Пример #1
	 * Check if the OS buffer is full and disable HW
	 * flow control if it continues to be full
	int buf_free = 0;
	(void) ioctl(_uart_fd, FIONWRITE, (unsigned long)&buf_free);

	if (get_flow_control_enabled() && buf_free < FLOW_CONTROL_DISABLE_THRESHOLD) {
		/* Disable hardware flow control:
		 * if no successful write since a defined time
		 * and if the last try was not the last successful write
		if (_last_write_try_time != 0 &&
		    hrt_elapsed_time(&_last_write_success_time) > 500 * 1000UL &&
		    _last_write_success_time != _last_write_try_time) {
			warnx("Disabling hardware flow control");

	return buf_free;
Пример #2
std::string get_verbatim_kbinput(WINDOW *win)
	/* Turn off flow control characters if necessary so that we can type them in verbatim */
	std::string result = get_kbinput(win).verbatim();

	/* Turn flow control characters back on if necessary */

	return result;
Пример #3
int initialise_uart()
	// open uart
	_uart_fd = open(_device, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK);
	int termios_state = -1;

	if (_uart_fd < 0) {
		PX4_ERR("failed to open uart device!");
		return -1;

	// set baud rate
	int speed = B250000;
	struct termios uart_config;
	tcgetattr(_uart_fd, &uart_config);

	// clear ONLCR flag (which appends a CR for every LF)
	uart_config.c_oflag &= ~ONLCR;

	// set baud rate
	if (cfsetispeed(&uart_config, speed) < 0 || cfsetospeed(&uart_config, speed) < 0) {
		PX4_ERR("failed to set baudrate for %s: %d\n", _device, termios_state);
		return -1;

	if ((termios_state = tcsetattr(_uart_fd, TCSANOW, &uart_config)) < 0) {
		PX4_ERR("tcsetattr failed for %s\n", _device);
		return -1;

	// setup output flow control
	if (enable_flow_control(false)) {
		PX4_WARN("hardware flow disable failed");

	return _uart_fd;
Пример #4
	 * Check if the OS buffer is full and disable HW
	 * flow control if it continues to be full
	int buf_free = 0;

#ifndef __PX4_POSIX

// No FIONWRITE on Linux
#if !defined(__PX4_LINUX)
	(void) ioctl(_uart_fd, FIONWRITE, (unsigned long)&buf_free);

	if (get_flow_control_enabled() && buf_free < FLOW_CONTROL_DISABLE_THRESHOLD) {
		/* Disable hardware flow control:
		 * if no successful write since a defined time
		 * and if the last try was not the last successful write
		if (_last_write_try_time != 0 &&
		    hrt_elapsed_time(&_last_write_success_time) > 500 * 1000UL &&
		    _last_write_success_time != _last_write_try_time) {
			warnx("Disabling hardware flow control");


	// if we are using network sockets, return max lenght of one packet
	if (get_protocol() == UDP || get_protocol() == TCP ) {
		return  1500;

	return buf_free;
Пример #5
int Mavlink::mavlink_open_uart(int baud, const char *uart_name, struct termios *uart_config_original, bool *is_usb)
	/* process baud rate */
	int speed;

	switch (baud) {
	case 0:      speed = B0;      break;

	case 50:     speed = B50;     break;

	case 75:     speed = B75;     break;

	case 110:    speed = B110;    break;

	case 134:    speed = B134;    break;

	case 150:    speed = B150;    break;

	case 200:    speed = B200;    break;

	case 300:    speed = B300;    break;

	case 600:    speed = B600;    break;

	case 1200:   speed = B1200;   break;

	case 1800:   speed = B1800;   break;

	case 2400:   speed = B2400;   break;

	case 4800:   speed = B4800;   break;

	case 9600:   speed = B9600;   break;

	case 19200:  speed = B19200;  break;

	case 38400:  speed = B38400;  break;

	case 57600:  speed = B57600;  break;

	case 115200: speed = B115200; break;

	case 230400: speed = B230400; break;

	case 460800: speed = B460800; break;

	case 921600: speed = B921600; break;

		warnx("ERROR: Unsupported baudrate: %d\n\tsupported examples:\n\t9600, 19200, 38400, 57600\t\n115200\n230400\n460800\n921600\n",
		return -EINVAL;

	/* open uart */
	_uart_fd = open(uart_name, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);

	if (_uart_fd < 0) {
		return _uart_fd;

	/* Try to set baud rate */
	struct termios uart_config;
	int termios_state;
	*is_usb = false;

	/* Back up the original uart configuration to restore it after exit */
	if ((termios_state = tcgetattr(_uart_fd, uart_config_original)) < 0) {
		warnx("ERR GET CONF %s: %d\n", uart_name, termios_state);
		return -1;

	/* Fill the struct for the new configuration */
	tcgetattr(_uart_fd, &uart_config);

	/* Clear ONLCR flag (which appends a CR for every LF) */
	uart_config.c_oflag &= ~ONLCR;

	/* USB serial is indicated by /dev/ttyACM0*/
	if (strcmp(uart_name, "/dev/ttyACM0") != OK && strcmp(uart_name, "/dev/ttyACM1") != OK) {

		/* Set baud rate */
		if (cfsetispeed(&uart_config, speed) < 0 || cfsetospeed(&uart_config, speed) < 0) {
			warnx("ERR SET BAUD %s: %d\n", uart_name, termios_state);
			return -1;


	if ((termios_state = tcsetattr(_uart_fd, TCSANOW, &uart_config)) < 0) {
		warnx("ERR SET CONF %s\n", uart_name);
		return -1;

	if (!_is_usb_uart) {
		 * Setup hardware flow control. If the port has no RTS pin this call will fail,
		 * which is not an issue, but requires a separate call so we can fail silently.
		(void)tcgetattr(_uart_fd, &uart_config);
		uart_config.c_cflag |= CRTS_IFLOW;
		(void)tcsetattr(_uart_fd, TCSANOW, &uart_config);

		/* setup output flow control */
		if (enable_flow_control(true)) {
			warnx("hardware flow control not supported");

	} else {
		_flow_control_enabled = false;

	return _uart_fd;