Пример #1
/** Locate the application's localization folder.
 * The path is generated by the following pseudo-code evaluation:
 * \code
 * prefix + "/share/locale"
 * \endcode
 * @param default_locale_dir  A default path which will used as fallback.
 * @return A string containing the localization folder's path, which must be freed when
 *         no longer necessary. If BinReloc is not initialized, or if the
 *         initialization function failed, then a copy of default_locale_dir will be returned.
 *         If default_locale_dir is NULL, then NULL will be returned.
gchar *gbr_find_locale_dir(const gchar * default_locale_dir)
    gchar *data_dir, *dir;

    data_dir = gbr_find_data_dir(NULL);
    if (data_dir == NULL) {
	/* BinReloc not initialized. */
	if (default_locale_dir != NULL)
	    return g_strdup(default_locale_dir);
	    return NULL;

    dir = g_build_filename(data_dir, "locale", NULL);
    return dir;
Пример #2
gboolean binreloc_init(gboolean try_hardcoded)
    GError *error = NULL;
    gchar *tmp;

    DEBUG("initializing binreloc (hardcoded = %d)", try_hardcoded);

    /* If the runtime data directories we previously found, don't even try
       to find them again. */
    if (params.path_data && params.path_lib) {
	DEBUG("data and lib path already found.");
	return TRUE;

    if (try_hardcoded || !gbr_init(&error)) {
	/* We were asked to try hardcoded paths or BinReloc failed to initialize. */
	params.path_data = g_strdup(PREFIX);
	params.path_lib = g_strdup(LIBPREFIX);

	if (error) {

	DEBUG("%strying hardcoded paths.",
	      try_hardcoded ? "" : "binreloc init failed. ");
    } else {
	/* If we were able to initialize BinReloc, build the default data
	   and library paths. */
	DEBUG("done, trying to use binreloc paths.");

	tmp = gbr_find_data_dir(PREFIX);
	params.path_data = g_build_filename(tmp, "hardinfo", NULL);

	tmp = gbr_find_lib_dir(PREFIX);
	params.path_lib = g_build_filename(tmp, "hardinfo", NULL);

    DEBUG("searching for runtime data on these locations:");
    DEBUG("  lib: %s", params.path_lib);
    DEBUG(" data: %s", params.path_data);

    /* Try to see if the uidefs.xml file isn't missing. This isn't the
       definitive test, but it should do okay for most situations. */
    tmp = g_build_filename(params.path_data, "benchmark.data", NULL);
    if (!g_file_test(tmp, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
	DEBUG("runtime data not found");


	params.path_data = params.path_lib = NULL;

	if (try_hardcoded) {
	    /* We tried the hardcoded paths, but still was unable to find the
	       runtime data. Give up. */
	    DEBUG("giving up");
	    return FALSE;
	} else {
	    /* Even though BinReloc worked OK, the runtime data was not found.
	       Try the hardcoded paths. */
	    DEBUG("trying to find elsewhere");
	    return binreloc_init(TRUE);

    DEBUG("runtime data found!");
    /* We found the runtime data; hope everything is fine */
    return TRUE;