Пример #1
//	Gets the average color of a texture for use as a sky cap color
static PalEntry SkyCapColor(FTextureID texno, bool bottom)
	PalEntry col;

	FTexture *tex = TexMan[texno];
	if (!tex) return 0;

	if (!tex->gl_info.bSkyColorDone)
		tex->gl_info.bSkyColorDone = true;

		FGLTexture * gltex = FGLTexture::ValidateTexture(tex);
		if (tex)
			int w;
			int h;
			unsigned char * buffer = gltex->CreateTexBuffer(FGLTexture::GLUSE_TEXTURE, CM_DEFAULT, 0, w, h);

			if (buffer)
				tex->gl_info.CeilingSkyColor = averageColor((DWORD *) buffer, w * MIN(30, h), 0);
				if (h>30)
					tex->gl_info.FloorSkyColor = averageColor(((DWORD *) buffer)+(h-30)*w, w * 30, 0);
				else tex->gl_info.FloorSkyColor = tex->gl_info.CeilingSkyColor;
				delete buffer;
	return bottom? tex->gl_info.FloorSkyColor : tex->gl_info.CeilingSkyColor;
Пример #2
// Find top right coordinate of the box containing point (x,y)
Coordinate findTopRight(Pixels& img,
	const unsigned int& x,     const unsigned int& y,
	const unsigned int& max_x, const unsigned int& max_y)
	unsigned int result_x = x;
	unsigned int result_y = y;
	unsigned int missed   = 0;
	unsigned int r = relative_r(max_x, max_y);

	// Search right then up until hitting color < min_black
	for (unsigned int search_y = y+r, search_x = x; search_y >= 0 && search_y < max_y; --search_y)
		for (search_x = result_x; search_x < max_x; ++search_x)
			if (averageColor(img, search_x, search_y, r, max_x, max_y) > min_black)
				result_x = search_x;
				result_y = search_y;
			else break;

		// If we haven't gone up any and are just moving left, break after only a few white
		// pixels instead of going all the way to the wall
		if (missed > max_missed)
		if (search_x == result_x && averageColor(img, search_x, search_y, r, max_x, max_y) < min_black)

	return Coordinate(result_x, result_y);
Пример #3
QColor QgsCompoundColorWidget::sampleColor( QPoint point ) const
  int sampleRadius = mSpinBoxRadius->value() - 1;
  QPixmap snappedPixmap = QPixmap::grabWindow( QApplication::desktop()->winId(), point.x() - sampleRadius, point.y() - sampleRadius,
                          1 + sampleRadius * 2, 1 + sampleRadius * 2 );
  QImage snappedImage = snappedPixmap.toImage();
  //scan all pixels and take average color
  return averageColor( snappedImage );
Пример #4
//	Gets the average color of a texture for use as a sky cap color
static PalEntry SkyCapColor(unsigned int texno, bool bottom)
	PalEntry col;

	if (!SkyColors)
		SkyColors=new PalEntry[MaxSkyTexture*2];	// once for top cap, once for bottom cap
		memset(SkyColors, 0, sizeof(PalEntry)*MaxSkyTexture);

	if (texno<MaxSkyTexture)
		if (SkyColors[texno].a==0)
			FGLTexture * tex = FGLTexture::ValidateTexture(texno);
			if (tex)
				int w;
				int h;
				unsigned char * buffer = tex->CreateTexBuffer(CM_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, w, h);

				if (buffer)
					SkyColors[texno]=averageColor((unsigned long *) buffer, w * MIN(30, h), false);
					if (h>30)
						SkyColors[texno+MaxSkyTexture]=	averageColor(((unsigned long *) buffer)+(h-30)*w, w * 30, false);
					else SkyColors[texno+MaxSkyTexture]=SkyColors[texno];
					delete buffer;
					SkyColors[texno].a=1;	// mark as processed
		return SkyColors[texno+MaxSkyTexture*bottom];
		return 0;
Пример #5
/*  Apply the current color transform state, which applied a multiplier,
    followed by an addition and finally an average.  The transform values
    are set in the draw context state.  */
static BROGUE_DRAW_COLOR applyColorTransform(
    BROGUE_DRAW_COLOR color, int is_foreground)
    if (is_foreground)
	color = multiplyColor(color, state->foreground_multiplier);
	color = addColor(color, state->foreground_addition);
	color = averageColor(color, 
	color = multiplyColor(color, state->background_multiplier);
	color = addColor(color, state->background_addition);
	color = averageColor(color, 

    return color;
int main (void)
	int n;
	int i;
	int r, g, b;
	Color c[N], average;
	scanf("%d", &n);
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		scanf("%d%d%d", &r, &g, &b);
		initColor(&(c[i]), r, g, b);
	average = averageColor(c, n);
	return 0;
Пример #7
QRect tWindPlotGraph::DrawXAxisLabel(QPainter* pPainter, eGraphType graphType, qreal value, eXAxisLabel labelType, QRect& avoidRect)
    QFontMetrics fm = QFontMetrics(pPainter->font());

    QPoint textPoint = GraphToPixel(graphType, 0, value).toPoint();

    textPoint.ry() -= (m_GraphConfig.topMarginHeight );

    QString label;

    if(graphType == eGraphType_TWD)
        if(value < 0.0F)
            label = QString("%1").arg( static_cast<int>( m_GraphConfig.circularLimit[graphType] ) + ( static_cast<int>(value) % static_cast<int>( m_GraphConfig.circularLimit[graphType] ) ), 3, 10, QChar( '0' ) );
            label = QString("%1").arg( static_cast<int>( value ) % static_cast<int>( m_GraphConfig.circularLimit[graphType] ), 3, 10, QChar( '0' ) );

        if( "360" == label )
            label = "000";
        label = QString("%1").arg(value, 0, 'f', 1);

    QRect boundingRect = fm.boundingRect( " " + label + " " );

    // Determine the X position depending on the label type
    int labelXPos;

        case eXAxisLabel_Left :
            // Start label at the left hand axis
            labelXPos = textPoint.rx();

        case eXAxisLabel_Average :
            // Put centre of label where average value is
            labelXPos = textPoint.rx() - (boundingRect.width() / 2);

            // Check the label doesn't go past either axis
            if(labelXPos < m_GraphConfig.originX[graphType])
                labelXPos = m_GraphConfig.originX[graphType];

            if((labelXPos + boundingRect.width()) > (m_GraphConfig.originX[graphType] + m_GraphConfig.extentX[graphType]))
                labelXPos = m_GraphConfig.originX[graphType] + m_GraphConfig.extentX[graphType] - boundingRect.width();

        case eXAxisLabel_Right :
            // Put right of label at the right hand axis
            labelXPos = textPoint.rx() - boundingRect.width();

        default :
            labelXPos = textPoint.rx() - (boundingRect.width() / 2);

    QRect textRect = QRect(labelXPos, textPoint.ry(), boundingRect.width(), boundingRect.height() );

    if ( labelType == eXAxisLabel_Average )
        QColor averageColor( Qt::red );
        pPainter->setPen( averageColor );
        pPainter->drawText(textRect, Qt::AlignCenter, label );
        pPainter->setPen( averageColor );
        pPainter->drawLine( textPoint.rx(), m_GraphConfig.originY, textPoint.rx(), (m_GraphConfig.originY + m_GraphConfig.extentY) );
        // Check if this text will avoid the average text already displayed
        if(textRect.intersects(avoidRect) == false)
            pPainter->drawText(textRect, Qt::AlignCenter, label );

    // Return the rect containing the text with a bit of a margin
    textRect.adjust(-10, 0, 10, 0);
    return textRect;
Пример #8
// Find boxes on left of image
vector< vector<unsigned int> > findBoxes(Pixels& img,
	const unsigned int& max_x, const unsigned int& max_y,
	unsigned int& box_width, Image& image)
	double firstDist = 0;
	vector<Coordinate> boxesLeft;
	vector< vector<unsigned int> > boxes;
	unsigned int r = relative_r(max_x, max_y);
	unsigned int box_size = relative_box(max_x, max_y);

	// Search from left up a y = x line going down the image
	// Max y+x for also scanning the bottom of the image if shifted to the right
	for (unsigned int z = 0; z < max_y + max_x; ++z)
		for (unsigned int x = 0, y = z; x <= z && x < max_x; ++x, --y)
			// This is an imaginary point
			if (y > max_y - 1)

			if (averageColor(img, x, y, r, max_x, max_y) > min_black)
				Coordinate topLeft = findTopLeft(img, x, y, max_x, max_y);

				// Add this if it is not already a box and is large enough to be one
				if (find(boxesLeft.begin(), boxesLeft.end(), topLeft) == boxesLeft.end() &&
					averageColor(img, x, y, box_size, max_x, max_y) > min_black)
				// We only care about the left-most black value

	// Find top right points and delete abnormally sized boxes
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < boxesLeft.size(); ++i)
		unsigned int x1 = boxesLeft[i].x();
		unsigned int y1 = boxesLeft[i].y();

		Coordinate topRight = findTopRight(img, x1, y1, max_x, max_y);
		unsigned int x2 = topRight.x();
		unsigned int y2 = topRight.y();

		double dist = distance(x1, y1, x2, y2);

		// Size of first box is the standard
		if (i == 0)
			firstDist = dist;

			/*cout << dist << endl;
			if (dist < 40)
				image.draw(DrawableRectangle(x1, y1, x1+15, y1+15));
				image.draw(DrawableRectangle(x2, y2, x2+15, y2+15));

			vector<unsigned int> v = { x1, y1, x2, y2 };
		// Get rid of all that are way larger or smaller than the first
		else if (dist < (1+max_error)*firstDist && dist > (1-max_error)*firstDist)
			vector<unsigned int> v = { x1, y1, x2, y2 };

	// Save the box width for use when reading data
	box_width = firstDist;

	return boxes;