bool Monster::isRaceAggro(int x, bool checkInvert) const { x--; bool set = (raceAggro[x/8] & 1<<(x%8)); if(!checkInvert) return(set); return(set ? !flagIsSet(M_RACE_AGGRO_INVERT) : flagIsSet(M_RACE_AGGRO_INVERT)); }
bool Monster::isClassAggro(int x, bool checkInvert) const { x--; bool set = (cClassAggro[x/8] & 1<<(x%8)); if(!checkInvert) return(set); return(set ? !flagIsSet(M_CLASS_AGGRO_INVERT) : flagIsSet(M_CLASS_AGGRO_INVERT)); }
bool Monster::isDeityAggro(int x, bool checkInvert) const { x--; bool set = (deityAggro[x/8] & 1<<(x%8)); if(!checkInvert) return(set); return(set ? !flagIsSet(M_DEITY_AGGRO_INVERT) : flagIsSet(M_DEITY_AGGRO_INVERT)); }
bool Object::toggleFlag(int flag) { if(flagIsSet(flag)) clearFlag(flag); else setFlag(flag); return(flagIsSet(flag)); }
void Monster::diePermCrt() { std::map<int, crlasttime>::iterator it; crlasttime* crtm=0; Monster *temp_mob=0; UniqueRoom *room=0; char perm[80]; long t = time(0); int i=0; strcpy(perm,getCName()); if(!inUniqueRoom()) return; room = getUniqueRoomParent(); for(it = room->permMonsters.begin(); it != room->permMonsters.end() ; it++) { crtm = &(*it).second; if(!crtm-> continue; if(crtm->ltime + crtm->interval > t) continue; if(!loadMonster(crtm->cr, &temp_mob)) continue; if(temp_mob->getName() == getName()) { crtm->ltime = t; free_crt(temp_mob); break; } free_crt(temp_mob); } if(flagIsSet(M_DEATH_SCENE) && !flagIsSet(M_FOLLOW_ATTACKER)) { int fd,n; char tmp[2048], file[80],pName[80]; strcpy(pName, getCName()); for(i=0; pName[i]; i++) if(pName[i] == ' ') pName[i] = '_'; sprintf(file,"%s/%s_%d", Path::Desc, pName, level); fd = open(file,O_RDONLY,0); if(fd) { n = read(fd,tmp,2048); tmp[n] = 0; broadcast(nullptr, getRoomParent(), "\n%s", tmp); } close(fd); } }
int Monster::cleanMobForSaving() { // No saving pets! if(isPet()) return(-1); // Clear the inventory clearMobInventory(); // Clear any flags that shouldn't be set clearFlag(M_WILL_BE_LOGGED); // // If the creature is possessed, clean that up if(flagIsSet(M_DM_FOLLOW)) { clearFlag(M_DM_FOLLOW); Player* master; if(getMaster() != nullptr && (master = getMaster()->getAsPlayer()) != nullptr) { master->clearFlag(P_ALIASING); master->getAsPlayer()->setAlias(0); master->print("%1M's soul was saved.\n", this); removeFromGroup(false); } } // Success return(1); }
int getErrorCode(int err, int code, int retTrue, int retFalse) { if ((err == code) && flagIsSet(FLAG_CORRECT_CODES)) return retTrue; return retFalse; }
//*********************************************************************** // setSocketColors //*********************************************************************** // Set color options on the socket according to player flags (which can // overide what we've negotiated) void Player::setSockColors() { if(flagIsSet(P_ANSI_COLOR)) { mySock->setColorOpt(ANSI_COLOR); } else { mySock->setColorOpt(NO_COLOR); } }
void dumpArgs() { if (!flagIsSet(FLAG_DEBUG)) return; printf("\nDump argument settings:\n"); printf("\tServer: %s\n", mServer); printf("\tUser: %s\n", mUser); if (flagIsSet(FLAG_DEBUGPWD)) printf("\tPassword: %s\n", mPass); else printf("\tPassword: %s\n", mPass ? "Set" : "Not set"); printf("\tPassword type: %s\n", mPwdType); printf("\tRead-only: %s\n", flagIsSet(FLAG_READONLY) ? "True" : "False"); printf("\tLog file: %s\n", mLogFile); printf("\tMountpoint: %s\n", mMntPoint); printf("\tForce: %s\n", flagIsSet(FLAG_FORCE) ? "True" : "False"); printf("\tUnmount: %s\n", flagIsSet(FLAG_UNMOUNT) ? "True" : "False"); printf("\n"); }
int Monster::getNumMobs() const { int i=0; if(flagIsSet(M_DM_FOLLOW) || flagIsSet(M_WAS_PORTED)) return(0); if(!this->inRoom()) return(0); const BaseRoom* room = getConstRoomParent(); if(!room) return(0); for(Monster* mons : room->monsters) { if(mons->getName() == getName()) { i++; if(mons == this) return(i); } } return(0); }
void Monster::checkSpellWearoff() { long t = time(0); /* if(flagIsSet(M_WILL_MOVE_FOR_CASH)) { if(t > LT(this, LT_MOB_PASV_GUARD)) { // Been 30 secs, time to stand guard again setFlag(M_PASSIVE_EXIT_GUARD); } } */ if(t > LT(this, LT_CHARMED) && flagIsSet(M_CHARMED)) { printColor("^y%M's demeanor returns to normal.\n", this); clearFlag(M_CHARMED); } }
bstring Player::getFlagList(bstring sep) const { std::ostringstream ostr; bool found = false; for(int i=0; i<MAX_PLAYER_FLAGS; i++) { if(flagIsSet(i)) { if(found) ostr << sep; ostr << get_pflag(i) << "(" << i+1 << ")"; found = true; } } if(!found) return("None"); else return ostr.str(); }
int Creature::displayFlags() const { int flags = 0; if(isEffected("detect-invisible")) flags |= INV; if(isEffected("detect-magic")) flags |= MAG; if(isEffected("true-sight")) flags |= MIST; if(isPlayer()) { if(cClass == CreatureClass::BUILDER) flags |= ISBD; if(cClass == CreatureClass::CARETAKER) flags |= ISCT; if(isDm()) flags |= ISDM; if(flagIsSet(P_NO_NUMBERS)) flags |= NONUM; } return(flags); }
int Object::doSpecial(Player* player) { BaseRoom* room = player->getRoomParent(); Socket* sock = player->getSock(); char str[80], str2[160]; unsigned int i=0; switch(special) { case SP_MAPSC: strcpy(str, getCName()); for(i=0; i<strlen(str); i++) if(str[i] == ' ') str[i] = '_'; sprintf(str2, "%s/%s.txt", Path::Sign, str); if(flagIsSet(O_LOGIN_FILE)) viewLoginFile(player->getSock(), str2); else viewFile(player->getSock(), str2); break; case SP_COMBO: char str[80]; int dmg, i; str[0] = damage.getSides()+'0'; str[1] = 0; if(damage.getNumber() == 1 || strlen(sock->tempstr[3]) > 70) strcpy(sock->tempstr[3], str); else strcat(sock->tempstr[3], str); player->print("Click.\n"); if(player->getName() == "Bane") player->print("Combo so far: %s\n", sock->tempstr[3]); broadcast(sock, room, "%M presses %P^x.", player, this); if(strlen(sock->tempstr[3]) >= strlen(use_output)) { if(strcmp(sock->tempstr[3], use_output)) { dmg = mrand(20,40 + player->getLevel()); player->hp.decrease(dmg); player->printColor("You were zapped for %s%d^x damage!\n", player->customColorize("*CC:DAMAGE*").c_str(), dmg); broadcast(sock, room, "%M was zapped by %P^x!", player, this); sock->tempstr[3][0] = 0; if(player->hp.getCur() < 1) { player->print("You died.\n"); player->die(ZAPPED); } } else { Exit* toOpen = 0; i = 1; for(Exit* ext : room->exits) { if(i++ >= damage.getPlus()) toOpen = ext; } // for(i=1, xp = room->first_ext; // xp && i < damage.getPlus(); // i++, xp = xp->next_tag) // ; if(!toOpen) return(0); player->statistics.combo(); player->print("You opened the %s!\n", toOpen->getCName()); broadcast(player->getSock(), player->getParent(), "%M opened the %s!", player, toOpen->getCName()); toOpen->clearFlag(X_LOCKED); toOpen->clearFlag(X_CLOSED); toOpen->ltime.ltime = time(0); } } break; default: player->print("Nothing.\n"); break; } return(0); }
void Monster::adjust(int buffswitch) { int buff=0, crthp=0; long xpmod=0; if(buffswitch == -1) buff = mrand(1,3)-1; else buff = MAX(0, MIN(buffswitch, 2)); /* Web Editor * _ _ ____ _______ ______ * | \ | |/ __ \__ __| ____| * | \| | | | | | | | |__ * | . ` | | | | | | | __| * | |\ | |__| | | | | |____ * |_| \_|\____/ |_| |______| * * If you change anything here, make sure the changes are reflected in the web * editor! Either edit the PHP yourself or tell Dominus to make the changes. */ if(!flagIsSet(M_CUSTOM)) { if(level >= 1 && level <= MAXALVL) { setArmor(balancedStats[level].armor); weaponSkill = (level-1)*10; defenseSkill = (level-1)*10; setExperience(balancedStats[level].experience); damage.setNumber(balancedStats[level].ndice); damage.setSides(balancedStats[level].sdice); damage.setPlus(balancedStats[level].pdice); } else { setArmor(100); weaponSkill = 1; defenseSkill = 1; setExperience(6); damage.setNumber(1); damage.setSides(4); damage.setPlus(0); } if(cClass == CreatureClass::NONE) hp.setInitial(level * monType::getHitdice(type)); else { crthp = class_stats[(int) cClass].hpstart + (level*class_stats[(int) cClass].hp); hp.setInitial(MAX(crthp, (level * monType::getHitdice(type)))); } hp.restore(); xpmod = experience / 10; xpmod *= monType::getHitdice(type) - monType::getHitdice(HUMANOID); if(xpmod > 0) addExperience(xpmod); else subExperience(xpmod*-1); } switch(buff) { case 1: // Mob is weak. hp.setInitial( hp.getMax() - hp.getMax()/5); hp.restore(); coins.set(coins[GOLD] * 4 / 5, GOLD); subExperience(experience / 5); setArmor(armor - 100); damage.setNumber(damage.getNumber() * 9 / 10); damage.setPlus(damage.getPlus() * 9 / 10); break; case 2: // Mob is stronger hp.setInitial( hp.getMax() + hp.getMax()/5); hp.restore(); coins.set(coins[GOLD] * 6 / 5, GOLD); addExperience(experience / 5); defenseSkill += 5; weaponSkill += 5; setArmor(armor + 100); damage.setNumber(damage.getNumber() * 11 / 10); damage.setPlus(damage.getPlus() * 11 / 10); break; default: break; } armor = MAX<unsigned int>(MIN(armor, MAX_ARMOR), 0); if(level >= 7) setFlag(M_BLOCK_EXIT); }
bool Creature::canFlee(bool displayFail, bool checkTimer) { bool crtInRoom=false; long t=0; int i=0; if(isMonster()) { if(!flagIsSet(M_WILL_FLEE) || flagIsSet(M_DM_FOLLOW)) return(false); if(hp.getCur() > hp.getMax()/5) return(false); if(flagIsSet(M_PERMENANT_MONSTER)) return(false); } else { //Player* pThis = getPlayer(); if(!ableToDoCommand()) return(false); if(flagIsSet(P_SITTING)) { if(displayFail) print("You have to stand up first.\n"); return(false); } if(isEffected("hold-person")) { if(displayFail) print("You are unable to move right now.\n"); return(false); } // blah blah re-submit if( (cClass == CreatureClass::BERSERKER || cClass == CreatureClass::CLERIC) && isEffected("berserk") ) { if(displayFail) printColor("^rYour lust for battle prevents you from fleeing!\n"); return(false); } if(checkTimer && !isEffected("fear") && !isStaff()) { t = time(0); i = MAX(getLTAttack(), MAX(lasttime[LT_SPELL].ltime,lasttime[LT_READ_SCROLL].ltime)) + 3L; if(t < i) { if(displayFail) pleaseWait(i-t); return(false); } } // confusion and drunkenness overrides following checks if(isEffected("confusion") || isEffected("drunkenness")) return(true); // players can only flee if someone/something else is in the room for(Monster* mons : getConstRoomParent()->monsters) { if(!mons->isPet()) { crtInRoom = true; break; } } if(!crtInRoom) { for(Player* ply : getConstRoomParent()->players) { if(ply == this) continue; if(!ply->isStaff()) { crtInRoom = true; break; } } } if( !crtInRoom && !checkStaff("There's nothing to flee from!\n") ) { getAsPlayer()->setFleeing(false); return(false); } } return(true); }
int Monster::mobileCrt() { BaseRoom *newRoom=0; AreaRoom *caRoom = getAreaRoomParent(); int i=0, num=0, ret=0; bool mem=false; if( !flagIsSet(M_MOBILE_MONSTER) || flagIsSet(M_PERMENANT_MONSTER) || flagIsSet(M_PASSIVE_EXIT_GUARD) ) return(0); if(nearEnemy()) return(0); for(Exit* exit : getRoomParent()->exits) { // count up exits if(mobileEnter(exit)) i += 1; } if(!i) return(0); num = mrand(1, i); i = 0; for(Exit* exit : getRoomParent()->exits) { if(mobileEnter(exit)) i += 1; if(i == num) { // get us out of this room if(!Move::getRoom(this, exit, &newRoom)) return(0); if(newRoom->isAreaRoom()) { mem = newRoom->getAsAreaRoom()->getStayInMemory(); newRoom->getAsAreaRoom()->setStayInMemory(true); } // make sure there are no problems with the new room if(!newRoom) return(0); if(newRoom->countCrt() >= newRoom->getMaxMobs()) return(0); // no wandering between live/construction areas if(newRoom->isConstruction() != getRoomParent()->isConstruction()) return(0); if(exit->flagIsSet(X_CLOSED) && !exit->flagIsSet(X_LOCKED)) { broadcast(nullptr, getRoomParent(), "%M just opened the %s.", this, exit->getCName()); exit->clearFlag(X_CLOSED); } if(flagIsSet(M_WILL_SNEAK) && flagIsSet(M_HIDDEN)) setFlag(M_SNEAKING); if( flagIsSet(M_SNEAKING) && mrand (1,100) <= (3+dexterity.getCur())*3) { broadcast(::isStaff, getSock(), getRoomParent(), "*DM* %M just snuck to the %s.", this,exit->getCName()); } else { Creature* lookingFor = nullptr; if(flagIsSet(M_CHASING_SOMEONE) && hasEnemy() && ((lookingFor = getTarget(false)) != nullptr) ) { broadcast(nullptr, getRoomParent(), "%M %s to the %s^x, looking for %s.", this, Move::getString(this).c_str(), exit->getCName(), lookingFor->getCName()); } else broadcast(nullptr, getRoomParent(), "%M just %s to the %s^x.", this, Move::getString(this).c_str(), exit->getCName()); clearFlag(M_SNEAKING); } // see if we can recycle this room deleteFromRoom(); if(caRoom && newRoom == caRoom && newRoom->isAreaRoom()) { newRoom = Move::recycle(newRoom->getAsAreaRoom(), exit); } addToRoom(newRoom); // reset stayInMemory if(newRoom->isAreaRoom()) newRoom->getAsAreaRoom()->setStayInMemory(mem); lasttime[LT_MON_WANDER].ltime = time(0); lasttime[LT_MON_WANDER].interval = mrand(5,60); ret = 1; break; } } if(mrand(1,100) > 80) clearFlag(M_MOBILE_MONSTER); return(ret); }
int Monster::doHarmfulAuras() { int a=0,dmg=0,aura=0, saved=0; long i=0,t=0; BaseRoom *inRoom=0; Creature* player=0; if(isPet()) return(0); if(hp.getCur() < hp.getMax()/10) return(0); if(flagIsSet(M_CHARMED)) return(0); for(a=0;a<MAX_AURAS;a++) { if(flagIsSet(M_FIRE_AURA + a)) aura++; } if(!aura) return(0); i = lasttime[LT_M_AURA_ATTACK].ltime; t = time(0); if(t - i < 20L) // Mob has to wait 20 seconds. return(0); else { lasttime[LT_M_AURA_ATTACK].ltime = t; lasttime[LT_M_AURA_ATTACK].interval = 20L; } inRoom = getRoomParent(); if(!inRoom) return(0); for(a=0;a<MAX_AURAS;a++) { if(!flagIsSet(M_FIRE_AURA + a)) continue; PlayerSet::iterator pIt = inRoom->players.begin(); PlayerSet::iterator pEnd = inRoom->players.end(); while(pIt != pEnd) { player = (*pIt++); if(player->isEffected("petrification") || player->isCt()) continue; dmg = mrand(level/2, (level*3)/2); dmg = MAX(2,dmg); switch(a+M_FIRE_AURA) { case M_FIRE_AURA: if(player->isEffected("heat-protection") || player->isEffected("alwayswarm")) continue; saved = player->chkSave(BRE, this, 0); if(saved) dmg /=2; player->printColor("^R%M's firey aura singes you for %s%d^R damage!\n", this, player->customColorize("*CC:DAMAGE*").c_str(), dmg); break; case M_COLD_AURA: if(player->isEffected("warmth") || player->isEffected("alwayscold")) continue; saved = player->chkSave(BRE, this, 0); if(saved) dmg /=2; player->printColor("^C%M's freezing aura chills you for %s%d^C damage!\n", this, player->customColorize("*CC:DAMAGE*").c_str(), dmg); break; case M_NAUSEATING_AURA: if(player->immuneToPoison()) continue; saved = player->chkSave(POI, this, 0); if(saved) dmg /=2; player->printColor("^g%M's foul stench chokes and nauseates you for %s%d^g damage.\n", this, player->customColorize("*CC:DAMAGE*").c_str(), dmg); break; case M_NEGATIVE_LIFE_AURA: if(player->isUndead() || player->isEffected("drain-shield")) continue; saved = player->chkSave(DEA, this, 0); if(saved) dmg /=2; player->printColor("^m%M's negative aura taps your life for %s%d^m damage.\n", this, player->customColorize("*CC:DAMAGE*").c_str(), dmg); break; case M_TURBULENT_WIND_AURA: if(player->isEffected("wind-protection")) continue; saved = player->chkSave(BRE, this, 0); if(saved) dmg /=2; player->printColor("^W%M's turbulent winds buff you about for %s%d^W damage.\n", this, player->customColorize("*CC:DAMAGE*").c_str(), dmg); break; } player->hp.decrease(dmg); if(player->checkDie(this)) return(1); }// End while }// End for return(0); }
// Initializes last times, inventory, scrolls, etc int Monster::initMonster(bool loadOriginal, bool prototype) { int n=0, alnum=0, x=0; long t=0; Object* object=0; t = time(0); // init the timers lasttime[LT_MON_SCAVANGE].ltime = lasttime[LT_MON_WANDER].ltime = lasttime[LT_MOB_THIEF].ltime = lasttime[LT_TICK].ltime = t; lasttime[LT_TICK_SECONDARY].ltime = t; lasttime[LT_TICK_HARMFUL].ltime = t; // Make sure armor is set properly if(armor < (unsigned)(balancedStats[MIN<short>(level, MAXALVL)].armor - 150)) { armor = balancedStats[MIN<short>(level, MAXALVL)].armor; } if(dexterity.getCur() < 200) setAttackDelay(30); else setAttackDelay(20); if(flagIsSet(M_FAST_TICK)) lasttime[LT_TICK].interval = lasttime[LT_TICK_SECONDARY].interval = 15L; else if(flagIsSet(M_REGENERATES)) lasttime[LT_TICK].interval = lasttime[LT_TICK_SECONDARY].interval = 15L; else lasttime[LT_TICK].interval = lasttime[LT_TICK_SECONDARY].interval = 60L - (2*bonus((int)constitution.getCur())); lasttime[LT_TICK_HARMFUL].interval = 30; // Randomize alignment and gold unless we don' want it if(!loadOriginal) { if(flagIsSet(M_ALIGNMENT_VARIES) && alignment != 0) { alnum = mrand(1,100); if(alnum == 1) alignment = 0; else if(alnum < 51) alignment = mrand((short)1, (short)std::abs(alignment)) * -1; else alignment = mrand((short)1, (short)std::abs(alignment)); } if(!flagIsSet(M_NO_RANDOM_GOLD) && coins[GOLD]) coins.set(mrand(coins[GOLD]/10, coins[GOLD]), GOLD); } // Check for loading of random scrolls if(checkScrollDrop()) { n = new_scroll(level, &object); if(n > 0) { object->; addObj(object); object->setFlag(O_JUST_LOADED); } } // Now load up any always drop objects (Trading perms don't drop inventory items) if(!flagIsSet(M_TRADES)) { for(x=0;x<10;x++) { if(!loadObject(carry[x].info, &object)) continue; object->init(!prototype); if( object->flagIsSet(O_ALWAYS_DROPPED) && !object->getName().empty() && object->getName()[0] != ' ' ) { addObj(object); object->setFlag(O_JUST_LOADED); } else { delete object; continue; } } object = 0; int numDrops = mrand(1,100), whichDrop=0; if(numDrops<90) numDrops=1; else if(numDrops<96) numDrops=2; else numDrops=3; if(prototype) numDrops = 10; for(x=0; x<numDrops; x++) { if(prototype) whichDrop=x; else whichDrop = mrand(0,9); if(carry[whichDrop] && !flagIsSet(M_TRADES)) { if(!loadObject(carry[whichDrop].info, &object)) continue; if( object->getName().empty() || object->getName()[0] == ' ') { delete object; continue; } object->init(!prototype); // so we don't get more than one always drop item. if(object->flagIsSet(O_ALWAYS_DROPPED)) { delete object; continue; } object->value.set(mrand((object->value[GOLD]*9)/10,(object->value[GOLD]*11)/10), GOLD); addObj(object); object->setFlag(O_JUST_LOADED); } } } if(weaponSkill < (level * 3)) weaponSkill = (level-1) * mrand(9,11); return(1); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc, i; struct statvfs vfs; if (getuid() != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: You need to run %s as root!\n", argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } flags = parseArgs(argc, argv); if (!mServer || !mUser || !mPass || !mMntPoint) usage(argv[0]); if (strcmp(mPwdType, "b64") == 0) mPass = strdup(unbase64(mPass)); dumpArgs(); if (flagIsSet(FLAG_UNMOUNT) || (flagIsSet(FLAG_FORCE))) { rc = unmount( replace(argv[0], "./", ""), mMntPoint, flagIsSet(FLAG_FORCE) ); if (flagIsSet(FLAG_UNMOUNT)) return rc; if ((rc != 0) && (flagIsSet(FLAG_UNMOUNT))) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Error unmounting mountpoint %s\n", mMntPoint); } if (statvfs(mMntPoint, &vfs) == 0) { if (vfs.f_fsid == 0) { /* Observed when mounted (FUSE mount) */ fprintf(stderr, "Path %s seems to be already mounted. Cannot " "continue. Quiting...\n", mMntPoint); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (mysql_init(&sql) == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE; if (!mysql_real_connect(&sql, mServer, mUser, mPass, NULL, 0, NULL, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "MySQL connection error: %s (%d)\n", mysql_error(&sql), mysql_errno(&sql)); mysql_close(&sql); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Unset all the arguments for fuse_main */ for (i = 1; i > argc; i++) free(argv[i]); argc = 2; /* Set only the mountpoint argument */ argv[1] = mMntPoint; printf("Process %s started successfully\n", argv[0]); rc = fuse_main(argc, argv, &fmysql_oper, NULL); mysql_close(&sql); return rc; }