Пример #1
 * Output time array into a CSV file. It takes in a number of arrays with information received when experiments were executed.
 * type: 1 - filtered, 2 - unfiltered.
void write_to_csv(unsigned long long *time, unsigned long long *timeMin, int type, int testArg, int testId, int experimentsRun,
		unsigned long long interrupts[][TIMES_RUN_SUB_EXPERIMENT], unsigned long long pageFaultsMinor[][TIMES_RUN_SUB_EXPERIMENT],
		unsigned long long pageFaultsMajor[][TIMES_RUN_SUB_EXPERIMENT], unsigned long long contextSwitches[][TIMES_RUN_SUB_EXPERIMENT]) {

	FILE *fp; 				// Pointer to a file
	char fileName[100];		// Address of the file (name)

	 * Open the filestream.
	if (type == 1) {
		// Create file name for a new csv file
		snprintf(fileName, 100, "%s-%d-%d.csv", CSV_FILE_CLEAN, testArg, testId);
		fp = fopen(fileName, "wb+"); // Open the file
	} else {
		// Create file name for a new csv file
		snprintf(fileName, 100, "%s-%d-%d.csv", CSV_FILE_DIRTY, testArg, testId);
		fp = fopen(fileName, "wb+"); // Open the file

	// If the file does not exist, create it
	if (fp == NULL)
		printf("Error creating file.\n");

	 * Write data into the file

	// Write headers
	fprintf(fp, "N,Time,TimMin"); // Header
	int j = 0;
	for (j = 0; j < TIMES_RUN_SUB_EXPERIMENT; ++j) { // For each sub-experiment.
		fprintf(fp, ",%d.INT,%d.PFMIN,%d.PFMAJ", j + 1, j + 1, j + 1);

	// Write timing information
	int i = 0;
	long n = 1;
	for (i = 0; i < experimentsRun; ++i) { // For each processed experiment.
		fprintf(fp, "\n%lu,%llu,%llu", n * sizeof(long), time[i], timeMin[i]);

		int j = 0;
		for (j = 0; j < TIMES_RUN_SUB_EXPERIMENT; ++j) { // For each sub-experiment.
			fprintf(fp, ",%llu,%llu,%llu", interrupts[i][j], pageFaultsMinor[i][j], pageFaultsMajor[i][j]);

		n = calculate_n(n); // Calculate the next amount of data exchanged.

	// Close filestream
	if (fp) {
#ifdef DEBUG
	printf("Finished writing to file %d.\n", type);
Пример #2
Set Saturation */
TapeSetSaturation(Tape* tape, float saturation)

    if (tape)
        float n = calculate_n(saturation, tape->speed);
        tape->saturation = saturation;
        return PolySaturatorSetN(tape->polysat, n);
        return NULL_PTR_ERROR;
Пример #3
 Set Speed */
TapeSetSpeed(Tape* tape, TapeSpeed speed)
    if (tape)
        // Set speed
        tape->speed = speed;
        // Update saturation curve
        PolySaturatorSetN(tape->polysat, calculate_n(tape->saturation, speed));
        // Clear old flutter/wow modulation waveform
        ClearBuffer(tape->flutter_mod, tape->flutter_mod_length); // Yes, clear the old length...
        // Calculate new modulation waveform length...
        tape->flutter_mod_length = (unsigned)(tape->sample_rate / \
                                              (0.80 * powf(2.0, (float)speed)));
        // Generate flutter/wow modulation waveform
        float temp_buffer[tape->flutter_mod_length];
        for (unsigned comp = 0; comp < N_FLUTTER_COMPONENTS; ++comp)
            float phase_step = (2.0 * M_PI * comp * powf(2.0, (float)speed)) / tape->sample_rate;
            ClearBuffer(temp_buffer, tape->flutter_mod_length);
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < tape->flutter_mod_length; ++i)
                temp_buffer[i] = sinf(i * phase_step) / N_FLUTTER_COMPONENTS;
            VectorVectorAdd(tape->flutter_mod, tape->flutter_mod,
                            temp_buffer, tape->flutter_mod_length);
        return NOERR;;
        return NULL_PTR_ERROR;