Пример #1
/* Adds a new symbol and its address to the SymbolTable pointed to by TABLE. 
   ADDR is given as the byte offset from the first instruction. The SymbolTable
   must be able to resize itself as more elements are added. 

   Note that NAME may point to a temporary array, so it is not safe to simply
   store the NAME pointer. You must store a copy of the given string.

   If ADDR is not word-aligned, you should call addr_alignment_incorrect() and
   return -1. If the table's mode is SYMTBL_UNIQUE_NAME and NAME already exists 
   in the table, you should call name_already_exists() and return -1. If memory
   allocation fails, you should call allocation_failed(). 

   Otherwise, you should store the symbol name and address and return 0.
int add_to_table(SymbolTable* table, const char* name, uint32_t addr) {
    /* YOUR CODE HERE */
     if((addr % 4) !=  0)  {
	  return -1;
     if(table->mode == SYMTBL_UNIQUE_NAME &&  get_addr_for_symbol(table, name) != -1) {
	       return -1;
     if(table->len >= table->cap) {

	  int new_cap = table->cap * 2;
	  table->tbl = realloc(table->tbl,  new_cap * sizeof(Symbol));

	  if(table->tbl  == NULL)
	  table->cap =  new_cap;
     table->tbl[table->len].name = strdup(name);
     table->tbl[table->len].addr = addr;

     return 0;
Пример #2
/* Adds a new symbol and its address to the SymbolTable pointed to by TABLE. 
   ADDR is given as the byte offset from the first instruction. The SymbolTable
   must be able to resize itself as more elements are added. 

   Note that NAME may point to a temporary array, so it is not safe to simply
   store the NAME pointer. You must store a copy of the given string.

   If ADDR is not word-aligned, you should call addr_alignment_incorrect() and
   return -1. If the table's mode is SYMTBL_UNIQUE_NAME and NAME already exists 
   in the table, you should call name_already_exists() and return -1. If memory
   allocation fails, you should call allocation_failed(). 

   Otherwise, you should store the symbol name and address and return 0.
int add_to_table(SymbolTable* table, const char* name, uint32_t addr) {
    if ((addr % 4) != 0) {
        return -1;
    if ((*table).len == (*table).cap) {
        int r = (4 * (*table).cap) * (sizeof(Symbol));
        table->tbl = realloc(table->tbl, r);
        if (table->tbl == NULL) {
            return -1;
        table->cap = table->cap * 4;
    int i;
    Symbol* t = table->tbl;
    for (i = 0; i < table->len; i++) {
      if (strcmp(t[i].name, name) == 0 && table->mode) {
          return -1;
    Symbol *temp = malloc(sizeof(Symbol));
    temp->name = malloc(sizeof(name)*4 + 1);
    strcpy(temp->name, name);
    temp->addr = addr;
    (*table).len += 1;
    t[i] = *temp;
    return 0;
Пример #3
/* Adds a new symbol and its address to the SymbolTable pointed to by TABLE. 
   ADDR is given as the byte offset from the first instruction. The SymbolTable
   must be able to resize itself as more elements are added. 

   Note that NAME may point to a temporary array, so it is not safe to simply
   store the NAME pointer. You must store a copy of the given string.

   If ADDR is not word-aligned, you should call addr_alignment_incorrect() and
   return -1. If the table's mode is SYMTBL_UNIQUE_NAME and NAME already exists 
   in the table, you should call name_already_exists() and return -1. If memory
   allocation fails, you should call allocation_failed(). 

   Otherwise, you should store the symbol name and address and return 0.
int add_to_table(SymbolTable* table, const char* name, uint32_t addr) {
    /* YOUR CODE HERE */
    if (addr % 4 != 0) {
      return -1;

    if (table->mode == SYMTBL_UNIQUE_NAME && get_addr_for_symbol(table, name) != -1) {
      return -1;

    if (!table) return -1;

    Symbol* to_add = (Symbol*) malloc(sizeof(Symbol));

    if (!to_add) allocation_failed();

    Symbol* sym = table->tbl;
    char* new_name = create_copy_of_str(name);
    to_add->name = new_name;
    to_add->addr = addr;

    if (table->len == table->cap) {
      sym = realloc(sym, table->len * SCALING_FACTOR * sizeof(Symbol));
      table->len += 1;
      table->cap *= SCALING_FACTOR;
      sym[table->len - 1] = *to_add;
      table->tbl = sym;
    } else {
      sym[table->len] = *to_add;
    return 0;