Пример #1
tree_cell * nasl_close_socket(lex_ctxt * lexic)
 int soc;
 int type;
 int opt_len = sizeof(type);
 int e;
 soc = get_int_var_by_num(lexic, 0, -1);
 if(soc <= 4)
 	 nasl_perror(lexic, "close(): invalid argument\n");
	 return NULL;

 if ( fd_is_stream(soc) ) {
  return close_stream_connection(soc) < 0 ? NULL:FAKE_CELL;
 e = getsockopt(soc, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE, &type, &opt_len);
 if(e == 0 )
  if (type == SOCK_DGRAM)
   rm_udp_data(lexic->script_infos, soc);
   return FAKE_CELL;
  return FAKE_CELL;
 else nasl_perror(lexic, "close(): invalid argument\n");

 return NULL;
Пример #2
tree_cell *
nasl_close_socket (lex_ctxt * lexic)
  int soc;
  int type;
  unsigned int opt_len = sizeof (type);
  int e;

  soc = get_int_var_by_num (lexic, 0, -1);
  /* XXX: These are thoughts expressed on the openvas-devel mailing list 2008-08-06:
   * nasl_close_socket seems to be the only place in nasl/nasl_socket.c where the
   * value of the socket filedescriptor is checked in this way.  That in itself is
   * strange.  Why only there?  Also, why can't the socket fd be less than 4?  I
   * could sort of understand 3 (0, 1, 2 are already taken by the standard
   * streams) but 4? Does the openvas server and/or the NASL interpreter guarantee
   * that at least one other file is open?
   * My guess is that the check is there to prevent NASL scripts from closing file
   * descriptors needed by openvas/NASL which includes the ones it uses for
   * accessing the knowledgebase.  If that's the case, then the test has too much
   * knowledge of the circumstances under which the NASL interpreter runs.  It
   * should be moved to a separate function whose behavior can be influenced by
   * the program embedding the NASL interpreter.  Other functions should probably
   * also check the descriptors.
   * I also wonder whether the original code (disallowing any file descriptor <= 4)
   * actually was correct and the real defect is that open_sock_udp actually
   * returned 4.  Under which circumstances does it actually do that?  In my brief
   * tests with the stand-alone nasl interpreter the smallest number it returned
   * was 5.
  if (soc < 4)
      nasl_perror (lexic, "close(): invalid argument\n");
      return NULL;

  if (fd_is_stream (soc))
    return close_stream_connection (soc) < 0 ? NULL : FAKE_CELL;

  e = getsockopt (soc, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE, &type, &opt_len);
  if (e == 0)
      if (type == SOCK_DGRAM)
          rm_udp_data (lexic->script_infos, soc);
          return FAKE_CELL;
      close (soc);
      return FAKE_CELL;
    nasl_perror (lexic, "close(): invalid argument\n");

  return NULL;
Пример #3
tree_cell * nasl_end_denial(lex_ctxt * lexic)
 int port = (int)arg_get_value(lexic->script_infos, "denial_port");
 int soc;
 int to = lexic->recv_timeout;
 struct arglist * script_infos = lexic->script_infos;
 tree_cell * retc = NULL;
  * We must wait the time the DoS does its effect

  int ping = (int)arg_get_value(script_infos, "tcp_ping_result");
  if(ping) return nasl_tcp_ping(lexic);
      retc = alloc_tree_cell(0, NULL);
      retc->type = CONST_INT;
      retc->x.i_val = 1;
      return retc;
   retc = alloc_tree_cell(0, NULL);
   retc->type = CONST_INT;

 soc = open_stream_connection(script_infos, port, NESSUS_ENCAPS_IP, to);
 if(soc > 0)
  /* Send some data */
#define BOGUS "are you dead ?"
  if((nsend(soc, BOGUS, sizeof(BOGUS)-1, 0))>=0)
   retc->x.i_val = 1;
   return retc;

   retc->x.i_val = 0;
   return retc;
Пример #4
 * @brief Handles a client request when the scanner is still loading.
 * @param[in]   soc Client socket to send and receive from.
static void
loading_client_handle (int soc)
  int soc2, opt = 1;
  if (soc <= 0)
  soc2 = ovas_scanner_context_attach (ovas_scanner_ctx, soc);
  if (soc2 < 0)
      close (soc);
  setsockopt (soc, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, &opt, sizeof (opt));
  comm_loading (soc2);
  close_stream_connection (soc2);
Пример #5
tree_cell * nasl_start_denial(lex_ctxt * lexic)
 struct arglist * script_infos = lexic->script_infos;
 int to = lexic->recv_timeout;
 int port = plug_get_host_open_port(script_infos);
 int soc;
 int alive = 0;
 tree_cell * p;
  soc = open_stream_connection(script_infos, port, NESSUS_ENCAPS_IP, to);
   if(arg_get_value(script_infos, "denial_port") != 0)
    arg_set_value(script_infos, "denial_port", sizeof(int), (void*)port);
    arg_add_value(script_infos, "denial_port", ARG_INT, sizeof(int), (void*)port);
   return FAKE_CELL;

 p = nasl_tcp_ping(lexic);
 if (p != NULL) alive = p->x.i_val;

 if(arg_get_value(script_infos, "tcp_ping_result") != 0)
  arg_set_value(script_infos, "tcp_ping_result", sizeof(int), (void*)alive);
  arg_add_value(script_infos, "tcp_ping_result", ARG_INT, sizeof(int), (void*)alive);

 return FAKE_CELL;
Пример #6
static void
scanner_thread (struct arglist *globals)
  struct arglist *prefs = arg_get_value (globals, "preferences");
  char asciiaddr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN], x509_dname[512] = { '\0' };
  int opt = 1, soc2 = -1, nice_retval, family, soc;
  void *addr = arg_get_value (globals, "client_address");
  struct sockaddr_in *saddr = NULL;
  struct sockaddr_in6 *s6addr = NULL;

  family = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (arg_get_value (globals, "family"));
  soc = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (arg_get_value (globals, "global_socket"));
  if (family == AF_INET)
      saddr = (struct sockaddr_in *) addr;
      inet_ntop (AF_INET,  &saddr->sin_addr, asciiaddr, sizeof(asciiaddr));
      s6addr = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) addr;
      inet_ntop (AF_INET6, &s6addr->sin6_addr, asciiaddr, sizeof (asciiaddr));
  proctitle_set ("openvassd: Serving %s", asciiaddr);

  /* Everyone runs with a nicelevel of 10 */
  if (preferences_benice (prefs))
      errno = 0;
      nice_retval = nice (10);
      if (nice_retval == -1 && errno != 0)
          log_write ("Unable to renice process: %d", errno);

  /* Close the scanner thread - it is useless for us now */
  close (global_iana_socket);

  soc2 = ovas_scanner_context_attach (ovas_scanner_ctx, soc);
  if (soc2 < 0)
    goto shutdown_and_exit;

  /* FIXME: The pre-gnutls code optionally printed information about
   * the peer's certificate at this point.

  setsockopt (soc, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, &opt, sizeof (opt));
  /* arg_set_value *replaces* an existing value, but it shouldn't fail here */
  (void) arg_set_value (globals, "global_socket", -1, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (soc2));

  if (comm_init (soc2) < 0)
      close_stream_connection (soc);
      exit (0);

  /* Get X.509 cert subject name */
  if (get_x509_dname (soc2, x509_dname, sizeof (x509_dname)) != 0)
    goto shutdown_and_exit;

  if (!check_client (x509_dname))
      auth_printf (globals, "Bad login attempt !\n");
      log_write ("bad login attempt from %s\n", asciiaddr);
      goto shutdown_and_exit;
  handle_client (globals);

  if (soc2 >= 0)
    close_stream_connection (soc2);
      shutdown (soc, 2);
      close (soc);

  /* Kill left overs */
  end_daemon_mode ();
  exit (0);