Пример #1
const XC::Matrix &XC::MFreedom_Joint2D::getConstraint(void) const
        std::cerr << getClassName() << "::" << __FUNCTION__
                  << "; no matrix was set\n";

    // Length correction
    // to correct the trial displacement
    if(LargeDisplacement == 2 )
        // get the coordinates of the two nodes - check dimensions are the same FOR THE MOMENT
        const Vector &crdR = RetainedNode->getCrds();
        const Vector &crdC = ConstrainedNode->getCrds();

        // get committed displacements of nodes to get updated coordinates
        const Vector &dispR = RetainedNode->getTrialDisp();
        const Vector &dispC = ConstrainedNode->getTrialDisp();

        double deltaX = dispC(0) + crdC(0) - dispR(0) - crdR(0);
        double deltaY = dispC(1) + crdC(1) - dispR(1) - crdR(1);

        Vector Direction(2);
        Direction(0) = deltaX;
        Direction(1) = deltaY;
        double NewLength = Direction.Norm();
        if(NewLength < 1e-12)
          std::cerr << "XC::MFreedom_Joint2D::applyConstraint : length of rigid link is too small or zero"; 
        Direction = Direction * (Length0/NewLength);  // correct the length
                // find new displacements of the constrainted node
        Vector NewLocation(3);
        NewLocation(0) = Direction(0) + dispR(0) + crdR(0) - crdC(0);
        NewLocation(1) = Direction(1) + dispR(1) + crdR(1) - crdC(1);
        NewLocation(2) = dispC(2);
      } // end of length correction procedure
    // return the constraint matrix Ccr
    return constraintMatrix;
Пример #2
const Matrix &MP_Joint2D::getConstraint(void)
    if (constraint == 0) {
	opserr << "MP_Joint2D::getConstraint - no Matrix was set\n";

	// Length correction
	// to correct the trial displacement
    if ( LargeDisplacement == 2 )
		// get the coordinates of the two nodes - check dimensions are the same FOR THE MOMENT
		const Vector &crdR = RetainedNode->getCrds();
		const Vector &crdC = ConstrainedNode->getCrds();

		// get commited displacements of nodes to get updated coordinates
		const Vector &dispR = RetainedNode->getTrialDisp();
		const Vector &dispC = ConstrainedNode->getTrialDisp();

		double deltaX = dispC(0) + crdC(0) - dispR(0) - crdR(0);
		double deltaY = dispC(1) + crdC(1) - dispR(1) - crdR(1);

		Vector Direction(2);
		Direction(0) = deltaX;
		Direction(1) = deltaY;
		double NewLength = Direction.Norm();
		if ( NewLength < 1e-12 ) opserr << "MP_Joint2D::applyConstraint : length of rigid link is too small or zero"; 
		Direction = Direction * (Length0/NewLength);		// correct the length
		// find new displacements of the constrainted node
		Vector NewLocation(3);
		NewLocation(0) = Direction(0) + dispR(0) + crdR(0) - crdC(0);
		NewLocation(1) = Direction(1) + dispR(1) + crdR(1) - crdC(1);
		NewLocation(2) = dispC(2);
		int dummy = ConstrainedNode->setTrialDisp( NewLocation );
	// end of length correction procedure

    // return the constraint matrix Ccr
    return (*constraint);
Пример #3
MP_Joint2D::applyConstraint(double timeStamp)
    if ( LargeDisplacement != 0 )
		// calculate the constraint at this moment

		// get the coordinates of the two nodes - check dimensions are the same FOR THE MOMENT
		const Vector &crdR = RetainedNode->getCrds();
		const Vector &crdC = ConstrainedNode->getCrds();

		// get commited displacements of nodes to get updated coordinates
		const Vector &dispR = RetainedNode->getDisp();
		const Vector &dispC = ConstrainedNode->getDisp();

		double deltaX = dispC(0) + crdC(0) - dispR(0) - crdR(0);
		double deltaY = dispC(1) + crdC(1) - dispR(1) - crdR(1);

		if ( FixedEnd == 0 )
			// the end is released
			(*constraint) (0,0) = 1.0 ;
			(*constraint) (0,2) = -deltaY ;
			(*constraint) (1,1) = 1.0 ;
			(*constraint) (1,2) = deltaX ;
		} else
			// the end is fixed
			(*constraint) (0,0) = 1.0 ;
			(*constraint) (0,MainDOF) = -deltaY ;
			(*constraint) (1,1) = 1.0 ;
			(*constraint) (1,MainDOF) = deltaX ;
			(*constraint) (2,AuxDOF) = 1.0 ;
	return 0;
Пример #4
// general constructor for ModelBuilder
MP_Joint2D::MP_Joint2D(Domain *theDomain, int nodeRetain, int nodeConstr,
		int Maindof, int fixedend, int LrgDsp )
:MP_Constraint(CNSTRNT_TAG_MP_Joint2D ), thisDomain(theDomain),
 nodeRetained(nodeRetain), nodeConstrained(nodeConstr), MainDOF(Maindof), AuxDOF(0),
 FixedEnd(fixedend), constraint(0), constrDOF(0), retainDOF(0),
 dbTag1(0), dbTag2(0), dbTag3(0), RetainedNode(0), ConstrainedNode(0),
 LargeDisplacement( LrgDsp ), Length0(0.0)

  if( thisDomain == NULL ) {
    opserr << "WARNING MP_Joint2D(): Specified domain does not exist";
    opserr << "Domain = 0\n";

  // get node pointers of constrainted and retained nodes
  ConstrainedNode = theDomain->getNode(nodeConstrained);
  if (ConstrainedNode == NULL)
      opserr << "MP_Joint2D::MP_Joint2D: nodeConstrained: ";
      opserr << nodeConstrained << "does not exist in model\n";
  RetainedNode = theDomain->getNode(nodeRetained);
  if (RetainedNode == NULL)
      opserr << "MP_Joint2D::MP_Joint2D: nodeRetained: ";
      opserr << nodeRetained << "does not exist in model\n";
  // check for proper degrees of freedom
  int RnumDOF = RetainedNode->getNumberDOF();
  int CnumDOF = ConstrainedNode->getNumberDOF();
  if (RnumDOF != 4 || CnumDOF != 3 ){
    opserr << "MP_Joint2D::MP_Joint2D - mismatch in numDOF\n DOF not supported by this type of constraint";
  // check the main degree of freedom. Assign auxilary DOF 
  if ( MainDOF!= 2 && MainDOF!=3 ) {
    opserr << "MP_Joint2D::MP_Joint2D - Wrong main degree of freedom" ;
  if ( MainDOF == 2 ) AuxDOF = 3;
  if ( MainDOF == 3 ) AuxDOF = 2;
  // check the fixed end flag
  if ( FixedEnd!= 0 && FixedEnd!=1 ) {
    opserr << "MP_Joint2D::MP_Joint2D - Wrong fixed end flag";
  // check for proper dimensions of coordinate space
  const Vector &crdR = RetainedNode->getCrds();
  int dimR = crdR.Size();
  const Vector &crdC = ConstrainedNode->getCrds();
  int dimC = crdC.Size();
  if (dimR != 2 || dimC != 2 ){
    opserr << "MP_Joint2D::MP_Joint2D - mismatch in dimnesion\n dimension not supported by this type of constraint";
  // calculate the initial length of the rigid link
  double deltaX = crdC(0) - crdR(0);
  double deltaY = crdC(1) - crdR(1);
  Length0 = sqrt( deltaX*deltaX + deltaY*deltaY );
  if ( Length0 <= 1.0e-12 ) {
    opserr << "MP_Joint2D::MP_Joint2D - The constraint length is zero\n";
  // allocate and set up the constranted and retained id's
  // allocate and set up the constraint matrix
  if ( FixedEnd == 0 )
      // the end is released
      constrDOF = new ID(CnumDOF-1);
      retainDOF = new ID(RnumDOF-1);
      (*constrDOF)(0) = 0;
      (*constrDOF)(1) = 1;
      (*retainDOF)(0) = 0;
      (*retainDOF)(1) = 1;
      (*retainDOF)(2) = MainDOF;
      constraint = new Matrix( CnumDOF-1 , RnumDOF-1 );
      (*constraint) (0,0) = 1.0 ;
      (*constraint) (0,2) = -deltaY ;
      (*constraint) (1,1) = 1.0 ;
      (*constraint) (1,2) = deltaX ;
    } else
      // the end is fixed
      constrDOF = new ID(CnumDOF);
      retainDOF = new ID(RnumDOF);
      (*constrDOF)(0) = 0;
      (*constrDOF)(1) = 1;
      (*constrDOF)(2) = 2;
      (*retainDOF)(0) = 0;
      (*retainDOF)(1) = 1;
      (*retainDOF)(2) = 2;
      (*retainDOF)(3) = 3;
      constraint = new Matrix( CnumDOF , RnumDOF );
      (*constraint) (0,0) = 1.0 ;
      (*constraint) (0,MainDOF) = -deltaY ;
      (*constraint) (1,1) = 1.0 ;
      (*constraint) (1,MainDOF) = deltaX ;
      (*constraint) (2,AuxDOF) = 1.0 ;
  if (constrDOF == NULL || retainDOF == NULL ) { 
    opserr << "MP_Joint2D::MP_Joint2D - ran out of memory \ncan not generate ID for nodes\n";
  if (constraint == NULL ) {
    opserr << "MP_Joint2D::MP_Joint2D - ran out of memory \ncan not generate the constraint matrix";
Пример #5
RigidBeam::RigidBeam(Domain &theDomain, int nR, int nC) {

    // get a pointer to the retained and constrained nodes - make sure they exist
    Node *nodeR = theDomain.getNode(nR);
    if (nodeR == 0) {
        opserr << "RigidBeam::RigidBeam - retained Node" <<  nR <<  "not in domain\n";
    Node *nodeC = theDomain.getNode(nC);
    if (nodeR == 0) {
        opserr << "RigidBeam::RigidBeam - constrained Node" <<  nC <<  "not in domain\n";

    // get the coordinates of the two nodes - check dimensions are the same FOR THE MOMENT
    const Vector &crdR = nodeR->getCrds();
    const Vector &crdC = nodeC->getCrds();
    int dimR = crdR.Size();
    int dimC = crdC.Size();
    if (dimR != dimC) {
        opserr << "RigidBeam::RigidBeam - mismatch in dimension "  <<
               "between constrained Node " <<  nC <<  " and Retained node" << nR << endln;

    // check the number of dof at each node is the same
    int numDOF = nodeR->getNumberDOF();
    if (numDOF != nodeC->getNumberDOF()) {
        opserr << "RigidBeam::RigidBeam - mismatch in numDOF "  <<
               "between constrained Node " <<  nC <<  " and Retained node" << nR << endln;

    // check the number of dof at the nodes >= dimension of problem
    if(numDOF < dimR) {
        opserr << "RigidBeam::RigidBeam - numDOF at nodes " <<
               nR << " and " <<  nC <<  "must be >= dimension of problem\n";

    // create the ID to identify the constrained dof
    ID id(numDOF);

    // construct the tranformation matrix Ccr, where  Uc = Ccr Ur & set the diag, Ccr = I
    Matrix mat(numDOF,numDOF);

    // set the values
    for (int i=0; i<numDOF; i++) {
        mat(i,i) = 1.0;
        id(i) = i;

    // if there are rotational dof - we must modify Ccr DONE ASSUMING SMALL ROTATIONS
    if (dimR != numDOF) {
        if (dimR == 2 && numDOF == 3) {
            double deltaX = crdC(0) - crdR(0);
            double deltaY = crdC(1) - crdR(1);
            mat(0,2) = -deltaY;
            mat(1,2) = deltaX;
        } else if (dimR == 3 && numDOF == 6) {
            double deltaX = crdC(0) - crdR(0);
            double deltaY = crdC(1) - crdR(1);
            double deltaZ = crdC(2) - crdR(2);
            // rotation about z/3 axis
            mat(0,5) = -deltaY;
            mat(1,5) = deltaX;

            // rotation about y/2 axis
            mat(0,4) = deltaZ;
            mat(2,4) = -deltaX;

            // rotation about x/1 axis
            mat(1,3) = -deltaZ;
            mat(2,3) = deltaY;
        } else { // not valid
            opserr << "RigidBeam::RigidBeam -  for nodes " <<
                   nR << "and " << nC <<  "nodes do not have valid numDOF for their dimension\n";


    // create the MP_Constraint
    MP_Constraint *newC = new MP_Constraint(nR, nC, mat, id, id);

    if (newC == 0) {
        opserr << "RigidBeam::RigidBeam - for nodes " << nC << " and " << nR << ", out of memory\n";
    } else {
        // add the constraint to the domain
        if (theDomain.addMP_Constraint(newC) == false) {
            opserr << "RigidBeam::RigidBeam - for nodes " << nC << " and " << nR << ", could not add to domain\n";
            delete newC;
Пример #6
//! @brief Constructor.
//! @param theDomain: domain where the constraint is defined.
//! @param tag: tag for the multi-freedom constraint.
//! @param nodeRetain: identifier of the retained node.
//! @param nodeConstr: identifier of the constrained node.
//! @param LrgDsp: true if large displacement (geometric non-linearity) must be expected: 0 for constant constraint matrix(small deformations), 1 for time varying constraint matrix(large deformations), 2 for large deformations with length correction.
XC::MFreedom_Joint2D::MFreedom_Joint2D(Domain *domain, int tag, int nodeRetain, int nodeConstr,int Maindof, int fixedend, int LrgDsp )
  : MFreedom_Joint(domain,tag,CNSTRNT_TAG_MFreedom_Joint2D,nodeRetain,nodeConstr,LrgDsp),
    MainDOF(Maindof), AuxDOF(0), FixedEnd(fixedend)

    // check for proper degrees of freedom
    int RnumDOF = RetainedNode->getNumberDOF();
    int CnumDOF = ConstrainedNode->getNumberDOF();
    if(RnumDOF != 4 || CnumDOF != 3 )
        std::cerr << "MFreedom_Joint2D::MFreedom_Joint2D - mismatch in numDOF\n DOF not supported by this type of constraint";

    // check the XC::main degree of freedom. Assign auxilary DOF 
    if( MainDOF!= 2 && MainDOF!=3 )
        std::cerr << "MFreedom_Joint2D::MFreedom_Joint2D - Wrong main degree of freedom" ;
    if(MainDOF == 2 ) AuxDOF = 3;
    if(MainDOF == 3 ) AuxDOF = 2;
    // check the fixed end flag
    if( FixedEnd!= 0 && FixedEnd!=1 )
        std::cerr << "XC::MFreedom_Joint2D::MFreedom_Joint2D - Wrong fixed end flag";
    // check for proper dimensions of coordinate space
    const Vector &crdR = RetainedNode->getCrds();
    int dimR = crdR.Size();
    const Vector &crdC = ConstrainedNode->getCrds();
    int dimC = crdC.Size();
    if(dimR != 2 || dimC != 2 )
        std::cerr << "MFreedom_Joint2D::MFreedom_Joint2D - mismatch in dimnesion\n dimension not supported by this type of constraint";

    // calculate the initial length of the rigid link
    double deltaX = crdC(0) - crdR(0);
    double deltaY = crdC(1) - crdR(1);

    Length0 = sqrt( deltaX*deltaX + deltaY*deltaY );
    if( Length0 <= 1.0e-12 )
        std::cerr << "XC::MFreedom_Joint2D::MFreedom_Joint2D - The constraint length is zero\n";
    // allocate and set up the constranted and retained id's
    // allocate and set up the constraint matrix
    if( FixedEnd == 0 )
        // the end is released
        constrDOF(0) = 0;
        constrDOF(1) = 1;

        retainDOF(0) = 0;
        retainDOF(1) = 1;
        retainDOF(2) = MainDOF;
        set_constraint(Matrix( CnumDOF-1 , RnumDOF-1 ));
        constraintMatrix(0,0) = 1.0 ;
        constraintMatrix(0,2) = -deltaY ;
        constraintMatrix(1,1) = 1.0 ;
        constraintMatrix(1,2) = deltaX ;
        // the end is fixed
        constrDOF = ID(CnumDOF);
        retainDOF = ID(RnumDOF);
        constrDOF(0) = 0;
        constrDOF(1) = 1;
        constrDOF(2) = 2;
        retainDOF(0) = 0;
        retainDOF(1) = 1;
        retainDOF(2) = 2;
        retainDOF(3) = 3;
        constraintMatrix= Matrix(CnumDOF,RnumDOF);
        constraintMatrix(0,0) = 1.0 ;
        constraintMatrix(0,MainDOF) = -deltaY ;
        constraintMatrix(1,1) = 1.0 ;
        constraintMatrix(1,MainDOF) = deltaX ;
        constraintMatrix(2,AuxDOF) = 1.0 ;
         std::cerr << getClassName() << "::" << __FUNCTION__
	           << "; ran out of memory \ncan not generate the constraint matrix";