Пример #1
void BallMap::removeBall()
    // make sequence remove
    m_isAnimationing = true;
    std::list<BallSprite *>::iterator itList;
    for (itList = m_readyRemoveList.begin(); itList != m_readyRemoveList.end(); itList++)
        BallSprite *ball = dynamic_cast<BallSprite*>(*itList);
        if (!ball)
        if (ball->getIsNeedRemove())
            m_isNeedFillVacancies = true;//需要掉落
            m_isNeedCheckSelf = true;
Пример #2
void Ball::animateBall(float interval)
	bool collision = false;

	Vector3 normal(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	Vector3 ball;
	Vector3 step;

	mVelocity = add(mVelocity, scale(MOVE_FORCE / mMass * interval, mPushDirection));
	mVelocity.z -= GRAVITY * interval;

	/* collision detection */

	step = scale(interval, mVelocity);

	ball = mPos + step;

	/* check only fields near by the ball. check field under ball first!!! */
	QuadList list = getFieldSphereIntersection(ball, BALL_RADIUS);

	while (list.next())
		Quad quad = *list;
		const Vector3* q = quad.mVertices;
		const Vector3& dir = quad.mNormals[0];

		Vector3 a1 = closestPointTriangle(ball, q[0], q[1], q[2]);
		Vector3 a2 = closestPointTriangle(ball, q[2], q[3], q[0]);

		float d1 = (ball - a1).len();
		float d2 = (ball - a2).len();

		Vector3 a = (d1 <= d2) ? a1 : a2;

		if ((a - ball).len() <= BALL_RADIUS)
			/* dist = vector from ball center to quad */
			Vector3 dist = a - ball;
			float l = dist.len();

			/* move = vector to move the ball out of quad */
			Vector3 move = scale(-((mRadius - l) / l), dist);

			/* some rotation for a better look */
			Vector3 right = norm(cross(dir, step));
			Vector3 forward = norm(cross(right, dir));

			mAngularRate =
				scale(dot(sub(ball, mPos), forward) /
						(2.0f * M_PI * mRadius) * 360.0f / interval, right);

			ball = add(ball, move);

			normal = add(normal, move);
			collision = true;

	mPos = ball;

	normal = norm(normal);

	mHasBallHitGoal = false;

	/* contact to surface? */
	if (collision)
		float vn = dot(mVelocity, normal);
		Vector3 rebound = scale(-(1 + ELASTICITY) * vn, normal);

		if (len(rebound) > 3.0f * JUMP_FORCE * interval)
			/* collision was to havy */
			mVelocity = add(mVelocity, rebound);

			if (mJump)
				mVelocity = add(mVelocity, scale(JUMP_FORCE / mMass * interval, normal));

		int x = (int) floor(ball.x - sgLevel.origin.x);
		int y = (int) floor(ball.y - sgLevel.origin.y);

		if (x == sgLevel.finish.x && y == sgLevel.finish.y)
			/* hit goal */
			mHasBallHitGoal = true;


	/* damping */
	mVelocity = scale(DAMPING, mVelocity);

	Quaternion rotation = mkQuaternion(len(mAngularRate) * interval, mAngularRate);
	mOrientation = mulQuaternion(rotation, mOrientation);

	/* falling to infinity */
	if (mPos.z < -1.0f)

	/* reset through user */
	if (wasKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER))

	mPushDirection = Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	mJump = false;