bool canInjectIDBKeyIntoScriptValue(DOMRequestState* requestState, const JSC::JSValue& scriptValue, const IDBKeyPath& keyPath)
    LOG(StorageAPI, "canInjectIDBKeyIntoScriptValue");

    JSC::ExecState* exec = requestState->exec();
    if (!exec)
        return false;

    return canInjectIDBKeyIntoScriptValue(*exec, scriptValue, keyPath);
Пример #2
RefPtr<WebCore::IDBRequest> IDBObjectStore::putOrAdd(JSC::ExecState& state, JSC::JSValue value, RefPtr<IDBKey> key, IndexedDB::ObjectStoreOverwriteMode overwriteMode, ExceptionCode& ec)
    LOG(IndexedDB, "IDBObjectStore::putOrAdd");

    if (m_transaction->isReadOnly()) {
        ec = static_cast<ExceptionCode>(IDBExceptionCode::ReadOnlyError);
        return nullptr;

    if (!m_transaction->isActive()) {
        ec = static_cast<ExceptionCode>(IDBExceptionCode::TransactionInactiveError);
        return nullptr;

    if (m_deleted) {
        ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR;
        return nullptr;

    RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> serializedValue = SerializedScriptValue::create(&state, value, nullptr, nullptr);
    if (state.hadException()) {
        ec = DATA_CLONE_ERR;
        return nullptr;

    if (serializedValue->hasBlobURLs()) {
        // FIXME: Add Blob/File/FileList support
        ec = DATA_CLONE_ERR;
        return nullptr;

    if (key && key->type() == KeyType::Invalid) {
        ec = static_cast<ExceptionCode>(IDBExceptionCode::DataError);
        return nullptr;

    bool usesInlineKeys = !m_info.keyPath().isNull();
    bool usesKeyGenerator = autoIncrement();
    if (usesInlineKeys) {
        if (key) {
            ec = static_cast<ExceptionCode>(IDBExceptionCode::DataError);
            return nullptr;

        RefPtr<IDBKey> keyPathKey = maybeCreateIDBKeyFromScriptValueAndKeyPath(state, value, m_info.keyPath());
        if (keyPathKey && !keyPathKey->isValid()) {
            ec = static_cast<ExceptionCode>(IDBExceptionCode::DataError);
            return nullptr;

        if (!keyPathKey) {
            if (usesKeyGenerator) {
                if (!canInjectIDBKeyIntoScriptValue(state, value, m_info.keyPath())) {
                    ec = static_cast<ExceptionCode>(IDBExceptionCode::DataError);
                    return nullptr;
            } else {
                ec = static_cast<ExceptionCode>(IDBExceptionCode::DataError);
                return nullptr;

        if (keyPathKey) {
            key = keyPathKey;
    } else if (!usesKeyGenerator && !key) {
        ec = static_cast<ExceptionCode>(IDBExceptionCode::DataError);
        return nullptr;

    auto context = scriptExecutionContextFromExecState(&state);
    if (!context) {
        ec = static_cast<ExceptionCode>(IDBExceptionCode::Unknown);
        return nullptr;

    Ref<IDBRequest> request = m_transaction->requestPutOrAdd(*context, *this, key.get(), *serializedValue, overwriteMode);
    return adoptRef(request.leakRef());
Пример #3
IDBRequest* IDBObjectStore::put(ScriptState* scriptState, WebIDBPutMode putMode, IDBAny* source, const ScriptValue& value, IDBKey* key, ExceptionState& exceptionState)
    if (isDeleted()) {
        exceptionState.throwDOMException(InvalidStateError, IDBDatabase::objectStoreDeletedErrorMessage);
        return nullptr;
    if (m_transaction->isFinished() || m_transaction->isFinishing()) {
        exceptionState.throwDOMException(TransactionInactiveError, IDBDatabase::transactionFinishedErrorMessage);
        return nullptr;
    if (!m_transaction->isActive()) {
        exceptionState.throwDOMException(TransactionInactiveError, IDBDatabase::transactionInactiveErrorMessage);
        return nullptr;
    if (m_transaction->isReadOnly()) {
        exceptionState.throwDOMException(ReadOnlyError, IDBDatabase::transactionReadOnlyErrorMessage);
        return nullptr;

    Vector<WebBlobInfo> blobInfo;
    RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> serializedValue = SerializedScriptValueFactory::instance().create(scriptState->isolate(), value, &blobInfo, exceptionState);
    if (exceptionState.hadException())
        return nullptr;

    // Keys that need to be extracted must be taken from a clone so that
    // side effects (i.e. getters) are not triggered. Construct the
    // clone lazily since the operation may be expensive.
    ScriptValue clone;

    const IDBKeyPath& keyPath = m_metadata.keyPath;
    const bool usesInLineKeys = !keyPath.isNull();
    const bool hasKeyGenerator = autoIncrement();

    if (putMode != WebIDBPutModeCursorUpdate && usesInLineKeys && key) {
        exceptionState.throwDOMException(DataError, "The object store uses in-line keys and the key parameter was provided.");
        return nullptr;

    // This test logically belongs in IDBCursor, but must operate on the cloned value.
    if (putMode == WebIDBPutModeCursorUpdate && usesInLineKeys) {
        if (clone.isEmpty())
            clone = deserializeScriptValue(scriptState, serializedValue.get(), &blobInfo);
        IDBKey* keyPathKey = ScriptValue::to<IDBKey*>(scriptState->isolate(), clone, exceptionState, keyPath);
        if (exceptionState.hadException())
            return nullptr;
        if (!keyPathKey || !keyPathKey->isEqual(key)) {
            exceptionState.throwDOMException(DataError, "The effective object store of this cursor uses in-line keys and evaluating the key path of the value parameter results in a different value than the cursor's effective key.");
            return nullptr;

    if (!usesInLineKeys && !hasKeyGenerator && !key) {
        exceptionState.throwDOMException(DataError, "The object store uses out-of-line keys and has no key generator and the key parameter was not provided.");
        return nullptr;
    if (usesInLineKeys) {
        if (clone.isEmpty())
            clone = deserializeScriptValue(scriptState, serializedValue.get(), &blobInfo);
        IDBKey* keyPathKey = ScriptValue::to<IDBKey*>(scriptState->isolate(), clone, exceptionState, keyPath);
        if (exceptionState.hadException())
            return nullptr;
        if (keyPathKey && !keyPathKey->isValid()) {
            exceptionState.throwDOMException(DataError, "Evaluating the object store's key path yielded a value that is not a valid key.");
            return nullptr;
        if (!hasKeyGenerator && !keyPathKey) {
            exceptionState.throwDOMException(DataError, "Evaluating the object store's key path did not yield a value.");
            return nullptr;
        if (hasKeyGenerator && !keyPathKey) {
            if (!canInjectIDBKeyIntoScriptValue(scriptState->isolate(), clone, keyPath)) {
                exceptionState.throwDOMException(DataError, "A generated key could not be inserted into the value.");
                return nullptr;
        if (keyPathKey)
            key = keyPathKey;
    if (key && !key->isValid()) {
        exceptionState.throwDOMException(DataError, IDBDatabase::notValidKeyErrorMessage);
        return nullptr;

    if (!backendDB()) {
        exceptionState.throwDOMException(InvalidStateError, IDBDatabase::databaseClosedErrorMessage);
        return nullptr;

    Vector<int64_t> indexIds;
    HeapVector<IndexKeys> indexKeys;
    for (const auto& it : m_metadata.indexes) {
        if (clone.isEmpty())
            clone = deserializeScriptValue(scriptState, serializedValue.get(), &blobInfo);
        IndexKeys keys;
        generateIndexKeysForValue(scriptState->isolate(), it.value, clone, &keys);

    IDBRequest* request = IDBRequest::create(scriptState, source, m_transaction.get());
    Vector<char> wireBytes;
    RefPtr<SharedBuffer> valueBuffer = SharedBuffer::adoptVector(wireBytes);

    backendDB()->put(m_transaction->id(), id(), WebData(valueBuffer), blobInfo, key, static_cast<WebIDBPutMode>(putMode), WebIDBCallbacksImpl::create(request).leakPtr(), indexIds, indexKeys);
    return request;
Пример #4
PassRefPtr<IDBRequest> IDBObjectStore::put(IDBDatabaseBackend::PutMode putMode, PassRefPtr<IDBAny> source, JSC::ExecState* state, Deprecated::ScriptValue& value, PassRefPtr<IDBKey> prpKey, ExceptionCode& ec)
    RefPtr<IDBKey> key = prpKey;
    if (m_deleted) {
        ec = IDBDatabaseException::InvalidStateError;
        return 0;
    if (!m_transaction->isActive()) {
        ec = IDBDatabaseException::TransactionInactiveError;
        return 0;
    if (m_transaction->isReadOnly()) {
        ec = IDBDatabaseException::ReadOnlyError;
        return 0;

    // FIXME: Expose the JS engine exception state through ScriptState.
    bool didThrow = false;
    RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> serializedValue = SerializedScriptValue::serialize(value, state, nullptr, nullptr, didThrow);
    if (didThrow) {
        // Setting an explicit ExceptionCode here would defer handling the already thrown exception.
        return 0;

    if (serializedValue->hasBlobURLs()) {
        // FIXME: Add Blob/File/FileList support
        ec = IDBDatabaseException::DataCloneError;
        return 0;

    const IDBKeyPath& keyPath = m_metadata.keyPath;
    const bool usesInLineKeys = !keyPath.isNull();
    const bool hasKeyGenerator = autoIncrement();

    ScriptExecutionContext* context = scriptExecutionContextFromExecState(state);
    DOMRequestState requestState(context);

    if (putMode != IDBDatabaseBackend::CursorUpdate && usesInLineKeys && key) {
        ec = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
        return 0;
    if (!usesInLineKeys && !hasKeyGenerator && !key) {
        ec = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
        return 0;
    if (usesInLineKeys) {
        RefPtr<IDBKey> keyPathKey = createIDBKeyFromScriptValueAndKeyPath(&requestState, value, keyPath);
        if (keyPathKey && !keyPathKey->isValid()) {
            ec = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
            return 0;
        if (!hasKeyGenerator && !keyPathKey) {
            ec = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
            return 0;
        if (hasKeyGenerator && !keyPathKey) {
            if (!canInjectIDBKeyIntoScriptValue(&requestState, value, keyPath)) {
                ec = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
                return 0;
        if (keyPathKey)
            key = keyPathKey;
    if (key && !key->isValid()) {
        ec = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
        return 0;

    Vector<int64_t> indexIds;
    Vector<IndexKeys> indexKeys;
    for (IDBObjectStoreMetadata::IndexMap::const_iterator it = m_metadata.indexes.begin(); it != m_metadata.indexes.end(); ++it) {
        IndexKeys keys;
        generateIndexKeysForValue(&requestState, it->value, value, &keys);

    RefPtr<IDBRequest> request = IDBRequest::create(context, source, m_transaction.get());
    Vector<uint8_t> valueBytes = serializedValue->toWireBytes();
    // This is a hack to account for disagreements about whether SerializedScriptValue should deal in Vector<uint8_t> or Vector<char>.
    // See
    Vector<char>* valueBytesSigned = reinterpret_cast<Vector<char>*>(&valueBytes);
    RefPtr<SharedBuffer> valueBuffer = SharedBuffer::adoptVector(*valueBytesSigned);
    backendDB()->put(m_transaction->id(), id(), valueBuffer, key.release(), static_cast<IDBDatabaseBackend::PutMode>(putMode), request, indexIds, indexKeys);
    return request.release();
Пример #5
PassRefPtr<IDBRequest> IDBObjectStore::put(IDBDatabaseBackend::PutMode putMode, PassRefPtr<IDBAny> source, JSC::ExecState* state, Deprecated::ScriptValue& value, PassRefPtr<IDBKey> prpKey, ExceptionCode& ec)
    RefPtr<IDBKey> key = prpKey;
    if (m_deleted) {
        ec = IDBDatabaseException::InvalidStateError;
        return nullptr;
    if (!m_transaction->isActive()) {
        ec = IDBDatabaseException::TransactionInactiveError;
        return nullptr;
    if (m_transaction->isReadOnly()) {
        ec = IDBDatabaseException::ReadOnlyError;
        return nullptr;

    RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> serializedValue = SerializedScriptValue::create(state, value.jsValue(), nullptr, nullptr);
    if (state->hadException())
        return nullptr;

    if (serializedValue->hasBlobURLs()) {
        // FIXME: Add Blob/File/FileList support
        ec = IDBDatabaseException::DataCloneError;
        return nullptr;

    const IDBKeyPath& keyPath = m_metadata.keyPath;
    const bool usesInLineKeys = !keyPath.isNull();
    const bool hasKeyGenerator = autoIncrement();

    ScriptExecutionContext* context = scriptExecutionContextFromExecState(state);
    DOMRequestState requestState(context);

    if (putMode != IDBDatabaseBackend::CursorUpdate && usesInLineKeys && key) {
        ec = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
        return nullptr;
    if (!usesInLineKeys && !hasKeyGenerator && !key) {
        ec = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
        return nullptr;
    if (usesInLineKeys) {
        RefPtr<IDBKey> keyPathKey = createIDBKeyFromScriptValueAndKeyPath(requestState.exec(), value, keyPath);
        if (keyPathKey && !keyPathKey->isValid()) {
            ec = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
            return nullptr;
        if (!hasKeyGenerator && !keyPathKey) {
            ec = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
            return nullptr;
        if (hasKeyGenerator && !keyPathKey) {
            if (!canInjectIDBKeyIntoScriptValue(&requestState, value, keyPath)) {
                ec = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
                return nullptr;
        if (keyPathKey)
            key = keyPathKey;
    if (key && !key->isValid()) {
        ec = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
        return nullptr;

    Vector<int64_t> indexIds;
    Vector<IndexKeys> indexKeys;
    for (auto& index : m_metadata.indexes) {
        Vector<IDBKeyData> keyDatas;
        generateIndexKeysForValue(requestState.exec(), index.value, value, keyDatas);

        // FIXME: Much of the Indexed DB code needs to use IDBKeyData directly to avoid wasteful conversions like this.
        Vector<RefPtr<IDBKey>> keys;
        for (auto& keyData : keyDatas) {
            RefPtr<IDBKey> key = keyData.maybeCreateIDBKey();
            if (key)

    RefPtr<IDBRequest> request = IDBRequest::create(context, source, m_transaction.get());
    Vector<uint8_t> valueBytes = serializedValue->toWireBytes();
    // This is a hack to account for disagreements about whether SerializedScriptValue should deal in Vector<uint8_t> or Vector<char>.
    // See
    Vector<char>* valueBytesSigned = reinterpret_cast<Vector<char>*>(&valueBytes);
    RefPtr<SharedBuffer> valueBuffer = SharedBuffer::adoptVector(*valueBytesSigned);
    backendDB()->put(m_transaction->id(), id(), valueBuffer, key.release(), static_cast<IDBDatabaseBackend::PutMode>(putMode), request, indexIds, indexKeys);
    return request.release();
Пример #6
RefPtr<IDBRequest> IDBObjectStore::putOrAdd(ExecState& state, JSValue value, RefPtr<IDBKey> key, IndexedDB::ObjectStoreOverwriteMode overwriteMode, InlineKeyCheck inlineKeyCheck, ExceptionCodeWithMessage& ec)
    LOG(IndexedDB, "IDBObjectStore::putOrAdd");
    ASSERT(currentThread() == m_transaction->database().originThreadID());

    auto context = scriptExecutionContextFromExecState(&state);
    if (!context) {
        ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::UnknownError;
        ec.message = ASCIILiteral("Unable to store record in object store because it does not have a valid script execution context");
        return nullptr;

    // The IDB spec for several IDBObjectStore methods states that transaction related exceptions should fire before
    // the exception for an object store being deleted.
    // However, a handful of W3C IDB tests expect the deleted exception even though the transaction inactive exception also applies.
    // Additionally, Chrome and Edge agree with the test, as does Legacy IDB in WebKit.
    // Until this is sorted out, we'll agree with the test and the majority share browsers.
    if (m_deleted) {
        ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::InvalidStateError;
        ec.message = ASCIILiteral("Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: The object store has been deleted.");
        return nullptr;

    if (!m_transaction->isActive()) {
        ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::TransactionInactiveError;
        ec.message = ASCIILiteral("Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: The transaction is inactive or finished.");
        return nullptr;

    if (m_transaction->isReadOnly()) {
        ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::ReadOnlyError;
        ec.message = ASCIILiteral("Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: The transaction is read-only.");
        return nullptr;

    RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> serializedValue = SerializedScriptValue::create(&state, value, nullptr, nullptr);
    if (state.hadException()) {
        // Clear the DOM exception from the serializer so we can give a more targeted exception.

        ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::DataCloneError;
        ec.message = ASCIILiteral("Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: An object could not be cloned.");
        return nullptr;

    bool privateBrowsingEnabled = false;
    if (context->isDocument()) {
        if (auto* page = static_cast<Document*>(context)->page())
            privateBrowsingEnabled = page->sessionID().isEphemeral();

    if (serializedValue->hasBlobURLs() && privateBrowsingEnabled) {
        // - Support Blobs in private browsing.
        ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::DataCloneError;
        ec.message = ASCIILiteral("Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: BlobURLs are not yet supported.");
        return nullptr;

    if (key && !key->isValid()) {
        ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
        ec.message = ASCIILiteral("Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: The parameter is not a valid key.");
        return nullptr;

    bool usesInlineKeys = !m_info.keyPath().isNull();
    bool usesKeyGenerator = autoIncrement();
    if (usesInlineKeys && inlineKeyCheck == InlineKeyCheck::Perform) {
        if (key) {
            ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
            ec.message = ASCIILiteral("Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: The object store uses in-line keys and the key parameter was provided.");
            return nullptr;

        RefPtr<IDBKey> keyPathKey = maybeCreateIDBKeyFromScriptValueAndKeyPath(state, value, m_info.keyPath());
        if (keyPathKey && !keyPathKey->isValid()) {
            ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
            ec.message = ASCIILiteral("Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: Evaluating the object store's key path yielded a value that is not a valid key.");
            return nullptr;

        if (!keyPathKey) {
            if (usesKeyGenerator) {
                if (!canInjectIDBKeyIntoScriptValue(state, value, m_info.keyPath())) {
                    ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
                    return nullptr;
            } else {
                ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
                ec.message = ASCIILiteral("Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: Evaluating the object store's key path did not yield a value.");
                return nullptr;

        if (keyPathKey) {
            key = keyPathKey;
    } else if (!usesKeyGenerator && !key) {
        ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
        ec.message = ASCIILiteral("Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: The object store uses out-of-line keys and has no key generator and the key parameter was not provided.");
        return nullptr;

    return m_transaction->requestPutOrAdd(*context, *this, key.get(), *serializedValue, overwriteMode);
Пример #7
RefPtr<IDBRequest> IDBObjectStore::putOrAdd(JSC::ExecState& state, JSC::JSValue value, RefPtr<IDBKey> key, IndexedDB::ObjectStoreOverwriteMode overwriteMode, InlineKeyCheck inlineKeyCheck, ExceptionCodeWithMessage& ec)
    LOG(IndexedDB, "IDBObjectStore::putOrAdd");

    if (!m_transaction->isActive()) {
        ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::TransactionInactiveError;
        ec.message = ASCIILiteral("Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: The transaction is inactive or finished.");
        return nullptr;

    if (m_transaction->isReadOnly()) {
        ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::ReadOnlyError;
        ec.message = ASCIILiteral("Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: The transaction is read-only.");
        return nullptr;

    if (m_deleted) {
        ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::InvalidStateError;
        return nullptr;

    RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> serializedValue = SerializedScriptValue::create(&state, value, nullptr, nullptr);
    if (state.hadException()) {
        ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::DataCloneError;
        ec.message = ASCIILiteral("Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: An object could not be cloned.");
        return nullptr;

    if (serializedValue->hasBlobURLs()) {
        // FIXME: Add Blob/File/FileList support
        ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::DataCloneError;
        ec.message = ASCIILiteral("Failed to store record in an IDBObjectStore: BlobURLs are not yet supported.");
        return nullptr;

    if (key && key->type() == KeyType::Invalid) {
        ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
        return nullptr;

    bool usesInlineKeys = !m_info.keyPath().isNull();
    bool usesKeyGenerator = autoIncrement();
    if (usesInlineKeys && inlineKeyCheck == InlineKeyCheck::Perform) {
        if (key) {
            ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
            return nullptr;

        RefPtr<IDBKey> keyPathKey = maybeCreateIDBKeyFromScriptValueAndKeyPath(state, value, m_info.keyPath());
        if (keyPathKey && !keyPathKey->isValid()) {
            ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
            return nullptr;

        if (!keyPathKey) {
            if (usesKeyGenerator) {
                if (!canInjectIDBKeyIntoScriptValue(state, value, m_info.keyPath())) {
                    ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
                    return nullptr;
            } else {
                ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
                return nullptr;

        if (keyPathKey) {
            key = keyPathKey;
    } else if (!usesKeyGenerator && !key) {
        ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::DataError;
        return nullptr;

    auto context = scriptExecutionContextFromExecState(&state);
    if (!context) {
        ec.code = IDBDatabaseException::UnknownError;
        return nullptr;

    Ref<IDBRequest> request = m_transaction->requestPutOrAdd(*context, *this, key.get(), *serializedValue, overwriteMode);
    return adoptRef(request.leakRef());