void checkup() { struct ship *sp, *sq; char explode, sink; foreachship(sp) { if (sp->file->dir == 0) continue; explode = sp->file->explode; sink = sp->file->sink; if (explode != 1 && sink != 1) continue; if (die() < 5) continue; Write(sink == 1 ? W_SINK : W_EXPLODE, sp, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0); Write(W_DIR, sp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (snagged(sp)) foreachship(sq) cleansnag(sp, sq, 1); if (sink != 1) { makemsg(sp, "exploding!"); foreachship(sq) { if (sp != sq && sq->file->dir && range(sp, sq) < 4) table(RIGGING, L_EXPLODE, sp->specs->guns/13, sq, sp, 6); } } else
initialize() { register struct File *fp; register struct ship *sp; char captain[80]; char message[60]; int load; register int n; char *nameptr; int nat[NNATION]; if (game < 0) { (void) puts("Choose a scenario:\n"); (void) puts("\n\tNUMBER\tSHIPS\tIN PLAY\tTITLE"); for (n = 0; n < NSCENE; n++) { /* ( */ printf("\t%d):\t%d\t%s\t%s\n", n, scene[n].vessels, sync_exists(n) ? "YES" : "no", scene[n].name); } reprint: printf("\nScenario number? "); (void) fflush(stdout); (void) scanf("%d", &game); while (getchar() != '\n') ; } if (game < 0 || game >= NSCENE) { (void) puts("Very funny."); exit(1); } cc = &scene[game]; ls = SHIP(cc->vessels); for (n = 0; n < NNATION; n++) nat[n] = 0; foreachship(sp) { if (sp->file == NULL && (sp->file = (struct File *)calloc(1, sizeof (struct File))) == NULL) { (void) puts("OUT OF MEMORY"); exit(1); } sp->file->index = sp - SHIP(0); sp->file->stern = nat[sp->nationality]++; sp->file->dir = sp->shipdir; sp->file->row = sp->shiprow; sp->file->col = sp->shipcol; } windspeed = cc->windspeed; winddir = cc->winddir; (void) signal(SIGHUP, choke); (void) signal(SIGINT, choke); hasdriver = sync_exists(game); if (sync_open() < 0) { perror("sail: syncfile"); exit(1); } if (hasdriver) { (void) puts("Synchronizing with the other players..."); (void) fflush(stdout); if (Sync() < 0) leave(LEAVE_SYNC); } for (;;) { foreachship(sp) if (sp->file->captain[0] == 0 && !sp->file->struck && sp->file->captured == 0) break; if (sp >= ls) { (void) puts("All ships taken in that scenario."); foreachship(sp) free((char *)sp->file); sync_close(0); people = 0; goto reprint; } if (randomize) { player = sp - SHIP(0); } else { printf("%s\n\n", cc->name); foreachship(sp) printf(" %2d: %-10s %-15s (%-2d pts) %s\n", sp->file->index, countryname[sp->nationality], sp->shipname, sp->specs->pts, saywhat(sp, 1)); printf("\nWhich ship (0-%d)? ", cc->vessels-1); (void) fflush(stdout); if (scanf("%d", &player) != 1 || player < 0 || player >= cc->vessels) { while (getchar() != '\n') ; (void) puts("Say what?"); player = -1; } else while (getchar() != '\n') ; } if (player < 0) continue; if (Sync() < 0) leave(LEAVE_SYNC); fp = SHIP(player)->file; if (fp->captain[0] || fp->struck || fp->captured != 0) (void) puts("That ship is taken."); else break; } ms = SHIP(player); mf = ms->file; mc = ms->specs; Write(W_BEGIN, ms, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (Sync() < 0) leave(LEAVE_SYNC); (void) signal(SIGCHLD, child); if (!hasdriver) switch (fork()) { case 0: longjmp(restart, MODE_DRIVER); /*NOTREACHED*/ case -1: perror("fork"); leave(LEAVE_FORK); break; default: hasdriver++; } printf("Your ship is the %s, a %d gun %s (%s crew).\n", ms->shipname, mc->guns, classname[mc->class], qualname[mc->qual]); if ((nameptr = (char *) getenv("SAILNAME")) && *nameptr) (void) strncpy(captain, nameptr, sizeof captain); else { (void) printf("Your name, Captain? "); (void) fflush(stdout); (void) gets(captain); if (!*captain) (void) strcpy(captain, "no name"); } captain[sizeof captain - 1] = '\0'; Write(W_CAPTAIN, ms, 1, (int)captain, 0, 0, 0); for (n = 0; n < 2; n++) { char buf[10]; printf("\nInitial broadside %s (grape, chain, round, double): ", n ? "right" : "left"); (void) fflush(stdout); (void) scanf("%s", buf); switch (*buf) { case 'g': load = L_GRAPE; break; case 'c': load = L_CHAIN; break; case 'r': load = L_ROUND; break; case 'd': load = L_DOUBLE; break; default: load = L_ROUND; } if (n) { mf->loadR = load; mf->readyR = R_LOADED|R_INITIAL; } else { mf->loadL = load; mf->readyL = R_LOADED|R_INITIAL; } } initscreen(); draw_board(); (void) sprintf(message, "Captain %s assuming command", captain); Write(W_SIGNAL, ms, 1, (int)message, 0, 0, 0); newturn(); }