Пример #1
static GBytes *
load_file (const gchar *filename,
           GError **error)
  GError *local_error = NULL;
  GMappedFile *mapped;
  GBytes *bytes;

  mapped = g_mapped_file_new (filename, FALSE, &local_error);

  if (g_error_matches (local_error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT) ||
      g_error_matches (local_error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_ISDIR) ||
      g_error_matches (local_error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NAMETOOLONG) ||
      g_error_matches (local_error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_LOOP) ||
      g_error_matches (local_error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_INVAL))
      g_clear_error (&local_error);
      return NULL;

  /* A real error to stop on */
  else if (local_error)
      g_propagate_error (error, local_error);
      return NULL;

  bytes = g_mapped_file_get_bytes (mapped);
  g_mapped_file_unref (mapped);

  return bytes;
Пример #2
main (int argc, char **argv)
  GError *local_error = NULL;
  GError **error = &local_error;
  GBytes *from_bytes = NULL;
  GBytes *to_bytes = NULL;
  const char *from_path;
  const char *to_path;
  OstreeRollsumMatches *matches;
  GMappedFile *mfile;

  g_setenv ("GIO_USE_VFS", "local", TRUE);

  if (argc < 3)
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

  from_path = argv[1];
  to_path = argv[2];

  mfile = g_mapped_file_new (from_path, FALSE, error);
  if (!mfile)
    goto out;
  from_bytes = g_mapped_file_get_bytes (mfile);
  g_mapped_file_unref (mfile);
  mfile = g_mapped_file_new (to_path, FALSE, error);
  if (!mfile)
    goto out;
  to_bytes = g_mapped_file_get_bytes (mfile);
  g_mapped_file_unref (mfile);

  matches = _ostree_compute_rollsum_matches (from_bytes, to_bytes);

  g_printerr ("rollsum crcs=%u bufs=%u total=%u matchsize=%llu\n",
              matches->total, (unsigned long long)matches->match_size);

  if (local_error)
      g_printerr ("%s\n", local_error->message);
      g_error_free (local_error);
      return 1;
  return 0;
Пример #3
static void
send_login_html (CockpitWebResponse *response,
                 CockpitHandlerData *ws)
  GHashTable *headers = NULL;
  GList *l, *output = NULL;
  gchar *login_html;
  GMappedFile *file;
  GError *error = NULL;
  GBytes *body = NULL;
  gsize length;

  login_html = g_build_filename (ws->static_roots[0], "login.html", NULL);
  file = g_mapped_file_new (login_html, FALSE, &error);
  if (file == NULL)
      g_warning ("%s: %s", login_html, error->message);
      cockpit_web_response_error (response, 500, NULL, NULL);
      g_clear_error (&error);
      goto out;

  body = g_mapped_file_get_bytes (file);
  output = cockpit_template_expand (body, substitute_environment, ws->os_release);

  length = 0;
  for (l = output; l != NULL; l = g_list_next (l))
    length += g_bytes_get_size (l->data);

  headers = cockpit_web_server_new_table ();
  g_hash_table_insert (headers, g_strdup ("Content-Type"), g_strdup ("text/html; charset=utf8"));

  cockpit_web_response_headers_full (response, 200, "OK", length, headers);

  for (l = output; l != NULL; l = g_list_next (l))
      if (!cockpit_web_response_queue (response, l->data))
  if (l == NULL)
    cockpit_web_response_complete (response);

  g_list_free_full (output, (GDestroyNotify)g_bytes_unref);
  if (headers)
    g_hash_table_unref (headers);
  g_free (login_html);
  if (body)
    g_bytes_unref (body);
  if (file)
    g_mapped_file_unref (file);
Пример #4
static JsonObject *
read_package_manifest (const gchar *directory,
                       const gchar *package)
  JsonObject *manifest = NULL;
  GError *error = NULL;
  GMappedFile *mapped;
  gchar *filename;
  GBytes *bytes;

  filename = g_build_filename (directory, "manifest.json", NULL);
  mapped = g_mapped_file_new (filename, FALSE, &error);
  if (!mapped)
      if (g_error_matches (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT))
        g_debug ("no manifest found: %s", filename);
      else if (!g_error_matches (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOTDIR))
        g_message ("%s: %s", package, error->message);
      g_clear_error (&error);
     if (!validate_package (package))
         g_warning ("package has invalid name: %s", package);
         bytes = g_mapped_file_get_bytes (mapped);
         manifest = cockpit_json_parse_bytes (bytes, &error);
         g_bytes_unref (bytes);

         if (!manifest)
             g_message ("%s: invalid manifest: %s", package, error->message);
             g_clear_error (&error);

      g_mapped_file_unref (mapped);

  g_free (filename);
  return manifest;
Пример #5
 * gs_file_map_readonly:
 * @file: a #GFile
 * @cancellable:
 * @error:
 * Return a #GBytes which references a readonly view of the contents of
 * @file.  This function uses #GMappedFile internally.
 * Returns: (transfer full): a newly referenced #GBytes
GBytes *
gs_file_map_readonly (GFile         *file,
                      GCancellable  *cancellable,
                      GError       **error)
    GMappedFile *mfile;
    GBytes *ret;

    if (g_cancellable_set_error_if_cancelled (cancellable, error))
        return NULL;

    mfile = g_mapped_file_new (gs_file_get_path_cached (file), FALSE, error);
    if (!mfile)
        return NULL;

    ret = g_mapped_file_get_bytes (mfile);
    g_mapped_file_unref (mfile);
    return ret;
Пример #6
GBytes *
ot_file_mapat_bytes (int dfd,
                     const char *path,
                     GError **error)
  glnx_fd_close int fd = openat (dfd, path, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
  g_autoptr(GMappedFile) mfile = NULL;

  if (fd < 0)
      glnx_set_error_from_errno (error);
      return FALSE;

  mfile = g_mapped_file_new_from_fd (fd, FALSE, error);
  if (!mfile)
    return FALSE;

  return g_mapped_file_get_bytes (mfile);
Пример #7
static void
send_index_response (CockpitWebResponse *response,
                     CockpitWebService *service,
                     JsonObject *modules)
  GHashTable *out_headers;
  GError *error = NULL;
  GMappedFile *file = NULL;
  GBytes *body = NULL;
  GBytes *prefix = NULL;
  GBytes *environ = NULL;
  GBytes *suffix = NULL;
  gchar *index_html;
  const gchar *needle;
  const gchar *data;
  const gchar *pos;
  gsize needle_len;
  gsize length;
  gsize offset;

   * Since the index file cannot be properly cached, it can change on
   * each request, so we include full environment information directly
   * rather than making the client do another round trip later.
   * If the caller is already logged in, then this is included in the
   * environment.

  index_html = g_build_filename (cockpit_ws_static_directory, "index.html", NULL);
  file = g_mapped_file_new (index_html, FALSE, &error);
  if (file == NULL)
      g_warning ("%s: %s", index_html, error->message);
      cockpit_web_response_error (response, 500, NULL, NULL);
      g_clear_error (&error);
      goto out;

  body = g_mapped_file_get_bytes (file);
  data = g_bytes_get_data (body, &length);

  needle = "cockpit_environment_info";
  pos = g_strstr_len (data, length, needle);
  if (!pos)
      g_warning ("couldn't find 'cockpit_environment_info' string in index.html");
      cockpit_web_response_error (response, 500, NULL, NULL);
      goto out;

  environ = build_environment (service, modules);

  offset = (pos - data);
  prefix = g_bytes_new_from_bytes (body, 0, offset);

  needle_len = strlen (needle);
  suffix = g_bytes_new_from_bytes (body, offset + needle_len,
                                   length - (offset + needle_len));

  out_headers = cockpit_web_server_new_table ();
  g_hash_table_insert (out_headers, g_strdup ("Content-Type"), g_strdup ("text/html; charset=utf8"));
  cockpit_web_response_content (response, out_headers, prefix, environ, suffix, NULL);
  g_hash_table_unref (out_headers);

  g_free (index_html);
  if (prefix)
    g_bytes_unref (prefix);
  if (body)
    g_bytes_unref (body);
  if (environ)
    g_bytes_unref (environ);
  if (suffix)
    g_bytes_unref (suffix);
  if (file)
    g_mapped_file_unref (file);
Пример #8
 * cockpit_web_response_file:
 * @response: the response
 * @path: escaped path, or NULL to get from response
 * @roots: directories to look for file in
 * Serve a file from disk as an HTTP response.
cockpit_web_response_file (CockpitWebResponse *response,
                           const gchar *escaped,
                           const gchar **roots)
  const gchar *csp_header;
  GError *error = NULL;
  gchar *unescaped = NULL;
  gchar *path = NULL;
  GMappedFile *file = NULL;
  const gchar *root;
  GBytes *body;

  g_return_if_fail (COCKPIT_IS_WEB_RESPONSE (response));

  if (!escaped)
    escaped = cockpit_web_response_get_path (response);

  g_return_if_fail (escaped != NULL);

  /* Someone is trying to escape the root directory, or access hidden files? */
  unescaped = g_uri_unescape_string (escaped, NULL);
  if (strstr (unescaped, "/.") || strstr (unescaped, "../") || strstr (unescaped, "//"))
      g_debug ("%s: invalid path request", escaped);
      cockpit_web_response_error (response, 404, NULL, "Not Found");
      goto out;

  root = *(roots++);
  if (root == NULL)
      cockpit_web_response_error (response, 404, NULL, "Not Found");
      goto out;

  g_free (path);
  path = g_build_filename (root, unescaped, NULL);

  if (g_file_test (path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
      cockpit_web_response_error (response, 403, NULL, "Directory Listing Denied");
      goto out;

  /* As a double check of above behavior */
  g_assert (path_has_prefix (path, root));

  g_clear_error (&error);
  file = g_mapped_file_new (path, FALSE, &error);
  if (file == NULL)
      if (g_error_matches (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT) ||
          g_error_matches (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NAMETOOLONG))
          g_debug ("%s: file not found in root: %s", escaped, root);
          goto again;
      else if (g_error_matches (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_PERM) ||
               g_error_matches (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_ACCES) ||
               g_error_matches (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_ISDIR))
          cockpit_web_response_error (response, 403, NULL, "Access denied");
          goto out;
          g_warning ("%s: %s", path, error->message);
          cockpit_web_response_error (response, 500, NULL, "Internal server error");
          goto out;

  body = g_mapped_file_get_bytes (file);

   * The default Content-Security-Policy for .html files allows
   * the site to have inline <script> and <style> tags. This code
   * is not used when serving resources once logged in, only for
   * static resources when we don't yet have a session.

  csp_header = NULL;
  if (g_str_has_suffix (unescaped, ".html"))
    csp_header = "Content-Security-Policy";

  cockpit_web_response_headers (response, 200, "OK", g_bytes_get_size (body),
                                csp_header, "default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; connect-src 'self' ws: wss:",

  if (cockpit_web_response_queue (response, body))
    cockpit_web_response_complete (response);

  g_bytes_unref (body);

  g_free (unescaped);
  g_clear_error (&error);
  g_free (path);
  if (file)
    g_mapped_file_unref (file);
static gboolean
rewrite_delta (OstreeRepo *src_repo,
               const char *src_commit,
               OstreeRepo *dst_repo,
               const char *dst_commit,
               GVariant   *dst_commitv,
               const char *from,
               GError    **error)
  g_autoptr(GFile) src_delta_file = NULL;
  g_autoptr(GFile) dst_delta_file = NULL;
  g_autofree char *src_detached_key = _ostree_get_relative_static_delta_path (from, src_commit, "commitmeta");
  g_autofree char *dst_detached_key = _ostree_get_relative_static_delta_path (from, dst_commit, "commitmeta");
  g_autofree char *src_delta_dir = _ostree_get_relative_static_delta_path (from, src_commit, NULL);
  g_autofree char *dst_delta_dir = _ostree_get_relative_static_delta_path (from, dst_commit, NULL);
  g_autofree char *src_superblock_path = _ostree_get_relative_static_delta_path (from, src_commit, "superblock");
  g_autofree char *dst_superblock_path = _ostree_get_relative_static_delta_path (from, dst_commit, "superblock");
  GMappedFile *mfile = NULL;
  g_auto(GVariantBuilder) superblock_builder = FLATPAK_VARIANT_BUILDER_INITIALIZER;
  g_autoptr(GVariant) src_superblock = NULL;
  g_autoptr(GVariant) dst_superblock = NULL;
  g_autoptr(GBytes) bytes = NULL;
  g_autoptr(GVariant) dst_detached = NULL;
  g_autoptr(GVariant) src_metadata = NULL;
  g_autoptr(GVariant) src_recurse = NULL;
  g_autoptr(GVariant) src_parts = NULL;
  g_auto(GVariantDict) dst_metadata_dict = FLATPAK_VARIANT_DICT_INITIALIZER;
  int i;

  src_delta_file = g_file_resolve_relative_path (ostree_repo_get_path (src_repo), src_superblock_path);
  mfile = g_mapped_file_new (flatpak_file_get_path_cached (src_delta_file), FALSE, NULL);
  if (mfile == NULL)
    return TRUE; /* No superblock, not an error */

  bytes = g_mapped_file_get_bytes (mfile);
  g_mapped_file_unref (mfile);

  src_superblock = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new_from_bytes (G_VARIANT_TYPE (OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_SUPERBLOCK_FORMAT), bytes, FALSE));

  src_metadata = g_variant_get_child_value (src_superblock, 0);
  src_recurse = g_variant_get_child_value (src_superblock, 5);
  src_parts = g_variant_get_child_value (src_superblock, 6);

  if (g_variant_n_children (src_recurse) != 0)
    return flatpak_fail (error, "Recursive deltas not supported, ignoring");

  g_variant_builder_init (&superblock_builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE (OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_SUPERBLOCK_FORMAT));

  g_variant_dict_init (&dst_metadata_dict, src_metadata);
  g_variant_dict_remove (&dst_metadata_dict, src_detached_key);
  if (ostree_repo_read_commit_detached_metadata (dst_repo, dst_commit, &dst_detached, NULL, NULL) &&
      dst_detached != NULL)
    g_variant_dict_insert_value (&dst_metadata_dict, dst_detached_key, dst_detached);

  g_variant_builder_add_value (&superblock_builder, g_variant_dict_end (&dst_metadata_dict));
  g_variant_builder_add_value (&superblock_builder, g_variant_get_child_value (src_superblock, 1)); /* timestamp */
  g_variant_builder_add_value (&superblock_builder, from ? ostree_checksum_to_bytes_v (from) : new_bytearray ((guchar *) "", 0));
  g_variant_builder_add_value (&superblock_builder, ostree_checksum_to_bytes_v (dst_commit));
  g_variant_builder_add_value (&superblock_builder, dst_commitv);
  g_variant_builder_add_value (&superblock_builder, src_recurse);
  g_variant_builder_add_value (&superblock_builder, src_parts);
  g_variant_builder_add_value (&superblock_builder, g_variant_get_child_value (src_superblock, 7)); /* fallback */

  dst_superblock = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_builder_end (&superblock_builder));

  if (!glnx_shutil_mkdir_p_at (ostree_repo_get_dfd (dst_repo), dst_delta_dir, 0755, NULL, error))
    return FALSE;

  for (i = 0; i < g_variant_n_children (src_parts); i++)
      g_autofree char *src_part_path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%d", src_delta_dir, i);
      g_autofree char *dst_part_path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%d", dst_delta_dir, i);

      if (!glnx_file_copy_at (ostree_repo_get_dfd (src_repo),
                              ostree_repo_get_dfd (dst_repo),
                              NULL, error))
        return FALSE;

  dst_delta_file = g_file_resolve_relative_path (ostree_repo_get_path (dst_repo), dst_superblock_path);
  if (!flatpak_variant_save (dst_delta_file, dst_superblock, NULL, error))
    return FALSE;

  return TRUE;
Пример #10
 * cockpit_web_response_file:
 * @response: the response
 * @path: escaped path, or NULL to get from response
 * @roots: directories to look for file in
 * Serve a file from disk as an HTTP response.
cockpit_web_response_file (CockpitWebResponse *response,
                           const gchar *escaped,
                           gboolean cache_forever,
                           const gchar **roots)
  const gchar *cache_control;
  GError *error = NULL;
  gchar *unescaped;
  char *path = NULL;
  gchar *built = NULL;
  GMappedFile *file = NULL;
  const gchar *root;
  GBytes *body;

  g_return_if_fail (COCKPIT_IS_WEB_RESPONSE (response));

  if (!escaped)
    escaped = cockpit_web_response_get_path (response);

  g_return_if_fail (escaped != NULL);

  root = *(roots++);
  if (root == NULL)
      cockpit_web_response_error (response, 404, NULL, "Not Found");
      goto out;

  unescaped = g_uri_unescape_string (escaped, NULL);
  built = g_build_filename (root, unescaped, NULL);
  g_free (unescaped);

  path = realpath (built, NULL);
  g_free (built);

  if (path == NULL)
      if (errno == ENOENT || errno == ENOTDIR || errno == ELOOP || errno == ENAMETOOLONG)
          g_debug ("%s: file not found in root: %s", escaped, root);
          goto again;
      else if (errno == EACCES)
          cockpit_web_response_error (response, 403, NULL, "Access Denied");
          goto out;
          g_warning ("%s: resolving path failed: %m", escaped);
          cockpit_web_response_error (response, 500, NULL, "Internal Server Error");
          goto out;

  /* Double check that realpath() did the right thing */
  g_return_if_fail (strstr (path, "../") == NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (!g_str_has_suffix (path, "/.."));

  /* Someone is trying to escape the root directory */
  if (!path_has_prefix (path, root) &&
      !path_has_prefix (path, cockpit_web_exception_escape_root))
      g_debug ("%s: request tried to escape the root directory: %s: %s", escaped, root, path);
      cockpit_web_response_error (response, 404, NULL, "Not Found");
      goto out;

  if (g_file_test (path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
      cockpit_web_response_error (response, 403, NULL, "Directory Listing Denied");
      goto out;

  file = g_mapped_file_new (path, FALSE, &error);
  if (file == NULL)
      if (g_error_matches (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_PERM) ||
          g_error_matches (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_ACCES) ||
          g_error_matches (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_ISDIR))
          cockpit_web_response_error (response, 403, NULL, "Access denied");
          g_clear_error (&error);
          goto out;
          g_warning ("%s: %s", path, error->message);
          cockpit_web_response_error (response, 500, NULL, "Internal server error");
          g_clear_error (&error);
          goto out;

  body = g_mapped_file_get_bytes (file);

  cache_control = cache_forever ? "max-age=31556926, public" : NULL;
  cockpit_web_response_headers (response, 200, "OK", g_bytes_get_size (body),
                                "Cache-Control", cache_control,

  if (cockpit_web_response_queue (response, body))
    cockpit_web_response_complete (response);

  g_bytes_unref (body);

  free (path);
  if (file)
    g_mapped_file_unref (file);
Пример #11
static gboolean
package_checksum_file (GChecksum *checksum,
                       GHashTable *depends,
                       const gchar *root,
                       const gchar *filename)
  gchar *path = NULL;
  const gchar *string;
  GError *error = NULL;
  GChecksum *inner = NULL;
  GMappedFile *mapped = NULL;
  gboolean ret = FALSE;
  GList *output = NULL;
  GBytes *bytes;
  GList *l;

  if (!validate_path (filename))
      g_warning ("package has an invalid path name: %s", filename);
      goto out;

  path = g_build_filename (root, filename, NULL);
  if (g_file_test (path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
      ret = package_checksum_directory (checksum, depends, root, filename);
      goto out;

  mapped = g_mapped_file_new (path, FALSE, &error);
  if (error)
      g_warning ("couldn't open file: %s: %s", path, error->message);
      g_error_free (error);
      goto out;

  bytes = g_mapped_file_get_bytes (mapped);
  output = cockpit_template_expand (bytes, gather_depends, depends);
  g_bytes_unref (bytes);

  inner = g_checksum_new (G_CHECKSUM_SHA1);

  for (l = output; l != NULL; l = g_list_next (l))
      g_checksum_update (inner,
                         g_bytes_get_data (l->data, NULL),
                         g_bytes_get_size (l->data));

  string = g_checksum_get_string (inner);

   * Place file name and hex checksum into checksum,
   * include the null terminators so these values
   * cannot be accidentally have a boundary discrepancy.
  g_checksum_update (checksum, (const guchar *)filename,
                     strlen (filename) + 1);
  g_checksum_update (checksum, (const guchar *)string,
                     strlen (string) + 1);
  ret = TRUE;

  g_list_free_full (output, (GDestroyNotify)g_bytes_unref);
  g_checksum_free (inner);
  if (mapped)
    g_mapped_file_unref (mapped);
  g_free (path);
  return ret;
 * ostree_repo_static_delta_execute_offline:
 * @self: Repo
 * @dir: Path to a directory containing static delta data
 * @skip_validation: If %TRUE, assume data integrity
 * @cancellable: Cancellable
 * @error: Error
 * Given a directory representing an already-downloaded static delta
 * on disk, apply it, generating a new commit.  The directory must be
 * named with the form "FROM-TO", where both are checksums, and it
 * must contain a file named "superblock", along with at least one part.
ostree_repo_static_delta_execute_offline (OstreeRepo                    *self,
                                          GFile                         *dir,
                                          gboolean                       skip_validation,
                                          GCancellable                  *cancellable,
                                          GError                      **error)
  gboolean ret = FALSE;
  guint i, n;
  gs_unref_object GFile *meta_file = g_file_get_child (dir, "superblock");
  gs_unref_variant GVariant *meta = NULL;
  gs_unref_variant GVariant *headers = NULL;
  gs_unref_variant GVariant *fallback = NULL;

  if (!ot_util_variant_map (meta_file, G_VARIANT_TYPE (OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_SUPERBLOCK_FORMAT),
                            FALSE, &meta, error))
    goto out;


  /* Write the to-commit object */
    gs_unref_variant GVariant *to_csum_v = NULL;
    gs_free char *to_checksum = NULL;
    gs_unref_variant GVariant *to_commit = NULL;
    gboolean have_to_commit;

    to_csum_v = g_variant_get_child_value (meta, 3);
    if (!ostree_validate_structureof_csum_v (to_csum_v, error))
      goto out;
    to_checksum = ostree_checksum_from_bytes_v (to_csum_v);

    if (!ostree_repo_has_object (self, OSTREE_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMIT, to_checksum,
                                 &have_to_commit, cancellable, error))
      goto out;
    if (!have_to_commit)
        to_commit = g_variant_get_child_value (meta, 4);
        if (!ostree_repo_write_metadata (self, OSTREE_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMIT,
                                         to_checksum, to_commit, NULL,
                                         cancellable, error))
          goto out;

  fallback = g_variant_get_child_value (meta, 7);
  if (g_variant_n_children (fallback) > 0)
      g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
                   "Cannot execute delta offline: contains nonempty http fallback entries");
      goto out;

  headers = g_variant_get_child_value (meta, 6);
  n = g_variant_n_children (headers);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      guint64 size;
      guint64 usize;
      const guchar *csum;
      gboolean have_all;
      gs_unref_variant GVariant *header = NULL;
      gs_unref_variant GVariant *csum_v = NULL;
      gs_unref_variant GVariant *objects = NULL;
      gs_unref_object GFile *part_path = NULL;
      gs_unref_object GInputStream *raw_in = NULL;
      gs_unref_object GInputStream *in = NULL;

      header = g_variant_get_child_value (headers, i);
      g_variant_get (header, "(@aytt@ay)", &csum_v, &size, &usize, &objects);

      if (!_ostree_repo_static_delta_part_have_all_objects (self, objects, &have_all,
                                                            cancellable, error))
        goto out;

      /* If we already have these objects, don't bother executing the
       * static delta.
      if (have_all)

      csum = ostree_checksum_bytes_peek_validate (csum_v, error);
      if (!csum)
        goto out;

      part_path = ot_gfile_resolve_path_printf (dir, "%u", i);

      in = (GInputStream*)g_file_read (part_path, cancellable, error);
      if (!in)
        goto out;

      if (!skip_validation)
          gs_free char *expected_checksum = ostree_checksum_from_bytes (csum);
          if (!_ostree_static_delta_part_validate (self, part_path, i,
                                                   cancellable, error))
            goto out;

        GMappedFile *mfile = gs_file_map_noatime (part_path, cancellable, error);
        gs_unref_bytes GBytes *bytes = NULL;

        if (!mfile)
          goto out;

        bytes = g_mapped_file_get_bytes (mfile);
        g_mapped_file_unref (mfile);
        if (!_ostree_static_delta_part_execute (self, objects, bytes,
                                                cancellable, error))
            g_prefix_error (error, "executing delta part %i: ", i);
            goto out;

  ret = TRUE;
  return ret;
Пример #13
install_bundle (XdgAppDir *dir,
                GOptionContext *context,
                int argc, char **argv,
                GCancellable *cancellable,
                GError **error)
  gboolean ret = FALSE;
  g_autoptr(GFile) deploy_base = NULL;
  g_autoptr(GFile) file = NULL;
  g_autoptr(GFile) gpg_tmp_file = NULL;
  const char *filename;
  g_autofree char *ref = NULL;
  g_autofree char *origin = NULL;
  gboolean created_deploy_base = FALSE;
  gboolean added_remote = FALSE;
  g_autofree char *to_checksum = NULL;
  g_auto(GStrv) parts = NULL;
  g_autoptr(GBytes) gpg_data = NULL;
  g_autofree char *remote = NULL;
  OstreeRepo *repo;
  g_autoptr(OstreeGpgVerifyResult) gpg_result = NULL;
  g_autoptr(GError) my_error = NULL;
  g_auto(GLnxLockFile) lock = GLNX_LOCK_FILE_INIT;

  if (argc < 2)
    return usage_error (context, "bundle filename must be specified", error);

  filename = argv[1];

  repo = xdg_app_dir_get_repo (dir);

  if (!xdg_app_supports_bundles (repo))
    return xdg_app_fail (error, "Your version of ostree is too old to support single-file bundles");

  if (!xdg_app_dir_lock (dir, &lock,
                         cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg (filename);

    g_autoptr(GVariant) delta = NULL;
    g_autoptr(GVariant) metadata = NULL;
    g_autoptr(GBytes) bytes = NULL;
    g_autoptr(GVariant) to_csum_v = NULL;
    g_autoptr(GVariant) gpg_value = NULL;

    GMappedFile *mfile = g_mapped_file_new (gs_file_get_path_cached (file), FALSE, error);

    if (mfile == NULL)
      return FALSE;

    bytes = g_mapped_file_get_bytes (mfile);
    g_mapped_file_unref (mfile);

    delta = g_variant_new_from_bytes (G_VARIANT_TYPE (OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_SUPERBLOCK_FORMAT), bytes, FALSE);
    g_variant_ref_sink (delta);

    to_csum_v = g_variant_get_child_value (delta, 3);
    if (!ostree_validate_structureof_csum_v (to_csum_v, error))
      return FALSE;

    to_checksum = ostree_checksum_from_bytes_v (to_csum_v);

    metadata = g_variant_get_child_value (delta, 0);

    if (!g_variant_lookup (metadata, "ref", "s", &ref))
      return xdg_app_fail (error, "Invalid bundle, no ref in metadata");

    if (!g_variant_lookup (metadata, "origin", "s", &origin))
      origin = NULL;

    gpg_value = g_variant_lookup_value (metadata, "gpg-keys", G_VARIANT_TYPE("ay"));
    if (gpg_value)
        gsize n_elements;
        const char *data = g_variant_get_fixed_array (gpg_value, &n_elements, 1);

        gpg_data = g_bytes_new (data, n_elements);

  parts = xdg_app_decompose_ref (ref, error);
  if (parts == NULL)
    return FALSE;

  deploy_base = xdg_app_dir_get_deploy_dir (dir, ref);
  if (g_file_query_exists (deploy_base, cancellable))
    return xdg_app_fail (error, "%s branch %s already installed", parts[1], parts[3]);

  if (opt_gpg_file != NULL)
      /* Override gpg_data from file */
      gpg_data = read_gpg_data (cancellable, error);
      if (gpg_data == NULL)
        return FALSE;

  /* Add a remote for later updates */
  if (origin != NULL)
      g_auto(GStrv) remotes = ostree_repo_remote_list (repo, NULL);
      int version = 0;

          g_autofree char *name = NULL;
          if (version == 0)
            name = g_strdup_printf ("%s-origin", parts[1]);
            name = g_strdup_printf ("%s-%d-origin", parts[1], version);

          if (remotes == NULL ||
              !g_strv_contains ((const char * const *) remotes, name))
            remote = g_steal_pointer (&name);
      while (remote == NULL);

  if (!ostree_repo_prepare_transaction (repo, NULL, cancellable, error))
    return FALSE;

  ostree_repo_transaction_set_ref (repo, remote, ref, to_checksum);

  if (!ostree_repo_static_delta_execute_offline (repo,
    return FALSE;

  if (gpg_data)
      g_autoptr(GFileIOStream) stream;
      GOutputStream *o;

      gpg_tmp_file = g_file_new_tmp (".xdg-app-XXXXXX", &stream, error);
      if (gpg_tmp_file == NULL)
        return FALSE;
      o = g_io_stream_get_output_stream (G_IO_STREAM (stream));
      if (!g_output_stream_write_all (o, g_bytes_get_data (gpg_data, NULL), g_bytes_get_size (gpg_data), NULL, cancellable, error))
        return FALSE;

  gpg_result = ostree_repo_verify_commit_ext (repo,
                                              NULL, gpg_tmp_file, cancellable, &my_error);

  if (gpg_tmp_file)
    g_file_delete (gpg_tmp_file, cancellable, NULL);

  if (gpg_result == NULL)
      /* NOT_FOUND means no gpg signature, we ignore this *if* there
       * is no gpg key specified in the bundle or by the user */
      if (g_error_matches (my_error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_FOUND) &&
          gpg_data == NULL)
        g_clear_error (&my_error);
          g_propagate_error (error, g_steal_pointer (&my_error));
          return FALSE;
      /* If there is no valid gpg signature we fail, unless there is no gpg
         key specified (on the command line or in the file) because then we
         trust the source bundle. */
      if (ostree_gpg_verify_result_count_valid (gpg_result) == 0  &&
          gpg_data != NULL)
        return xdg_app_fail (error, "GPG signatures found, but none are in trusted keyring");

  if (!ostree_repo_commit_transaction (repo, NULL, cancellable, error))
    return FALSE;

  if (!g_file_make_directory_with_parents (deploy_base, cancellable, error))
    return FALSE;

  /* From here we need to goto out on error, to clean up */
  created_deploy_base = TRUE;

  if (remote)
      g_autoptr(GVariantBuilder) optbuilder = g_variant_builder_new (G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{sv}"));
      g_autofree char *basename = g_file_get_basename (file);

      g_variant_builder_add (optbuilder, "{s@v}",
                             g_variant_new_variant (g_variant_new_string (basename)));

      g_variant_builder_add (optbuilder, "{s@v}",
                             g_variant_new_variant (g_variant_new_boolean (TRUE)));

      g_variant_builder_add (optbuilder, "{s@v}",
                             g_variant_new_variant (g_variant_new_string ("0")));

      if (!ostree_repo_remote_add (repo,
                                   remote, origin, g_variant_builder_end (optbuilder), cancellable, error))
        goto out;

      added_remote = TRUE;

      if (gpg_data)
          g_autoptr(GInputStream) gpg_data_as_stream = g_memory_input_stream_new_from_bytes (gpg_data);

          if (!ostree_repo_remote_gpg_import (repo, remote, gpg_data_as_stream,
                                              NULL, NULL, cancellable, error))
            goto out;

      if (!xdg_app_dir_set_origin (dir, ref, remote, cancellable, error))
        goto out;

  if (!xdg_app_dir_deploy (dir, ref, to_checksum, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  if (!xdg_app_dir_make_current_ref (dir, ref, cancellable, error))
    goto out;

  if (strcmp (parts[0], "app") == 0)
      if (!xdg_app_dir_update_exports (dir, parts[1], cancellable, error))
        goto out;

  glnx_release_lock_file (&lock);

  xdg_app_dir_cleanup_removed (dir, cancellable, NULL);

  if (!xdg_app_dir_mark_changed (dir, error))
    goto out;

  ret = TRUE;

  if (created_deploy_base && !ret)
    gs_shutil_rm_rf (deploy_base, cancellable, NULL);

  if (added_remote && !ret)
    ostree_repo_remote_delete (repo, remote, NULL, NULL);

  return ret;
Пример #14
 * cockpit_web_response_file:
 * @response: the response
 * @path: escaped path, or NULL to get from response
 * @roots: directories to look for file in
 * Serve a file from disk as an HTTP response.
cockpit_web_response_file (CockpitWebResponse *response,
                           const gchar *escaped,
                           gboolean cache_forever,
                           const gchar **roots)
  const gchar *cache_control;
  GError *error = NULL;
  gchar *unescaped = NULL;
  gchar *path = NULL;
  GMappedFile *file = NULL;
  const gchar *root;
  GBytes *body;

  g_return_if_fail (COCKPIT_IS_WEB_RESPONSE (response));

  if (!escaped)
    escaped = cockpit_web_response_get_path (response);

  g_return_if_fail (escaped != NULL);

  /* Someone is trying to escape the root directory, or access hidden files? */
  unescaped = g_uri_unescape_string (escaped, NULL);
  if (strstr (unescaped, "/.") || strstr (unescaped, "../") || strstr (unescaped, "//"))
      g_debug ("%s: invalid path request", escaped);
      cockpit_web_response_error (response, 404, NULL, "Not Found");
      goto out;

  root = *(roots++);
  if (root == NULL)
      cockpit_web_response_error (response, 404, NULL, "Not Found");
      goto out;

  g_free (path);
  path = g_build_filename (root, unescaped, NULL);

  if (g_file_test (path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
      cockpit_web_response_error (response, 403, NULL, "Directory Listing Denied");
      goto out;

  /* As a double check of above behavior */
  g_assert (path_has_prefix (path, root));

  g_clear_error (&error);
  file = g_mapped_file_new (path, FALSE, &error);
  if (file == NULL)
      if (g_error_matches (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT) ||
          g_error_matches (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NAMETOOLONG))
          g_debug ("%s: file not found in root: %s", escaped, root);
          goto again;
      else if (g_error_matches (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_PERM) ||
               g_error_matches (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_ACCES) ||
               g_error_matches (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_ISDIR))
          cockpit_web_response_error (response, 403, NULL, "Access denied");
          goto out;
          g_warning ("%s: %s", path, error->message);
          cockpit_web_response_error (response, 500, NULL, "Internal server error");
          goto out;

  body = g_mapped_file_get_bytes (file);

  cache_control = cache_forever ? "max-age=31556926, public" : NULL;
  cockpit_web_response_headers (response, 200, "OK", g_bytes_get_size (body),
                                "Cache-Control", cache_control,

  if (cockpit_web_response_queue (response, body))
    cockpit_web_response_complete (response);

  g_bytes_unref (body);

  g_free (unescaped);
  g_clear_error (&error);
  g_free (path);
  if (file)
    g_mapped_file_unref (file);