sdword DrawTextBlock(char *s, sdword x, sdword y, sdword width, sdword height, color c) { char *oldpos; char oldline[100], line[100]; bool justified, done; if(FirstWordNULL(s)) return(y); done = FALSE; while (!done) { justified = FALSE; line[0] = 0; while (!justified) { strcpy(oldline, line); oldpos = s; s = getWord(line, s); if (s[0] == '\n') { justified = TRUE; s++; while ( s[0] == ' ' ) s++; } else { if (fontWidth(line) > width) { strcpy(line, oldline); s = oldpos; while ( s[0] == ' ' ) s++; justified = TRUE; } if (s[0] == 0) { justified = TRUE; done = TRUE; } } } fontPrintf(x, y, c, "%s", line); y += fontHeight(" "); if (y > (y + height)) done = TRUE; } y += fontHeight(" "); return(y); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : spScenarioBitmap Description : Inputs : Outputs : Return : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void spScenarioBitmap(featom *atom, regionhandle region) { rectangle textureRect; sdword index, y; fonthandle oldFont; textureRect.x0 = region->rect.x0 + SCP_TEXTURE_INSET; textureRect.y0 = region->rect.y0 + SCP_TEXTURE_INSET; textureRect.x1 = region->rect.x1 - SCP_TEXTURE_INSET; textureRect.y1 = region->rect.y1 - SCP_TEXTURE_INSET; //draw the bitmap... if (scenarioTexture != TR_InvalidInternalHandle) { if (glcActive()) { glcRectSolidTexturedScaled2(&textureRect, spTextureWidth, spTextureHeight, spTextureData, NULL, TRUE); } else { trRGBTextureMakeCurrent(scenarioTexture); rndPerspectiveCorrection(FALSE); primRectSolidTextured2(&textureRect); //draw the bitmap } feStaticRectangleDraw(region); //draw a border } //draw the description text... if (spDescription != NULL) { //if there is description text dbgAssert(spDescriptionFont != FONT_InvalidFontHandle); oldFont = fontMakeCurrent(spDescriptionFont); //set the font if (spDescriptionShadow) { //optionally enable dropshadow fontShadowSet(FS_SE, colBlack); } for (index = 0, y = textureRect.y0; index < spNDescriptionLines; index++) { //draw each line dbgAssert(spDescriptionLines[index] != NULL); if (y + fontHeight(" ") >= textureRect.y1) { //if this line will extend off bottom of region break; } fontPrint(textureRect.x0, y, spDescriptionColor, spDescriptionLines[index]); y += fontHeight(" ") + 1; } fontShadowSet(FS_NONE, colBlack); fontMakeCurrent(oldFont); } }
void hrDrawChatBox(featom *atom, regionhandle region) { fonthandle currentfont; sdword x,y,i; char name[128]; hrChatBoxRegion = region; currentfont = fontMakeCurrent(playernamefont); primRectSolid2(®ion->rect,colRGB(0,0,0)); feStaticRectangleDraw(region); x = region->rect.x0+10; y = region->rect.y0; for (i=0;i<NUM_CHAT_LINES;i++) { if (chathistory[i].message[0]!=0) { x = region->rect.x0; sprintf(name,"%s >",tpGameCreated.playerInfo[chathistory[i].packetheader.frame].PersonalName); fontPrintf(x,y,tpGameCreated.playerInfo[chathistory[i].packetheader.frame].baseColor,"%s",name); x+=fontWidth(name)+10; //fontShadowSet(FS_E | FS_SE | FS_S); fontPrintf(x,y,hrChatTextColor,"%s",chathistory[i].message); //fontShadowSet(FS_NONE); y+= fontHeight(" "); } } fontMakeCurrent(currentfont); }
void Graphics::drawText(const char_t* text, ulong_t length, const Point& topLeft, bool inverted) { FontEffects fx = font_.effects(); PalmUnderlineSetter setUnderline(convertUnderlineMode(fx.underline())); ScalingSetter setScaling(*this); uint_t height = fontHeight(); uint_t top=topLeft.y; if (fx.subscript()) top+=(height/3); if (inverted) WinDrawInvertedChars(text, length, topLeft.x, top); else WinDrawChars(text, length, topLeft.x, top); if (fx.strikeOut()) { uint_t baseline = fontBaseline(); top=topLeft.y + (baseline*2)/3; uint_t width = FntCharsWidth(text, length); Color_t color=setTextColor(0); setTextColor(color); // Quite strange method of querying current text color... color=setForegroundColor(color); WinDrawOperation old; if (inverted) old=WinSetDrawMode(winInvert); drawLine(topLeft.x, top, topLeft.x+width, top); if (inverted) WinSetDrawMode(old); setForegroundColor(color); } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BITMAP TEXT ROUTINE: same as Text, but give 3D coordinates in modelspace. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void glText3D(float x, float y, float z, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); char* buffer; if (!(buffer = makeMessage(format, args))) return; va_end(args); glPushAttrib(GL_LIGHTING_BIT); { glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glPushAttrib(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); { glDisable(GL_DITHER); glPushAttrib(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); { glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); int height = fontHeight(_currentFont); glRasterPos3f(x, y, z); for (char *p = buffer; *p; p++) { if (*p == '\n') { y -= height; glRasterPos3f(x, y, z); } else { glutBitmapCharacter(_currentFont, *p); } } delete[] buffer; } glPopAttrib(); } glPopAttrib(); } glPopAttrib(); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : tmNumberRUsDraw Description : Callback to draw number of RU's available Inputs : Outputs : Return : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void tmNumberRUsDraw(featom *atom, regionhandle region) { sdword width; fonthandle oldfont; rectangle rect = region->rect; tmNumberRUsRegion = region; oldfont = fontMakeCurrent(tmTechListFont); width = fontWidthf("%d", universe.curPlayerPtr->resourceUnits);//width of number primModeSet2(); primRectSolid2(&rect, colRGB(0, 0, 0)); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glScissor(rect.x0, MAIN_WindowHeight - rect.y1, rect.x1 - rect.x0, rect.y1 - rect.y0); glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); feStaticRectangleDraw(region); //draw regular rectangle as backdrop fontPrintf(region->rect.x1 - width - TM_RUMarginRight, (region->rect.y1 - region->rect.y0 - fontHeight(NULL)) / 2 + region->rect.y0, atom->borderColor, "%d", universe.curPlayerPtr->resourceUnits); fontMakeCurrent(oldfont); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BITMAP TEXT ROUTINE: draws the printf style format string(with args) with // the bottom-left corner of the string at pixel position(x,y) in the current // window with the current color. The bottom-left corner of the window is at //(0,0). Many different fonts are available(see currentFont above): // The current raster position is updated to the end of the string; check with: // float CurrentRasterPos[4]; // glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION,CurrentRasterPos); // x=CurrentRasterPos[0]+0.5; // y=CurrentRasterPos[1]+0.5; // Setting negative values for x or y will avoid the update of the raster pos; // this is useful for continuing more text on the same line after a previous // call to Text(). Newline chars('\n') in the string advance the raster position // to the next line down(Newline chars are ignored in string continuing on same line). //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void glText(int x, int y, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); char* buffer; if (!(buffer = makeMessage(format, args))) return; va_end(args); int WW = glutGet((GLenum)GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH); int WH = glutGet((GLenum)GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT); glPushAttrib(GL_LIGHTING_BIT); { glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glPushAttrib(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); { glDisable(GL_DITHER); glPushAttrib(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); { glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glPushAttrib(GL_VIEWPORT_BIT); { glViewport(0, 0, WW, WH); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix(); { glLoadIdentity(); gluOrtho2D(0, WW, 0, WH); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); { glLoadIdentity(); int height = fontHeight(_currentFont); if (x >= 0 && y >= 0) glRasterPos2i(x, y); for (char *p = buffer; *p; p++) { if (*p == '\n') { if (x>=0 && y>=0) { y -= height; glRasterPos2i(x, y); } } else { glutBitmapCharacter(_currentFont, *p); } } delete[] buffer; glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); } glPopMatrix(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); } glPopMatrix(); } glPopAttrib(); } glPopAttrib(); } glPopAttrib(); } glPopAttrib(); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : tmSelectTechType Description : Find what type of tech was selected Inputs : reg - region clicked on yClicked - vertical location clicked on. Outputs : Return : type of tech clicked on or -1 if none ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ sdword tmSelectTechType(regionhandle region, sdword yClicked) { sdword index, y, numlines, startind; fonthandle currentFont; bool newline = FALSE; currentFont = fontMakeCurrent(tmTechListFont); numlines = 0; startind = 0; y = region->rect.y0 + TM_ASMarginTop; for (index=startind; index<TM_NUM_TECHS; index++) { if (y + fontHeight(" ") >= region->rect.y1) { break; } if (tmTechForSale[index] == TM_TECH_IS_FOR_SALE ) { newline=TRUE; } if ((yClicked < y + fontHeight(" ") + TM_ASInterSpacing)&&(newline)) { return(index); } if (newline) { newline = FALSE; y+= fontHeight(" ") + TM_ASInterSpacing; } } fontMakeCurrent(currentFont); return (-1); }
void WidgetScroll::construct(FrameType type, Window* client, int cWidth, int cHeight) { start_func assert(cWidth >= -1); assert(cHeight >= -1); frameType = type; clientArea = client; dragMode = FRAME_DRAG_NONE; scrollX = scrollY = 0; hScrollLine = vScrollLine = fontHeight(); scrollRepeatTicks = scrollRepeatDelay = 0; haveFocus = 0; whyDirty = FRAME_DIRTY_ALL; // Calculate our constants scrollbarButtonSize = fontHeight(); scrollbarButtonXPad = (scrollbarButtonSize - fontWidth("f", FONT_WIDGET)) / 2; if ((frameType == FRAMETYPE_BEVEL) || (frameType == FRAMETYPE_BEVEL_BK)) { frameThickness = FRAME_BEVELTHICKNESS; } else if (frameType == FRAMETYPE_LINE) { frameThickness = FRAME_LINETHICKNESS; } else { frameThickness = 0; } if (client) { client->setParent(this); if (cWidth == -1) cWidth = client->getWidth(); if (cHeight == -1) cHeight = client->getHeight(); } else { if (cWidth == -1) cWidth = 0; if (cHeight == -1) cHeight = 0; } resize(cWidth + frameThickness * 2, cHeight + frameThickness * 2); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : spScenarioWindowInit Description : Inputs : Outputs : Return : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void spScenarioWindowInit(char *name, featom *atom) { fonthandle oldfont; sdword index; if (FEFIRSTCALL(atom)) { oldfont = fontMakeCurrent(spListFont); spScenarioListWindow = (listwindowhandle)atom->pData; uicListWindowInit(spScenarioListWindow, NULL, // title draw, no title NULL, // title click process, no title 0/*fontHeight(" ")*2*/, // title height, no title spScenarioItemDraw, // item draw function fontHeight(" ")+SCP_VertSpacing, // item height UICLW_CanSelect|UICLW_CanHaveFocus); //spScenarioListWindow->reg.flags |= for (index = 0; index < spNumberScenarios; index++) { if (index==spCurrentSelected) uicListAddItem(spScenarioListWindow, (ubyte *)&spScenarios[index], UICLI_CanSelect|UICLI_Selected, UICLW_AddToTail); else uicListAddItem(spScenarioListWindow, (ubyte *)&spScenarios[index], UICLI_CanSelect, UICLW_AddToTail); } fontMakeCurrent(oldfont); return; } else { switch (spScenarioListWindow->message) { case CM_AcceptText: spDonePicking(NULL,NULL); break; case CM_DoubleClick: spDonePicking(NULL,NULL); break; case CM_NewItemSelected: spNewItem(); } } }
void KateRenderer::paintNonBreakSpace(QPainter &paint, qreal x, qreal y) { QPen penBackup( paint.pen() ); QPen pen( config()->tabMarkerColor() ); pen.setWidthF(qMax(1.0, spaceWidth() / 10.0)); paint.setPen( pen ); paint.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false); const int height = fontHeight(); const int width = spaceWidth(); QPoint points[6]; points[0] = QPoint(x+width/10, y+height/4); points[1] = QPoint(x+width/10, y+height/3); points[2] = QPoint(x+width/10, y+height/3); points[3] = QPoint(x+width-width/10, y+height/3); points[4] = QPoint(x+width-width/10, y+height/3); points[5] = QPoint(x+width-width/10, y+height/4); paint.drawLines(points, 3); paint.setPen( penBackup ); }
void HelpTask::render() { drawBackground(); const unsigned int x = (SCREEN_WIDTH - background->width) / 2; const unsigned int y = (SCREEN_HEIGHT - background->height) / 2; drawTextureOverlay(*background, 0, 0, *screen, x, y, background->width, background->height); drawString("Help for Crafti v1.1", 0xFFFF, *screen, x, y - fontHeight()); drawString("8-4-6-2: Walk around 5: Jump\n" "7: Put block down 9: Destroy block\n" "1-3: Change inventory slot\n" "ESC: Save & Exit\n" ".: Open list of blocks\n" " 5: Change block in inventory\n" " . or ESC: Close list of blocks\n" "Menu: Open menu\n" " 2-8: Move cursor\n" " 5: Select\n" "Ctrl+.: Take screenshot\n" "\n" "Made by Fabian Vogt", 0xFFFF, *screen, x + 10, y + 8); }
void KateRenderer::paintIndentMarker(QPainter &paint, uint x, uint y /*row*/) { QPen penBackup( paint.pen() ); QPen myPen(config()->indentationLineColor()); static const QVector<qreal> dashPattern = QVector<qreal>() << 1 << 1; myPen.setDashPattern(dashPattern); if (y % 2) myPen.setDashOffset(1); paint.setPen(myPen); const int height = fontHeight(); const int top = 0; const int bottom = height-1; QPainter::RenderHints renderHints = paint.renderHints(); paint.setRenderHints(renderHints, false); paint.drawLine(x + 2, top, x + 2, bottom); paint.setRenderHints(renderHints, true); paint.setPen( penBackup ); }
void tmTechInfoDraw(featom *atom, regionhandle region) { fonthandle currentFont; sdword x,y, width; char *pos, *oldpos; char stringtoprint[650]; bool justified, done; tmTechInfoRegion = region; feStaticRectangleDraw(region); //draw standard rectangle currentFont = fontMakeCurrent(tmTechListFont); x = region->rect.x0 + 15; y = region->rect.y0 + 5 ; if (tmtechinfo != -1) { fontPrintf(x,y,TM_SelectionTextColor,"%s",RaceSpecificTechTypeToNiceString(tmtechinfo, universe.curPlayerPtr->race)); y += TM_VertSpacing + fontHeight(" "); // Bad bad design, my fault [Drew] doh! if (tmtechinfo==DDDFDFGFTech) if (universe.curPlayerPtr->race==R1) strcpy(stringtoprint,strGetString(strR1DDDFTechinfo)); else strcpy(stringtoprint,strGetString(strR2DFGFTechinfo)); else if (tmtechinfo==CloakDefenseFighter) if (universe.curPlayerPtr->race==R1) strcpy(stringtoprint,strGetString(strR1CloakFighterinfo)); else strcpy(stringtoprint,strGetString(strR2DefenseFighterTechinfo)); else if (universe.curPlayerPtr->race==R1) strcpy(stringtoprint,strGetString(tmtechinfo+strTechInfoOffsetR1)); else strcpy(stringtoprint,strGetString(tmtechinfo+strTechInfoOffsetR2)); pos = stringtoprint; done = FALSE; while (!done) { justified = FALSE; tline[0]=0; while (!justified) { strcpy(oldtline, tline); oldpos = pos; pos = getWord(tline, pos); if (pos[0] == '\n') { justified = TRUE; pos++; while ( pos[0] == ' ' ) pos++; } else { if ( (width=fontWidth(tline)) > TM_InfoWidth - 15) { strcpy(tline, oldtline); pos = oldpos; while ( pos[0] == ' ' ) pos++; justified = TRUE; } if (pos[0]==0) { justified = TRUE; done = TRUE; } } } fontPrintf(x,y,TM_StandardTextColor,"%s",tline); y += fontHeight(" "); if (y > region->rect.y1 + fontHeight(" ")) done=TRUE; } } fontMakeCurrent(currentFont); }
void hrDrawPlayersProgress(featom *atom, regionhandle region) { sdword index; rectangle pos; rectangle outline; real32 percent; fonthandle currentfont; bool droppedOut; hrProgressRegion = region; pos = region->rect; // primRectSolid2(&pos, colRGBA(0, 0, 0, 64)); pos.y0+=fontHeight(" "); pos.y1=pos.y0+8; currentfont = fontMakeCurrent(playernamefont); if (multiPlayerGame) { dbgAssertOrIgnore(sigsNumPlayers == tpGameCreated.numPlayers); for (index=0;index<sigsNumPlayers;index++) { droppedOut = playerHasDroppedOutOrQuit(index); outline = pos; outline.x0 -= 5; outline.x1 += 10; outline.y0 -= 3; outline.y1 = outline.y0 + fontHeight(" ")*2 - 2; if ((hrBackgroundDirty) || (!PlayersAlreadyDrawnDropped[index])) { PlayersAlreadyDrawnDropped[index] = droppedOut; primRectSolid2(&outline, colBlack); if (droppedOut) { fontPrintf(pos.x0,pos.y0,colBlack,"%s",tpGameCreated.playerInfo[index].PersonalName); fontPrintf(pos.x0,pos.y0,HorseRaceDropoutColor,"%s", (playersReadyToGo[index] == PLAYER_QUIT) ? strGetString(strQuit) : strGetString(strDroppedOut)); } else { fontPrintf(pos.x0,pos.y0,tpGameCreated.playerInfo[index].baseColor,"%s",tpGameCreated.playerInfo[index].PersonalName); if (horseracestatus.hrstatusstr[index][0]) { fontPrintf(pos.x0+150,pos.y0,tpGameCreated.playerInfo[index].baseColor,"%s",horseracestatus.hrstatusstr[index]); } } } primRectOutline2(&outline, 1, (droppedOut) ? HorseRaceDropoutColor : tpGameCreated.playerInfo[index].stripeColor); pos.y0+=fontHeight(" "); pos.y1=pos.y0+4; percent = horseracestatus.percent[index]; hrBarDraw(&pos,hrBackBarColor,(droppedOut) ? HorseRaceDropoutColor : tpGameCreated.playerInfo[index].baseColor,percent); pos.y0+=fontHeight(" "); } } else if (singlePlayerGame) { pos = hrSinglePlayerPos; // progress bar if (pos.x0 != 0) { percent = horseracestatus.percent[0]; //dbgMessagef("percent %f",percent); hrBarDraw(&pos, colBlack, hrSinglePlayerLoadingBarColor/*teColorSchemes[0].textureColor.base*/, percent); } // blinking hyperspace destination (render every other call) if (++hrProgressCounter % 2 == 0) { hrBackgroundDirty = 3; // 1 - nothing happens as decremented before rendered // 2 - background is cleared but not redrawn // 3 - 3's the charm // hyperspace destination circled in first-person view #define SP_LOADING_HYPERSPACE_DEST_CIRCLE_X 115 #define SP_LOADING_HYPERSPACE_DEST_CIRCLE_Y 342 // hyperspace destination arrowed in "as the bird flies" view #define SP_LOADING_HYPERSPACE_DEST_ARROWS_X 195 #define SP_LOADING_HYPERSPACE_DEST_ARROWS_Y 134 // NB: hrDrawFile deals with coordinate mapping #ifdef _WIN32 hrDrawFile("feman\\loadscreen\\ring.lif", SP_LOADING_HYPERSPACE_DEST_CIRCLE_X, SP_LOADING_HYPERSPACE_DEST_CIRCLE_Y ); hrDrawFile("feman\\loadscreen\\arrows.lif", SP_LOADING_HYPERSPACE_DEST_ARROWS_X, SP_LOADING_HYPERSPACE_DEST_ARROWS_Y ); #else hrDrawFile("feman/loadscreen/ring.lif", SP_LOADING_HYPERSPACE_DEST_CIRCLE_X, SP_LOADING_HYPERSPACE_DEST_CIRCLE_Y ); hrDrawFile("feman/loadscreen/arrows.lif", SP_LOADING_HYPERSPACE_DEST_ARROWS_X, SP_LOADING_HYPERSPACE_DEST_ARROWS_Y ); #endif } } else { if (hrBackgroundDirty) { outline = pos; outline.x0 -= 5; outline.x1 += 10; outline.y0 -= 3; outline.y1 = outline.y0 + fontHeight(" ")*2 - 2; primRectTranslucent2(&outline, colRGBA(0,0,0,64)); primRectOutline2(&outline, 1, teColorSchemes[0].textureColor.detail); fontPrintf(pos.x0,pos.y0,teColorSchemes[0].textureColor.base,"%s",playerNames[0]); } pos.y0+=fontHeight(" "); pos.y1=pos.y0+4; percent = horseracestatus.percent[0]; hrBarDraw(&pos,hrBackBarColor,teColorSchemes[0].textureColor.base,percent); } fontMakeCurrent(currentfont); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : trkTrackValuesDisplayFn Description : Renders all the track values Inputs : Outputs : Return : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void trkTrackValuesDisplayFn(void) { sdword index, range; sdword x, y, xMin, xMax, xMed, width, height; real32 delta, timeElapsed; rectangle rect; if (keyIsStuck(TRK_ToggleKey)) { keyClearSticky(TRK_ToggleKey); trkTrackingVisual ^= TRUE; } if (!trkTrackingVisual || trkTrackIndex == 0) { return; } /* if (timeElapsed == 0.0f) { return; } */ height = fontHeight(" ") + 1; y = (MAIN_WindowHeight - (height * trkTrackIndex)) / 2; width = fontWidth("+100M") + 1; x = MAIN_WindowWidth - width * 2 - TRK_TrackWidth; xMin = x + width; xMax = xMin + TRK_TrackWidth; xMed = (xMin + xMax) / 2; for (index = 0; index < trkTrackIndex; index++, y += height) { timeElapsed = *trkValue[index].timer - trkValue[index].lastTime; trkValue[index].lastTime = *trkValue[index].timer; if (timeElapsed == 0.0f) { continue; } //print the name of the value fontPrint(x - fontWidth(trkValue[index].name), y, trkValue[index].c, trkValue[index].name); delta = abs(*trkValue[index].value - trkValue[index].lastValue) / timeElapsed;//see how much it has changed if (delta == 0.0f) { //don't do anything else if it has not changed continue; } //find what range to print in if (delta / trkRangeString[0].base > 10.0f) { //if it's bigger than the biggest range continue; } for (range = 0; trkRangeString[range].minusString; range++) { if (delta / trkRangeString[range].base >= 1.0f) { //if this is the right range //get the real delta and bias it against the base delta = (trkValue[index].lastValue - *trkValue[index].value) / timeElapsed / trkRangeString[range].base; rect.y0 = y; rect.y1 = y + height - 1; if (delta < 0.0f) { rect.x0 = xMed + (sdword)(delta * (real32)TRK_TrackWidth / 20.0f); rect.x1 = xMed; } else { rect.x0 = xMed; rect.x1 = xMed + (sdword)(delta * (real32)TRK_TrackWidth / 20.0f); } dbgAssert(rect.x0 != rect.x1); primRectSolid2(&rect, trkValue[index].c); fontPrint(xMin - fontWidth(trkRangeString[range].minusString) - 1, y, colWhite, trkRangeString[range].minusString); fontPrint(xMax + 1, y, colWhite, trkRangeString[range].plusString); break; } } trkValue[index].lastValue = *trkValue[index].value; } }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : svShipViewRender Description : Callback which draws the main ship view. Inputs : standard FE callback Outputs : .. Return : void ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void svShipViewRender(featom* atom, regionhandle region) { rectangle drawRect; rectangle* rect; rectangle viewRect; fonthandle currentFont; GLint viewPort[4]; GLint box[4]; ShipStaticInfo* info; real32 scale; sdword width, height; sdword x, y; keyindex key; char* keystring; bool resetRender = FALSE; char temp[100]; // facilitates smooth transition between auto/manual rotation of ship static real32 angle_user_rotated_to = 0.0f; static real32 declination_user_rotated_to = 0.0f; static real32 time_user_rotated_view = 0.0f; real32 real_time_angle = 0.0f; static real32 user_real_angle_offset = 0.0f; rect = ®ion->rect; viewRect.x0 = 0; viewRect.y0 = 0; viewRect.x1 = MAIN_WindowWidth - 1; viewRect.y1 = MAIN_WindowHeight - 1; info = NULL; if (svShipType != DefaultShip) { if (universe.curPlayerPtr) { info = GetShipStaticInfoSafe(svShipType, universe.curPlayerPtr->race); } if (info == NULL) { info = GetShipStaticInfoSafe(svShipType, GetValidRaceForShipType(svShipType)); } if (info == NULL) { return; } } svShipViewRegion = region; if (!resetRender) { if (svMouseInside) { ferDrawFocusWindow(region, lw_focus); } else { ferDrawFocusWindow(region, lw_normal); } } soundEventUpdate(); currentFont = fontMakeCurrent(svShipViewFont); if (region->flags == 0 || region->flags == RPE_DrawFunctionAdded) { //if region not processed yet region->flags = RPE_Enter | RPE_Exit | RPE_WheelDown | RPE_WheelUp | RPE_PressLeft | RPE_ReleaseLeft | RPE_PressRight | RPE_ReleaseRight; regFunctionSet(region, (regionfunction) svReadMouseEvent); //set new region handler function } //scale = *svScale[svShipType]; //svCamera.closestZoom = *svMinZoom[svShipType]; //svCamera.farthestZoom = *svMaxZoom[svShipType]; scale = 1.0f; //*svScale[svShipType]; if(svShipType != DefaultShip) { svCamera.closestZoom = info->minimumZoomDistance*svZoomInScalar; svCamera.farthestZoom = (svCamera.closestZoom+info->staticheader.staticCollInfo.approxcollspheresize)*svZoomOutScalar; if(ReZoom) { ReZoom=FALSE; cameraZoom(&svCamera,1.0f,FALSE); } if (svMouseInside && (wheel_down || wheel_up)) { cameraControl(&svCamera, FALSE); } else if (svMouseInside && svMousePressRight) { camMouseX = (svMouseCentreX - mouseCursorX()) * 4; //was 2 camMouseY = (svMouseCentreY - mouseCursorY()) * 4; savecamMouseX = savecamMouseX * SPIN_FEEDBACK + (real32)camMouseX * (1.0f - SPIN_FEEDBACK); cameraControl(&svCamera, FALSE); //update the camera mouseCursorHide(); mousePositionSet(svMouseCentreX, svMouseCentreY); // Reset position so it doesn't walk off region // keep track of where the user left the camera so we can sync auto-rotation with it angle_user_rotated_to = svCamera.angle; declination_user_rotated_to = svCamera.declination; time_user_rotated_view = universe.totaltimeelapsed; } else // auto rotate ship model { // continual 360 degree yaw rotation real_time_angle = DEG_TO_RAD(remainder(universe.totaltimeelapsed, SV_360_ROTATION_SECS) / SV_360_ROTATION_SECS * 360); if (angle_user_rotated_to >= 0.0) { user_real_angle_offset = angle_user_rotated_to - real_time_angle; angle_user_rotated_to = -1.0; } svCamera.angle = real_time_angle + user_real_angle_offset; // collapse pitch to default declination if (time_user_rotated_view > 0.0) { if (universe.totaltimeelapsed > time_user_rotated_view + SV_PITCH_FLATTEN_SECS) { svCamera.declination = DEG_TO_RAD(svDeclination); time_user_rotated_view = 0.0; } else { svCamera.declination = declination_user_rotated_to + (DEG_TO_RAD(svDeclination) - declination_user_rotated_to) * ((universe.totaltimeelapsed - time_user_rotated_view) / SV_PITCH_FLATTEN_SECS); } } if (svMouseInside) mouseCursorShow(); } } //rotation drawRect.x0 = rect->x0 + SV_ViewMargin; drawRect.y0 = rect->y0 + SV_ViewMargin; drawRect.x1 = rect->x1 - SV_ViewMargin; drawRect.y1 = rect->y1 - SV_ViewMargin; width = drawRect.x1 - drawRect.x0; height = drawRect.y1 - drawRect.y0; glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewPort); glViewport(drawRect.x0, MAIN_WindowHeight - drawRect.y1, width, height); primModeSet2(); if (!resetRender) { primRectSolid2(&viewRect, FEC_Background); } primModeClear2(); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glGetIntegerv(GL_SCISSOR_BOX, box); glScissor(drawRect.x0, MAIN_WindowHeight - drawRect.y1, width, height); glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); rndPerspectiveCorrection(TRUE); //svCamera.lookatpoint.x = -info->staticheader.staticCollInfo.collsphereoffset.z * scale; //svCamera.lookatpoint.y = -info->staticheader.staticCollInfo.collsphereoffset.x * scale; //svCamera.lookatpoint.z = -info->staticheader.staticCollInfo.collsphereoffset.y * scale; if (svShipType == DefaultShip) { svCamera.lookatpoint.x=0.0f; svCamera.lookatpoint.y=0.0f; svCamera.lookatpoint.z=0.0f; } else { svCamera.lookatpoint.x = -info->staticheader.staticCollInfo.collsphereoffset.z; svCamera.lookatpoint.y = -info->staticheader.staticCollInfo.collsphereoffset.x; svCamera.lookatpoint.z = -info->staticheader.staticCollInfo.collsphereoffset.y; } cameraSetEyePosition(&svCamera); rndLightingEnable(TRUE); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); rgluPerspective( svCamera.fieldofview, (float)(width) / (float)(height) /*rndAspectRatio*/, //set projection matrix svCamera.clipPlaneNear, svCamera.clipPlaneFar); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); rgluLookAt( svCamera.eyeposition.x, svCamera.eyeposition.y, svCamera.eyeposition.z, svCamera.lookatpoint.x, svCamera.lookatpoint.y, svCamera.lookatpoint.z, svCamera.upvector.x, svCamera.upvector.y, svCamera.upvector.z); glPushMatrix(); glRotatef(-90.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, (GLfloat *)(&rndCameraMatrix)); glGetFloatv(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, (GLfloat *)(&rndProjectionMatrix)); glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, lightPosition0); //position light(s) within world glScalef(scale, scale, scale); if (svShipType != DefaultShip) { sdword index; //try player index colours first index = universe.curPlayerIndex; if (info->teamColor[index] == 0) { //colour scheme doesn't exist, search for something valid for (index = 0; index < MAX_MULTIPLAYER_PLAYERS; index++) { if (info->teamColor[index] != 0) { break; } } if (index == MAX_MULTIPLAYER_PLAYERS) { //this ship doesn't have any colour info, //at least avoid a GPF index = universe.curPlayerIndex; } } meshRender((meshdata *)info->staticheader.LOD->level[0].pData, index); } glDisable(GL_NORMALIZE); glPopMatrix(); primModeSet2(); glScissor(box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3]); glViewport(viewPort[0], viewPort[1], viewPort[2], viewPort[3]); rndLightingEnable(FALSE); rndPerspectiveCorrection(FALSE); x = rect->x0 + 2 + SV_ViewMargin; y = rect->y0 + 2 + SV_ViewMargin; if (svShipType != DefaultShip && !resetRender) { fontPrintf( x, y, FEC_ListItemStandard, "%s", ShipTypeToNiceStr(svShipType)); y += fontHeight(" "); sprintf(temp, "%s %d %s",strGetString(strSVCost),info->buildCost, strGetString(strSVRUs)); fontPrintf( x, y, FEC_ListItemStandard, temp); if (cmPrintHotKey) { x = rect->x1 - 2 - SV_ViewMargin; y = rect->y0 + 2 + SV_ViewMargin; key = cmShipTypeToKey(svShipType); keystring = opKeyToNiceString((keyindex)(key & 0x00ff)); if (key & CM_SHIFT) { width = fontWidthf("[SHIFT-%s]",keystring); fontPrintf( x-width, y, FEC_ListItemStandard, "[SHIFT-%s]", keystring); } else if (key) { width = fontWidthf("[%s]",keystring); fontPrintf( x-width, y, FEC_ListItemStandard, "[%s]", keystring); } } } fontMakeCurrent(currentFont); svDirtyShipView(); }
void TextRender::paint(QPainter* painter) { if (!iTerm) return; painter->save(); painter->setFont(iFont); int y=0; if (iTerm->backBufferScrollPos() != 0 && iTerm->backBuffer().size()>0) { int from = iTerm->backBuffer().size() - iTerm->backBufferScrollPos(); if(from<0) from=0; int to = iTerm->backBuffer().size(); if(to-from > iTerm->termSize().height()) to = from + iTerm->termSize().height(); paintFromBuffer(painter, iTerm->backBuffer(), from, to, y); if(to-from < iTerm->termSize().height() && iTerm->buffer().size()>0) { int to2 = iTerm->termSize().height() - (to-from); if(to2 > iTerm->buffer().size()) to2 = iTerm->buffer().size(); paintFromBuffer(painter, iTerm->buffer(), 0, to2, y); } } else { int count = qMin(iTerm->termSize().height(), iTerm->buffer().size()); paintFromBuffer(painter, iTerm->buffer(), 0, count, y); } // cursor if (iTerm->showCursor()) { painter->setOpacity(0.5); QPoint cursor = cursorPixelPos(); QSize csize = cursorPixelSize(); painter->setPen(Qt::transparent); painter->setBrush(iColorTable[Terminal::defaultFgColor]); painter->drawRect(cursor.x(), cursor.y(), csize.width(), csize.height()); } // selection QRect selection = iTerm->selection(); if (!selection.isNull()) { painter->setOpacity(0.5); painter->setPen(Qt::transparent); painter->setBrush(Qt::blue); QPoint start, end; if ( == selection.bottom()) { start = charsToPixels(selection.topLeft()); end = charsToPixels(selection.bottomRight()); painter->drawRect(start.x(), start.y(), end.x()-start.x()+fontWidth(), end.y()-start.y()+fontHeight()); } else { start = charsToPixels(selection.topLeft()); end = charsToPixels(QPoint(iTerm->termSize().width(),; painter->drawRect(start.x(), start.y(), end.x()-start.x()+fontWidth(), end.y()-start.y()+fontHeight()); start = charsToPixels(QPoint(1,; end = charsToPixels(QPoint(iTerm->termSize().width(), selection.bottom()-1)); painter->drawRect(start.x(), start.y(), end.x()-start.x()+fontWidth(), end.y()-start.y()+fontHeight()); start = charsToPixels(QPoint(1, selection.bottom())); end = charsToPixels(selection.bottomRight()); painter->drawRect(start.x(), start.y(), end.x()-start.x()+fontWidth(), end.y()-start.y()+fontHeight()); } } painter->restore(); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : pingListDraw Description : Draw all pings from farthest to nearest. Inputs : camera - the camera we're rendering from modelView, projection - current matrices viewPort - rectangle we're rending in, for the TO legend Outputs : Return : Note : The renderer should be in 2D mode at this point. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void pingListDraw(Camera *camera, hmatrix *modelView, hmatrix *projection, rectangle *viewPort) { real32 pingAge, pingCycle, pingMod, pingSize; real32 x, y, radius; Node *thisNode, *nextNode; ping *thisPing; vector distSquared; sdword nSegments, index, rowHeight, xScreen, yScreen; oval o; udword TOFlags = 0; fonthandle fhSave; toicon *icon; color col; real32 realMargin; ShipClass shipClass; static real32 lastProximityPing = REALlyBig; static real32 lastAnomolyPing = REALlyBig; static real32 lastBattlePing = REALlyBig; static real32 lastHyperspacePing = REALlyBig; static real32 lastNewshipPing = REALlyBig; bool pingset; //start by sorting the ping list from farthest to nearest thisNode = pingList.head; while (thisNode != NULL) { //scan all pings nextNode = thisNode->next; thisPing = listGetStructOfNode(thisNode); if (thisPing->owner != NULL) { thisPing->centre = thisPing->owner->posinfo.position; } vecSub(distSquared, camera->eyeposition, thisPing->centre); thisPing->cameraDistanceSquared = vecMagnitudeSquared(distSquared); TOFlags |= thisPing->TOMask; thisNode = nextNode; } listMergeSortGeneral(&pingList, pingListSortCallback); //now the list is sorted; proceed to draw all the pings thisNode = pingList.head; pingset = FALSE; while (thisNode != NULL) { //scan all pings nextNode = thisNode->next; thisPing = listGetStructOfNode(thisNode); pingCycle = thisPing->pingDuration + thisPing->interPingPause; pingAge = universe.totaltimeelapsed - thisPing->creationTime; pingMod = (real32)fmod((double)pingAge, (double)pingCycle); if (pingMod <= thisPing->pingDuration) { pingSize = (thisPing->size - thisPing->minSize) * pingMod / thisPing->pingDuration + thisPing->minSize; selCircleComputeGeneral(modelView, projection, &thisPing->centre, max(thisPing->size,thisPing->minSize), &x, &y, &radius); if (radius > 0.0f) { radius = max(radius, thisPing->minScreenSize); radius *= pingSize / max(thisPing->size,thisPing->minSize); o.centreX = primGLToScreenX(x); o.centreY = primGLToScreenY(y); o.radiusX = o.radiusY = primGLToScreenScaleX(radius); nSegments = pieCircleSegmentsCompute(radius); primOvalArcOutline2(&o, 0.0f, 2*PI, 1, nSegments, thisPing->c); /* starting to draw a new ping so play the sound */ if (!smZoomingIn && !smZoomingOut && !pingset) { switch (thisPing->TOMask) { case PTOM_Anomaly: if (pingSize <=lastAnomolyPing) { soundEvent(NULL, UI_SensorsPing); pingset = TRUE; lastAnomolyPing = pingSize; } break; case PTOM_Battle: if (pingSize <= lastBattlePing) { soundEvent(NULL, UI_PingBattle); pingset = TRUE; lastBattlePing = pingSize; } break; case PTOM_Hyperspace: if (pingSize <= lastHyperspacePing) { soundEvent(NULL, UI_PingHyperspace); pingset = TRUE; lastHyperspacePing = pingSize; } break; case PTOM_Proximity: if (pingSize <= lastProximityPing) { soundEvent(NULL, UI_PingProximity); pingset = TRUE; lastProximityPing = pingSize; } break; case PTOM_NewShips: if (pingSize <= lastNewshipPing) { soundEvent(NULL, UI_PingNewShips); pingset = TRUE; lastNewshipPing = pingSize; } break; default: break; } } } } thisNode = nextNode; } //draw the blip TO if (smTacticalOverlay) { realMargin = primScreenToGLScaleX(viewPort->x0); fhSave = fontCurrentGet(); //save the current font fontMakeCurrent(selGroupFont2); // use a common, fairly small font rowHeight = fontHeight("M"); // used to space the legend yScreen = viewPort->y0 + rowHeight; //leave some space at the top to start radius = primScreenToGLScaleX(rowHeight)/2; xScreen = viewPort->x0 + (sdword)(rowHeight * 2.5); for (index = 0; index < PTO_NumberTOs; index++) { if ((TOFlags & pingTOList[index].bitMask)) { // fontPrint(xScreen, yScreen, *pingTOList[index].c, "O"); pingTOList[index].lastTimeDrawn = universe.totaltimeelapsed; } if (universe.totaltimeelapsed - pingTOList[index].lastTimeDrawn <= pingTOLingerTime) { o.centreX = viewPort->x0 + rowHeight * 3 / 2; o.centreY = yScreen + rowHeight / 2; o.radiusX = o.radiusY = rowHeight / 2; primOvalArcOutline2(&o, 0.0f, TWOPI, 1, pingTONSegments, *pingTOList[index].c); fontPrint(xScreen, yScreen, TO_TextColor, strGetString(pingTOList[index].stringEnum)); yScreen += rowHeight + 1; } } for (shipClass = 0; shipClass < NUM_CLASSES; shipClass++) { if (!toClassUsed[shipClass][0]) { continue; } icon = toClassIcon[shipClass]; fontPrint(xScreen, yScreen + (rowHeight>>2), TO_TextColor, ShipClassToNiceStr(shipClass)); #if TO_STANDARD_COLORS col = teFriendlyColor; #else col = teColorSchemes[universe.curPlayerIndex].tacticalColor; #endif col = colRGB(colRed(col)/TO_IconColorFade, colGreen(col)/TO_IconColorFade, colBlue(col)/TO_IconColorFade); primLineLoopStart2(1, col); for (index = icon->nPoints - 1; index >= 0; index--) { primLineLoopPoint3F(realMargin + primScreenToGLX(rowHeight*1.5) + icon->loc[index].x * radius, primScreenToGLY(yScreen + rowHeight/2) + icon->loc[index].y * radius); } primLineLoopEnd2(); yScreen += rowHeight + 1; } fontMakeCurrent(fhSave); } }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : gpGameWindowInit Description : Inputs : Outputs : Return : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void gpGameWindowInit(char *name, featom *atom) { fonthandle oldfont; sdword index; if (FEFIRSTCALL(atom)) { if (strcmp(name,"FE_RecordedGameWindowInit") == 0) { SavedGamesPath = RecordedGamesPath; } else if (strcmp(name,"FE_TutorialGameWindowInit") == 0) { SavedGamesPath = TutorialSavedGamesPath; tutorial = TUTORIAL_ONLY; gpLoadTutorial = TRUE; gpLoadSinglePlayerGame = TRUE; } else { if (gameIsRunning) { if (singlePlayerGame) { gpLoadSinglePlayerGame = TRUE; } else { gpLoadSinglePlayerGame = FALSE; } gpLoadTutorial = (tutorial==TUTORIAL_ONLY) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else { if (mgRunning) { gpLoadSinglePlayerGame = FALSE; } else { gpLoadSinglePlayerGame = TRUE; } gpLoadTutorial = (tutorial==TUTORIAL_ONLY) ? TRUE : FALSE; } if (gpLoadSinglePlayerGame) { SavedGamesPath = gpLoadTutorial ? TutorialSavedGamesPath : SinglePlayerSavedGamesPath; } else { SavedGamesPath = MultiPlayerSavedGamesPath; } } gpTitleListLoad(); oldfont = fontMakeCurrent(gpListFont); gpGameListWindow = (listwindowhandle)atom->pData; uicListWindowInit(gpGameListWindow, NULL, // title draw, no title NULL, // title click process, no title 0, // title height, no title gpGameItemDraw, // item draw function fontHeight(" ")+GP_VertSpacing, // item height UICLW_CanSelect|UICLW_CanHaveFocus); for (index = 0; index < gpNumberGames; index++) { if (index == 0) { uicListAddItem(gpGameListWindow, (ubyte *)&gpGames[index], UICLI_CanSelect|UICLI_Selected, UICLW_AddToTail); gpCurrentSelected = 0; } else { uicListAddItem(gpGameListWindow, (ubyte *)&gpGames[index], UICLI_CanSelect, UICLW_AddToTail); } } fontMakeCurrent(oldfont); return; } else if (FELASTCALL(atom)) { gpGameListWindow = NULL; return; } else if (gpGameListWindow->message == CM_NewItemSelected) { if (gpNameEntryBox != NULL) { uicTextEntrySet(gpNameEntryBox, ((gpgame *)gpGameListWindow->CurLineSelected->data)->title,strlen(((gpgame *)gpGameListWindow->CurLineSelected->data)->title)); } } }
void gpDeleteGame(char *name, featom *atom) { char filename[PATH_MAX] = ""; sdword i; sdword index; fonthandle oldfont; if (!gpGetGameName(name,atom,filename)) { return; } // gpCurrentSelected will be set by gpGetGameName feScreenDisappear(NULL, NULL); char *tmpFilePath = filePathPrepend(filename, FF_UserSettingsPath); strcpy(filename, tmpFilePath); fileDelete(filename); if (SavedGamesPath == RecordedGamesPath) { char tmpfile[PATH_MAX] = ""; strcpy(tmpfile,filename); strcat(tmpfile,PKTS_EXTENSION); fileDelete(tmpfile); } for (i=gpCurrentSelected;i<gpNumberGames-1;i++) { gpGames[i] = gpGames[i+1]; } gpNumberGames--; if (gpNumberGames == 0) { gpCurrentSelected = 0; } else if (gpCurrentSelected >= gpNumberGames) { gpCurrentSelected--; dbgAssertOrIgnore(gpCurrentSelected >= 0); dbgAssertOrIgnore(gpCurrentSelected < gpNumberGames); } dbgAssertOrIgnore(gpNumberGames >= 0); oldfont = fontMakeCurrent(gpListFont); // fontHeight called later on in this function uicListCleanUp(gpGameListWindow); uicListWindowInit(gpGameListWindow, NULL, // title draw, no title NULL, // title click process, no title 0, // title height, no title gpGameItemDraw, // item draw function fontHeight(" ")+GP_VertSpacing, // item height UICLW_CanSelect); for (index = 0; index < gpNumberGames; index++) { if (index==gpCurrentSelected) uicListAddItem(gpGameListWindow, (ubyte *)&gpGames[index], UICLI_CanSelect|UICLI_Selected, UICLW_AddToTail); else uicListAddItem(gpGameListWindow, (ubyte *)&gpGames[index], UICLI_CanSelect, UICLW_AddToTail); } fontMakeCurrent(oldfont); }
void WorldTask::render() { aabb = {x - player_width/2, y, z - player_width/2, x + player_width/2, y + player_height, z + player_width/2}; //printf("X: %f Y: %f Z: %f XR: %d YR: %d\n", x.toFloat(), y.toFloat(), z.toFloat(), xr.toInt(), yr.toInt()); glColor3f(0.4f, 0.6f, 0.8f); //Blue background glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glPushMatrix(); //Inverted rotation of the world nglRotateX((GLFix(359) - xr).normaliseAngle()); nglRotateY((GLFix(359) - yr).normaliseAngle()); //Inverted translation of the world glTranslatef(-x, -y - eye_pos, -z); glBindTexture(terrain_current); world.render(); //Draw indication glBindTexture(&blockselection); glBegin(GL_QUADS); //Do a quick animation const unsigned int blockselection_frame_width = blockselection.width / blockselection_frames; TextureAtlasEntry tex = textureArea(0, 0, blockselection_frame_width, blockselection.height); tex.left += blockselection_frame_width * blockselection_frame; tex.right += blockselection_frame_width * blockselection_frame; //Only increment the frame nr each 5 frames if(++blockselection_frame_fraction == 5) { blockselection_frame_fraction = 0; if(++blockselection_frame == blockselection_frames) blockselection_frame = 0; } const GLFix indicator_x = selection_pos.x * BLOCK_SIZE, indicator_y = selection_pos.y * BLOCK_SIZE, indicator_z = selection_pos.z * BLOCK_SIZE; const GLFix selection_offset = 3; //Needed to prevent Z-fighting switch(selection_side) { case AABB::FRONT: nglAddVertex({indicator_x, indicator_y, selection_pos_abs.z - selection_offset, tex.left, tex.bottom, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); nglAddVertex({indicator_x, indicator_y + BLOCK_SIZE, selection_pos_abs.z - selection_offset, tex.left,, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); nglAddVertex({indicator_x + BLOCK_SIZE, indicator_y + BLOCK_SIZE, selection_pos_abs.z - selection_offset, tex.right,, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); nglAddVertex({indicator_x + BLOCK_SIZE, indicator_y, selection_pos_abs.z - selection_offset, tex.right, tex.bottom, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); break; case AABB::BACK: nglAddVertex({indicator_x + BLOCK_SIZE, indicator_y, selection_pos_abs.z + selection_offset, tex.left, tex.bottom, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); nglAddVertex({indicator_x + BLOCK_SIZE, indicator_y + BLOCK_SIZE, selection_pos_abs.z + selection_offset, tex.left,, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); nglAddVertex({indicator_x, indicator_y + BLOCK_SIZE, selection_pos_abs.z + selection_offset, tex.right,, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); nglAddVertex({indicator_x, indicator_y, selection_pos_abs.z + selection_offset, tex.right, tex.bottom, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); break; case AABB::RIGHT: nglAddVertex({selection_pos_abs.x + selection_offset, indicator_y, indicator_z, tex.right, tex.bottom, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); nglAddVertex({selection_pos_abs.x + selection_offset, indicator_y + BLOCK_SIZE, indicator_z, tex.right,, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); nglAddVertex({selection_pos_abs.x + selection_offset, indicator_y + BLOCK_SIZE, indicator_z + BLOCK_SIZE, tex.left,, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); nglAddVertex({selection_pos_abs.x + selection_offset, indicator_y, indicator_z + BLOCK_SIZE, tex.left, tex.bottom, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); break; case AABB::LEFT: nglAddVertex({selection_pos_abs.x - selection_offset, indicator_y, indicator_z + BLOCK_SIZE, tex.left, tex.bottom, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); nglAddVertex({selection_pos_abs.x - selection_offset, indicator_y + BLOCK_SIZE, indicator_z + BLOCK_SIZE, tex.left,, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); nglAddVertex({selection_pos_abs.x - selection_offset, indicator_y + BLOCK_SIZE, indicator_z, tex.right,, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); nglAddVertex({selection_pos_abs.x - selection_offset, indicator_y, indicator_z, tex.right, tex.bottom, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); break; case AABB::TOP: nglAddVertex({indicator_x, selection_pos_abs.y + selection_offset, indicator_z, tex.left, tex.bottom, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); nglAddVertex({indicator_x, selection_pos_abs.y + selection_offset, indicator_z + BLOCK_SIZE, tex.left,, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); nglAddVertex({indicator_x + BLOCK_SIZE, selection_pos_abs.y + selection_offset, indicator_z + BLOCK_SIZE, tex.right,, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); nglAddVertex({indicator_x + BLOCK_SIZE, selection_pos_abs.y + selection_offset, indicator_z, tex.right, tex.bottom, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); break; case AABB::BOTTOM: nglAddVertex({indicator_x + BLOCK_SIZE, selection_pos_abs.y - selection_offset, indicator_z, tex.left, tex.bottom, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); nglAddVertex({indicator_x + BLOCK_SIZE, selection_pos_abs.y - selection_offset, indicator_z + BLOCK_SIZE, tex.left,, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); nglAddVertex({indicator_x, selection_pos_abs.y - selection_offset, indicator_z + BLOCK_SIZE, tex.right,, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); nglAddVertex({indicator_x, selection_pos_abs.y - selection_offset, indicator_z, tex.right, tex.bottom, TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT}); break; case AABB::NONE: break; } glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); crosshairPixel(0, 0); crosshairPixel(-1, 0); crosshairPixel(-2, 0); crosshairPixel(0, -1); crosshairPixel(0, -2); crosshairPixel(1, 0); crosshairPixel(2, 0); crosshairPixel(0, 1); crosshairPixel(0, 2); //Don't draw the inventory if the block list will be opened, it will draw the inventory itself if(!keyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_PERIOD) || key_held_down) { current_inventory.draw(*screen); drawStringCenter(global_block_renderer.getName(current_inventory.currentSlot()), 0xFFFF, *screen, SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - current_inventory.height() - fontHeight()); } if(message_timeout > 0) { drawString(message, 0xFFFF, *screen, 2, 5); --message_timeout; } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GDChart & GDChart::createChart() { create(width_,height_); bool isIntergerOnlyValues = true; intptr_t i, j, xCount = 0, x, y, x0 = 0, y0 = 0; // calc min max ldouble minValue = DBL_MAX, maxValue = -DBL_MAX; for( i = data_.count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ){ j = data_[i].count(); xCount = tmax(xCount,j); const Array<ldouble> & data = data_[i]; for( j = data.count() - 1; j >= 0; j-- ){ volatile intmax_t v = intmax_t(data[j]); volatile ldouble lv = ldouble(v); if( lv != data[j] ) isIntergerOnlyValues = false; minValue = tmin(minValue,data[j]); maxValue = tmax(maxValue,data[j]); } } ldouble yAxis = (maxValue - minValue) / (height_ - topBorder_ - bottomBorder_); intptr_t leftBorderDelta = 0, rightBorderDelta = 0, topBorderDelta = 0, bottomBorderDelta = 0; // clear image fill(0,0,colorAllocate(255,255,255)); // draw lines intptr_t lineColor = colorAllocate(230,230,230); // draw vert grid lines for( j = 0; j < xCount; j++ ){ x = (width_ - leftBorder_ - rightBorder_) * j / (xCount - 1) + leftBorder_; line(x,topBorder_,x,height_ - bottomBorder_,lineColor); } intptr_t yLabelColor = makeColor(ldouble(j),ldouble(j),ldouble(j)); for( y = topBorder_; uintptr_t(y) <= height_ - bottomBorder_; y += fontHeight(font_) * 2 ){ ldouble v = maxValue - (y - topBorder_) * yAxis; // draw horiz grid line line(leftBorder_,y,width_ - rightBorder_,y,lineColor); // draw ylabel utf8::String label; if( isIntergerOnlyValues ){ label = printTraffic(intmax_t(v),true);//utf8::String::print("%"PRIdPTR,intptr_t(v)); } else { label = utf8::String::print("%.2"PRF_LDBL"f",v); } uintptr_t sz = label.size(); x = leftBorder_ - sz * fontWidth(font_); string(GD::font(font_),x,y,label.c_str(),yLabelColor); if( x < 0 && -x > leftBorderDelta ) leftBorderDelta = -x; } // draw data lines for( i = 0; uintptr_t(i) < data_.count(); i++ ){ intptr_t color = makeColor(ldouble(i + 1),ldouble(i + 1),ldouble(i + 1)); const Array<ldouble> & data = data_[i]; for( j = 0; uintptr_t(j) < data.count(); j++ ){ x = (width_ - leftBorder_ - rightBorder_) * j / (xCount - 1) + leftBorder_; y = intptr_t(height_ - topBorder_ - bottomBorder_ - (data[j] - minValue) / yAxis) + topBorder_; if( j > 0 ) line(x0,y0,x,y,color); x0 = x; y0 = y; } } intptr_t xBarSize = 2, yBarSize = 2; intptr_t barColor = colorAllocate(255,0,0); intptr_t xLabelColor = makeColor(ldouble(i + 1),ldouble(i + 1),ldouble(i + 1)); for( i = 0; uintptr_t(i) < data_.count(); i++ ){ const Array<ldouble> & data = data_[i]; for( j = 0; uintptr_t(j) < data.count(); j++ ){ x = (width_ - leftBorder_ - rightBorder_) * j / (xCount - 1) + leftBorder_; y = intptr_t(height_ - topBorder_ - bottomBorder_ - (data[j] - minValue) / yAxis) + topBorder_; // draw bar filledRectangle( tmax(leftBorder_,uintptr_t(x - xBarSize)), tmax(topBorder_,uintptr_t(y - yBarSize)), tmin(width_ - rightBorder_,uintptr_t(x + xBarSize)), tmin(height_ - bottomBorder_,uintptr_t(y + yBarSize)), barColor ); x0 = x; y0 = y; // draw xlabel y = height_ - bottomBorder_ + xBarSize; utf8::String label(utf8::String::print("%"PRIdPTR,intptr_t(j + xlvs_))); string(GD::font(font_),x + xBarSize,y,label.c_str(),xLabelColor); if( y + fontHeight(font_) >= height_ ) bottomBorderDelta = y + fontHeight(font_) - height_ + 1; x = x + xBarSize + fontWidth(font_) * label.size(); if( uintptr_t(x) >= width_ ) rightBorderDelta = x - width_ + 1; } } if( leftBorderDelta != 0 || rightBorderDelta != 0 || topBorderDelta != 0 || bottomBorderDelta != 0 ){ GDChart chart(*this); chart.leftBorder_ += leftBorderDelta; chart.rightBorder_ += rightBorderDelta; chart.topBorder_ += topBorderDelta; chart.bottomBorder_ += bottomBorderDelta; chart.createChart(); xchg(image_,chart.image_); xchg(png_,chart.png_); xchg(pngSize_,chart.pngSize_); } else { gdFree(png_); png_ = pngPtrEx(&pngSize_,9); } return *this; }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : gcChatTextDraw Description : draws the chat history window and prompts for text entry. Inputs : standard draw callbacks. Outputs : none Return : void ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void gcChatTextDraw(featom *atom, regionhandle region) { fonthandle oldfont; sdword x,y=region->rect.y0,lines=0; char temp[512], *string; Node *walk=NULL; chathistory *chat; if (!mrRenderMainScreen) return; oldfont = fontMakeCurrent(chathistoryfont); fontShadowSet(FS_SE, colBlack); if (InChatMode) { switch (MessageToAllies) { case GC_ChatToAllies: //sprintf(temp,"To Allies: "); string = strGetString(strToAllies); break; case GC_ChatToAll: //sprintf(temp,"Say: "); string = strGetString(strSay); break; case GC_RUTransfer: //sprintf(temp,"RU Amount: "); string = strGetString(strRUAmount); break; } x = region->rect.x0; fontPrint(x,y,colWhite,string); y+= fontHeight(" "); lines++; } if (curPosition != NULL) { walk = curPosition; } if (walk!=NULL) { do { x = region->rect.x0; chat = listGetStructOfNode(walk); switch (chat->messageType) { case GC_NORMALMESSAGE: { sprintf(temp,"<%s>",playerNames[chat->playerindex]); fontPrint(x,y,tpGameCreated.playerInfo[chat->playerindex].baseColor,temp); x+=fontWidth(temp); sprintf(temp," %s",chat->chatstring); fontPrint(x,y,gcGameNormalChatColor,temp); } break; case GC_WHISPEREDMESSAGE: { sprintf(temp,"<%s>",playerNames[chat->playerindex]); fontPrint(x,y,tpGameCreated.playerInfo[chat->playerindex].baseColor,temp); x+=fontWidth(temp); sprintf(temp, strGetString(strWhisperedMessage)); fontPrint(x,y,gcGameWhisperedColor, temp); x+=fontWidth(temp); sprintf(temp," %s",chat->chatstring); fontPrint(x,y,gcGamePrivateChatColor,temp); } break; case GC_TEXTMESSAGE: { fontPrint(x,y,chat->col,chat->chatstring); } break; case GC_BUFFERSTART: { if (ViewingBuffer) { //sprintf(temp,"^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^"); fontPrint(x,y,gcGameNormalChatColor,strGetString(strStartOfBuffer)); } } break; case GC_BUFFEREND: { if (ViewingBuffer) { //sprintf(temp,"v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v"); fontPrint(x,y,gcGameNormalChatColor,strGetString(strEndOfBuffer)); } } break; case GC_WRAPMESSAGE: { x+= chat->indent; fontPrint(x,y,chat->col,chat->chatstring); } break; } y += fontHeight(" "); lines++; walk = walk->next; } while ((walk!=NULL) && (lines < maxlines)); if ((ScrollDownAutoBaby==NULL) && (!ViewingBuffer) && (curPosition->next != NULL)) { ScrollDownAutoBaby = taskCallBackRegister(gcScrollDownAuto, 0, NULL, GC_SCROLL_TIME); } } fontShadowSet(FS_NONE, colBlack); fontMakeCurrent(oldfont); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : tmTechCostsDraw Description : Draw the cost of building selected techs. Inputs : feflow callback Outputs : .. Return : void ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void tmCostListDraw(featom *atom, regionhandle region) { udword price; sdword x, y, index; rectangle *rect = ®ion->rect; bool newline=FALSE; color c; fonthandle currentFont; sdword numlines; currentFont = fontCurrentGet(); fontMakeCurrent(tmTechListFont); tmCostListRegion = region; numlines = 0; for (index=0; index<TM_NUM_TECHS; index++) { if (tmTechForSale[index] == TM_TECH_IS_FOR_SALE) newline=TRUE; if (newline) { newline = FALSE; numlines++; } } y = region->rect.y0 + TM_ASMarginTop; newline=FALSE; numlines=0; for (index=0; index < TM_NUM_TECHS; index++) { price = (tmTechPrice[index] * tmPriceScale) / 100; if (y + fontHeight(" ") >= region->rect.y1) { break; } if (tmTechForSale[index] == TM_TECH_IS_FOR_SALE) { if (universe.curPlayerPtr->resourceUnits < price) { //if this tech already selected c = TM_CantAffordTextColor; } else { c = TM_StandardTextColor; } //tech fancy name x = rect->x1 - TM_ASMarginLeft - fontWidthf("%d", price); fontPrintf(x, y, c, "%d", price); newline = TRUE; tmDirtyTechInfo(); } if (newline) { newline = FALSE; y+= fontHeight(" ") + TM_ASInterSpacing; } } fontMakeCurrent(currentFont); }
int fontHeight() { return fontHeight(_currentFont); }
void tmDialogDraw(featom *atom, regionhandle region) { sdword x,y, width; char *pos, *oldpos; char stringtoprint[650]; bool justified, done; fonthandle oldfont; char tmKASMissing[] = "Hello there, fellow space travellers! Until somebdoy gives me some new lines in KAS, that is all I can say."; tmDialogRegion = region; oldfont = fontMakeCurrent(tmFont); feStaticRectangleDraw(region); //draw regular rectangle as backdrop x = region->rect.x0 + 15; y = region->rect.y0 + 5 ; if (tmKASDialog[tmDialogPhrase]) strcpy(stringtoprint,tmKASDialog[tmDialogPhrase]); else strcpy(stringtoprint,tmKASMissing); y += TM_VertSpacing + fontHeight(" "); pos = stringtoprint; done = FALSE; while (!done) { justified = FALSE; tline[0]=0; while (!justified) { strcpy(oldtline, tline); oldpos = pos; pos = getWord(tline, pos); if (pos[0] == '\n') { justified = TRUE; pos++; while ( pos[0] == ' ' ) pos++; } else { if ( (width=fontWidth(tline)) > TM_InfoWidth - 15) { strcpy(tline, oldtline); pos = oldpos; while ( pos[0] == ' ' ) pos++; justified = TRUE; } if (pos[0]==0) { justified = TRUE; done = TRUE; } } } fontPrintf(x,y,TM_StandardTextColor,"%s",tline); y += fontHeight(" "); if (y > region->rect.y1 + fontHeight(" ")) done=TRUE; } fontMakeCurrent(oldfont); }
void tmTechListDraw(featom *atom, regionhandle region) { sdword x, y, index; color c; fonthandle currentFont; bool newline = FALSE; sdword numlines, buyable=0; sdword price; if (tmTechSelected == -1) { sdword i, price; for (i = 0; i < TM_NUM_TECHS; i++) { if (tmTechForSale[i] == TM_TECH_IS_FOR_SALE) { price = (tmTechPrice[i] * tmPriceScale) / 100; if (universe.curPlayerPtr->resourceUnits >= price) { tmTechSelected = i; tmtechinfo = i; tmDirtyTechInfo(); break; } } } } tmTechListRegion = region; currentFont = fontMakeCurrent(tmTechListFont); if (region->flags == 0 || region->flags == RPE_DrawFunctionAdded) { //if region not processed yet region->flags = RPE_PressLeft | RPE_PressRight | RPE_WheelUp | RPE_WheelDown; //receive mouse presses from now on regFunctionSet(region, (regionfunction)tmSelectAvailable); //set new region handler function } feStaticRectangleDraw(region); //draw standard rectangle numlines = 0; for (index=0; index<TM_NUM_TECHS; index++) { if (tmTechForSale[index] == TM_TECH_IS_FOR_SALE) newline=TRUE; if (newline) { newline = FALSE; numlines++; } } y = region->rect.y0 + TM_ASMarginTop; newline=FALSE; numlines=0; for (index=0; index < TM_NUM_TECHS; index++) { price = (tmTechPrice[index] * tmPriceScale) / 100; if (y + fontHeight(" ") >= region->rect.y1) { break; } if (tmTechForSale[index] == TM_TECH_IS_FOR_SALE) { if (universe.curPlayerPtr->resourceUnits < price) { //if this tech already selected c = TM_CantAffordTextColor; } else { c = TM_StandardTextColor; buyable++; } if (index == tmTechSelected) { c = TM_SelectionTextColor; } //tech fancy name x = region->rect.x0 + TM_ASMarginLeft; fontPrint(x, y, c, RaceSpecificTechTypeToNiceString(index,universe.curPlayerPtr->race)); newline = TRUE; tmDirtyTechInfo(); } if (newline) { newline = FALSE; y+= fontHeight(" ") + TM_ASInterSpacing; numlines++; } } tmStuffToBuy = buyable; fontMakeCurrent(currentFont); //tmDirtyTechInfo(); }