Пример #1
int ffpgpe( fitsfile *fptr,   /* I - FITS file pointer                      */
            long  group,      /* I - group to write(1 = 1st group)          */
            long  firstelem,  /* I - first vector element to write(1 = 1st) */
            long  nelem,      /* I - number of values to write              */
            float *array,     /* I - array of values that are written       */
            int  *status)     /* IO - error status                          */
  Write an array of group parameters to the primary array. Data conversion
  and scaling will be performed if necessary (e.g, if the datatype of
  the FITS array is not the same as the array being written).
    long row;

      the primary array is represented as a binary table:
      each group of the primary array is a row in the table,
      where the first column contains the group parameters
      and the second column contains the image itself.


    ffpcle(fptr, 1L, row, firstelem, nelem, array, status);
Пример #2
int ffpclc( fitsfile *fptr,  /* I - FITS file pointer                       */
            int  colnum,     /* I - number of column to write (1 = 1st col) */
            LONGLONG  firstrow,  /* I - first row to write (1 = 1st row)        */
            LONGLONG  firstelem, /* I - first vector element to write (1 = 1st) */
            LONGLONG  nelem,     /* I - number of values to write               */
            float *array,    /* I - array of values to write                */
            int  *status)    /* IO - error status                           */
  Write an array of complex values to a column in the current FITS HDU.
  Each complex number if interpreted as a pair of float values.
  The column number may refer to a real column in an ASCII or binary table, 
  or it may refer to a virtual column in a 1 or more grouped FITS primary
  array.  FITSIO treats a primary array as a binary table
  with 2 vector columns: the first column contains the group parameters (often
  with length = 0) and the second column contains the array of image pixels.
  Each row of the table represents a group in the case of multigroup FITS

  The input array of values will be converted to the datatype of the column
  if necessary, but normally complex values should only be written to a binary
  table with TFORMn = 'rC' where r is an optional repeat count. The TSCALn and
  TZERO keywords should not be used with complex numbers because mathmatically
  the scaling should only be applied to the real (first) component of the
  complex value.
    /* simply multiply the number of elements by 2, and call ffpcle */

    ffpcle(fptr, colnum, firstrow, (firstelem - 1) * 2 + 1,
            nelem * 2, array, status);
Пример #3
void FSPCLE_U (fitsfile **fptr, int *colnum,
		int *frow, int *felem, int *nelem,
		float array[], int *status) {

	ffpcle (*fptr, *colnum,
		(long)*frow, (long)*felem, (long)*nelem,
		array, status);
Пример #4
int ffppre( fitsfile *fptr,  /* I - FITS file pointer                       */
            long  group,     /* I - group to write(1 = 1st group)           */
            LONGLONG firstelem, /* I - first vector element to write(1 = 1st)  */
            LONGLONG nelem,     /* I - number of values to write               */
            float *array,    /* I - array of values that are written        */
            int  *status)    /* IO - error status                           */
  Write an array of values to the primary array. Data conversion
  and scaling will be performed if necessary (e.g, if the datatype of
  the FITS array is not the same as the array being written).

  This routine cannot be called directly by users to write to large
  arrays with > 2**31 pixels (although CFITSIO can do so by passing
  the firstelem thru a LONGLONG sized global variable)
    long row;
    float nullvalue;

      the primary array is represented as a binary table:
      each group of the primary array is a row in the table,
      where the first column contains the group parameters
      and the second column contains the image itself.

    if (fits_is_compressed_image(fptr, status))
        /* this is a compressed image in a binary table */

        fits_write_compressed_pixels(fptr, TFLOAT, firstelem, nelem,
            0, array, &nullvalue, status);


    ffpcle(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, array, status);
Пример #5
int ffpcne( fitsfile *fptr,  /* I - FITS file pointer                       */
            int  colnum,     /* I - number of column to write (1 = 1st col) */
            LONGLONG  firstrow,  /* I - first row to write (1 = 1st row)        */
            LONGLONG  firstelem, /* I - first vector element to write (1 = 1st) */
            LONGLONG  nelem,     /* I - number of values to write               */
            float *array,    /* I - array of values to write                */
            float  nulvalue, /* I - value used to flag undefined pixels     */
            int  *status)    /* IO - error status                           */
  Write an array of elements to the specified column of a table.  Any input
  pixels equal to the value of nulvalue will be replaced by the appropriate
  null value in the output FITS file. 

  The input array of values will be converted to the datatype of the column 
  and will be inverse-scaled by the FITS TSCALn and TZEROn values if necessary
    tcolumn *colptr;
    long  ngood = 0, nbad = 0, ii;
    LONGLONG repeat, first, fstelm, fstrow;
    int tcode, overflow = 0;

    if (*status > 0)

    /* reset position to the correct HDU if necessary */
    if (fptr->HDUposition != (fptr->Fptr)->curhdu)
        ffmahd(fptr, (fptr->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);
    else if ((fptr->Fptr)->datastart == DATA_UNDEFINED)
        if ( ffrdef(fptr, status) > 0)               /* rescan header */

    colptr  = (fptr->Fptr)->tableptr;   /* point to first column */
    colptr += (colnum - 1);     /* offset to correct column structure */

    tcode  = colptr->tdatatype;

    if (tcode > 0)
       repeat = colptr->trepeat;  /* repeat count for this column */
       repeat = firstelem -1 + nelem;  /* variable length arrays */

    if (abs(tcode) >= TCOMPLEX)
    { /* treat complex columns as pairs of numbers */
        repeat *= 2;
    /* if variable length array, first write the whole input vector, 
       then go back and fill in the nulls */
    if (tcode < 0) {
      if (ffpcle(fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, array, status) > 0) {
        if (*status == NUM_OVERFLOW) 
	  /* ignore overflows, which are possibly the null pixel values */
	  /*  overflow = 1;   */
	  *status = 0;
	} else { 

    /* absolute element number in the column */
    first = (firstrow - 1) * repeat + firstelem;

    for (ii = 0; ii < nelem; ii++)
      if (array[ii] != nulvalue)  /* is this a good pixel? */
         if (nbad)  /* write previous string of bad pixels */
            fstelm = ii - nbad + first;  /* absolute element number */
            fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
            fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */

            /* call ffpcluc, not ffpclu, in case we are writing to a
	       complex ('C') binary table column */
            if (ffpcluc(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, nbad, status) > 0)


         ngood = ngood +1;  /* the consecutive number of good pixels */
         if (ngood)  /* write previous string of good pixels */
            fstelm = ii - ngood + first;  /* absolute element number */
            fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
            fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */

            if (tcode > 0) {  /* variable length arrays have already been written */
              if (ffpcle(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, ngood, &array[ii-ngood],
                status) > 0) {
		if (*status == NUM_OVERFLOW) 
		  overflow = 1;
		  *status = 0;
		} else { 

         nbad = nbad +1;  /* the consecutive number of bad pixels */

    /* finished loop;  now just write the last set of pixels */

    if (ngood)  /* write last string of good pixels */
      fstelm = ii - ngood + first;  /* absolute element number */
      fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
      fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */

      if (tcode > 0) {  /* variable length arrays have already been written */
        ffpcle(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, ngood, &array[ii-ngood], status);
    else if (nbad) /* write last string of bad pixels */
      fstelm = ii - nbad + first;  /* absolute element number */
      fstrow = (fstelm - 1) / repeat + 1;  /* starting row number */
      fstelm = fstelm - (fstrow - 1) * repeat;  /* relative number */
      ffpcluc(fptr, colnum, fstrow, fstelm, nbad, status);
    if (*status <= 0) {
      if (overflow) {
        *status = NUM_OVERFLOW;

Пример #6
int ffpsse(fitsfile *fptr,   /* I - FITS file pointer                       */
           long  group,      /* I - group to write(1 = 1st group)           */
           long  naxis,      /* I - number of data axes in array            */
           long  *naxes,     /* I - size of each FITS axis                  */
           long  *fpixel,    /* I - 1st pixel in each axis to write (1=1st) */
           long  *lpixel,    /* I - last pixel in each axis to write        */
           float *array,     /* I - array to be written                     */
           int  *status)     /* IO - error status                           */
  Write a subsection of pixels to the primary array or image.
  A subsection is defined to be any contiguous rectangular
  array of pixels within the n-dimensional FITS data file.
  Data conversion and scaling will be performed if necessary 
  (e.g, if the datatype of the FITS array is not the same as
  the array being written).
    long tablerow;
    LONGLONG fpix[7], dimen[7], astart, pstart;
    LONGLONG off2, off3, off4, off5, off6, off7;
    LONGLONG st10, st20, st30, st40, st50, st60, st70;
    LONGLONG st1, st2, st3, st4, st5, st6, st7;
    long ii, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, irange[7];

    if (*status > 0)

    if (fits_is_compressed_image(fptr, status))
        /* this is a compressed image in a binary table */

        fits_write_compressed_img(fptr, TFLOAT, fpixel, lpixel,
            0,  array, NULL, status);

    if (naxis < 1 || naxis > 7)
      return(*status = BAD_DIMEN);


     /* calculate the size and number of loops to perform in each dimension */
    for (ii = 0; ii < 7; ii++)

    for (ii = 0; ii < naxis; ii++)


    /* compute the pixel offset between each dimension */
    off2 =     dimen[0];
    off3 = off2 * dimen[1];
    off4 = off3 * dimen[2];
    off5 = off4 * dimen[3];
    off6 = off5 * dimen[4];
    off7 = off6 * dimen[5];

    st10 = fpix[0];
    st20 = (fpix[1] - 1) * off2;
    st30 = (fpix[2] - 1) * off3;
    st40 = (fpix[3] - 1) * off4;
    st50 = (fpix[4] - 1) * off5;
    st60 = (fpix[5] - 1) * off6;
    st70 = (fpix[6] - 1) * off7;

    /* store the initial offset in each dimension */
    st1 = st10;
    st2 = st20;
    st3 = st30;
    st4 = st40;
    st5 = st50;
    st6 = st60;
    st7 = st70;

    astart = 0;

    for (i7 = 0; i7 < irange[6]; i7++)
     for (i6 = 0; i6 < irange[5]; i6++)
      for (i5 = 0; i5 < irange[4]; i5++)
       for (i4 = 0; i4 < irange[3]; i4++)
        for (i3 = 0; i3 < irange[2]; i3++)
         pstart = st1 + st2 + st3 + st4 + st5 + st6 + st7;

         for (i2 = 0; i2 < irange[1]; i2++)
           if (ffpcle(fptr, 2, tablerow, pstart, i1, &array[astart],
              status) > 0)

           astart += i1;
           pstart += off2;
         st2 = st20;
         st3 = st3+off3;    
        st3 = st30;
        st4 = st4+off4;
       st4 = st40;
       st5 = st5+off5;
      st5 = st50;
      st6 = st6+off6;
     st6 = st60;
     st7 = st7+off7;
Пример #7
int ffp3de(fitsfile *fptr,   /* I - FITS file pointer                     */
           long  group,      /* I - group to write(1 = 1st group)         */
           LONGLONG  ncols,      /* I - number of pixels in each row of array */
           LONGLONG  nrows,      /* I - number of rows in each plane of array */
           LONGLONG  naxis1,     /* I - FITS image NAXIS1 value               */
           LONGLONG  naxis2,     /* I - FITS image NAXIS2 value               */
           LONGLONG  naxis3,     /* I - FITS image NAXIS3 value               */
           float *array,     /* I - array to be written                   */
           int  *status)     /* IO - error status                         */
  Write an entire 3-D cube of values to the primary array. Data conversion
  and scaling will be performed if necessary (e.g, if the datatype of the
  FITS array is not the same as the array being written).

  This routine does not support writing to large images with
  more than 2**31 pixels.
    long tablerow, ii, jj;
    long fpixel[3]= {1,1,1}, lpixel[3];
    LONGLONG nfits, narray;
      the primary array is represented as a binary table:
      each group of the primary array is a row in the table,
      where the first column contains the group parameters
      and the second column contains the image itself.
    if (fits_is_compressed_image(fptr, status))
        /* this is a compressed image in a binary table */
        lpixel[0] = (long) ncols;
        lpixel[1] = (long) nrows;
        lpixel[2] = (long) naxis3;
        fits_write_compressed_img(fptr, TFLOAT, fpixel, lpixel,
            0,  array, NULL, status);


    if (ncols == naxis1 && nrows == naxis2)  /* arrays have same size? */
      /* all the image pixels are contiguous, so write all at once */
      ffpcle(fptr, 2, tablerow, 1L, naxis1 * naxis2 * naxis3, array, status);

    if (ncols < naxis1 || nrows < naxis2)
       return(*status = BAD_DIMEN);

    nfits = 1;   /* next pixel in FITS image to write to */
    narray = 0;  /* next pixel in input array to be written */

    /* loop over naxis3 planes in the data cube */
    for (jj = 0; jj < naxis3; jj++)
      /* loop over the naxis2 rows in the FITS image, */
      /* writing naxis1 pixels to each row            */

      for (ii = 0; ii < naxis2; ii++)
       if (ffpcle(fptr, 2, tablerow, nfits, naxis1,&array[narray],status) > 0)

       nfits += naxis1;
       narray += ncols;
      narray += (nrows - naxis2) * ncols;
Пример #8
int ffpcl(  fitsfile *fptr,  /* I - FITS file pointer                       */
            int  datatype,   /* I - datatype of the value                   */
            int  colnum,     /* I - number of column to write (1 = 1st col) */
            long  firstrow,  /* I - first row to write (1 = 1st row)        */
            long  firstelem, /* I - first vector element to write (1 = 1st) */
            long  nelem,     /* I - number of elements to write             */
            void  *array,    /* I - array of values that are written        */
            int  *status)    /* IO - error status                           */
  Write an array of values to a table column.  The datatype of the
  input array is defined by the 2nd argument. Data conversion
  and scaling will be performed if necessary (e.g, if the datatype of
  the FITS column is not the same as the array being written).
    if (*status > 0)           /* inherit input status value if > 0 */

    if (datatype == TBIT)
      ffpclx(fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, (char *) array, 
    else if (datatype == TBYTE)
      ffpclb(fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, (unsigned char *) array,
    else if (datatype == TUSHORT)
      ffpclui(fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, 
             (unsigned short *) array, status);
    else if (datatype == TSHORT)
      ffpcli(fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, (short *) array,
    else if (datatype == TUINT)
      ffpcluk(fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, (unsigned int *) array,
    else if (datatype == TINT)
      ffpclk(fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, (int *) array,
    else if (datatype == TULONG)
      ffpcluj(fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, (unsigned long *) array,
    else if (datatype == TLONG)
      ffpclj(fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, (long *) array,
    else if (datatype == TFLOAT)
      ffpcle(fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, (float *) array,
    else if (datatype == TDOUBLE)
      ffpcld(fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, (double *) array,
    else if (datatype == TCOMPLEX)
      ffpcle(fptr, colnum, firstrow, (firstelem - 1) * 2 + 1, nelem * 2,
             (float *) array, status);
    else if (datatype == TDBLCOMPLEX)
      ffpcld(fptr, colnum, firstrow, (firstelem - 1) * 2 + 1, nelem * 2,
             (double *) array, status);
    else if (datatype == TLOGICAL)
      ffpcll(fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, (char *) array,
    else if (datatype == TSTRING)
      ffpcls(fptr, colnum, firstrow, firstelem, nelem, (char **) array,
      *status = BAD_DATATYPE;

Пример #9
int ffppr(  fitsfile *fptr,  /* I - FITS file pointer                       */
            int  datatype,   /* I - datatype of the value                   */
            long  firstelem, /* I - first vector element to write(1 = 1st)  */
            long  nelem,     /* I - number of values to write               */
            void  *array,    /* I - array of values that are written        */
            int  *status)    /* IO - error status                           */
  Write an array of values to the primary array.  The datatype of the
  input array is defined by the 2nd argument. Data conversion
  and scaling will be performed if necessary (e.g, if the datatype of
  the FITS array is not the same as the array being written).
    long row = 1;

    if (*status > 0)           /* inherit input status value if > 0 */

      the primary array is represented as a binary table:
      each group of the primary array is a row in the table,
      where the first column contains the group parameters
      and the second column contains the image itself.

    if (datatype == TBYTE)
      ffpclb(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, (unsigned char *) array, status);
    else if (datatype == TUSHORT)
      ffpclui(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, (unsigned short *) array,
    else if (datatype == TSHORT)
      ffpcli(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, (short *) array, status);
    else if (datatype == TUINT)
      ffpcluk(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, (unsigned int *) array, status);
    else if (datatype == TINT)
      ffpclk(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, (int *) array, status);
    else if (datatype == TULONG)
      ffpcluj(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, (unsigned long *) array, status);
    else if (datatype == TLONG)
      ffpclj(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, (long *) array, status);
    else if (datatype == TFLOAT)
      ffpcle(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, (float *) array, status);
    else if (datatype == TDOUBLE)
      ffpcld(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, (double *) array, status);
      *status = BAD_DATATYPE;

Пример #10
int ffppx(  fitsfile *fptr,  /* I - FITS file pointer                       */
            int  datatype,   /* I - datatype of the value                   */
            long  *firstpix, /* I - coord of  first pixel to write(1 based) */
            long  nelem,     /* I - number of values to write               */
            void  *array,    /* I - array of values that are written        */
            int  *status)    /* IO - error status                           */
  Write an array of pixels to the primary array.  The datatype of the
  input array is defined by the 2nd argument. Data conversion
  and scaling will be performed if necessary (e.g, if the datatype of
  the FITS array is not the same as the array being written). This routine
  is simillar to ffppr, except it supports writing large images with
  more than 2.1E9 pixels.
    int naxis, ii;
    long naxes[9], firstelem, row = 1;
    OFF_T dimsize = 1;

    if (*status > 0)           /* inherit input status value if > 0 */

    /* get the size of the image */
    ffgidm(fptr, &naxis, status);
    ffgisz(fptr, 9, naxes, status);

    /* store the actual first element value in a external variable      */
    /* because we can't pass the value directly to the lower routine    */
    /* because the parameter is declared as 'long' instead of 'off_t'.  */

    large_first_elem_val = 0;
    for (ii=0; ii < naxis; ii++)
        large_first_elem_val += ((firstpix[ii] - 1) * dimsize);
        dimsize *= naxes[ii];

    firstelem = USE_LARGE_VALUE; /* special flag value */

      the primary array is represented as a binary table:
      each group of the primary array is a row in the table,
      where the first column contains the group parameters
      and the second column contains the image itself.

    if (datatype == TBYTE)
      ffpclb(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, (unsigned char *) array, status);
    else if (datatype == TUSHORT)
      ffpclui(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, (unsigned short *) array,
    else if (datatype == TSHORT)
      ffpcli(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, (short *) array, status);
    else if (datatype == TUINT)
      ffpcluk(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, (unsigned int *) array, status);
    else if (datatype == TINT)
      ffpclk(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, (int *) array, status);
    else if (datatype == TULONG)
      ffpcluj(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, (unsigned long *) array, status);
    else if (datatype == TLONG)
      ffpclj(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, (long *) array, status);
    else if (datatype == TFLOAT)
      ffpcle(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, (float *) array, status);
    else if (datatype == TDOUBLE)
      ffpcld(fptr, 2, row, firstelem, nelem, (double *) array, status);
      *status = BAD_DATATYPE;
