Пример #1
void RadioTap::init() {
    channel(Utils::channel_to_mhz(1), 0xa0);
Пример #2
      /* Compute the value of satellite antenna phase correction, in meters.
       * @param satid     Satellite ID
       * @param time      Epoch of interest
       * @param satpos    Satellite position, as a Triple
       * @param sunpos    Sun position, as a Triple
       * @return Satellite antenna phase correction, in meters.
   double ComputeSatPCenter::getSatPCenter( const SatID& satid,
                                            const DayTime& time,
                                            const Triple& satpos,
                                            const Triple& sunPosition )

         // Unitary vector from satellite to Earth mass center (ECEF)
      Triple rk( ( (-1.0)*(satpos.unitVector()) ) );

         // Unitary vector from Earth mass center to Sun (ECEF)
      Triple ri( sunPosition.unitVector() );

         // rj = rk x ri: Rotation axis of solar panels (ECEF)
      Triple rj(rk.cross(ri));

         // Redefine ri: ri = rj x rk (ECEF)
      ri = rj.cross(rk);

         // Let's convert ri to an unitary vector. (ECEF)
      ri = ri.unitVector();

         // Get vector from Earth mass center to receiver
      Triple rxPos(nominalPos.X(), nominalPos.Y(), nominalPos.Z());

         // Compute unitary vector vector from satellite to RECEIVER
      Triple rrho( (rxPos-satpos).unitVector() );

         // When not using Antex information, if satellite belongs to block
         // "IIR" its correction is 0.0, else it will depend on satellite model.

         // This variable that will hold the correction, 0.0 by default
      double svPCcorr(0.0);

         // Check is Antex antenna information is available or not, and if
         // available, whether satellite phase center information is absolute
         // or relative
      bool absoluteModel( false );
      if( pAntexReader != NULL )
         absoluteModel = pAntexReader->isAbsolute();

      if( absoluteModel )

            // We will need the elevation, in degrees. It is found using
            // dot product and the corresponding unitary angles
         double elev( 90.0 - (std::acos( rrho.dot(rk) ) * RAD_TO_DEG) );

            // Get satellite information in Antex format. Currently this
            // only works for GPS and Glonass.
         if( satid.system == SatID::systemGPS )
            std::stringstream sat;
            sat << "G";
            if( satid.id < 10 )
               sat << "0";
            sat << satid.id;

               // Get satellite antenna information out of AntexReader object
            Antenna antenna( pAntexReader->getAntenna( sat.str(), time ) );

               // Get antenna eccentricity for frequency "G01" (L1), in
               // satellite reference system.
               // NOTE: It is NOT in ECEF, it is in UEN!!!
            Triple satAnt( antenna.getAntennaEccentricity( Antenna::G01) );

               // Now, get the phase center variation.
            Triple var( antenna.getAntennaPCVariation( Antenna::G01, elev) );

               // We must substract them
            satAnt = satAnt - var;

                  // Change to ECEF
            Triple svAntenna( satAnt[2]*ri + satAnt[1]*rj + satAnt[0]*rk );

               // Projection of "svAntenna" vector to line of sight vector rrho
            svPCcorr =  (rrho.dot(svAntenna));

               // Check if this satellite belongs to Glonass system
            if( satid.system == SatID::systemGlonass )
               std::stringstream sat;
               sat << "R";
               if( satid.id < 10 )
                  sat << "0";
               sat << satid.id;

                  // Get satellite antenna information out of AntexReader object
               Antenna antenna( pAntexReader->getAntenna( sat.str(), time ) );

                  // Get antenna offset for frequency "R01" (Glonass), in
                  // satellite reference system.
                  // NOTE: It is NOT in ECEF, it is in UEN!!!
               Triple satAnt( antenna.getAntennaEccentricity( Antenna::R01) );

                  // Now, get the phase center variation.
               Triple var( antenna.getAntennaPCVariation( Antenna::R01, elev) );

                  // We must substract them
               satAnt = satAnt - var;

                     // Change to ECEF
               Triple svAntenna( satAnt[2]*ri + satAnt[1]*rj + satAnt[0]*rk );

                  // Project "svAntenna" vector to line of sight vector rrho
               svPCcorr = (rrho.dot(svAntenna));

                  // In this case no correction will be computed
               svPCcorr = 0.0;

         }  // End of 'if( satid.system == SatID::systemGPS )...'

            // If no Antex information is given, or if phase center information
            // uses a relative model, then use a simpler, older approach

            // Please note that in this case all GLONASS satellite are
            // considered as having phase center at (0.0, 0.0, 0.0). The former
            // is not true for 'GLONASS-M' satellites (-0.545, 0.0, 0.0 ), but
            // currently there is no simple way to take this into account.

            // For satellites II and IIA:
         if( (satData.getBlock( satid, time ) == "II") ||
             (satData.getBlock( satid, time ) == "IIA") )

               // First, build satellite antenna vector for models II/IIA
            Triple svAntenna(0.279*ri + 1.023*rk);

               // Projection of "svAntenna" vector to line of sight vector rrho
            svPCcorr =  (rrho.dot(svAntenna));

               // For satellites belonging to block "I"
            if( (satData.getBlock( satid, time ) == "I") )

                  // First, build satellite antenna vector for model I
               Triple svAntenna(0.210*ri + 0.854*rk);

                  // Projection of "svAntenna" to line of sight vector (rrho)
               svPCcorr =  (rrho.dot(svAntenna));

         }  // End of 'if( (satData.getBlock( satid, time ) == "II") ||...'

      }  // End of 'if( absoluteModel )...'

         // This correction is interpreted as an "advance" in the signal,
         // instead of a delay. Therefore, it has negative sign
      return (-svPCcorr);

   }  // End of method 'ComputeSatPCenter::getSatPCenter()'