Пример #1
// TODO implement these
cv::Mat eyeCornerMap(const cv::Mat &region, bool left, bool left2) {
    cv::Mat cornerMap;
    cv::Size sizeRegion = region.size();
    cv::Range colRange(sizeRegion.width / 4, sizeRegion.width * 3 / 4);
    cv::Range rowRange(sizeRegion.height / 4, sizeRegion.height * 3 / 4);
    cv::Mat miRegion(region, rowRange, colRange);
    cv::filter2D(miRegion, cornerMap, CV_32F,
                 (left && !left2) || (!left && !left2) ? leftCornerKernel : rightCornerKernel);
    return cornerMap;
Пример #2
//Preview selected file
void QxMainWindow::preview()
	QListWidgetItem *pCurrentItem = m_pFileListWidget->currentItem();
	if (!pCurrentItem)
	QString strFileName = pCurrentItem->text();
	QFile file(strFileName);
	if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
	QByteArray rawData = file.readAll();

	cv::Size imageSize(640,448);	//the image used to preview some of the characters
	const unsigned uCharacterWidth = 64;	//the width of each character in the preview image
	const unsigned uCharacterHeight = 64;	//the height of each character in the preview image
	cv::Size smallerSize(54, 54);; //to guarantee a certain distance among characters, characters are presented in smaller size than they are.
	const quint32 uInterval = 5;  //this should be calculated by (characterSize.width-smallerSize.width)/2;
	quint32 uCharacterPerRow = imageSize.width / uCharacterWidth;
	quint32 uCharacterPerCol = imageSize.height / uCharacterHeight;
	cv::Mat img = 255 * cv::Mat::ones(imageSize, CV_8UC1);

	quint32 uDecodedByteNum = 0;	//As the data is read as a stream, this variable tells how many bytes are processed already
	for (quint32 i = 0; i != uCharacterPerRow; ++i)
		for (quint32 j = 0; j != uCharacterPerCol; ++j)
			quint32 uWidth = uchar(rawData.at(6 + uDecodedByteNum)) + quint32(uchar(rawData.at(7 + uDecodedByteNum))) * (1 << 8);
			quint32 uHeight = uchar(rawData.at(8 + uDecodedByteNum)) + quint32(uchar(rawData.at(9 + uDecodedByteNum))) * (1 << 8);
			quint32 uArcLen = uWidth > uHeight ? uWidth : uHeight;
			uDecodedByteNum += 10;

			// save data to a pre-defined white image(all pixel values are pre-defined to be 255)
			cv::Mat characterImage = 255 * cv::Mat::ones(uArcLen, uArcLen, CV_8UC1);
			quint32 uHalfPadRowNum = (uArcLen - uHeight) / 2;
			quint32 uHalfPadColNum = (uArcLen - uWidth) / 2;
			for (quint32 row = uHalfPadRowNum; row != uHeight + uHalfPadRowNum; ++row)
				uchar *pRow = characterImage.ptr<uchar>(row);
				for (quint32 col = uHalfPadColNum; col != uWidth + uHalfPadColNum; ++col)
					pRow[col] = uchar(rawData.at(uDecodedByteNum++));
			// image normalization and filling
			cv::resize(characterImage, characterImage, smallerSize);
			cv::Range rowRange(j*uCharacterWidth, (j + 1)*uCharacterWidth);
			cv::Range colRange(i*uCharacterHeight, (i + 1)*uCharacterHeight);
			cv::Mat roi = img(rowRange, colRange);
			//cv::Mat::copyTo() calls cv::Mat::create(), which breaks the original image.
			//Also, cv::Mat::clone() fails to copy the values properly somehow, thus a pixelwise copy is implemented here.
            for (int row = 0; row != smallerSize.height; ++row)
				uchar *pDst = roi.ptr<uchar>(row + uInterval);
				uchar *pSrc = characterImage.ptr<uchar>(row);
                for (int col = 0; col != smallerSize.width; ++col)
					pDst[col + uInterval] = pSrc[col];

	QImage previewImage(img.data, img.cols, img.rows, img.step, QImage::Format_Grayscale8);
	QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(previewImage);