Пример #1
void XMLHttpRequest::loadRequestAsynchronously(ResourceRequest& request)
    // SubresourceLoader::create can return null here, for example if we're no longer attached to a page.
    // This is true while running onunload handlers.
    // FIXME: We need to be able to send XMLHttpRequests from onunload, <http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10904>.
    // FIXME: Maybe create can return null for other reasons too?
    // We need to keep content sniffing enabled for local files due to CFNetwork not providing a MIME type
    // for local files otherwise, <rdar://problem/5671813>.
    bool sendResourceLoadCallbacks = !m_inPreflight;
    m_loader = SubresourceLoader::create(m_doc->frame(), this, request, false, sendResourceLoadCallbacks, request.url().isLocalFile());

    if (m_loader) {
        // Neither this object nor the JavaScript wrapper should be deleted while
        // a request is in progress because we need to keep the listeners alive,
        // and they are referenced by the JavaScript wrapper.

        KJS::JSLock lock;
Пример #2
void XMLHttpRequest::send(const String& body, ExceptionCode& ec)
    if (!m_doc)

    if (m_state != Loading)
    // FIXME: Should this abort instead if we already have a m_job going?
    if (m_job)

    m_aborted = false;

    if (!body.isNull() && m_method != "GET" && m_method != "HEAD" && (m_url.protocol().lower() == "http" || m_url.protocol().lower() == "https")) {
        String contentType = getRequestHeader("Content-Type");
        String charset;
        if (contentType.isEmpty())
            setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml", ec);
            charset = getCharset(contentType);
        if (charset.isEmpty())
            charset = "UTF-8";
        TextEncoding m_encoding = TextEncoding(charset.deprecatedString().latin1());
        if (!m_encoding.isValid())   // FIXME: report an error?
            m_encoding = TextEncoding(UTF8Encoding);

        m_job = new TransferJob(m_async ? this : 0, m_method, m_url, m_encoding.fromUnicode(body.deprecatedString()));
    } else {
        // FIXME: HEAD requests just crash; see <rdar://4460899> and the commented out tests in http/tests/xmlhttprequest/methods.html.
        if (m_method == "HEAD")
            m_method = "GET";
        m_job = new TransferJob(m_async ? this : 0, m_method, m_url);

    if (m_requestHeaders.length())
        m_job->addMetaData("customHTTPHeader", m_requestHeaders);

    if (!m_async) {
        Vector<char> data;
        KURL finalURL;
        DeprecatedString headers;

            // avoid deadlock in case the loader wants to use JS on a background thread
            KJS::JSLock::DropAllLocks dropLocks;
            data = ServeSynchronousRequest(cache()->loader(), m_doc->docLoader(), m_job, finalURL, headers);

        m_job = 0;
        processSyncLoadResults(data, finalURL, headers);

    // Neither this object nor the JavaScript wrapper should be deleted while
    // a request is in progress because we need to keep the listeners alive,
    // and they are referenced by the JavaScript wrapper.
        KJS::JSLock lock;
Пример #3
void XMLHttpRequest::send(const String& body, ExceptionCode& ec)
    if (!m_doc)

    if (m_state != Open) {
        ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR;
    // FIXME: Should this abort or raise an exception instead if we already have a m_loader going?
    if (m_loader)

    m_aborted = false;

    ResourceRequest request(m_url);
    if (!body.isNull() && m_method != "GET" && m_method != "HEAD" && (m_url.protocol().lower() == "http" || m_url.protocol().lower() == "https")) {
        String contentType = getRequestHeader("Content-Type");
        if (contentType.isEmpty()) {
            ExceptionCode ec = 0;
            setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml", ec);
            ASSERT(ec == 0);

        // FIXME: must use xmlEncoding for documents.
        String charset = "UTF-8";
        TextEncoding m_encoding(charset);
        if (!m_encoding.isValid()) // FIXME: report an error?
            m_encoding = UTF8Encoding();

        request.setHTTPBody(PassRefPtr<FormData>(new FormData(m_encoding.encode(body.characters(), body.length()))));

    if (m_requestHeaders.size() > 0)

    if (!m_async) {
        Vector<char> data;
        ResourceError error;
        ResourceResponse response;

            // avoid deadlock in case the loader wants to use JS on a background thread
#ifdef __OWB_JS__
            KJS::JSLock::DropAllLocks dropLocks;
            if (m_doc->frame()) 
                m_doc->frame()->loader()->loadResourceSynchronously(request, error, response, data);

        m_loader = 0;
        if (error.isNull())
            processSyncLoadResults(data, response);
            ec = NETWORK_ERR;

    // Neither this object nor the JavaScript wrapper should be deleted while
    // a request is in progress because we need to keep the listeners alive,
    // and they are referenced by the JavaScript wrapper.
#ifdef __OWB_JS__
        KJS::JSLock lock;
    // create can return null here, for example if we're no longer attached to a page.
    // this is true while running onunload handlers
    // FIXME: Maybe create can return false for other reasons too?
    m_loader = SubresourceLoader::create(m_doc->frame(), this, request);