Пример #1
 * Send a packet on an already established connection
 * @param conn pointer to connection
 * @param packet pointer to packet,
 * @param timeout a timeout to wait for TX to complete. NOTE: not all underlying drivers supports flow-control.
 * @return returns 1 if successful and 0 otherwise. you MUST free the frame yourself if the transmission was not successful.
int csp_send(csp_conn_t * conn, csp_packet_t * packet, unsigned int timeout) {

	if ((conn == NULL) || (packet == NULL) || (conn->state != CONN_OPEN)) {
		csp_debug(CSP_ERROR, "Invalid call to csp_send\r\n");
		return 0;


	int result = 1;
	switch(conn->idout.protocol) {
	case CSP_RDP:
		result = csp_rdp_send(conn, packet, timeout);
	if (result == 0) {
		csp_debug(CSP_WARN, "RPD send failed\r\n!");
		return 0;


	return csp_send_direct(conn->idout, packet, timeout);

Пример #2
void * csp_buffer_get_isr(size_t buf_size) {

	static uint8_t csp_buffer_last_given = 0;

	if (buf_size + CSP_BUFFER_PACKET_OVERHEAD > size) {
		csp_debug(CSP_ERROR, "Attempt to allocate too large block %u\r\n", buf_size);
		return NULL;

	int i = csp_buffer_last_given; // Start with the last given element
	i = (i + 1) % count; // Increment by one
	while (i != csp_buffer_last_given) { // Loop till we have checked all
		if (csp_buffer_list[i] == CSP_BUFFER_FREE) { // Check the buffer list
			csp_buffer_list[i] = CSP_BUFFER_USED; // Mark as used
			csp_buffer_last_given = i; // Remember the progress
			csp_debug(CSP_BUFFER, "BUFFER: Using element %u at %p\r\n", i, csp_buffer_p + (i * size));
			return csp_buffer_p + (i * size); // Return poniter
		i = (i + 1) % count; // Increment by one

	csp_debug(CSP_ERROR, "Out of buffers\r\n");
	return NULL; // If we are out of memory, return NULL

Пример #3
int csp_sfp_recv(csp_conn_t * conn, void ** dataout, int * datasize, uint32_t timeout) {

	unsigned int last_byte = 0;

	csp_packet_t * packet;
	while((packet = csp_read(conn, timeout)) != NULL) {

		/* Check that SFP header is present */
		if ((packet->id.flags & CSP_FFRAG) == 0) {
			csp_debug(CSP_ERROR, "Missing SFP header\r\n");
			return -1;

		/* Read SFP header */
		sfp_header_t * sfp_header = csp_sfp_header_remove(packet);
		sfp_header->offset = csp_ntoh32(sfp_header->offset);
		sfp_header->totalsize = csp_ntoh32(sfp_header->totalsize);

		csp_debug(CSP_PROTOCOL, "SFP fragment %u/%u\r\n", sfp_header->offset + packet->length, sfp_header->totalsize);

		if (sfp_header->offset > last_byte + 1) {
			csp_debug(CSP_ERROR, "SFP missing %u bytes\r\n", sfp_header->offset - last_byte);
			return -1;
		} else {
			last_byte = sfp_header->offset + packet->length;

		/* Allocate memory */
		if (*dataout == NULL)
			*dataout = csp_malloc(sfp_header->totalsize);
		*datasize = sfp_header->totalsize;

		/* Copy data to output */
		if (*dataout != NULL)
			memcpy(*dataout + sfp_header->offset, packet->data, packet->length);

		if (sfp_header->offset + packet->length >= sfp_header->totalsize) {
			csp_debug(CSP_PROTOCOL, "SFP complete\r\n");
			return 0;
		} else {


	return -1;

Пример #4
int csp_route_next_packet(csp_route_queue_t * input) {

#ifdef CSP_USE_QOS
	int prio, found, event;

	/* Wait for packet in any queue */
	if (csp_queue_dequeue(router_input_event, &event, 100) != CSP_QUEUE_OK)

	/* Find packet with highest priority */
	found = 0;
	for (prio = 0; prio < CSP_ROUTE_FIFOS; prio++) {
		if (csp_queue_dequeue(router_input_fifo[prio], input, 0) == CSP_QUEUE_OK) {
			found = 1;

	if (!found) {
		csp_debug(CSP_WARN, "Spurious wakeup of router task. No packet found\r\n");
	if (csp_queue_dequeue(router_input_fifo[0], input, 100) != CSP_QUEUE_OK)

	return CSP_ERR_NONE;

Пример #5
 * Instantly free's the packet buffer
 * This call is safe from both ISR and Task context
 * @param packet
void csp_buffer_free(void * packet) {
	int i = ((uint8_t *) packet - csp_buffer_p) / size;					// Find number in array by math (wooo)
	csp_debug(CSP_BUFFER, "BUFFER: Free element %u\r\n", i);
	if (i < 0 || i > count)
	csp_buffer_list[i] = CSP_BUFFER_FREE;					// Mark this as free now
Пример #6
int csp_bind(csp_socket_t * socket, uint8_t port) {
	if (port > CSP_ANY) {
		csp_debug(CSP_ERROR, "Only ports from 0-%u (and CSP_ANY for default) are available for incoming ports\r\n", CSP_ANY);
		return CSP_ERR_INVAL;

	/* Check if port number is valid */
	if (ports[port].state != PORT_CLOSED) {
		csp_debug(CSP_ERROR, "Port %d is already in use\r\n", port);
		return CSP_ERR_USED;

	csp_debug(CSP_INFO, "Binding socket %p to port %u\r\n", socket, port);

	/* Save listener */
	ports[port].socket = socket;
	ports[port].state = PORT_OPEN;

	return CSP_ERR_NONE;

Пример #7
static csp_rtable_t * csp_rtable_find(uint8_t addr, uint8_t netmask, uint8_t exact) {

	/* Remember best result */
	csp_rtable_t * best_result = NULL;
	uint8_t best_result_mask = 0;

	/* Start search */
	csp_rtable_t * i = rtable;
	while(i) {

		/* Look for exact match */
		if (i->address == addr && i->netmask == netmask) {
			best_result = i;

		/* Try a CIDR netmask match */
		if (!exact) {
			uint8_t hostbits = (1 << (CSP_ID_HOST_SIZE - i->netmask)) - 1;
			uint8_t netbits = ~hostbits;
			//printf("Netbits %x Hostbits %x\r\n", netbits, hostbits);

			/* Match network addresses */
			uint8_t net_a = i->address & netbits;
			uint8_t net_b = addr & netbits;
			//printf("A: %hhx, B: %hhx\r\n", net_a, net_b);

			/* We have a match */
			if (net_a == net_b) {
				if (i->netmask >= best_result_mask) {
					//printf("Match best result %u %u\r\n", best_result_mask, i->netmask);
					best_result = i;
					best_result_mask = i->netmask;


		i = i->next;


#if 0
	if (best_result)
		csp_debug(CSP_PACKET, "Using routing entry: %u/%u dev %s m:%u\r\n", best_result->address, best_result->netmask, best_result->interface->name, best_result->mac);

	return best_result;

Пример #8
/** csp_socket
 * Create CSP socket endpoint
 * @param opts Socket options
 * @return Pointer to socket on success, NULL on failure
csp_socket_t * csp_socket(uint32_t opts) {
    /* Validate socket options */
	if ((opts & CSP_SO_RDPREQ) && !CSP_USE_RDP) {
		csp_debug(CSP_ERROR, "Attempt to create socket that requires RDP, but CSP was compiled without RDP support\r\n");
		return NULL;
	} else if ((opts & CSP_SO_XTEAREQ) && !CSP_ENABLE_XTEA) {
		csp_debug(CSP_ERROR, "Attempt to create socket that requires XTEA, but CSP was compiled without XTEA support\r\n");
		return NULL;
	} else if ((opts & CSP_SO_HMACREQ) && !CSP_ENABLE_HMAC) {
		csp_debug(CSP_ERROR, "Attempt to create socket that requires XTEA, but CSP was compiled without XTEA support\r\n");
		return NULL;

	/* Use CSP buffers instead? */
    csp_socket_t * sock = csp_malloc(sizeof(csp_socket_t));
    if (sock != NULL) {
        sock->conn_queue = NULL;
        sock->opts = opts;

    return sock;

Пример #9
int csp_sfp_send(csp_conn_t * conn, void * data, int totalsize, int mtu, uint32_t timeout) {

	int count = 0;
	while(count < totalsize) {

		/* Allocate packet */
		csp_packet_t * packet = csp_buffer_get(mtu);
		if (packet == NULL)
			return -1;

		/* Calculate sending size */
		int size = totalsize - count;
		if (size > mtu)
			size = mtu;

		/* Print debug */
		csp_debug(CSP_PROTOCOL, "Sending SFP at %x size %u\r\n", data + count, size);

		/* Copy data */
		memcpy(packet->data, data + count, size);
		packet->length = size;

		/* Set fragment flag */
		conn->idout.flags |= CSP_FFRAG;

		/* Add SFP header */
		sfp_header_t * sfp_header = csp_sfp_header_add(packet);
		sfp_header->totalsize = csp_hton32(totalsize);
		sfp_header->offset = csp_hton32(count);

		/* Send data */
		if (!csp_send(conn, packet, timeout)) {
			return -1;

		/* Increment count */
		count += size;


	return 0;

Пример #10
int csp_buffer_init(int buf_count, int buf_size) {

	/* Remember size */
	count = buf_count;
	size = buf_size;

	/* Allocate main memory */
	csp_buffer_p = csp_malloc(count * size);
	if (csp_buffer_p == NULL)
		return CSP_ERR_NOMEM;

	/* Allocate housekeeping memory */
	csp_buffer_list = (csp_buffer_state_t *) csp_malloc(count * sizeof(csp_buffer_state_t));
	if (csp_buffer_list == NULL) {
		return CSP_ERR_NOMEM;

#if defined(CSP_POSIX) || defined(CSP_WINDOWS)
	/* Initialize critical lock */
	if (csp_bin_sem_create(&csp_critical_lock) != CSP_SEMAPHORE_OK) {
		csp_debug(CSP_ERROR, "No more memory for buffer semaphore\r\n");

		if (csp_buffer_list)
		if (csp_buffer_p)

		return CSP_ERR_NOMEM;

	/* Clear housekeeping memory = all free mem */
	memset(csp_buffer_list, 0, count * sizeof(csp_buffer_state_t));

	return CSP_ERR_NONE;

Пример #11
 * Helper function to decrypt, check auth and CRC32
 * @param security_opts either socket_opts or conn_opts
 * @param interface pointer to incoming interface
 * @param packet pointer to packet
 * @return -1 Missing feature, -2 XTEA error, -3 CRC error, -4 HMAC error, 0 = OK.
static int csp_route_security_check(uint32_t security_opts, csp_iface_t * interface, csp_packet_t * packet) {

	/* XTEA encrypted packet */
	if (packet->id.flags & CSP_FXTEA) {
		/* Read nonce */
		uint32_t nonce;
		memcpy(&nonce, &packet->data[packet->length - sizeof(nonce)], sizeof(nonce));
		nonce = csp_ntoh32(nonce);
		packet->length -= sizeof(nonce);

		/* Create initialization vector */
		uint32_t iv[2] = {nonce, 1};

		/* Decrypt data */
		if (csp_xtea_decrypt(packet->data, packet->length, iv) != 0) {
			/* Decryption failed */
			csp_debug(CSP_ERROR, "Decryption failed! Discarding packet\r\n");
			return CSP_ERR_XTEA;
	} else if (security_opts & CSP_SO_XTEAREQ) {
		csp_debug(CSP_WARN, "Received packet without XTEA encryption. Discarding packet\r\n");
		return CSP_ERR_XTEA;
		csp_debug(CSP_ERROR, "Received XTEA encrypted packet, but CSP was compiled without XTEA support. Discarding packet\r\n");
		return CSP_ERR_NOTSUP;

	/* CRC32 verified packet */
	if (packet->id.flags & CSP_FCRC32) {
#ifdef CSP_USE_CRC32
		/* Verify CRC32  */
		if (csp_crc32_verify(packet) != 0) {
			/* Checksum failed */
			csp_debug(CSP_ERROR, "CRC32 verification error! Discarding packet\r\n");
			return CSP_ERR_CRC32;
	} else if (security_opts & CSP_SO_CRC32REQ) {
		csp_debug(CSP_WARN, "Received packet without CRC32. Accepting packet\r\n");
		packet->length -= sizeof(uint32_t);
		/* Strip CRC32 field and accept the packet */
		csp_debug(CSP_WARN, "Received packet with CRC32, but CSP was compiled without CRC32 support. Accepting packet\r\n");
		packet->length -= sizeof(uint32_t);

	/* HMAC authenticated packet */
	if (packet->id.flags & CSP_FHMAC) {
		/* Verify HMAC */
		if (csp_hmac_verify(packet) != 0) {
			/* HMAC failed */
			csp_debug(CSP_ERROR, "HMAC verification error! Discarding packet\r\n");
			return CSP_ERR_HMAC;
	} else if (security_opts & CSP_SO_HMACREQ) {
		csp_debug(CSP_WARN, "Received packet without HMAC. Discarding packet\r\n");
		return CSP_ERR_HMAC;
		csp_debug(CSP_ERROR, "Received packet with HMAC, but CSP was compiled without HMAC support. Discarding packet\r\n");
		return CSP_ERR_NOTSUP;

	return CSP_ERR_NONE;

Пример #12
 * Function to transmit a frame without an existing connection structure.
 * This function is used for stateless transmissions
 * @param idout 32bit CSP identifier
 * @param packet pointer to packet,
 * @param timeout a timeout to wait for TX to complete. NOTE: not all underlying drivers supports flow-control.
 * @return returns 1 if successful and 0 otherwise. you MUST free the frame yourself if the transmission was not successful.
int csp_send_direct(csp_id_t idout, csp_packet_t * packet, unsigned int timeout) {

	if (packet == NULL) {
		csp_debug(CSP_ERROR, "csp_send_direct: packet == NULL\r\n");
		return 0;

	csp_iface_t * ifout = csp_route_if(idout.dst);

	if ((ifout == NULL) || (*ifout->nexthop == NULL)) {
		csp_debug(CSP_ERROR, "No route to host: %#08x\r\n", idout.ext);
		return 0;

	csp_debug(CSP_PACKET, "Sending packet from %u to %u port %u via interface %s\r\n", idout.src, idout.dst, idout.dport, ifout->name);
    /* Loopback traffic is added to promisc queue by the router */
    if (idout.dst != my_address) {
        packet->id.ext = idout.ext;
        csp_promisc_add(packet, csp_promisc_queue);

    /* Only encrypt packets from the current node */
    if (idout.src == my_address && (idout.flags & CSP_FXTEA)) {
    	/* Create nonce */
    	uint32_t nonce, nonce_n;
    	nonce = (uint32_t)rand();
    	nonce_n = htonl(nonce);
    	memcpy(&packet->data[packet->length], &nonce_n, sizeof(nonce_n));

    	/* Create initialization vector */
    	uint32_t iv[2] = {nonce, 1};

    	/* Encrypt data */
		if (xtea_encrypt(packet->data, packet->length, (uint32_t *)CSP_CRYPTO_KEY, iv) != 0) {
			/* Encryption failed */
			csp_debug(CSP_WARN, "Encryption failed! Discarding packet\r\n");
			return 0;

		packet->length += sizeof(nonce_n);
		csp_debug(CSP_WARN, "Attempt to send XTEA encrypted packet, but CSP was compiled without XTEA support. Discarding packet\r\n");
		return 0;

    /* Only append HMAC to packets from the current node */
    if (idout.src == my_address && (idout.flags & CSP_FHMAC)) {
		/* Calculate and add HMAC */
		if (hmac_append(packet, (uint8_t *)CSP_CRYPTO_KEY, CSP_CRYPTO_KEY_LENGTH) != 0) {
			/* HMAC append failed */
			csp_debug(CSP_WARN, "HMAC append failed!\r\n");
			return 0;
		csp_debug(CSP_WARN, "Attempt to send packet with HMAC, but CSP was compiled without HMAC support. Discarding packet\r\n");
		return 0;

	return (*ifout->nexthop)(idout, packet, timeout);
