Пример #1
double  MQuadrangle::etaShapeMeasure()
  double AR = 1;//(minEdge()/maxEdge());

  SVector3 v01 (_v[1]->x()-_v[0]->x(),_v[1]->y()-_v[0]->y(),_v[1]->z()-_v[0]->z());
  SVector3 v12 (_v[2]->x()-_v[1]->x(),_v[2]->y()-_v[1]->y(),_v[2]->z()-_v[1]->z());
  SVector3 v23 (_v[3]->x()-_v[2]->x(),_v[3]->y()-_v[2]->y(),_v[3]->z()-_v[2]->z());
  SVector3 v30 (_v[0]->x()-_v[3]->x(),_v[0]->y()-_v[3]->y(),_v[0]->z()-_v[3]->z());

  SVector3 a = crossprod(v01,v12);
  SVector3 b = crossprod(v12,v23);
  SVector3 c = crossprod(v23,v30);
  SVector3 d = crossprod(v30,v01);

  double sign = 1.0;
  if (dot(a,b) < 0 || dot(a,c) < 0 || dot(a,d) < 0 )sign = -1;
  // FIXME ...
  //  if (a.z() > 0 || b.z() > 0 || c.z() > 0 || d.z() > 0) sign = -1;

  double a1 = 180 * angle3Vertices(_v[0], _v[1], _v[2]) / M_PI;
  double a2 = 180 * angle3Vertices(_v[1], _v[2], _v[3]) / M_PI;
  double a3 = 180 * angle3Vertices(_v[2], _v[3], _v[0]) / M_PI;
  double a4 = 180 * angle3Vertices(_v[3], _v[0], _v[1]) / M_PI;

  a1 = std::min(180.,a1);
  a2 = std::min(180.,a2);
  a3 = std::min(180.,a3);
  a4 = std::min(180.,a4);
  double angle = fabs(90. - a1);
  angle = std::max(fabs(90. - a2),angle);
  angle = std::max(fabs(90. - a3),angle);
  angle = std::max(fabs(90. - a4),angle);

  return sign*(1.-angle/90) * AR;
Пример #2
// returns the cross field as a pair of othogonal vectors (NOT in parametric coordinates, but real 3D coordinates)
Pair<SVector3, SVector3> frameFieldBackgroundMesh2D::compute_crossfield_directions(double u, double v,
        double angle_current)
    // get the unit normal at that point
    GFace *face = dynamic_cast<GFace*>(gf);
    if(!face) {
        Msg::Error("Entity is not a face in background mesh");
        return Pair<SVector3,SVector3>(SVector3(), SVector3());

    Pair<SVector3, SVector3> der = face->firstDer(SPoint2(u,v));
    SVector3 s1 = der.first();
    SVector3 s2 = der.second();
    SVector3 n = crossprod(s1,s2);

    SVector3 basis_u = s1;
    SVector3 basis_v = crossprod(n,basis_u);

    // normalize vector t1 that is tangent to gf at uv
    SVector3 t1 = basis_u * cos(angle_current) + basis_v * sin(angle_current) ;

    // compute the second direction t2 and normalize (t1,t2,n) is the tangent frame
    SVector3 t2 = crossprod(n,t1);

    return Pair<SVector3,SVector3>(SVector3(t1[0],t1[1],t1[2]),
Пример #3
double oop3d ( struct xyz *vec1, struct xyz *vec2, struct xyz *vec3,
	       struct xyz *vec4 )
  /* compute oop angle between plane formed by 4 atoms */
  struct xyz plane1vec1, plane1vec2;
  struct xyz plane2vec1, plane2vec2;
  struct xyz normvec1, normvec2;
  double angle;
  /* plane1 is atoms 1, 2, 3
   * plane2 is atoms 2, 3, 4 */
  plane1vec1 = subtractxyz( vec1, vec2 );
  plane1vec2 = subtractxyz( vec3, vec2 );
  plane2vec1 = subtractxyz( vec4, vec3 );

  /* compute normal vectors */
  plane2vec2.x = plane1vec2.x * (-1);
  plane2vec2.y = plane1vec2.y * (-1);
  plane2vec2.z = plane1vec2.z * (-1);
  normvec1 = crossprod( plane1vec1, plane1vec2 );
  normvec2 = crossprod( plane2vec1, plane2vec2 );
  /* compute angle between normal vectors */
  angle = angl2vecxyz( normvec1, normvec2 ) * 180.0 / MATH_PI;

  /* return angle */
  return angle;
int drizzle_helper_functions::line_intersect(LocationType x1, LocationType x2, LocationType y1, LocationType y2, LocationType *result){
	LocationType dx, dy, d;
	dx = x2 - x1;
	dy = y2 - y1;
	d = x1 - y1;
	double dyx = crossprod(dy,dx);
	if(!dyx) return 0;
	dyx = crossprod(d, dx)/dyx;
	if(dyx <= 0 || dyx >= 1) return 0;
	result->mX = y1.mX + dyx * dy.mX;
	result->mY = y1.mY + dyx * dy.mY;
	return 1;
Пример #5
void MSubTriangle::getGradShapeFunctions(double u, double v, double w, double s[][3], int order) const

  if (_orig->getDim()==getDim())
    return _orig->getGradShapeFunctions(u, v, w, s, order);

  int nsf = getNumShapeFunctions();
  double gradsuvw[1256][3];
  _orig->getGradShapeFunctions(u, v, w, gradsuvw, order);

  // work in the parametric space of the parent element
  double jac[3][3];
  double invjac[3][3];
  _orig->getJacobian(u, v, w, jac);
  inv3x3(jac, invjac);

  MEdge edge[2];
  edge[0] = getBaseElement()->getEdge(0);
  edge[1] = getBaseElement()->getEdge(1);
  SVector3 tang[2];
  tang[0] = edge[0].tangent();
  tang[1] = edge[1].tangent();
  SVector3 vect = crossprod(tang[0],tang[1]);
  tang[1] = crossprod(vect,tang[0]);

  double gradxyz[3];
  double projgradxyz[3];
  for (int i=0; i<nsf; ++i)
  // (i) get the cartesian coordinates of the gradient
    gradxyz[0] = invjac[0][0] * gradsuvw[i][0] + invjac[0][1] * gradsuvw[i][1] + invjac[0][2] * gradsuvw[i][2];
    gradxyz[1] = invjac[1][0] * gradsuvw[i][0] + invjac[1][1] * gradsuvw[i][1] + invjac[1][2] * gradsuvw[i][2];
    gradxyz[2] = invjac[2][0] * gradsuvw[i][0] + invjac[2][1] * gradsuvw[i][1] + invjac[2][2] * gradsuvw[i][2];

    // (ii) projection of the gradient on edges in the cartesian space
    SVector3 grad(&gradxyz[0]);
    double prodscal[2];
    prodscal[0] = dot(tang[0],grad);
    prodscal[1] = dot(tang[1],grad);
    projgradxyz[0] = prodscal[0]*tang[0].x() + prodscal[1]*tang[1].x();
    projgradxyz[1] = prodscal[0]*tang[0].y() + prodscal[1]*tang[1].y();
    projgradxyz[2] = prodscal[0]*tang[0].z() + prodscal[1]*tang[1].z();

    // (iii) get the parametric coordinates of the projection in the parametric space of the parent element
    s[i][0] = jac[0][0] * projgradxyz[0] + jac[0][1] * projgradxyz[1] + jac[0][2] * projgradxyz[2];
    s[i][1] = jac[1][0] * projgradxyz[0] + jac[1][1] * projgradxyz[1] + jac[1][2] * projgradxyz[2];
    s[i][2] = jac[2][0] * projgradxyz[0] + jac[2][1] * projgradxyz[1] + jac[2][2] * projgradxyz[2];
Пример #6
static void _myGetFaceRep(MQuadrangle *t, int num, double *x, double *y, double *z,
                          SVector3 *n, int numSubEdges)
  int io = num%2;
  int ix = (num/2)/numSubEdges;
  int iy = (num/2)%numSubEdges;

  const double d = 2. / numSubEdges;
  const double ox = -1. + d*ix;
  const double oy = -1. + d*iy;

  SPoint3 pnt1, pnt2, pnt3;
  double J1[3][3], J2[3][3], J3[3][3];
  if (io == 0){
    t->pnt(ox, oy, 0, pnt1);
    t->pnt(ox + d, oy, 0, pnt2);
    t->pnt(ox + d, oy + d, 0, pnt3);
    t->getJacobian(ox, oy, 0, J1);
    t->getJacobian(ox + d, oy, 0, J2);
    t->getJacobian(ox + d, oy + d, 0, J3);
  } else{
    t->pnt(ox, oy, 0, pnt1);
    t->pnt(ox + d, oy + d, 0, pnt2);
    t->pnt(ox, oy + d, 0, pnt3);
    t->getJacobian(ox, oy, 0, J1);
    t->getJacobian(ox + d, oy + d, 0, J2);
    t->getJacobian(ox, oy + d, 0, J3);
    SVector3 d1(J1[0][0], J1[0][1], J1[0][2]);
    SVector3 d2(J1[1][0], J1[1][1], J1[1][2]);
    n[0] = crossprod(d1, d2);
    SVector3 d1(J2[0][0], J2[0][1], J2[0][2]);
    SVector3 d2(J2[1][0], J2[1][1], J2[1][2]);
    n[1] = crossprod(d1, d2);
    SVector3 d1(J3[0][0], J3[0][1], J3[0][2]);
    SVector3 d2(J3[1][0], J3[1][1], J3[1][2]);
    n[2] = crossprod(d1, d2);

  x[0] = pnt1.x(); x[1] = pnt2.x(); x[2] = pnt3.x();
  y[0] = pnt1.y(); y[1] = pnt2.y(); y[2] = pnt3.y();
  z[0] = pnt1.z(); z[1] = pnt2.z(); z[2] = pnt3.z();
Пример #7
// Group descent update
void gd_gaussian(double *b, double *x, double *r, int g, int *K1, int n, int l, int p, const char *penalty, double lam1, double lam2, double gamma, SEXP df, double *a) {
  // Calculate z
  int K = K1[g+1] - K1[g];
  double *z = Calloc(K, double);
  for (int j=K1[g]; j<K1[g+1]; j++) z[j-K1[g]] = crossprod(x, r, n, j)/n + a[j];
  double z_norm = norm(z,K);

  // Update b
  double len;
  if (strcmp(penalty, "grLasso")==0) len = S(z_norm, lam1) / (1+lam2);
  if (strcmp(penalty, "grMCP")==0) len = F(z_norm, lam1, lam2, gamma);
  if (strcmp(penalty, "grSCAD")==0) len = Fs(z_norm, lam1, lam2, gamma);
  if (len != 0 | a[K1[g]] != 0) {
    // If necessary, update beta and r
    for (int j=K1[g]; j<K1[g+1]; j++) {
      b[l*p+j] = len * z[j-K1[g]] / z_norm;
      double shift = b[l*p+j]-a[j];
      for (int i=0; i<n; i++) r[i] -= x[n*j+i] * shift;

  // Update df
  if (len > 0) REAL(df)[l] += K * len / z_norm;
Пример #8
void frameFieldBackgroundMesh2D::eval_crossfield(double u, double v, STensor3 &cf)
    double quadAngle  = angle(u,v);
    Pair<SVector3, SVector3> dirs = compute_crossfield_directions(u,v,quadAngle);
    SVector3 n = crossprod(dirs.first(),dirs.second());

    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        cf(i,0) = dirs.first()[i];
        cf(i,1) = dirs.second()[i];
        cf(i,2) = n[i];

    //  SVector3 t1,t2,n;
    //  GFace *face = dynamic_cast<GFace*>(gf);
    //  Pair<SVector3, SVector3> der = face->firstDer(SPoint2(u,v));
    //  SVector3 s1 = der.first();
    //  SVector3 s2 = der.second();
    //  n = crossprod(s1,s2);
    //  n.normalize();
    //  s1.normalize();
    //  s2=crossprod(n,s1);
    //  t1 = s1 * cos(quadAngle) + s2 * sin(quadAngle) ;
    //  t1.normalize();
    //  t2 = crossprod(n,t1);
    //  for (int i=0;i<3;i++){
    //    cf(i,0) = t1[i];
    //    cf(i,1) = t2[i];
    //    cf(i,2) = n[i];
    //  }
Пример #9
SMetric3 metric_based_on_surface_curvature(const GFace *gf, double u, double v,
					   bool surface_isotropic,
					   double d_normal ,
					   double d_tangent_max)
  if (gf->geomType() == GEntity::Plane)return SMetric3(1.e-12);
  double cmax, cmin;
  SVector3 dirMax,dirMin;
  cmax = gf->curvatures(SPoint2(u, v),&dirMax, &dirMin, &cmax,&cmin);
  if (cmin == 0)cmin =1.e-12;
  if (cmax == 0)cmax =1.e-12;
  double lambda1 =  ((2 * M_PI) /( fabs(cmin) *  CTX::instance()->mesh.minCircPoints ) );
  double lambda2 =  ((2 * M_PI) /( fabs(cmax) *  CTX::instance()->mesh.minCircPoints ) );
  SVector3 Z = crossprod(dirMax,dirMin);
  if (surface_isotropic)  lambda2 = lambda1 = std::min(lambda2,lambda1);
  lambda1 = std::max(lambda1, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin);
  lambda2 = std::max(lambda2, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin);
  lambda1 = std::min(lambda1, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
  lambda2 = std::min(lambda2, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
  double lambda3 = std::min(d_normal, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
  lambda3 = std::max(lambda3, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin);
  lambda1 = std::min(lambda1, d_tangent_max);
  lambda2 = std::min(lambda2, d_tangent_max);

  SMetric3 curvMetric (1./(lambda1*lambda1),1./(lambda2*lambda2),
                       dirMin, dirMax, Z );
  return curvMetric;
Пример #10
T vec3<T>::angle(const vec3<T>& a, const vec3<T>& b, const vec3<T>& c)
    // if |a|=0 or |b|=0 then angle is not defined.  We return NAN in this case.
    T ang = vec3<T>::angle(a,b);
    return (crossprod(a,b)*c<0) ?
           T(2.*M_PI)-ang : ang;
Пример #11
// Test intersection between sphere and triangle
// Inspired by Christer Ericson, http://realtimecollisiondetection.net/blog/?p=103
static bool testTriSphereIntersect(SPoint3 A, SPoint3 B, SPoint3 C,
                                   const SPoint3& P, const double rr)
  // Test if separating plane between sphere and triangle plane
  const SVector3 PA(P, A), AB(A, B), AC(A, C);
  const SVector3 V = crossprod(AB, AC);                                   // Normal to triangle plane
  const double d = dot(PA, V);                                            // Dist. from P to triangle plane times norm of V
  const double e = dot(V, V);                                             // Norm of V
  if (d * d > rr * e) return false;                                       // Test if separating plane between sphere and triangle plane

  // Test if separating plane between sphere and triangle vertices
  const SVector3 PB(P, B), PC(P, B);
  const double aa = dot(PA, PA), ab = dot(PA, PB), ac = dot(PA, PC);
  const double bb = dot(PB, PB), bc = dot(PB, PC), cc = dot(PC, PC);
  if ((aa > rr) & (ab > aa) & (ac > aa)) return false;                    // For each triangle vertex, separation if vertex is outside sphere
  if ((bb > rr) & (ab > bb) & (bc > bb)) return false;                    // and P on opposite side to other two triangle vertices w.r.t
  if ((cc > rr) & (ac > cc) & (bc > cc)) return false;                    // plane of normal (vertex-P) through vertex

  // Test if separating plane between sphere and triangle edges
  const SVector3 BC(B, C);
  const double d1 = ab - aa, d2 = bc - bb, d3 = ac - cc;
  const double e1 = dot(AB, AB), e2 = dot(BC, BC), e3 = dot(AC, AC);
  const SVector3 PQ1 = PA * e1 - d1 * AB;                                 // Q1 projection of P on line (AB)
  const SVector3 PQ2 = PB * e2 - d2 * BC;                                 // Q2 projection of P on line (BC)
  const SVector3 PQ3 = PC * e3 + d3 * AC;                                 // Q3 projection of P on line (AC)
  const SVector3 PQC = PC * e1 - PQ1;
  const SVector3 PQA = PA * e2 - PQ2;
  const SVector3 PQB = PB * e3 - PQ3;
  if ((dot(PQ1, PQ1) > rr * e1 * e1) & (dot(PQ1, PQC) > 0)) return false; // For A, separation if Q lies outside the sphere and if P and C
  if ((dot(PQ2, PQ2) > rr * e2 * e2) & (dot(PQ2, PQA) > 0)) return false; // are on opposite sides of plane through AB with normal PQ
  if ((dot(PQ3, PQ3) > rr * e3 * e3) & (dot(PQ3, PQB) > 0)) return false; // Same for other two vertices

  // Return true (intersection) if no separation at all
  return true;
Пример #12
bool SOrientedBoundingBox::intersects(SOrientedBoundingBox &obb) const
  SVector3 collide_axes[15];
  for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    collide_axes[i] = getAxis(i);
    collide_axes[i + 3] = obb.getAxis(i);

  SVector3 sizes[2];
  sizes[0] = getSize();
  sizes[1] = obb.getSize();

  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    for(std::size_t j = 3; j < 6; j++) {
      collide_axes[3 * i + j + 3] = crossprod(collide_axes[i], collide_axes[j]);
  SVector3 T = obb.getCenter() - getCenter();

  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
    double val = 0.0;
    for(std::size_t j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
      val += 0.5 * (sizes[j < 3 ? 0 : 1])(j % 3) *
             std::abs(dot(collide_axes[j], collide_axes[i]));
    if(std::abs(dot(collide_axes[i], T)) > val) { return false; }
  return true;
Пример #13
/* arc distance (along great circle) */
double arcdist(const Coord &x, const Coord &y)
{ // et angles aigus non orientes
	double n = norm(crossprod(x, y));
  if (n>1.) n=1. ;
	double a = asin(n);
	if (squaredist(x,y) > 2.0) a = M_PI - a;
	return a;
Пример #14
static void computeLevelset(GModel *gm, cartesianBox<double> &box)
  // tolerance for desambiguation
  const double tol = box.getLC() * 1.e-12;
  std::vector<SPoint3> nodes;
  std::vector<int> indices;
  for (cartesianBox<double>::valIter it = box.nodalValuesBegin();
       it != box.nodalValuesEnd(); ++it){
  Msg::Info("  %d nodes in the grid at level %d", (int)nodes.size(), box.getLevel());
  std::vector<double> dist, localdist;
  std::vector<SPoint3> dummy;
  for (GModel::fiter fit = gm->firstFace(); fit != gm->lastFace(); fit++){
    for (int i = 0; i < (*fit)->stl_triangles.size(); i += 3){
      int i1 = (*fit)->stl_triangles[i];
      int i2 = (*fit)->stl_triangles[i + 1];
      int i3 = (*fit)->stl_triangles[i + 2];
      GPoint p1 = (*fit)->point((*fit)->stl_vertices[i1]);
      GPoint p2 = (*fit)->point((*fit)->stl_vertices[i2]);
      GPoint p3 = (*fit)->point((*fit)->stl_vertices[i3]);
      SPoint2 p = ((*fit)->stl_vertices[i1] + (*fit)->stl_vertices[i2] +
                   (*fit)->stl_vertices[i3]) * 0.33333333;
      SVector3 N = (*fit)->normal(p);
      SPoint3 P1(p1.x(), p1.y(), p1.z());
      SPoint3 P2(p2.x(), p2.y(), p2.z());
      SPoint3 P3(p3.x(), p3.y(), p3.z());
      SVector3 NN(crossprod(P2 - P1, P3 - P1));
      if (dot(NN, N) > 0)
	signedDistancesPointsTriangle(localdist, dummy, nodes, P1, P2, P3);
	signedDistancesPointsTriangle(localdist, dummy, nodes, P2, P1, P3);
        dist = localdist;
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < localdist.size(); j++){
          // FIXME: if there is an ambiguity assume we are inside (to
          // avoid holes in the structure). This is definitely just a
          // hack, as it could create pockets of matter outside the
          // structure...
          if(dist[j] * localdist[j] < 0 &&
             fabs(fabs(dist[j]) - fabs(localdist[j])) < tol){
            dist[j] = std::max(dist[j], localdist[j]);
            dist[j] = (fabs(dist[j]) < fabs(localdist[j])) ? dist[j] : localdist[j];
  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < dist.size(); j++)
    box.setNodalValue(indices[j], dist[j]);

  if(box.getChildBox()) computeLevelset(gm, *box.getChildBox());
Пример #15
double angle3Vertices(const MVertex *p1, const MVertex *p2, const MVertex *p3)
  SVector3 a(p1->x() - p2->x(), p1->y() - p2->y(), p1->z() - p2->z());
  SVector3 b(p3->x() - p2->x(), p3->y() - p2->y(), p3->z() - p2->z());
  SVector3 c = crossprod(a, b);
  double sinA = c.norm();
  double cosA = dot(a, b);
  return atan2 (sinA, cosA);
Пример #16
SMetric3 Centerline::metricBasedOnSurfaceCurvature(SVector3 dirMin, SVector3 dirMax,
                                                   double cmin, double cmax,
						   double h_n, double h_t1, double h_t2)

  SVector3 dirNorm = crossprod(dirMax,dirMin);
  SMetric3 curvMetric (1./(h_t1*h_t1),1./(h_t2*h_t2),1./(h_n*h_n), dirMin, dirMax, dirNorm);

  return curvMetric;
Пример #17
double sqDistPointSegment(const SPoint3 &p, const SPoint3 &s0, const SPoint3 &s1)
  SVector3 d(s1 - s0);
  SVector3 d0(p - s0);
  SVector3 d1(p - s1);
  double dn2 = crossprod(d, d0).normSq();
  double dt2 = std::max(0., std::max(-dot(d, d0), dot(d, d1)));
  dt2 *= dt2;
  return (dt2 + dn2) / d.normSq();
Пример #18
double GEdge::curvature(double par) const
  SVector3 d1 = firstDer(par);
  SVector3 d2 = secondDer(par);

  double one_over_norm = 1. / norm(d1);

  SVector3 cross_prod = crossprod(d1,d2);

  return ( norm(cross_prod) * one_over_norm * one_over_norm * one_over_norm );
Пример #19
int badAngle(Pt a, Pt b, Pt c)
	Pt p, q;
	p.x = a.x - b.x;
	p.y = a.y - b.y;
	q.x = c.x - b.x;
	q.y = c.y - b.y;
	if (crossprod(p.x,p.y,q.x,q.y) >= 0)
		return 1;
	return 0;
Пример #20
// return oriented vector angle in range [-pi..pi], pole must be orthogonal to a and b
double vectAngle(const Coord &a, const Coord &b, const Coord &pole)
  double nab = 1./(norm(a)*norm(b)) ;
  Coord a_cross_b=crossprod(a, b)*nab ;
  double sinVect ;
  if (scalarprod(a_cross_b, pole) >= 0) sinVect=norm(a_cross_b) ;
  else sinVect=-norm(a_cross_b) ;
  double cosVect=scalarprod(a,b)*nab ;

  return atan2(sinVect,cosVect) ;
Пример #21
void Pair::computeBoundaryQuadric()
    // We'd need to compute a quadric which is perpendicular to
    // the one face attached to this pair.
    float A, B, C, D;
    U32 SetCtx = 0;
    Face *face = (Face *) m_Faces.Begin(SetCtx);

    face->planeEquation (A, B, C, D);
    IV3D normal, perpNormal, pairVector;

    normal.x = A;
    normal.y = B;
    normal.z = C;
    normalize3D (&normal);

    subtract3D ((IV3D*)&v1->v, (IV3D*)&v2->v, (IV3D*)&pairVector);

    normalize3D ((IV3D*)&pairVector);
    crossprod ((IV3D*)&normal, (IV3D*)&pairVector, (IV3D*)&perpNormal);

    // Form an equation of a plane perpendicular to the pair and its 1 face:
    A = perpNormal.x;
    B = perpNormal.y;
    C = perpNormal.z;
    // Solve for D:
    //converting all float type data to double to improve calculation accuracy.
    D = (float)(-((double)A*(double)v1->v.X()) - ((double)B*(double)v1->v.Y()) - ((double)C*(double)v1->v.Z()));

    float q[16]; // q is row major:

    m_pQuadric = new Matrix4x4(q);

    // Weight this quadric..."We *really* want to hang on to the boundaries...":
    (*m_pQuadric) *= BOUNDARY_QUADRIC_WEIGHT;
Пример #22
Файл: epi.c Проект: 3dptv/3dptv
double epi_line (double xl, double yl, Exterior Ex1, Interior I1, Glass G1,
				 Exterior Ex2, Interior I2, Glass G2)
	int i,j;
	double m2, vect1[3], vect2[3], vect3[3], nk[3], n2[3];
	double p1l[3], K2[3], k2[3], D2t[3][3];
	void crossprod (double a[3], double b[3], double c[3]);

	/* base O1 -> O2 */
	vect1[0] = Ex2.x0 - Ex1.x0;
	vect1[1] = Ex2.y0 - Ex1.y0;
	vect1[2] = Ex2.z0 - Ex1.z0;

	/* coordinates of arbitrary point P1 in image1 */
	p1l[0] = xl;  p1l[1] = yl;	  p1l[2] = -I1.cc;

	/* beam O1 -> P in space */
	matmul (vect2, Ex1.dm, p1l, 3,3,1);

	/* normale to epipolar plane */
	crossprod (vect1,vect2,nk);

	/* normale to image2 */
	vect3[0] = 0;  vect3[1] = 0;  vect3[2] = -I2.cc;

	/* normale to image 2, in space */
	matmul (n2, Ex2.dm, vect3, 3,3,1);

	/* epipolar line in image2, in space */
	crossprod (nk,n2,K2);

	/* epipolar line in image2 */
	for (i=0; i<3; i++)
		for (j=0; j<3; j++)
			D2t[i][j] = Ex2.dm[j][i];
	matmul (k2, D2t, K2, 3,3,1);
	m2 = k2[1] / k2[0];
	return (m2);
Пример #23
SMetric3 buildMetricTangentToCurve(SVector3 &t, double l_t, double l_n)
  if (l_t == 0.0) return SMetric3(1.e-22);
  SVector3 a;
  if (fabs(t(0)) <= fabs(t(1)) && fabs(t(0)) <= fabs(t(2))){
    a = SVector3(1,0,0);
  else if (fabs(t(1)) <= fabs(t(0)) && fabs(t(1)) <= fabs(t(2))){
    a = SVector3(0,1,0);
    a = SVector3(0,0,1);
  SVector3 b = crossprod (t,a);
  SVector3 c = crossprod (b,t);
  SMetric3 Metric (1./(l_t*l_t),1./(l_n*l_n),1./(l_n*l_n),t,b,c);
  //  printf("bmttc %g %g %g %g %g\n",l_t,l_n,Metric(0,0),Metric(0,1),Metric(1,1));
  return Metric;
Пример #24
SMetric3 buildMetricTangentToSurface(SVector3 &t1, SVector3 &t2,
                                     double l_t1, double l_t2, double l_n)
  SVector3 n = crossprod (t1,t2);

  l_t1 = std::max(l_t1, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin);
  l_t2 = std::max(l_t2, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin);
  l_t1 = std::min(l_t1, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
  l_t2 = std::min(l_t2, CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
  SMetric3 Metric (1./(l_t1*l_t1),1./(l_t2*l_t2),1./(l_n*l_n),t1,t2,n);
  return Metric;
Пример #25
vec3<T>& vec3<T>::rotate(const vec3<T>& r)
    T phi = norm(r);
    if (phi != 0)
        // part of vector which is parallel to r
        vec3<T> par(r*(*this)/(r*r) * r);
        // part of vector which is perpendicular to r
        vec3<T> perp(*this - par);
        // rotation direction, size of perp
        vec3<T> rotdir(norm(perp) * normalized(crossprod(r,perp)));
        *this = par + cos(phi)*perp + sin(phi)*rotdir;
    return *this;
Пример #26
// Scan for violations in strong set
int check_strong_set(int *e2, int *e, double *xTr, double *X, double *r, int *K1, int *K, double lam, int n, int J) {
  int violations = 0;
  for (int g = 0; g < J; g++) {
    if (e[g] == 0 && e2[g] == 1) {
      double *z = Calloc(K[g], double);
      for (int j = K1[g]; j < K1[g+1]; j++) {
        z[j-K1[g]] = crossprod(X, r, n, j) / n;
      xTr[g] = norm(z, K[g]);
      if (xTr[g] > lam * sqrt(K[g])) {
        e[g] = 1;
Пример #27
int edge_normal
(const MVertex *const vertex, const int zoneIndex, const GEdge *const gEdge,
 const CCon::FaceVector<MZoneBoundary<2>::GlobalVertexData<MEdge>::FaceDataB>
 &faces, SVector3 &boNormal, const int onlyFace = -1)

  double par=0.0;
  // Note: const_cast used to match MVertex.cpp interface
  if(!reparamMeshVertexOnEdge(const_cast<MVertex*>(vertex), gEdge, par)) return 1;

  const SVector3 tangent(gEdge->firstDer(par));
                                        // Tangent to the boundary face
  SPoint3 interior(0., 0., 0.);         // An interior point
  SVector3 meshPlaneNormal(0.);         // This normal is perpendicular to the
                                        // plane of the mesh

  // The interior point and mesh plane normal are computed from all elements in
  // the zone.
  int cFace = 0;
  int iFace = 0;
  int nFace = faces.size();
  if ( onlyFace >= 0 ) {
    iFace = onlyFace;
    nFace = onlyFace + 1;
  for(; iFace != nFace; ++iFace) {
    if(faces[iFace].zoneIndex == zoneIndex) {
      interior += faces[iFace].parentElement->barycenter();
      // Make sure all the planes go in the same direction
      SVector3 mpnt = faces[iFace].parentElement->getFace(0).normal();
      if(dot(mpnt, meshPlaneNormal) < 0.) mpnt.negate();
      meshPlaneNormal += mpnt;
  interior /= cFace;
  // Normal to the boundary edge (but unknown direction)
  boNormal = crossprod(tangent, meshPlaneNormal);
  // Direction vector from vertex to interior (inwards).  The normal should
  // point in the same direction.
  if(dot(boNormal, SVector3(vertex->point(), interior)) < 0.)
  return 0;

Пример #28
double* angleaccel(double omega[3], struct copter quad)
{/*Computes angular acceleration vector of quad*/
  double tau[3];
  double Iomega[3];
  int i;

  for (i=1;i<4;i++){
    Iomega[i] = quad.I[i]*omega[i];
  C = crossprod(omega,Iomega);

  /*Compute Torques*/
  ddtomega[1] = 1/quad.I[1]*(tau[1]);

  return ddtomega;
Пример #29
static void
recorditem(GLfloat * n1, GLfloat * n2, GLfloat * n3,
  GLenum shadeType)
  GLfloat q0[3], q1[3];

  DIFF3(n1, n2, q0);
  DIFF3(n2, n3, q1);
  crossprod(q0, q1, q1);

Пример #30
static void
pentagon(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, GLenum shadeType)
  GLfloat n0[3], d1[3], d2[3];

  DIFF3(dodec[a], dodec[b], d1);
  DIFF3(dodec[b], dodec[c], d2);
  crossprod(d1, d2, n0);
