); DebugShapes::addVector( textShad, glm::vec3(-1.5f, 0, -5), glm::vec3(0, 0, 1), glm::vec4(1,0,1,1), -1, false ); DebugShapes::addCube( textShad, glm::translate(glm::vec3(0,0,-5)), glm::vec4(1,1,0,1), -1, false ); DebugShapes::addSphere( textShad, glm::translate(glm::vec3(3,0,-5)), glm::vec4(1,0,0,1), -1, false ); // HIPPO DebugMenus::watchFloat( "FPS", fps ); DebugMenus::watchFloat( "Delta Time", delta ); DebugMenus::slideFloat("Specular Tightness", tightness, 0.0f, 100.0f ); DebugMenus::slideVector( "Ship Position", shipPos, -1.0f, 1.0f ); DebugMenus::toggleBool("Ship visible", renderableTests[0]->visible); }
GameScreen::GameScreen(void) : GRAVITY(50.0f), MAX_FALL_VELOCITY(500), MIN_FALL_VELOCITY(150.0f), GEN_BONUS_COUNT(250), GEN_OBSTACLE_COUNT(400), GEN_CLOUD_COUNT(600), mPlayerScore(0), SCORE_VALUE(500), mState(GameState::PLAYING), bgverts(sf::Quads,4), SAVED_STATE_DELAY(1500.0f), bgUpStartColor(76,201,255), bgUpEndColor(0,107,184), bgDownStartColor(61,161,204), bgDownEndColor(175,62,0), mFont_ubuntu(), DEBUGTEXT("DEBUG", mFont_ubuntu), mPromptText("Prompt", mFont_ubuntu), mScoreText("Score: 0", mFont_ubuntu), DBG_FALLSPEED(0),DBG_TRAVELED(1), DBG_PLAYER_YVEL(2) { this->mID = "GameScreen"; mFallSpeed = 0.0f; // try loading the bgm if(!mBGM.openFromFile("assets/audio/bgtrack.ogg")) { std::cerr << "Unable to load background audio track" << std::endl; } mBGM.setVolume(mBGM.getVolume() * 0.9f);; mBGM.setLoop(true); if(!mSmashBuff.loadFromFile("assets/audio/hit_hurt.wav")) { std::cerr << "Unable to load hit_hurt audio track" << std::endl; } mSmash.setBuffer(mSmashBuff); mSmash.setVolume(mSmash.getVolume() * 0.25f); if(!mScoreBuff.loadFromFile("assets/audio/score.wav")) { std::cerr << "Unable to load score audio track" << std::endl; } mScore.setBuffer(mScoreBuff); if(!mYeahBuff.loadFromFile("assets/audio/yea.ogg")) { std::cerr << "Unable to load yea audio track" << std::endl; } mYeah.setBuffer(mYeahBuff); // Make the player player = new Player(); addGameObject(player); // Initialize some basic level data mLevelTraveled = 0.0f; mLevelDistance = 10000.0f; // Build the background verts (for the changing background) bgverts[0] = sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2<float>(0.0f,0.0f), bgUpStartColor); bgverts[1] = sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2<float>(500.0f,0.0f), bgUpStartColor); bgverts[2] = sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2<float>(500.0f,700.0f), bgDownStartColor); bgverts[3] = sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2<float>(0.0f,700.0f), bgDownStartColor); float maxObjectDistance = -1.0; // Add some clouds Cloud* tCloud; for(int c = 0; c < GEN_CLOUD_COUNT; ++c) { tCloud = new Cloud(); tCloud->position.x = (float)(rand() % 400); tCloud->position.y = (float)(rand() % 100 * c); if(tCloud->position.y > mLevelDistance) break; addRenderable(tCloud); if(tCloud->position.y > maxObjectDistance) maxObjectDistance = tCloud->position.y; } // Add some bonuses Bonus* bonus; for(int i = 0; i < GEN_BONUS_COUNT; ++i) { bonus = new Bonus(); bonus->name = "Bonus " + std::to_string(i); bonus->position.x = (float)(rand() % 425 + 25); bonus->position.y = (float)(500.0f + i * 150.0f); // Make sure we don't go too far yo if(bonus->position.y > mLevelDistance) break; addGameObject(bonus); if(bonus->position.y > maxObjectDistance) maxObjectDistance = bonus->position.y; } // Add some obstacles Obstacle* obs; for(int o = 0; o < GEN_OBSTACLE_COUNT; ++o) { obs = new Obstacle(); obs->position.x = (float)(rand() % 425 + 25); obs->position.y = (float)(rand() % 100 + 250 * (o + 3)); if(obs->position.y > mLevelDistance) break; addGameObject(obs); if(obs->position.y > maxObjectDistance) maxObjectDistance = obs->position.y; } // Add the ground. Basically make it a straight line, except in the middle. // 5 on the left, 5 on the right Ground* tGround; const float groundY = mLevelDistance + 550.0f; //const int groundY = 350; for(int g = 0; g < 5; ++g) { // Make the left side tGround = new Ground(); tGround->position.x = 16.0f + g * 32.0f; //tGround->position.y = mLevelDistance + 250.0f; tGround->position.y = groundY; addGameObject(tGround); // Meow make the right side tGround = new Ground(); tGround->position.x = 450.0f - (16 + g * 32); tGround->position.y = groundY; addGameObject(tGround); } // Build the minimap mMiniMap = new MiniMap(); mMiniMap->mDistance = maxObjectDistance; // TODO: Figure out what's up with the MiniMap //mMiniMap->preDrawObjects(mRenderables); // ******** Font dealings ********* // Load the text font for text drawing mFont_ubuntu.loadFromFile("assets/fonts/UbuntuMono.ttf"); // Display the score mScoreText.setCharacterSize(18); mScoreText.setStyle(sf::Text::Regular); mScoreText.setColor(sf::Color::Blue); mScoreText.setPosition(320.0f, 10.0f); mPromptText.setCharacterSize(20); mPromptText.setStyle(sf::Text::Regular); mPromptText.setPosition(250.0f, 450.0f); mPromptText.setColor(sf::Color::White); mPromptText.setOrigin(mPromptText.getLocalBounds().width * 0.5f, mPromptText.getLocalBounds().height * 0.5f); DEBUGTEXT.setCharacterSize(10); DEBUGTEXT.setStyle(sf::Text::Regular); DEBUGTEXT.setColor(sf::Color::Black); DEBUGTEXT.setPosition(5.0f, 10.0f); DEBUGLABELS = new std::pair<std::string, float>[3]; DEBUGLABELS[DBG_FALLSPEED] = std::make_pair("Fallspeed: ", 0.0f); DEBUGLABELS[DBG_TRAVELED] = std::make_pair("Distance Traveled: ", 0.0f); DEBUGLABELS[DBG_PLAYER_YVEL] = std::make_pair("Player Y Velocity: ", 0.0f); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RenderQueue::addRenderable(Renderable* pRend, uint8 groupID) { addRenderable(pRend, groupID, mDefaultRenderablePriority); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RenderQueue::addRenderable(Renderable* pRend, ushort priority) { addRenderable(pRend, mDefaultQueueGroup, priority); }
void TestScene::load() { //load skybox TextureCB* skybox = dynamic_cast<TextureCB*>(DDSLoader::loadDDSTex( "Assets\\skybox\\", "Assets\\skybox\\", "Assets\\skybox\\", "Assets\\skybox\\", "Assets\\skybox\\", "Assets\\skybox\\")); if (skybox != nullptr) addCubeMap(skybox); //load testmodel "uglypot" std::list<Model*> models = OBJLoader::loadOBJ("Assets\\Models\\uglypot.obj"); Texture2D* wooddiff = dynamic_cast<Texture2D*>(DDSLoader::loadDDSTex("Assets\\Materials\\")); Texture2D* woodspec = dynamic_cast<Texture2D*>(DDSLoader::loadDDSTex("Assets\\Materials\\")); Texture2D* woodgloss = dynamic_cast<Texture2D*>(DDSLoader::loadDDSTex("Assets\\Materials\\")); Texture2D* woodnormal = dynamic_cast<Texture2D*>(DDSLoader::loadDDSTex("Assets\\Materials\\")); Texture2D* woodheight = dynamic_cast<Texture2D*>(DDSLoader::loadDDSTex("Assets\\Materials\\")); Texture2D* metaldiff = dynamic_cast<Texture2D*>(DDSLoader::loadDDSTex("Assets\\Materials\\")); Texture2D* metalspec = dynamic_cast<Texture2D*>(DDSLoader::loadDDSTex("Assets\\Materials\\")); Texture2D* metalgloss = dynamic_cast<Texture2D*>(DDSLoader::loadDDSTex("Assets\\Materials\\")); Texture2D* metalnormal = dynamic_cast<Texture2D*>(DDSLoader::loadDDSTex("Assets\\Materials\\")); Texture2D* metalheight = dynamic_cast<Texture2D*>(DDSLoader::loadDDSTex("Assets\\Materials\\")); //this thing will be forward shaded ForwardShader* forward = new ForwardShader(); forward->load("BaseVertex.vert", "BaseFrag.frag"); addShader(forward); addTexture(wooddiff); addTexture(woodspec); addTexture(woodgloss); addTexture(woodnormal); addTexture(woodheight); addTexture(metaldiff); addTexture(metalspec); addTexture(metalgloss); addTexture(metalnormal); addTexture(metalheight); //load wood and metal material Material* wood = new Material(); wood->addTexture(wooddiff); wood->addTexture(woodspec); wood->addTexture(woodgloss); wood->addTexture(woodnormal); wood->addTexture(woodheight); wood->setShader(forward); Material* metal = new Material(); metal->addTexture(metaldiff); metal->addTexture(metalspec); metal->addTexture(metalgloss); metal->addTexture(metalnormal); metal->addTexture(metalheight); metal->setShader(forward); addMaterial(wood); addMaterial(metal); std::list<Model*>::iterator moit = models.begin(); std::vector<Mesh*>::iterator mshit = (*moit)->getMeshes().begin(); //2 submeshes (*mshit++)->setMaterial(wood); (*mshit)->setMaterial(metal); m_models.splice(end(m_models), models); //create an instance of this model and add it to the scene gameobjects RenderableGameObject* go = new RenderableGameObject(); go->setModel(*moit); go->getTransform().setTranslate(glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -2.0f)); addRenderable(go); //create a directional light DirectionalLight* dirlight = new DirectionalLight(glm::vec3(1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f), Transform(glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)), glm::vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f, 1.0f)); addDirectionalLight(dirlight); PointLight* pointlight = new PointLight(glm::vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), Transform(glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)), 1.0f, 0.7f, 1.8f, 7.0f); addPointLight(pointlight); //create a flycam FPSCamera* cam = new FPSCamera(45.0f, 800, 600, 0.1f, 100.0f, glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f)); cam->Fly(true); cam->recalcProj(); m_camera = cam; int dummy = 0; }
void Game::onInit() { m_factory.setResources(this); m_factory.setWorld(&m_world); m_factory.setGame(this); m_factory.init(); m_background = loadTexture("textures/background.png"); glGenFramebuffers(1, &m_lightFB); glGenTextures(1, &m_lightTexture); // Setup light texture glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, m_lightFB); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_lightTexture); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 800, 600, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL); glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_lightTexture, 0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); const float width = 800; const float height = 2400; // Light { std::unique_ptr<Entities::Light> light(m_factory.createLight()); light->setActive(true); //light->setPos(b2Vec2(width*0.5f, 150)); light->init(); light->body()->SetTransform(worldToPhysics(b2Vec2(70, 200)), 0); m_defaultLight = light.get(); m_renderables.push_back(std::unique_ptr<Renderable>(light.release())); } // Left { std::unique_ptr<Entities::Box> testBox(m_factory.createBricks(b2Vec2(60, height), true)); testBox->body()->SetTransform(worldToPhysics(b2Vec2(0, height*0.5f)), 0); m_ground = testBox.get()->body().body(); m_renderables.push_back(std::unique_ptr<Renderable>(testBox.release())); } // Right { std::unique_ptr<Entities::Box> testBox(m_factory.createBricks(b2Vec2(60, height), true)); testBox->body()->SetTransform(worldToPhysics(b2Vec2(width, height*0.5f)), 0); m_renderables.push_back(std::unique_ptr<Renderable>(testBox.release())); } // Bottom { std::unique_ptr<Entities::Box> testBox(m_factory.createBricks(b2Vec2(width, 60), true)); testBox->body()->SetTransform(worldToPhysics(b2Vec2(width*0.5f, height)), 0); m_renderables.push_back(std::unique_ptr<Renderable>(testBox.release())); } // Light joint { b2DistanceJointDef jointDef; jointDef.Initialize(m_ground, m_defaultLight->body().body(), b2Vec2(0, m_defaultLight->body()->GetPosition().y), m_defaultLight->body()->GetPosition()); jointDef.collideConnected = true; m_world.CreateJoint(&jointDef); } // Supports for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { std::unique_ptr<Entities::Box> testBox(m_factory.createHalfBricks(b2Vec2(200, 20))); testBox->body()->SetTransform(worldToPhysics(b2Vec2(-80, -40 - 40*i)), 0); b2MouseJointDef jointDef; jointDef.maxForce = 100; jointDef.collideConnected = true; jointDef.bodyA = m_ground; jointDef.bodyB = testBox->body().body(); = testBox->body()->GetPosition(); testBox->setDragJoint(m_world.CreateJoint(&jointDef)); testBox->body()->SetFixedRotation(true); m_renderables.push_back(std::unique_ptr<Renderable>(testBox.release())); } // Boxes for(int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { int row = i / 3; int col = i % 3; int xoff = col - 1; float xmod = (row & 1) ? 0 : 30; b2Vec2 pos = worldToPhysics(b2Vec2(400 + xmod + xoff*55, row*-60)); if(!(i % 36)) { std::unique_ptr<Entities::Light> light(m_factory.createLight()); light->setScale(0.3f); light->init(); light->body()->SetTransform(pos, 0); m_renderables.push_back(std::unique_ptr<Renderable>(light.release())); } else if((rand() / float(RAND_MAX)) > 0.99f) { std::unique_ptr<Entities::Box> testBox(m_factory.createChest()); testBox->body()->SetTransform(pos, 0); addRenderable(testBox.release()); } else { std::unique_ptr<Entities::Box> testBox(m_factory.createDirt()); testBox->body()->SetTransform(pos, 0); addRenderable(testBox.release()); } } updateCamera(); for(int i = 0; i < 600; i++) m_world.Step(1/60.f, 6, 2); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- void RenderQueue::addRenderable(Renderable* pRend) { addRenderable(pRend, mDefaultQueueGroup, mDefaultRenderablePriority); }
void GameScreen::resetLevel() { // First re-initialize all the shit in the gamescreen constructor mState = GameState::PLAYING; //mFallSpeed = 0.0f; // Pwn out all the gameobjects while(mGameObjects.size() > 0) { removeGameObject(mGameObjects.front()); } // Then clear our ALL the renderables and gameobjects while(mRenderables.size() > 0) { removeRenderable(mRenderables.front()); } while(mDeathObjects.size() > 0) { mDeathObjects.pop_back(); } // Then reset the player player->reset(); // Don't forget to friggin add the player back addGameObject(player); mLevelTraveled = 0.0f; bgverts[0].color = bgUpStartColor; bgverts[1].color = bgUpStartColor; bgverts[2].color = bgDownStartColor; bgverts[3].color = bgDownStartColor; float maxObjectDistance = -1.0; // Add some clouds Cloud* tCloud; for(int c = 0; c < GEN_CLOUD_COUNT; ++c) { tCloud = new Cloud(); tCloud->position.x = (float)(rand() % 400 + 25); tCloud->position.y = (float)(rand() % 100 * c); if(tCloud->position.y > mLevelDistance) break; addRenderable(tCloud); if(tCloud->position.y > maxObjectDistance) maxObjectDistance = tCloud->position.y; } // Add some bonuses Bonus* bonus; for(int i = 0; i < GEN_BONUS_COUNT; ++i) { bonus = new Bonus(); bonus->name = "Bonus " + std::to_string(i); bonus->position.x = (float)(rand() % 425 + 25); bonus->position.y = 500.0f + i * 150.0f; // Make sure we don't go too far yo if(bonus->position.y > mLevelDistance) break; addGameObject(bonus); if(bonus->position.y > maxObjectDistance) maxObjectDistance = bonus->position.y; } // Add some obstacles Obstacle* obs; for(int o = 0; o < GEN_OBSTACLE_COUNT; ++o) { obs = new Obstacle(); obs->position.x = (float)(rand() % 425 + 25); obs->position.y = (float)(rand() % 250 + 100 * (o + 3)); if(obs->position.y > mLevelDistance) break; addGameObject(obs); if(obs->position.y > maxObjectDistance) maxObjectDistance = obs->position.y; } // Add the ground. Basically make it a straight line, except in the middle. // 5 on the left, 5 on the right Ground* tGround; const float groundY = mLevelDistance + 550.0f; //const int groundY = 350; for(int g = 0; g < 5; ++g) { // Make the left side tGround = new Ground(); tGround->position.x = 16.0f + g * 32; //tGround->position.y = mLevelDistance + 250.0f; tGround->position.y = groundY; addGameObject(tGround); // Meow make the right side tGround = new Ground(); tGround->position.x = 450.0f - (16 + g * 32); tGround->position.y = groundY; addGameObject(tGround); } mMiniMap->reset(); mMiniMap->mDistance = maxObjectDistance; // Resume the shitty bgm mSmash.stop(); if(mBGM.getStatus() != sf::Music::Playing) {; } }