Пример #1
sint32 EMU_CALL psx_init(void) {
  sint32 r;

  // BIOS must be loaded first
  if ( !bios_get_image_native() || !bios_get_imagesize() ) return 0;
  // BIOS must be a power of 2, or all hell breaks loose
  { uint32 s = bios_get_imagesize();
    if(s & (s - 1)) psx_hang("imagesize error");
  // Environment inits
  ps1preboot = getenvhex("ps1preboot");
  ps2preboot = getenvhex("ps2preboot");

  r = iop_init(); if(r) return r;
  r = ioptimer_init(); if(r) return r;
  r = r3000_init(); if(r) return r;
  r = spu_init(); if(r) return r;
  r = spucore_init(); if(r) return r;
  r = vfs_init(); if(r) return r;
  library_was_initialized = 1;
  return 0;
Пример #2
// slightly refactored original heplug.c logic here...
int he_install_bios(const char *he_bios_path) {
//	dumpComressedHeBios();		// tmp utility

	if ( !bios_get_imagesize() ) {
//		if ((he_bios_path == 0) || !strlen(he_bios_path)) {
			// use built-in hebios
			void * he_bios = malloc( HEBIOS_SIZE );
			long hebios_size= HEBIOS_SIZE;
			if (Z_OK !=  uncompress(he_bios, &hebios_size, zhebios, zhebios_size)) {
				trace( "he: BIOS uncompress error\n" );
				return -1;
			if (hebios_size != HEBIOS_SIZE) {
				trace( "he: BIOS uncompress mismatch\n" );
				return -1;
			bios_set_image( he_bios, hebios_size );
			trace( "he: using built-in hebios\n" );
//		} else {
			// install specific bios 
			if ( !*he_bios_path ) {
				trace( "he: no BIOS set\n" );
				return -1;
			FILE * f = psf_file_fopen( he_bios_path );
			if ( !f ) {
				trace( "he: failed to open bios %s\n", he_bios_path );
				return -1;

			void * ps2_bios = malloc( 0x400000 );
			if ( !ps2_bios ) {
				psf_file_fclose( f );
				trace( "he: out of memory\n" );
				return -1;
			int compressionEnabled= 1;
			size_t ps2_bios_size= 0;
			if (compressionEnabled && isCompressed(he_bios_path)) {
				size_t compressed_size = em_fgetlength( f );

				if (tmp_bios_buffer) { free(tmp_bios_buffer);}
				tmp_bios_buffer= malloc( compressed_size );

				if ( psf_file_fread( tmp_bios_buffer, 1, compressed_size, f ) < compressed_size ) {
					free( tmp_bios_buffer );
					psf_file_fclose( f );
					trace( "he: error reading compressed bios\n" );
					return -1;
				ps2_bios_size= inflate2(tmp_bios_buffer, compressed_size, ps2_bios, 0x400000);
				if (ps2_bios_size < 0x400000) {
					free( ps2_bios );
					psf_file_fclose( f );
					trace( "he: could not uncompress bios\n" );
					return -1;
			} else {
				size_t ps2_bios_size = em_fgetlength( f );
				if ( ps2_bios_size != 0x400000 ) {
					psf_file_fclose( f );
					trace( "he: bios is wrong size\n" );
					return -1;

				if ( psf_file_fread( ps2_bios, 1, 0x400000, f ) < 0x400000 ) {
					free( ps2_bios );
					psf_file_fclose( f );
					trace( "he: error reading bios\n" );
					return -1;

				psf_file_fclose( f );
			int bios_size = 0x400000;
			void * he_bios = mkhebios_create( ps2_bios, &bios_size );

			trace( "he: fucko - %p, %p, %u\n", ps2_bios, he_bios, bios_size );

			free( ps2_bios );

			if ( !he_bios )
				trace( "he: error processing bios\n" );
				return -1;

			bios_set_image( he_bios, bios_size );
//		}
	return 0;