Пример #1
/*Return Location of King with given Color*/
Location *kingLocation(char board[BOARD_SIZE][BOARD_SIZE], Color col){
	int i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; i++){
		for (j = 0; j < BOARD_SIZE; j++){
			if (getTypeFromChar(board[i][j]) == KING&&getColFromChar(board[i][j]) == col){
				return setLocation(i, j);
	return setLocation(0, 0);
Пример #2
/*Determine whether a specific Move from Source to Destination can be performed*/
int legalMoveToKing(Game *game, Location *source, Location *dest){
	Type type = getTypeFromChar(game->board[source->column][source->row]);
	switch (type){
	case PAWN:return legalPawnMove(game, source, dest);
	case BISHOP: return legalBishopMove(game, source, dest);
	case ROOK: return legalRookMove(game, source, dest);
	case KNIGHT: return legalKnightMove(game, source, dest);
	case KING: return legalKingMove(game, source, dest);
	case QUEEN:return legalQueenMove(game, source, dest);
	case NONETYPE:return 0;
	return 0;
Пример #3
/*Not implemented - update Game Settings after movement to disqualify Castling*/
void updateCastling(Game *game, Move *move){
	//Type type = getTypeFromLoc(game->board, move->source);
	Type type = getTypeFromChar(game->board[move->source->column][move->source->row]);
	Color col = getColFromLoc(game->board, move->source);
	int res = 0;
	switch (type){
	case ROOK:res = (col == WHITE) ? 1 : 2; break;
	case KING:res = (col == WHITE) ? 3 : 4; break;
	default: break;
	switch (res){
	case 1: game->settings = (move->source->column == 0) ? setRookBit(game->settings, WHITE, 0) : setRookBit(game->settings, WHITE, BOARD_SIZE - 1); break;
	case 2: game->settings = (move->source->column == 0) ? setRookBit(game->settings, BLACK, 0) : setRookBit(game->settings, BLACK, BOARD_SIZE - 1); break;
	case 3: game->settings = setRookBit(game->settings, WHITE, -1); break;
	case 4: game->settings = setRookBit(game->settings, BLACK, -1); break;
Пример #4
void LevelLoader::loadLine(QDomElement lineNode, QList< Brick* >& bricks)
    // Reading the line number
    QDomAttr attribute = lineNode.attributeNode("Number");
    QDomElement attributeNode = lineNode.firstChildElement("Number");
    if( !attribute.isNull() ){
        m_lineNumber = attribute.value().toInt();
    } else if( !attributeNode.isNull() ) {
        m_lineNumber = attributeNode.text().toInt();
    } else {
        // Standard line numbering: load next line
    // Reading the brick information
    attribute = lineNode.attributeNode("Bricks");
    attributeNode = lineNode.firstChildElement("Bricks");
    QString line;
    if( !attribute.isNull() ){
        line = attribute.value();
    } else if( !attributeNode.isNull() ) {
        line = attributeNode.text();
    } else {
        line = lineNode.text();

    if( line.size() > WIDTH ){
        qDebug() << "Invalid levelset " << m_levelname << ": too many bricks in line "
                 << m_lineNumber << endl;
    // Convert line information to bricks
    for( int x = 0; x < line.size(); x++ ){
        char charType = line[x].toLatin1();
        if (charType != '-') {
            bricks.append( new Brick(m_game, getTypeFromChar(charType), x+1, m_lineNumber) );
Пример #5
/*Return Piece Type in given Location*/
Type getTypFromLoc(char board[BOARD_SIZE][BOARD_SIZE], Location *loc){
	char c = getCharFromLoc(board, loc);
	return getTypeFromChar(c);