Пример #1
void HiRes4Engine_Atari::initGameState() {

	StreamPtr stream(createReadStream(_boot, 0x03, 0x1, 0x0e, 9));
	loadRooms(*stream, IDI_HR4_NUM_ROOMS);

	stream.reset(createReadStream(_boot, 0x02, 0xc, 0x00, 12));

	_display->moveCursorTo(Common::Point(0, 23));
Пример #2
void HiRes4Engine_Atari::loadCommonData() {
	StreamPtr stream(createReadStream(_boot, 0x0a, 0x4, 0x00, 3));
	loadMessages(*stream, IDI_HR4_NUM_MESSAGES);

	stream.reset(createReadStream(_boot, 0x05, 0xe, 0x80));

	stream.reset(createReadStream(_boot, 0x09, 0xe, 0x05));
	loadItemPictures(*stream, IDI_HR4_NUM_ITEM_PICS);
Пример #3
bool HTTP_Stream::open(const HTTP_Stream_Position& position)
    bool success = false;
    CFStreamClientContext CTX = { 0, this, NULL, NULL, NULL };
    /* Already opened a read stream, return */
    if (m_readStream) {
        goto out;
    /* Reset state */
    m_position = position;
    m_readPending = false;
    m_httpHeadersParsed = false;
    m_contentType = "";
    m_icyStream = false;
    m_icyHeaderCR = false;
    m_icyHeadersRead = false;
    m_icyHeadersParsed = false;
    m_icyMetaDataInterval = 0;
    m_dataByteReadCount = 0;
    m_metaDataBytesRemaining = 0;
    if (!m_url) {
        goto out;
    /* Failed to create a stream */
    if (!(m_readStream = createReadStream(m_url))) {
        goto out;
    if (!CFReadStreamSetClient(m_readStream, kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable |
	                                         kCFStreamEventEndEncountered |
	                                         kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred, readCallBack, &CTX)) {
        CFRelease(m_readStream), m_readStream = 0;
        goto out;
    if (!CFReadStreamOpen(m_readStream)) {
        /* Open failed: clean */
        CFReadStreamSetClient(m_readStream, 0, NULL, NULL);
        if (m_readStream) {
            CFRelease(m_readStream), m_readStream = 0;
        goto out;
    success = true;

    return success;
Пример #4
void HiRes4Engine_Atari::init() {
	_graphics = new Graphics_v2(*_display);

	_boot = new DiskImage();
	if (!_boot->open(atariDisks[0]))
		error("Failed to open disk image '%s'", atariDisks[0]);


	StreamPtr stream(createReadStream(_boot, 0x06, 0x2));
	_strings.verbError = readStringAt(*stream, 0x4f);
	_strings.nounError = readStringAt(*stream, 0x83);
	_strings.enterCommand = readStringAt(*stream, 0xa6);

	stream.reset(createReadStream(_boot, 0x05, 0xb, 0xd7));
	_strings_v2.time = readString(*stream, 0xff);

	stream.reset(createReadStream(_boot, 0x06, 0x7, 0x00, 2));
	_strings_v2.saveInsert = readStringAt(*stream, 0x62);
	_strings_v2.saveReplace = readStringAt(*stream, 0xdd);
	_strings_v2.restoreInsert = readStringAt(*stream, 0x12a);
	_strings_v2.restoreReplace = readStringAt(*stream, 0x1b8);
	_strings.playAgain = readStringAt(*stream, 0x21b);
	// TODO: restart sequence has "insert side a/b" strings

	_messageIds.cantGoThere = IDI_HR4_MSG_CANT_GO_THERE;
	_messageIds.dontUnderstand = IDI_HR4_MSG_DONT_UNDERSTAND;
	_messageIds.itemDoesntMove = IDI_HR4_MSG_ITEM_DOESNT_MOVE;
	_messageIds.itemNotHere = IDI_HR4_MSG_ITEM_NOT_HERE;
	_messageIds.thanksForPlaying = IDI_HR4_MSG_THANKS_FOR_PLAYING;

	stream.reset(createReadStream(_boot, 0x06, 0xd, 0x12, 2));
	loadItemDescriptions(*stream, IDI_HR4_NUM_ITEM_DESCS);

	stream.reset(createReadStream(_boot, 0x07, 0x1, 0xf4));
	loadDroppedItemOffsets(*stream, IDI_HR4_NUM_ITEM_OFFSETS);

	stream.reset(createReadStream(_boot, 0x08, 0xe, 0xa5, 5));
	readCommands(*stream, _roomCommands);

	stream.reset(createReadStream(_boot, 0x0a, 0x9, 0x00, 3));
	readCommands(*stream, _globalCommands);

	stream.reset(createReadStream(_boot, 0x05, 0x4, 0x00, 3));
	loadWords(*stream, _verbs, _priVerbs);

	stream.reset(createReadStream(_boot, 0x03, 0xb, 0x00, 6));
	loadWords(*stream, _nouns, _priNouns);
Пример #5
uint32 Resource::getFileSize(const char *file) {
	Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = createReadStream(file);
	if (!stream)
		return 0;

	uint32 size = stream->size();
	delete stream;
	return size;
Пример #6
bool Resource::loadFileToBuf(const char *file, void *buf, uint32 maxSize) {
	Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = createReadStream(file);
	if (!stream)
		return false;

	memset(buf, 0, maxSize);
	stream->read(buf, ((int32)maxSize <= stream->size()) ? maxSize : stream->size());
	delete stream;
	return true;
Пример #7
uint8 *Resource::fileData(const char *file, uint32 *size) {
	Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = createReadStream(file);
	if (!stream)
		return 0;

	uint32 bufferSize = stream->size();
	uint8 *buffer = new uint8[bufferSize];
	if (size)
		*size = bufferSize;
	stream->read(buffer, bufferSize);
	delete stream;
	return buffer;
Пример #8
    void test_seek()
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
            uint8 buffer[MAX_BUFFER];
            uint32 size = (cOSRand::rand() % (MAX_BUFFER - 2)) + 2;
            for (uint32 i = 0; i < size; i++)
                buffer[i] = (uint8)cOSRand::rand();
            int type = cOSRand::rand();
            // Create the stream
                cSmartPtr<basicIO> stream = createStream(type);
                stream->pipeWrite(buffer, size);
                closeStream(type, stream);

            // Read from the stream with seeking...
                cSmartPtr<basicIO> rstream = createReadStream(type);

                // From begin
                unsigned int idx;
                for (idx = 0; idx < 10; idx++)
                    int positionFromBegin = cOSRand::rand() % size;
                    rstream->seek(positionFromBegin, basicInput::IO_SEEK_SET);
                    uint8 ch;
                    TESTS_ASSERT_EQUAL(rstream->pipeRead(&ch, 1), 1);
                    TESTS_ASSERT_EQUAL(buffer[positionFromBegin], ch);

                // From end
                for (idx = 0; idx < 10; idx++)
                    int positionFromEnd = (cOSRand::rand() % (size - 1)) + 1;
                    positionFromEnd = -positionFromEnd;
                    rstream->seek(positionFromEnd, basicInput::IO_SEEK_END);
                    uint8 ch;
                    TESTS_ASSERT_EQUAL(rstream->pipeRead(&ch, 1), 1);
                    TESTS_ASSERT_EQUAL(buffer[size + positionFromEnd], ch);

            cout << '-';
Пример #9
void HiRes4Engine_Atari::rebindDisk() {
	// As room.data is bound to the DiskImage, we need to rebind them here
	// We cannot simply reload the rooms as that would reset their state

	// FIXME: Remove DataBlockPtr-DiskImage coupling?

	StreamPtr stream(createReadStream(_boot, 0x03, 0x1, 0x0e, 9));
	for (uint i = 0; i < IDI_HR4_NUM_ROOMS; ++i) {
		_state.rooms[i].data = readDataBlockPtr(*stream);

	// Rebind data that is on both side B and C
Пример #10
    void test_read_write()
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
            uint8 buffer[MAX_BUFFER];
            uint8 read[MAX_BUFFER];
            uint32 size = (cOSRand::rand() % (MAX_BUFFER - 1)) + 1;
            for (uint32 i = 0; i < size; i++)
                buffer[i] = (uint8)cOSRand::rand();
                read[i] = 0;

            int type = cOSRand::rand();

            // Write out to the stream
                cSmartPtr<basicIO> stream = createStream(type);
                stream->pipeWrite(buffer, size);
                closeStream(type, stream);

            // Read from the stream
                cSmartPtr<basicIO> rstream = createReadStream(type);
                rstream->pipeRead(read, size);

                // Test the reading
                for (uint32 j = 0; j < size; j++)
                    TESTS_ASSERT_EQUAL(read[j], buffer[j]);


            cout << ',';
Пример #11
bool Resource::loadFileList(const Common::String &filedata) {
	Common::SeekableReadStream *f = createReadStream(filedata);

	if (!f)
		return false;

	uint32 filenameOffset = 0;
	while ((filenameOffset = f->readUint32LE()) != 0) {
		uint32 offset = f->pos();
		f->seek(filenameOffset, SEEK_SET);

		uint8 buffer[13];
		f->read(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1);
		buffer[12] = 0;
		f->seek(offset + 16, SEEK_SET);

		Common::String filename = Common::String((char *)buffer);

		if (filename.hasSuffix(".PAK")) {
			if (!exists(filename.c_str()) && _vm->gameFlags().isDemo) {
				// the demo version supplied with Kyra3 does not
				// contain all pak files listed in filedata.fdt
				// so we don't do anything here if they are non
				// existant.
			} else if (!loadPakFile(filename)) {
				delete f;
				error("couldn't load file '%s'", filename.c_str());
				return false;	// for compilers that don't support NORETURN

	delete f;
	return true;