/* bbincr - build tree to increment execution point at *cp */ static void bbincr(Symbol yycounts, Coordinate* cp, Tree* e) { struct map* mp = maplist->x; Tree t; /* append *cp to source map */ if (mp->size >= NELEMS(mp->u)) { NEW(mp, PERM); mp->size = 0; maplist = append(mp, maplist); } if (IR->little_endian) { mp->u[mp->size].le.x = cp->x; mp->u[mp->size].le.y = cp->y; mp->u[mp->size++].le.index = bbfile(cp->file); } else { mp->u[mp->size].be.x = cp->x; mp->u[mp->size].be.y = cp->y; mp->u[mp->size++].be.index = bbfile(cp->file); } t = incr('+', rvalue((*optree['+'])(ADD, pointer(idtree(yycounts)), consttree(npoints++, inttype))), consttree(1, inttype)); if (*e) *e = tree(RIGHT, (*e)->type, t, *e); else *e = t; }
Tree value(Tree p) { int op = generic(rightkid(p)->op); if (p->type != voidtype && (op==AND || op==OR || op==NOT || op==EQ || op==NE || op== LE || op==LT || op== GE || op==GT)) p = condtree(p, consttree(1, inttype), consttree(0, inttype)); return p; }
Tree condtree(Tree e, Tree l, Tree r) { Symbol t1; Type ty, xty = l->type, yty = r->type; Tree p; if (isarith(xty) && isarith(yty)) ty = binary(xty, yty); else if (eqtype(xty, yty, 1)) ty = unqual(xty); else if (isptr(xty) && isnullptr(r)) ty = xty; else if (isnullptr(l) && isptr(yty)) ty = yty; else if (isptr(xty) && !isfunc(xty->type) && isvoidptr(yty) || isptr(yty) && !isfunc(yty->type) && isvoidptr(xty)) ty = voidptype; else if ((isptr(xty) && isptr(yty) && eqtype(unqual(xty->type), unqual(yty->type), 1))) ty = xty; else { typeerror(COND, l, r); return consttree(0, inttype); } if (isptr(ty)) { ty = unqual(unqual(ty)->type); if (isptr(xty) && isconst(unqual(xty)->type) || isptr(yty) && isconst(unqual(yty)->type)) ty = qual(CONST, ty); if (isptr(xty) && isvolatile(unqual(xty)->type) || isptr(yty) && isvolatile(unqual(yty)->type)) ty = qual(VOLATILE, ty); ty = ptr(ty); } switch (e->op) { case CNST+I: return cast(e->u.v.i != 0 ? l : r, ty); case CNST+U: return cast(e->u.v.u != 0 ? l : r, ty); case CNST+P: return cast(e->u.v.p != 0 ? l : r, ty); case CNST+F: return cast(e->u.v.d != 0.0 ? l : r, ty); } if (ty != voidtype && ty->size > 0) { t1 = genident(REGISTER, unqual(ty), level); /* t1 = temporary(REGISTER, unqual(ty)); */ l = asgn(t1, l); r = asgn(t1, r); } else t1 = NULL; p = tree(COND, ty, cond(e), tree(RIGHT, ty, root(l), root(r))); p->u.sym = t1; return p; }
/* tracecall - generate code to trace entry to f */ static void tracecall(Symbol printer, Symbol f, void *ignore) { int i; Symbol counter = genident(STATIC, inttype, GLOBAL); defglobal(counter, BSS); (*IR->space)(counter->type->size); frameno = genident(AUTO, inttype, level); addlocal(frameno); appendstr(f->name); appendstr("#"); tracevalue(asgn(frameno, incr(INCR, idtree(counter), consttree(1, inttype))), 0); appendstr("("); for (i = 0; f->u.f.callee[i]; i++) { if (i) appendstr(","); appendstr(f->u.f.callee[i]->name); appendstr("="); tracevalue(idtree(f->u.f.callee[i]), 0); } if (variadic(f->type)) appendstr(",..."); appendstr(") called\n"); tracefinis(printer); }
Tree unary(void) { Tree p; switch (t) { case '*': t = gettok(); p = unary(); p = pointer(p); if (isptr(p->type) && (isfunc(p->type->type) || isarray(p->type->type))) p = retype(p, p->type->type); else { if (YYnull) p = nullcheck(p); p = rvalue(p); } break; case '&': t = gettok(); p = unary(); if (isarray(p->type) || isfunc(p->type)) p = retype(p, ptr(p->type)); else p = lvalue(p); if (isaddrop(p->op) && p->u.sym->sclass == REGISTER) error("invalid operand of unary &; `%s' is declared register\n", p->u.sym->name); else if (isaddrop(p->op)) p->u.sym->addressed = 1; break; case '+': t = gettok(); p = unary(); p = pointer(p); if (isarith(p->type)) p = cast(p, promote(p->type)); else typeerror(ADD, p, NULL); break; case '-': t = gettok(); p = unary(); p = pointer(p); if (isarith(p->type)) { Type ty = promote(p->type); p = cast(p, ty); if (isunsigned(ty)) { warning("unsigned operand of unary -\n"); p = simplify(ADD, ty, simplify(BCOM, ty, p, NULL), cnsttree(ty, 1UL)); } else p = simplify(NEG, ty, p, NULL); } else typeerror(SUB, p, NULL); break; case '~': t = gettok(); p = unary(); p = pointer(p); if (isint(p->type)) { Type ty = promote(p->type); p = simplify(BCOM, ty, cast(p, ty), NULL); } else typeerror(BCOM, p, NULL); break; case '!': t = gettok(); p = unary(); p = pointer(p); if (isscalar(p->type)) p = simplify(NOT, inttype, cond(p), NULL); else typeerror(NOT, p, NULL); break; case INCR: t = gettok(); p = unary(); p = incr(INCR, pointer(p), consttree(1, inttype)); break; case DECR: t = gettok(); p = unary(); p = incr(DECR, pointer(p), consttree(1, inttype)); break; case TYPECODE: case SIZEOF: { int op = t; Type ty; p = NULL; t = gettok(); if (t == '(') { t = gettok(); if (istypename(t, tsym)) { ty = typename(); expect(')'); } else { p = postfix(expr(')')); ty = p->type; } } else {
/* tracevalue - append format and argument to print the value of e */ static void tracevalue(Tree e, int lev) { Type ty = unqual(e->type); switch (ty->op) { case INT: if (ty == chartype || ty == signedchar) appendstr("'\\x%02x'"); else if (ty == longtype) appendstr("0x%ld"); else appendstr("0x%d"); break; case UNSIGNED: if (ty == chartype || ty == unsignedchar) appendstr("'\\x%02x'"); else if (ty == unsignedlong) appendstr("0x%lx"); else appendstr("0x%x"); break; case FLOAT: if (ty == longdouble) appendstr("%Lg"); else appendstr("%g"); break; case POINTER: if (unqual(ty->type) == chartype || unqual(ty->type) == signedchar || unqual(ty->type) == unsignedchar) { static Symbol null; if (null == NULL) null = mkstr("(null)"); tracevalue(cast(e, unsignedtype), lev + 1); appendstr(" \"%.30s\""); e = condtree(e, e, pointer(idtree(null->u.c.loc))); } else { appendstr("("); appendstr(typestring(ty, "")); appendstr(")0x%x"); } break; case STRUCT: { Field q; appendstr("("); appendstr(typestring(ty, "")); appendstr("){"); for (q = ty->u.sym->u.s.flist; q; q = q->link) { appendstr(q->name); appendstr("="); tracevalue(field(addrof(e), q->name), lev + 1); if (q->link) appendstr(","); } appendstr("}"); return; } case UNION: appendstr("("); appendstr(typestring(ty, "")); appendstr("){...}"); return; case ARRAY: if (lev && ty->type->size > 0) { int i; e = pointer(e); appendstr("{"); for (i = 0; i < ty->size/ty->type->size; i++) { Tree p = (*optree['+'])(ADD, e, consttree(i, inttype)); if (isptr(p->type) && isarray(p->type->type)) p = retype(p, p->type->type); else p = rvalue(p); if (i) appendstr(","); tracevalue(p, lev + 1); } appendstr("}"); } else appendstr(typestring(ty, "")); return; default: assert(0); } e = cast(e, promote(ty)); args = tree(mkop(ARG,e->type), e->type, e, args); }