Пример #1
static void
write_game_table_entry (FILE *destfile, int file_no, int totalsize, int size)
  long int fpos = ftell (destfile);             // save file pointer
  int n;
  unsigned char name[0x1c];
  const char *p;

  fseek (destfile, 0xb000 + (file_no - 1) * 0x20, SEEK_SET);
  fputc (0xff, destfile);                       // 0x0 = 0xff (= valid entry)

  memset (name, ' ', 0x1c);
  p = basename2 (ucon64.fname);
  n = strlen (p);
  if (n > 0x1c)
    n = 0x1c;
  memcpy (name, p, n);
  for (n = 0; n < 0x1c; n++)
      if (!isprint ((int) name[n]))
        name[n] = '.';
        name[n] = (unsigned char) toupper (name[n]); // loader only supports upper case characters
  fwrite (name, 1, 0x1c, destfile);             // 0x1 - 0x1c = name
  fputc (totalsize / MBIT, destfile);           // 0x1d = bank code
  fputc (size / MBIT, destfile);                // 0x1e = ROM size (not used by loader)
  fputc (0, destfile);                          // 0x1f = flags (x, D (reserved), x, x, x, x, x, x)

  fseek (destfile, fpos, SEEK_SET);             // restore file pointer
Пример #2
char *
mkbak (const char *filename, backup_t type)
  static char buf[FILENAME_MAX];

  if (access (filename, R_OK) != 0)
    return (char *) filename;

  strcpy (buf, filename);
  set_suffix (buf, ".bak");
  if (strcmp (filename, buf) != 0)
      remove (buf);                             // *try* to remove or rename() will fail
      if (rename (filename, buf))               // keep file attributes like date, etc.
          fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Can't rename \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n", filename, buf);
          exit (1);
  else // handle the case where filename has the suffix ".bak".
      char buf2[FILENAME_MAX];

      if (!dirname2 (filename, buf))
          fprintf (stderr, "INTERNAL ERROR: dirname2() returned NULL\n");
          exit (1);
      if (buf[0] != 0)
        if (buf[strlen (buf) - 1] != FILE_SEPARATOR)
          strcat (buf, FILE_SEPARATOR_S);

      strcat (buf, basename2 (tmpnam2 (buf2)));
      if (rename (filename, buf))
          fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Can't rename \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n", filename, buf);
          exit (1);

  switch (type)
    case BAK_MOVE:
      return buf;

    case BAK_DUPE:
      if (fcopy (buf, 0, fsizeof (buf), filename, "wb"))
          fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Can't open \"%s\" for writing\n", filename);
          exit (1);
      sync ();
      return buf;
Пример #3
const char *
get_suffix (const char *filename)
// Note that get_suffix() never returns NULL. Other code relies on that!
  const char *p, *s;

  if (!(p = basename2 (filename)))
    p = filename;
  if (!(s = strrchr (p, '.')))
    s = strchr (p, 0);                          // strchr(p, 0) and NOT "" is the
  if (s == p)                                   //  suffix of a file without suffix
    s = strchr (p, 0);                          // files can start with '.'

  return s;
Пример #4
ucon64_fname_arch (const char *fname)
  char name[FILENAME_MAX];

  unzFile file = unzOpen (fname);
  unzip_goto_file (file, unzip_current_file_nr);
  unzGetCurrentFileInfo (file, NULL, name, FILENAME_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
  unzClose (file);
#if     defined _WIN32 || defined __MSDOS__
    int n, l = strlen (name);
    for (n = 0; n < l; n++)
      if (name[n] == '/')
        name[n] = FILE_SEPARATOR;
  strncpy (ucon64.fname_arch, basename2 (name), FILENAME_MAX)[FILENAME_MAX - 1] = 0;
Пример #5
// see src/backup/mgd.h for the file naming scheme
pce_mgd (st_ucon64_nfo_t *rominfo)
  char src_name[FILENAME_MAX], dest_name[FILENAME_MAX];
  unsigned char *rom_buffer = NULL;
  int size = ucon64.file_size - rominfo->backup_header_len;

  if (!rominfo->interleaved)
    if ((rom_buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc (size)) == NULL)
        fprintf (stderr, ucon64_msg[ROM_BUFFER_ERROR], size);
        return -1;

  strcpy (src_name, ucon64.fname);
  mgd_make_name (ucon64.fname, UCON64_PCE, size, dest_name);
  ucon64_file_handler (dest_name, src_name, OF_FORCE_BASENAME);

  // bit-swapping images for the MGD2 only makes sense for owners of a TG-16
  //  (American version of the PCE)
  if (!rominfo->interleaved)
      ucon64_fread (rom_buffer, rominfo->backup_header_len, size, src_name);
      swapbits (rom_buffer, size);
      ucon64_fwrite (rom_buffer, 0, size, dest_name, "wb");
      free (rom_buffer);
    fcopy (src_name, rominfo->backup_header_len, size, dest_name, "wb");

  printf (ucon64_msg[WROTE], dest_name);
  remove_temp_file ();

  mgd_write_index_file ((char *) basename2 (dest_name), 1);
  return 0;
Пример #6
st_strpath_t *
strpath (st_strpath_t *path, const char *path_s)
// TODO: compare this with splitpath()
  if (path_s == NULL)
    return NULL;

  realpath2 (path_s, path->realpath);

#if     defined DJGPP || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined _WIN32
  if (isalpha (path->realpath[0]) &&
      path->realpath[1] == ':' &&
      path->realpath[2] == FILE_SEPARATOR)
    sprintf (path->drive, "%c:\\", toupper (path->realpath[0]));
  strcpy (path->drive, FILE_SEPARATOR_S);

  dirname2 (path_s, path->dirname);
  strcpy (path->basename, basename2 (path_s));
  strcpy (path->suffix, get_suffix (path_s));

  return path;
Пример #7
ucon64_rom_handling (void)
  int no_rom = 0;
  static st_rominfo_t rominfo;
  struct stat fstate;

  ucon64_rom_flush (&rominfo);

  // a ROM (file)?
  if (!ucon64.rom)
    no_rom = 1;
  else if (!ucon64.rom[0])
    no_rom = 1;
  else if (access (ucon64.rom, F_OK | R_OK) == -1 && (!(ucon64.flags & WF_NO_ROM)))
      fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Could not open %s\n", ucon64.rom);
      no_rom = 1;
  else if (stat (ucon64.rom, &fstate) == -1)
    no_rom = 1;
  else if (S_ISREG (fstate.st_mode) != TRUE)
    no_rom = 1;
#if 0
  // printing the no_rom error message for files of 0 bytes only confuses people
  else if (!fstate.st_size)
    no_rom = 1;

  if (no_rom)
      if (!(ucon64.flags & WF_NO_ROM))
          fputs ("ERROR: This option requires a file argument (ROM/image/SRAM file/directory)\n", stderr);
          return -1;
      return 0;

  // The next statement is important and should be executed as soon as
  //  possible (and sensible) in this function
  ucon64.file_size = fsizeof (ucon64.rom);
  // We have to do this here, because we don't know the file size until now
  if (ucon64.buheader_len > ucon64.file_size)
      fprintf (stderr,
               "ERROR: A backup unit header length was specified that is larger than the file\n"
               "       size (%d > %d)\n", ucon64.buheader_len, ucon64.file_size);
      return -1;

  if (!(ucon64.flags & WF_INIT))
    return 0;

  // "walk through" <console>_init()
  if (ucon64.flags & WF_PROBE)
      if (ucon64.rominfo)
          // Restore any overrides from st_ucon64_t
          // We have to do this *before* calling ucon64_probe(), *not* afterwards
          if (UCON64_ISSET (ucon64.buheader_len))
            rominfo.buheader_len = ucon64.buheader_len;

          if (UCON64_ISSET (ucon64.interleaved))
            rominfo.interleaved = ucon64.interleaved;

//          ucon64.rominfo = (st_rominfo_t *) &rominfo;
      ucon64.rominfo = ucon64_probe (&rominfo); // determines console type

      // check for disc image only if ucon64_probe() failed or --disc was used
      if (ucon64.discmage_enabled)
//        if (!ucon64.rominfo || ucon64.force_disc)
        if (ucon64.force_disc)
          ucon64.image = dm_reopen (ucon64.rom, 0, (dm_image_t *) ucon64.image);
  // end of WF_PROBE

  // Does the option allow split ROMs?
  if (ucon64.flags & WF_NO_SPLIT)
      Test for split files only if the console type knows about split files at
      all. However we only know the console type after probing.
    if (ucon64.console == UCON64_NES || ucon64.console == UCON64_SNES ||
        ucon64.console == UCON64_GEN || ucon64.console == UCON64_NG)
      if ((UCON64_ISSET (ucon64.split)) ? ucon64.split : ucon64_testsplit (ucon64.rom))
          fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: %s seems to be split. You have to join it first\n",
                   basename2 (ucon64.rom));
          return -1;


    Calculating the CRC32 checksum for the ROM data of a UNIF file (NES)
    shouldn't be done with ucon64_fcrc32(). nes_init() uses crc32().
    The CRC32 checksum is used to search in the DAT files, but at the time
    of this writing (Februari the 7th 2003) all DAT files contain checksums
    of files in only one format. This matters for SNES and Genesis ROMs in
    interleaved format and Nintendo 64 ROMs in non-interleaved format. The
    corresponding initialization functions calculate the CRC32 checksum of
    the data in the format of which the checksum is stored in the DAT
    files. For these "problematic" files, their "real" checksum is stored
    in ucon64.fcrc32.
  if (ucon64.crc32 == 0)
    if (!ucon64.force_disc) // NOT for disc images
      if (!(ucon64.flags & WF_NO_CRC32) && ucon64.file_size <= MAXROMSIZE)
        ucon64_chksum (NULL, NULL, &ucon64.crc32, ucon64.rom, ucon64.rominfo ? ucon64.rominfo->buheader_len : 0);

  // DATabase
  ucon64.dat = NULL;
  if (ucon64.crc32 != 0 && ucon64.dat_enabled)
      ucon64.dat = ucon64_dat_search (ucon64.crc32, NULL);
      if (ucon64.dat)
          // detected file size must match DAT file size
          int size = ucon64.rominfo ?
                       UCON64_ISSET (ucon64.rominfo->data_size) ?
                         ucon64.rominfo->data_size :
                         ucon64.file_size - ucon64.rominfo->buheader_len :
          if ((int) (((st_ucon64_dat_t *) ucon64.dat)->fsize) != size)
            ucon64.dat = NULL;

      if (ucon64.dat)
        switch (ucon64.console)
            case UCON64_SNES:
            case UCON64_GEN:
            case UCON64_GB:
            case UCON64_GBA:
            case UCON64_N64:
              // These ROMs have internal headers with name, country, maker, etc.

              // Use ucon64.dat instead of ucon64.dat_enabled in case the index
              //  file could not be created/opened -> no segmentation fault
              if (ucon64.dat && ucon64.rominfo)
                  if (!ucon64.rominfo->name[0])
                    strcpy (ucon64.rominfo->name, NULL_TO_EMPTY (((st_ucon64_dat_t *) ucon64.dat)->name));
                  else if (ucon64.console == UCON64_NES)
                    { // override the three-character FDS or FAM name
                      int t = nes_get_file_type ();
                      if (t == FDS || t == FAM)
                        strcpy (ucon64.rominfo->name, NULL_TO_EMPTY (((st_ucon64_dat_t *) ucon64.dat)->name));

                  if (!ucon64.rominfo->country)
                    ucon64.rominfo->country = NULL_TO_EMPTY (((st_ucon64_dat_t *) ucon64.dat)->country);

  // display info
  if ((ucon64.flags & WF_NFO || ucon64.flags & WF_NFO_AFTER) && ucon64.quiet < 1)
    ucon64_nfo ();

  return 0;
Пример #8
ucon64_usage (int argc, char *argv[])
  int x = 0, y = 0, c = 0, single = 0;
  const char *name_exe = basename2 (argv[0]);
  char *name_discmage;
  (void) argc;                                  // warning remover

#ifdef  USE_ZLIB
  printf ("Usage: %s [OPTION]... [ROM|IMAGE|SRAM|FILE|DIR|ARCHIVE]...\n\n", name_exe);
  printf ("Usage: %s [OPTION]... [ROM|IMAGE|SRAM|FILE|DIR]...\n\n", name_exe);

  // single usage
  for (x = 0; arg[x].val; x++)
    if (arg[x].console) // IS console
      for (y = 0; option[y]; y++)
        for (c = 0; option[y][c].name || option[y][c].help; c++)
          if (option[y][c].object)
            if (((st_ucon64_obj_t *) option[y][c].object)->console == arg[x].console)
                getopt2_usage (option[y]);
                single = 1;

  if (!single)
    getopt2_usage (options);

  fputc ('\n', stdout);

  printf ("DATabase: %d known ROMs (DAT files: %s)\n\n",
          ucon64_dat_total_entries (), ucon64.datdir);

  name_discmage =
#ifdef  DLOPEN
#if     defined __MSDOS__
#elif   defined __CYGWIN__ || defined _WIN32
#elif   defined __APPLE__                       // Mac OS X actually
#elif   defined __unix__ || defined __BEOS__

  if (!ucon64.discmage_enabled)
      printf (ucon64_msg[NO_LIB], name_discmage);
      fputc ('\n', stdout);

  puts ("NOTE: You only need to specify PORT if uCON64 doesn't detect the (right)\n"
        "      parallel port. If that is the case give a hardware address. For example:\n"
        "        ucon64 " OPTION_LONG_S "xswc \"rom.swc\" " OPTION_LONG_S "port=0x378\n"
        "      In order to connect a copier to a PC's parallel port you need a standard\n"
        "      bidirectional parallel cable\n");

  printf ("TIP: %s " OPTION_LONG_S "help " OPTION_LONG_S "snes (would show only SNES related help)\n", name_exe);

#if     defined __MSDOS__ || defined _WIN32
  printf ("     %s " OPTION_LONG_S "help|more (to see everything in more)\n", name_exe);
  printf ("     %s " OPTION_LONG_S "help|less (to see everything in less)\n", name_exe); // less is more ;-)

  puts ("     Give the force recognition switch a try if something went wrong\n"
        "Please report any problems/ideas/fixes to [email protected] or\n"
        "[email protected] or visit http://ucon64.sf.net\n");