Пример #1
void FfmpegExporter::bytesWritten(qint64 bytes)
	const qint64 bufsize = _writebuffer.size();
	_written += bytes;
	_chunk -= bytes;
	Q_ASSERT(_written <= bufsize);
	Q_ASSERT(_chunk >= 0);

	//qDebug() << "wrote" << bytes << "bytes:" << _written << "of" << bufsize << QString("(%1%)").arg(_written/qreal(bufsize)*100, 0, 'f', 1);

	if(_written == bufsize) {
		if(_repeats<=0) {
			emit exporterReady();
		} else {
			_written = 0;
			_chunk = 0;
	} else if(_written < bufsize && _chunk==0) {
		_chunk = qMin(bufsize - _written, qint64(1024 * 1024));
		_encoder->write(_writebuffer.constData() + _written, _chunk);
Пример #2
void ImageSeriesExporter::writeFrame(const QImage &image, int repeat)
	for(int f=1;f<=repeat;++f) {
		QString filename = _filepattern;
		filename.replace(QLatin1Literal("{F}"), QString("%1").arg(frame() + f, 5, 10, QLatin1Char('0')));
		filename.replace(QLatin1Literal("{E}"), _format);

		QString fullpath = QFileInfo(QDir(_path), filename).absoluteFilePath();

		QImageWriter writer(fullpath, _format);
		if(!writer.write(image)) {
			emit exporterError(writer.errorString());
	emit exporterReady();
Пример #3
void ImageSeriesExporter::initExporter()
	emit exporterReady();
Пример #4
void FfmpegExporter::initExporter()

	QStringList args;

	// Image input
	args << "-f" << "image2pipe" << "-c:v" << "bmp" << "-i" << "-";

	// Soundtrack input
	if(!_soundtrack.isEmpty()) {
		args << "-i" << _soundtrack;

	// Framerate
	args << "-r" << QString::number(fps());

	// Output format is deduced automatically from the file name,
	// but we need to set the codec options
	// Possible quality values are: [0] low, [1] normal, [2] good, [3] very good
	args << "-c:v";
	if(_videoCodec == "H.264") {
		args << "libx264";

		switch(_quality) {
		case 0: args << "-crf" << "32" << "-preset" << "medium"; break;
		case 2: args << "-crf" << "18" << "-preset" << "slow"; break;
		case 3: args << "-crf" << "16" << "-preset" << "veryslow"; break;
		case 1:
		default: args << "-crf" << "23" << "-preset" << "slow"; break;

	} else if(_videoCodec == "VP8") {
		args << "libvpx";

		switch(_quality) {
		case 0: args << "-crf" << "32" << "-b:v" << "0.5M"; break;
		case 2: args << "-crf" << "10" << "-b:v" << "1M"; break;
		case 3: args << "-crf" << "5" << "-b:v" << "2M"; break;
		case 1:
		default: args << "-crf" << "15" << "-b:v" << "1M"; break;

	} else if(_videoCodec == "Theora") {
		args << "libtheora";

		switch(_quality) {
		case 0: args << "-qscale:v" << "3"; break;
		case 2: args << "-qscale:v" << "7"; break;
		case 3: args << "-qscale:v" << "10"; break;
		case 1:
		default: args << "-qscale:v" << "6"; break;

	} else {
		qWarning() << "unhandled video codec:" << _videoCodec;
		// no quality adjustment for unknown codecs!
		args << _videoCodec.toLower();

	if(!_soundtrack.isEmpty()) {
		args << "-c:a";
			args << "copy";
		else if(_audioCodec == "MP3")
			args << "libmp3lame";
		else if(_audioCodec == "Vorbis")
			args << "libvorbis";
			args << _audioCodec.toLower();

		// TODO: this should cut the audio down to the length of the video
		// but using it will trigger a QProcess write error.
		//args << "-shortest";

	// Output file (overwrite)
	args << "-y" << _filename;

	_encoder = new QProcess(this);

	connect(_encoder, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)), this, SLOT(processError(QProcess::ProcessError)));
	connect(_encoder, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)), this, SLOT(bytesWritten(qint64)));
	connect(_encoder, SIGNAL(started()), this, SIGNAL(exporterReady()));
	connect(_encoder, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SIGNAL(exporterFinished()));

	qDebug() << "Encoding:" << getFfmpegPath() << args;

	_encoder->start(getFfmpegPath(), args);