Пример #1
/* BrowserCanvas::showItem
 * Scrolls the view to show [item] if it is currently off-screen. If
 * [top] is true, the item will be shown on the top row, otherwise,
 * the item will be shown on the bottom row
void BrowserCanvas::showItem(int item, bool top)
	// Check item index
	if (item < 0 || item >= (int)items_filter.size())

	// Determine y-position of item
	int num_cols = GetSize().x / fullItemSizeX();
	int y_top = (item / num_cols) * fullItemSizeY();
	int y_bottom = y_top + fullItemSizeY();

	// Check if item is above current view
	if (y_top < yoff || y_bottom > yoff + GetSize().y)
		if (top)
			// Scroll view to show the item on the top row
			yoff = y_top;
			if (scrollbar) scrollbar->SetThumbPosition(yoff);
			// Scroll view to show the item on the bottom row
			yoff = y_bottom - GetSize().y;
			if (scrollbar) scrollbar->SetThumbPosition(yoff);
Пример #2
/* BrowserCanvas::showItem
 * Scrolls the view to show [item] if it is currently off-screen. If
 * [where] is positive, the item will be shown on the top row; if
 * negative, the item will be shown on the bottom row; if zero, the
 * item will be roughly centered.
void BrowserCanvas::showItem(int item, int where)
	// Check item index
	if (item < 0 || item >= (int)items_filter.size())

	// Determine y-position of item
	int num_cols = GetSize().x / fullItemSizeX();
	int y_top = (item / num_cols) * fullItemSizeY();
	int y_bottom = y_top + fullItemSizeY();

	int _yoff = yoff;

	// Check if item is outside current view (but always center an item if
	// asked)
	if (y_top < yoff || y_bottom > yoff + GetSize().y || where == 0)
		if (where > 0)
			// Scroll view to show the item on the top row
			yoff = y_top;
		else if (where < 0)
			// Scroll view to show the item on the bottom row
			yoff = y_bottom - GetSize().y;
			// Scroll view to put the item's middle in the middle of the canvas
			yoff = y_top + (fullItemSizeY() - GetSize().y) / 2;
			if (yoff < 0)
				yoff = 0;

		if (scrollbar) scrollbar->SetThumbPosition(yoff);
Пример #3
/* BrowserCanvas::onMouseEvent
 * Called when a key is pressed within the canvas
void BrowserCanvas::onKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& e)
	int num_cols = GetSize().x / fullItemSizeX();
	int offset;

	// Down arrow
	if (e.GetKeyCode() == WXK_DOWN)
		offset = num_cols;

	// Up arrow
	else if (e.GetKeyCode() == WXK_UP)
		offset = -1 * num_cols;

	// Left arrow
	else if (e.GetKeyCode() == WXK_LEFT)
		offset = -1;

	// Right arrow
	else if (e.GetKeyCode() == WXK_RIGHT)
		offset = 1;

	// Page up
	else if (e.GetKeyCode() == WXK_PAGEUP)
		offset = -1 * num_cols * max(GetSize().y / fullItemSizeY(), 1);

	// Page down
	else if (e.GetKeyCode() == WXK_PAGEDOWN)
		offset = num_cols * max(GetSize().y / fullItemSizeY(), 1);


	// Clamp selection
	int selected = itemIndex(item_selected) + offset;
	if (selected < 0)
		selected = 0;
	else if (selected >= (int)items_filter.size())
		selected = (int)items_filter.size() - 1;

	showItem(selected, -1 * offset);

	// Refresh canvas
Пример #4
/* BrowserCanvas::onScrollLineDown
 * Called when the scrollbar recieves a 'line down' command (ie when
 * the down arrow is clicked)
void BrowserCanvas::onScrollLineDown(wxScrollEvent& e) {
	// Scroll down by one row
	scrollbar->SetThumbPosition(yoff + fullItemSizeY());

	// Update y-offset and refresh
	yoff = scrollbar->GetThumbPosition();
Пример #5
/* BrowserCanvas::onMouseEvent
 * Called when any mouse event is generated (click, scroll, etc)
void BrowserCanvas::onMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent& e)
	// --- Scroll wheel ---
	if (e.GetEventType() == wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL)
		// Detemine the scroll multiplier
		float scroll_mult = (float)e.GetWheelRotation() / (float)e.GetWheelDelta();

		// Scrolling by 1.0 means by 1 row
		int scroll_amount = (fullItemSizeY()) * -scroll_mult;

		// Do scroll
		scrollbar->SetThumbPosition(yoff + scroll_amount);

		// Update y-offset and refresh
		yoff = scrollbar->GetThumbPosition();

	// --- Left click ---
	else if (e.GetEventType() == wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN)
		// Clear selection
		item_selected = NULL;

		// Get column clicked & number of columns
		int col_width = GetSize().x / num_cols;
		int col = e.GetPosition().x / col_width;

		// Get row clicked
		int row = (e.GetPosition().y - top_y) / (fullItemSizeY());

		// Select item
		selectItem(top_index + (row * num_cols) + col);

Пример #6
/* BrowserCanvas::updateScrollBar
 * Updates the associated scrollbar's properties depending on the
 * number of items, the canvas size, etc.
void BrowserCanvas::updateScrollBar() {
	// Do nothing special if no scrollbar present
	if (!scrollbar)

	// Determine total height of all items
	int rows = (double)items_filter.size() / (double)num_cols + 0.9999;
	int total_height = rows * fullItemSizeY();

	// Setup scrollbar
	scrollbar->SetScrollbar(scrollbar->GetThumbPosition(), GetSize().y, total_height, GetSize().y);
	yoff = scrollbar->GetThumbPosition();
Пример #7
/* BrowserCanvas::getViewedIndex
 * Return the unfiltered index of the item currently in the middle of the
 * viewport, or -1 if no items are visible
int BrowserCanvas::getViewedIndex()
	if (items_filter.empty())
		return -1;

	int viewport_height = GetSize().y;
	int row_height = fullItemSizeY();
	int viewport_mid_y = yoff + viewport_height / 2.0;
	int viewed_row = viewport_mid_y / row_height;
	int viewed_item_id = (viewed_row + 0.5) * num_cols;
	if (viewed_item_id < 0)
		viewed_item_id = 0;
	else if ((unsigned)viewed_item_id >= items_filter.size())
		viewed_item_id = items_filter.size() - 1;

	return items_filter[viewed_item_id];
Пример #8
/* BrowserCanvas::updateLayout
 * Updates variables concerning the object layout, then updates the
 * associated scrollbar's properties depending on the number of
 * items, the canvas size, etc.
void BrowserCanvas::updateLayout(int viewed_index)
	if (scrollbar && viewed_index < 0)
		viewed_index = getViewedIndex();

	// Determine number of columns
	num_cols = GetSize().x / fullItemSizeX();

	// Update the scrollbar, if present
	if (scrollbar)
		// Try to keep the view scrolled to roughly the same area: find the
		// item currently in the middle, and keep it there
		// If the given item is no longer visible, find the first filtered item
		// after it that is
		int filtered_viewed_index = -1;
		for (unsigned a = 0; a < items_filter.size(); a++)
			if (items_filter[a] >= viewed_index)
				filtered_viewed_index = a;
		if (filtered_viewed_index < 0)
			filtered_viewed_index = items_filter.size() - 1;

		// Determine total height of all items
		int rows = (double)items_filter.size() / (double)num_cols + 0.9999;
		int total_height = rows * fullItemSizeY();
		int viewport_height = GetSize().y;

		// Setup scrollbar
		scrollbar->SetScrollbar(scrollbar->GetThumbPosition(), viewport_height, total_height, viewport_height);
		showItem(filtered_viewed_index, 0);

Пример #9
/* BrowserCanvas::draw
 * Handles drawing of the canvas content
void BrowserCanvas::draw()
	// Setup the viewport
	glViewport(0, 0, GetSize().x, GetSize().y);

	// Setup the screen projection
	glOrtho(0, GetSize().x, GetSize().y, 0, -1, 1);


	// Setup colours
	rgba_t col_bg, col_text;
	bool text_shadow = true;
	if (browser_bg_type == 1)
		// Get system panel background colour
		wxColour bgcolwx = Drawing::getPanelBGColour();
		col_bg.set(bgcolwx.Red(), bgcolwx.Green(), bgcolwx.Blue());

		// Get system text colour
		wxColour textcol = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT);
		col_text.set(textcol.Red(), textcol.Green(), textcol.Blue());

		// Check text colour brightness, if it's dark don't draw text shadow
		rgba_t col_temp = col_text;
		wxColor::MakeGrey(&col_temp.r, &col_temp.g, &col_temp.b);
		if (col_temp.r < 60)
			text_shadow = false;
		// Otherwise use black background
		col_bg.set(0, 0, 0);

		// And white text
		col_text.set(255, 255, 255);

	// Clear
	glClearColor(col_bg.fr(), col_bg.fg(), col_bg.fb(), 1.0f);

	// Translate to inside of pixel (otherwise inaccuracies can occur on certain gl implementations)
	if (OpenGL::accuracyTweak())
		glTranslatef(0.375f, 0.375f, 0);

	// Draw background if required
	if (browser_bg_type == 0)

	// Init for texture drawing
	glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

	// Draw items
	int x = item_border;
	int y = item_border;
	int col_width = GetSize().x / num_cols;
	int col = 0;
	top_index = -1;
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < items_filter.size(); a++)
		// If we're not yet into the viewable area, skip
		if (y < yoff - fullItemSizeY())
			if (col >= num_cols)
				col = 0;
				y += fullItemSizeY();

				// Canvas is filled, stop drawing
				if (y > yoff + GetSize().y)

		// If we're drawing the first non-hidden item, save it
		if (top_index < 0)
			top_index = a;
			top_y = y - yoff;

		// Determine current x position
		int xgap = (col_width - fullItemSizeX()) * 0.5;
		x = item_border + xgap + (col * col_width);

		// Draw selection box if selected
		if (item_selected == items[items_filter[a]])
			// Setup
			glColor4f(0.3f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.3f);
			glTranslated(x, y - yoff, 0);
			glTranslated(-item_border, -item_border, 0);

			// Selection background
			glVertex2i(2, 2);
			glVertex2i(2, fullItemSizeY()-3);
			glVertex2i(fullItemSizeX()-3, fullItemSizeY()-3);
			glVertex2i(fullItemSizeX()-3, 2);

			// Selection border
			glColor4f(0.6f, 0.8f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
			glVertex2i(2, 2);
			glVertex2i(2, fullItemSizeY()-3);
			glVertex2i(fullItemSizeX()-3, fullItemSizeY()-3);
			glVertex2i(fullItemSizeX()-3, 2);

			// Finish
			glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

		// Draw item
		if (item_size <= 0)
			items[items_filter[a]]->draw(browser_item_size, x, y - yoff, font, show_names, item_type, col_text, text_shadow);
			items[items_filter[a]]->draw(item_size, x, y - yoff, font, show_names, item_type, col_text, text_shadow);

		// Move over for next item
		if (col >= num_cols)
			col = 0;
			y += fullItemSizeY();

			// Canvas is filled, stop drawing
			if (y > yoff + GetSize().y)

	// Swap Buffers