Пример #1
LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, ccnxInterest_SetContentObjectHashRestriction)
    CCNxName *name = ccnxName_CreateFromURI("lci:/name");
    PARCBuffer *coh = parcBuffer_Allocate(8);
    parcBuffer_PutUint64(coh, 77573L);

    CCNxInterest *interest = ccnxInterest_Create(name, CCNxInterestDefault_LifetimeMilliseconds, NULL, NULL);

    PARCBuffer *actual = ccnxInterest_GetContentObjectHashRestriction(interest);
    assertNull(actual, "Expected retrieved ContentObjectHash to be initially NULL");

    ccnxInterest_SetContentObjectHashRestriction(interest, coh);
    actual = ccnxInterest_GetContentObjectHashRestriction(interest);

    assertTrue(actual == coh, "Expected retrieved ContentObjectHash to be the same as assigned");

    // Re-setting is not yet supported. At the moment, you can only put the COHR once.
    // Now change it, and validate.
    //PARCBuffer *coh2 = parcBuffer_Allocate(8);
    //parcBuffer_PutUint64(coh2, 3262L);
    //ccnxInterest_SetContentObjectHashRestriction(interest, coh2);
    //actual = ccnxInterest_GetContentObjectHashRestriction(interest);
    //assertTrue(actual == coh2, "Expected retrieved ContentObjectHash to be the same as assigned");

Пример #2
static CCNxContentObject *
//_athenaLRUContentStore_GetMatch(AthenaContentStoreImplementation *store, const CCNxName *name, const PARCBuffer *keyIdRestriction,
//                                const PARCBuffer *contentObjectHash)
_athenaLRUContentStore_GetMatch(AthenaContentStoreImplementation *store, const CCNxInterest *interest)
    CCNxContentObject *result = NULL;
    AthenaLRUContentStore *impl = (AthenaLRUContentStore *) store;
    _AthenaLRUContentStoreEntry *entry = NULL;

    CCNxName *name = ccnxInterest_GetName(interest);
    PARCBuffer *contentObjectHashRestriction = ccnxInterest_GetContentObjectHashRestriction(interest);
    PARCBuffer *keyIdRestriction = ccnxInterest_GetKeyIdRestriction(interest);

    if (contentObjectHashRestriction != NULL) {
        PARCObject *nameAndHashKey = _createHashableKey(name, NULL, contentObjectHashRestriction);
        entry = (_AthenaLRUContentStoreEntry *) parcHashMap_Get(impl->tableByNameAndObjectHash, nameAndHashKey);
        parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &nameAndHashKey);

    if ((entry == NULL) && (keyIdRestriction != NULL)) {
        PARCObject *nameAndKeyIdKey = _createHashableKey(name, keyIdRestriction, NULL);
        entry = (_AthenaLRUContentStoreEntry *) parcHashMap_Get(impl->tableByNameAndKeyId, nameAndKeyIdKey);
        parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &nameAndKeyIdKey);

    if (entry == NULL) {
        PARCObject *nameKey = _createHashableKey(name, NULL, NULL);
        entry = (_AthenaLRUContentStoreEntry *) parcHashMap_Get(impl->tableByName, nameKey);
        parcObject_Release((PARCObject **) &nameKey);

    // Matching is done. Now check for validity, if necessary.

    if (entry != NULL) {
        // We found matching content. Now make sure it's not expired before returning it. If it is expired,
        // remove it from the store and don't return anything.
        if (entry->hasExpiryTime && (entry->expiryTime < parcClock_GetTime(impl->wallClock))) {
            _athenaLRUContentStore_PurgeContentStoreEntry(impl, entry);
            entry = NULL;

        // XXX: TODO: Check that the KeyId, if any, was verified.

    // At this point, the cached content is considered valid for responding with. Return it.
    if (entry != NULL) {
        result = entry->contentObject;

        // Update LRU so that the matched entry is at the top of the list.
        _moveContentStoreEntryToLRUHead(impl, entry);

    } else {

    return result;
Пример #3
LONGBOW_TEST_CASE(Global, ccnxInterest_GetContentObjectHashRestriction)
    CCNxName *name = ccnxName_CreateFromURI("lci:/name");
    PARCBuffer *coh = parcBuffer_Allocate(8);
    parcBuffer_PutUint64(coh, 1234L);

    CCNxInterest *interest = ccnxInterest_Create(name, CCNxInterestDefault_LifetimeMilliseconds, NULL, coh);

    PARCBuffer *actual = ccnxInterest_GetContentObjectHashRestriction(interest);

    assertTrue(actual == coh, "Expected retrieved ContentObjectHash to be the same as assigned");
