Пример #1
void db_FrameToReferenceRegistration::Set_H_dref_to_ins(double H[9])
    double H_ins_to_ref[9];

    db_Identity3x3(H_ins_to_ref);   // Ensure it has proper values
    db_InvertAffineTransform(H_ins_to_ref,m_H_ref_to_ins);  // Invert to get ins to ref
    db_Multiply3x3_3x3(m_H_dref_to_ref,H,H_ins_to_ref); // Update dref to ref using the input H from dref to ins
Пример #2
// Save the reference image, detect features and update the dref-to-ref transformation
int db_FrameToReferenceRegistration::UpdateReference(const unsigned char * const * im, bool subsample, bool detect_corners)
  double temp[9];

  const unsigned char * const * imptr = im;

  if (m_quarter_resolution && subsample)
    imptr = m_quarter_res_image;

  // save the reference image, detect features and quit

    #if MB
    m_cd.DetectCorners(imptr, m_x_corners_ref,m_y_corners_ref,&m_nr_corners_ref);
    int nr = 0;
    for(int k=0; k<m_nr_corners_ref; k++)
            m_x_corners_ref[nr] = m_x_corners_ref[k];
            m_y_corners_ref[nr] = m_y_corners_ref[k];

    m_nr_corners_ref = nr;
    m_cd.DetectCorners(imptr, m_x_corners_ref,m_y_corners_ref,&m_nr_corners_ref);
    m_nr_corners_ref = m_nr_corners_ins;

    for(int k=0; k<m_nr_corners_ins; k++)
        m_x_corners_ref[k] = m_x_corners_ins[k];
        m_y_corners_ref[k] = m_y_corners_ins[k];



  m_max_inlier_count = 0;   // Reset to 0 as no inliers seen until now
  m_sq_cost_computed = false;
  m_reference_set = true;
  m_current_is_reference = true;
  return 1;
void AllocateTextureMemory(int widthHR, int heightHR, int widthLR, int heightLR)
    gPreviewImageWidth[HR] = widthHR;
    gPreviewImageHeight[HR] = heightHR;

    gPreviewImageWidth[LR] = widthLR;
    gPreviewImageHeight[LR] = heightLR;

    gPreviewImage[LR] = ImageUtils::allocateImage(gPreviewImageWidth[LR],
            gPreviewImageHeight[LR], 4);
    gPreviewImage[HR] = ImageUtils::allocateImage(gPreviewImageWidth[HR],
            gPreviewImageHeight[HR], 4);

    gPreviewFBOWidth = PREVIEW_FBO_WIDTH_SCALE * gPreviewImageWidth[HR];
    gPreviewFBOHeight = PREVIEW_FBO_HEIGHT_SCALE * gPreviewImageHeight[HR];

    // The origin is such that the current frame will sit with its center
    // at the center of the previewFBO
    gCenterOffsetX = (gPreviewFBOWidth / 2 - gPreviewImageWidth[HR] / 2);
    gCenterOffsetY = (gPreviewFBOHeight / 2 - gPreviewImageHeight[HR] / 2);

    gPanOffset = 0.0f;


    gPanViewfinder = true;

    int w = gPreviewImageWidth[HR];
    int h = gPreviewImageHeight[HR];

    int wm = gPreviewFBOWidth;
    int hm = gPreviewFBOHeight;

    // K is the transformation to map the canonical [-1,1] vertex coordinate
    // system to the [0,w] image coordinate system before applying the given
    // affine transformation trs.
    gKm[0] = wm / 2.0 - 0.5;
    gKm[1] = 0.0;
    gKm[2] = wm / 2.0 - 0.5;
    gKm[3] = 0.0;
    gKm[4] = hm / 2.0 - 0.5;
    gKm[5] = hm / 2.0 - 0.5;
    gKm[6] = 0.0;
    gKm[7] = 0.0;
    gKm[8] = 1.0;

    gK[0] = w / 2.0 - 0.5;
    gK[1] = 0.0;
    gK[2] = w / 2.0 - 0.5;
    gK[3] = 0.0;
    gK[4] = h / 2.0 - 0.5;
    gK[5] = h / 2.0 - 0.5;
    gK[6] = 0.0;
    gK[7] = 0.0;
    gK[8] = 1.0;

    db_InvertCalibrationMatrix(gKinv, gK);

    db_InvertCalibrationMatrix(gKminv, gKm);

    ////// Compute g_Translation now... //////
    double T[9], Tp[9], Ttemp[9];

    T[2] = gCenterOffsetX;
    T[5] = gCenterOffsetY;

    // Tp = inv(K) * T * K
    db_Multiply3x3_3x3(Ttemp, T, gK);
    db_Multiply3x3_3x3(Tp, gKinv, Ttemp);

    ConvertAffine3x3toGL4x4(g_dTranslationToFBOCenter, Tp);

// This function computes fills the 4x4 matrices g_dAffinetrans,
// and g_dAffinetransPan using the specified 3x3 affine
// transformation between the first captured frame and the current frame.
// The computed g_dAffinetrans is such that it warps the preview mosaic in
// the last frame's coordinate system into the coordinate system of the
// current frame. Thus, applying this transformation will create the current
// frame mosaic but with the current frame missing. This frame will then be
// pasted in by gWarper2 after translating it by g_dTranslationToFBOCenter.
// The computed g_dAffinetransPan is such that it offsets the computed preview
// mosaic horizontally to make the viewfinder pan within the UI layout.
void UpdateWarpTransformation(float *trs)
    double H[9], Hp[9], Htemp1[9], Htemp2[9], T[9];

    for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
        gThisH1t[i] = trs[i];

    // Alignment is done based on low-res data.
    // To render the preview mosaic, the translation of the high-res mosaic is estimated to
    // H2L_FACTOR x low-res-based tranlation.
    gThisH1t[2] *= H2L_FACTOR;
    gThisH1t[5] *= H2L_FACTOR;

    T[2] = -gCenterOffsetX;
    T[5] = -gCenterOffsetY;

    // H = ( inv(gThisH1t) * gLastH1t ) * T
    db_InvertAffineTransform(Htemp1, gThisH1t);
    db_Multiply3x3_3x3(Htemp2, Htemp1, gLastH1t);
    db_Multiply3x3_3x3(H, Htemp2, T);

    for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
        gLastH1t[i] = gThisH1t[i];

    // Move the origin such that the frame is centered in the previewFBO
    // i.e. H = inv(T) * H
    H[2] += gCenterOffsetX;
    H[5] += gCenterOffsetY;

    // Hp = inv(Km) * H * Km
    // Km moves the coordinate system from openGL to image pixels so
    // that the alignment transform H can be applied to them.
    // inv(Km) moves the coordinate system back to openGL normalized
    // coordinates so that the shader can correctly render it.
    db_Multiply3x3_3x3(Htemp1, H, gKm);
    db_Multiply3x3_3x3(Hp, gKminv, Htemp1);

    ConvertAffine3x3toGL4x4(g_dAffinetrans, Hp);

    ////// Compute g_dAffinetransPan now...   //////

    gThisTx = trs[2];

        gPanOffset += (gThisTx - gLastTx) * VIEWFINDER_PAN_FACTOR_HORZ;

    gLastTx = gThisTx;
    gPanViewfinder = continuePanningFBO(gPanOffset);

    H[2] = gPanOffset;

    // Hp = inv(Km) * H * Km
    db_Multiply3x3_3x3(Htemp1, H, gKm);
    db_Multiply3x3_3x3(Hp, gKminv, Htemp1);

    //if (gIsLandscapeOrientation) {
        ConvertAffine3x3toGL4x4(g_dAffinetransPan, Hp);
    //} else {
    //    // rotate Hp by 90 degress.
    //    db_Multiply3x3_3x3(Htemp1, gRotation90, Hp);
    //    ConvertAffine3x3toGL4x4(g_dAffinetransPan, Htemp1);
   // }
Пример #5
void db_FrameToReferenceRegistration::Get_H_dref_to_ins(double H[9])