Пример #1
		Triangulation &triang,
	        map<int, cell_cluster> &cluster_set,
		vector<double> &cluster_volume_vector,
		vector<int> &cluster_rep_vector )
    for(FCI cit = triang.finite_cells_begin();
       cit != triang.finite_cells_end(); cit ++)
       if( ! cluster_set[cit->id].in_cluster )
       if( ! cluster_set[cit->id].outside )
       double volume = cell_volume(cit);
       // see if we already computed some of the cluster volume.
       // in other words see if the 'rep' is there in the cluster_rep_vector.
       int rep = cluster_set[cit->id].find();
       bool found = false;
       int pos = -1;
       for(int i = 0; i < (int)cluster_rep_vector.size(); i ++)
          if(cluster_rep_vector[i] == rep) 
	     found = true;
	     pos = i;
          cluster_volume_vector[pos] += volume;
    CGAL_assertion(cluster_volume_vector.size() == cluster_rep_vector.size());
Пример #2
void TopologyMatrix::calculateForThreeAtoms( const unsigned& iat, const Vector& d1, const double& d1_len,
    HistogramBead& bead, multicolvar::AtomValuePack& myatoms ) const {
  // Calculate if there are atoms in the cylinder (can use delta here as pbc are done in atom setup)
  Vector d2 = getSeparation( myatoms.getPosition(0), myatoms.getPosition(iat) );
  // Now calculate projection of d2 on d1
  double proj=dotProduct(d2,d1);
  // This tells us if we are outside the end of the cylinder
  double excess = proj - d1_len;
  // Return if we are outside of the cylinder as calculated based on excess
  if( excess>low_sf( getBaseColvarNumber( myatoms.getIndex(0) ), getBaseColvarNumber( myatoms.getIndex(1) ) ).get_dmax() ) return;
  // Find the length of the cylinder
  double binw = binw_mat( getBaseColvarNumber( myatoms.getIndex(0) ), getBaseColvarNumber( myatoms.getIndex(1) ) );
  double lcylinder = (std::floor( d1_len / binw ) + 1)*binw;
  // Return if the projection is outside the length of interest
  if( proj<-bead.getCutoff() || proj>(lcylinder+bead.getCutoff()) ) return;

  // Calculate the excess swiching function
  double edf, eval = low_sf( getBaseColvarNumber( myatoms.getIndex(0) ), getBaseColvarNumber( myatoms.getIndex(1) ) ).calculate( excess, edf );
  // Calculate the projection on the perpendicular distance from the center of the tube
  double cm = d2.modulo2() - proj*proj;

  // Now calculate the density in the cylinder
  if( cm<cylinder_sw( getBaseColvarNumber( myatoms.getIndex(0) ), getBaseColvarNumber( myatoms.getIndex(1) ) ).get_dmax2() ) {
    double dfuncr, val = cylinder_sw( getBaseColvarNumber( myatoms.getIndex(0) ),
                                      getBaseColvarNumber( myatoms.getIndex(1) ) ).calculateSqr( cm, dfuncr );
    double cellv = cell_volume( getBaseColvarNumber( myatoms.getIndex(0) ), getBaseColvarNumber( myatoms.getIndex(1) ) );
    Vector dc1, dc2, dc3, dd1, dd2, dd3, de1, de2, de3;
    if( !doNotCalculateDerivatives() ) {
      Tensor d1_a1;
      // Derivative of director connecting atom1 - atom2 wrt the position of atom 1
      d1_a1(0,0) = ( -(d1[1]*d1[1]+d1[2]*d1[2])/d1_len );   // dx/dx
      d1_a1(0,1) = (  d1[0]*d1[1]/d1_len );                 // dx/dy
      d1_a1(0,2) = (  d1[0]*d1[2]/d1_len );                 // dx/dz
      d1_a1(1,0) = (  d1[1]*d1[0]/d1_len );                 // dy/dx
      d1_a1(1,1) = ( -(d1[0]*d1[0]+d1[2]*d1[2])/d1_len );   // dy/dy
      d1_a1(1,2) = (  d1[1]*d1[2]/d1_len );
      d1_a1(2,0) = (  d1[2]*d1[0]/d1_len );
      d1_a1(2,1) = (  d1[2]*d1[1]/d1_len );
      d1_a1(2,2) = ( -(d1[1]*d1[1]+d1[0]*d1[0])/d1_len );

      // Calculate derivatives of dot product
      dd1 = matmul(d2, d1_a1) - d1;
      dd2 = matmul(d2, -d1_a1);
      dd3 = d1;

      // Calculate derivatives of cross product
      dc1 = dfuncr*( -d2 - proj*dd1 );
      dc2 = dfuncr*( -proj*dd2 );
      dc3 = dfuncr*( d2 - proj*dd3 );

      // Calculate derivatives of excess
      de1 = edf*excess*( dd1 + d1 );
      de2 = edf*excess*( dd2 - d1 );
      de3 = edf*excess*dd3;

    Vector pos1 = myatoms.getPosition(0) + d1_len*d1;
    Vector pos2 = myatoms.getPosition(0) + d2;
    Vector g1derivf,g2derivf,lderivf; Tensor vir;
    for(unsigned bin=0; bin<maxbins; ++bin) {
      bead.set( bin*binw, (bin+1)*binw, sigma );
      if( proj<(bin*binw-bead.getCutoff()) || proj>binw*(bin+1)+bead.getCutoff() ) continue;
      double der, contr=bead.calculateWithCutoff( proj, der ) / cellv; der /= cellv;
      myatoms.addValue( 2+bin, contr*val*eval );

      if( !doNotCalculateDerivatives() ) {
        g1derivf=contr*eval*dc1 + val*eval*der*dd1 + contr*val*de1;
        addAtomDerivatives( 2+bin, 0, g1derivf, myatoms );
        g2derivf=contr*eval*dc2 + val*eval*der*dd2 + contr*val*de2;
        addAtomDerivatives( 2+bin, 1, g2derivf, myatoms );
        lderivf=contr*eval*dc3 + val*eval*der*dd3 + contr*val*de3;
        addAtomDerivatives( 2+bin, iat, lderivf, myatoms );
        // Virial
        vir = -Tensor( myatoms.getPosition(0), g1derivf ) - Tensor( pos1, g2derivf ) - Tensor( pos2, lderivf );
        myatoms.addBoxDerivatives( 2+bin, vir );