bool GpsPage::validatePage(SelectionItem *selectedItem) { getWizard()->setGpsType((SetupWizard::GPS_TYPE)selectedItem->id()); if (getWizard()->getGpsType() == SetupWizard::GPS_DISABLED) { getWizard()->setAirspeedType(VehicleConfigurationSource::AIRSPEED_DISABLED); } return true; }
void OutputCalibrationPage::enableButtons(bool enable) { getWizard()->button(QWizard::NextButton)->setEnabled(enable); getWizard()->button(QWizard::CustomButton1)->setEnabled(enable); getWizard()->button(QWizard::CancelButton)->setEnabled(enable); getWizard()->button(QWizard::BackButton)->setEnabled(enable); QApplication::processEvents(); }
void SavePage::enableButtons(bool enable) { ui->saveButton->setEnabled(enable); getWizard()->button(QWizard::NextButton)->setEnabled(enable); getWizard()->button(QWizard::CancelButton)->setEnabled(enable); getWizard()->button(QWizard::BackButton)->setEnabled(enable); QApplication::processEvents(); }
void AutoUpdatePage::enableButtons(bool enable) { ui->startUpdate->setEnabled(enable); getWizard()->button(QWizard::NextButton)->setEnabled(enable); getWizard()->button(QWizard::CancelButton)->setEnabled(enable); getWizard()->button(QWizard::BackButton)->setEnabled(enable); getWizard()->button(QWizard::CustomButton1)->setEnabled(enable); QApplication::processEvents(); }
bool OutputPage::validatePage() { if (ui->rapidESCButton->isChecked()) { getWizard()->setESCType(SetupWizard::ESC_RAPID); } else { getWizard()->setESCType(SetupWizard::ESC_LEGACY); } return true; }
void EscCalibrationPage::enableButtons(bool enable) { getWizard()->button(QWizard::NextButton)->setEnabled(enable); getWizard()->button(QWizard::CancelButton)->setEnabled(enable); getWizard()->button(QWizard::BackButton)->setEnabled(enable); getWizard()->button(QWizard::CustomButton1)->setEnabled(enable); ui->securityCheckBox1->setEnabled(enable); ui->securityCheckBox2->setEnabled(enable); ui->securityCheckBox3->setEnabled(enable); QApplication::processEvents(); }
bool VehiclePage::validatePage() { if (ui->multirotorButton->isChecked()) { getWizard()->setVehicleType(SetupWizard::VEHICLE_MULTI); } else if (ui->fixedwingButton->isChecked()) { getWizard()->setVehicleType(SetupWizard::VEHICLE_FIXEDWING); } else if (ui->heliButton->isChecked()) { getWizard()->setVehicleType(SetupWizard::VEHICLE_HELI); } else if (ui->surfaceButton->isChecked()) { getWizard()->setVehicleType(SetupWizard::VEHICLE_SURFACE); } else { getWizard()->setVehicleType(SetupWizard::VEHICLE_UNKNOWN); } return true; }
bool MultiPage::validatePage() { SetupWizard::VEHICLE_SUB_TYPE type = (SetupWizard::VEHICLE_SUB_TYPE)ui->typeCombo->itemData(ui->typeCombo->currentIndex()).toInt(); getWizard()->setVehicleSubType(type); return true; }
int EscCalibrationPage::getHighOutputRate() { if (getWizard()->getEscType() == SetupWizard::ESC_ONESHOT) { return HIGH_ONESHOT125_OUTPUT_PULSE_LENGTH_MICROSECONDS; } else { return HIGH_PWM_OUTPUT_PULSE_LENGTH_MICROSECONDS; } }
//! Store the configuration data in the wizard bool ConfigurePage::validatePage() { quint32 bps = ui->cbBaudRate->currentText().toInt(); quint32 maxRfPower = ui->cbRfPower->currentText().toFloat(); quint8 minChannel = ui->sbMinChannel->value(); quint8 maxChannel = ui->sbMaxChannel->value(); enum Core::IBoardType::LinkMode linkMode; linkMode = (enum Core::IBoardType::LinkMode) ui->cbLinkMode->currentData().value<int>(); getWizard()->setMaxBps(bps); getWizard()->setMaxRfPower(maxRfPower); getWizard()->setMinChannel(minChannel); getWizard()->setMaxChannel(maxChannel); getWizard()->setLinkMode(linkMode); return true; }
int OutputCalibrationPage::getHighOutputRate() { if (getWizard()->getEscType() == SetupWizard::ESC_ONESHOT) { return HIGH_OUTPUT_RATE_MILLISECONDS_ONESHOT125; } else { return HIGH_OUTPUT_RATE_MILLISECONDS_PWM; } }
bool InputPage::restartNeeded(VehicleConfigurationSource::INPUT_TYPE selectedType) { ExtensionSystem::PluginManager *pm = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance(); UAVObjectManager *uavoManager = pm->getObject<UAVObjectManager>(); Q_ASSERT(uavoManager); HwSettings *hwSettings = HwSettings::GetInstance(uavoManager); HwSettings::DataFields data = hwSettings->getData(); switch (getWizard()->getControllerType()) { case SetupWizard::CONTROLLER_CC: case SetupWizard::CONTROLLER_CC3D: { switch (selectedType) { case VehicleConfigurationSource::INPUT_PWM: return data.CC_RcvrPort != HwSettings::CC_RCVRPORT_PWMNOONESHOT; case VehicleConfigurationSource::INPUT_PPM: return data.CC_RcvrPort != HwSettings::CC_RCVRPORT_PPMNOONESHOT; case VehicleConfigurationSource::INPUT_SBUS: return data.CC_MainPort != HwSettings::CC_MAINPORT_SBUS; case VehicleConfigurationSource::INPUT_DSM: // TODO: Handle all of the DSM types ?? Which is most common? return data.CC_MainPort != HwSettings::CC_MAINPORT_DSM; default: return true; } break; } case SetupWizard::CONTROLLER_REVO: case SetupWizard::CONTROLLER_DISCOVERYF4: case SetupWizard::CONTROLLER_NANO: { switch (selectedType) { case VehicleConfigurationSource::INPUT_PWM: return data.RM_RcvrPort != HwSettings::RM_RCVRPORT_PWM; case VehicleConfigurationSource::INPUT_PPM: return data.RM_RcvrPort != HwSettings::RM_RCVRPORT_PPM; case VehicleConfigurationSource::INPUT_SBUS: return data.RM_MainPort != HwSettings::RM_MAINPORT_SBUS; case VehicleConfigurationSource::INPUT_SRXL: return data.RM_FlexiPort != HwSettings::RM_FLEXIPORT_SRXL; case VehicleConfigurationSource::INPUT_DSM: // TODO: Handle all of the DSM types ?? Which is most common? return data.RM_MainPort != HwSettings::RM_MAINPORT_DSM; default: return true; } break; } default: return true; } }
void OutputCalibrationPage::customBackClicked() { if (m_currentWizardIndex > 0) { m_currentWizardIndex--; setWizardPage(); } else { getWizard()->back(); } }
void OutputCalibrationPage::enableAllMotorsCheckBox(bool enable) { if (getWizard()->getVehicleType() == SetupWizard::VEHICLE_MULTI) { ui->calibrateAllMotors->setVisible(true); ui->calibrateAllMotors->setEnabled(enable); } else { ui->calibrateAllMotors->setChecked(false); ui->calibrateAllMotors->setVisible(false); } }
bool OutputCalibrationPage::validatePage() { if (isFinished()) { getWizard()->setActuatorSettings(m_actuatorSettings); return true; } else { m_currentWizardIndex++; setWizardPage(); return false; } }
void OutputCalibrationPage::startWizard() { ui->calibrationStack->setCurrentIndex(m_wizardIndexes[0]); setupVehicleHighlightedPart(); if (getWizard()->getESCType() == SetupWizard::ESC_ONESHOT) { ui->motorNeutralSlider->setMinimum(125); ui->motorNeutralSlider->setMaximum(140); ui->motorNeutralSlider->setPageStep(1); ui->motorNeutralSlider->setSingleStep(1); } }
bool OutputCalibrationPage::checkAlarms() { ExtensionSystem::PluginManager *pm = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance(); UAVObjectManager *uavObjectManager = pm->getObject<UAVObjectManager>(); Q_ASSERT(uavObjectManager); SystemAlarms *systemAlarms = SystemAlarms::GetInstance(uavObjectManager); Q_ASSERT(systemAlarms); SystemAlarms::DataFields data = systemAlarms->getData(); if (data.Alarm[SystemAlarms::ALARM_ACTUATOR] != SystemAlarms::ALARM_OK) { QMessageBox mbox(this); mbox.setText(QString(tr("The actuator module is in an error state.\n\n" "Please make sure the correct firmware version is used then " "restart the wizard and try again. If the problem persists please " "consult the support forum."))); mbox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); mbox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); getWizard()->setWindowFlags(getWizard()->windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); mbox.exec(); getWizard()->setWindowFlags(getWizard()->windowFlags() | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); getWizard()->setWindowIcon(qApp->windowIcon()); getWizard()->show(); return false; } return true; }
void OutputCalibrationPage::setupActuatorMinMaxAndNeutral(int motorChannelStart, int motorChannelEnd, int totalUsedChannels) { // Default values for the actuator settings, extra important for // servos since a value out of range can actually destroy the // vehicle if unlucky. // Motors are not that important. REMOVE propellers always!! OutputCalibrationUtil::startOutputCalibration(); for (int servoid = 0; servoid < 12; servoid++) { if (servoid >= motorChannelStart && servoid <= motorChannelEnd) { // Set to motor safe values m_actuatorSettings[servoid].channelMin = LOW_OUTPUT_RATE_MILLISECONDS; m_actuatorSettings[servoid].channelNeutral = LOW_OUTPUT_RATE_MILLISECONDS; m_actuatorSettings[servoid].channelMax = getHighOutputRate(); m_actuatorSettings[servoid].isReversableMotor = false; // Car and Tank should use reversable Esc/motors if ((getWizard()->getVehicleSubType() == SetupWizard::GROUNDVEHICLE_CAR) || (getWizard()->getVehicleSubType() == SetupWizard::GROUNDVEHICLE_DIFFERENTIAL)) { m_actuatorSettings[servoid].channelNeutral = NEUTRAL_OUTPUT_RATE_MILLISECONDS; m_actuatorSettings[servoid].isReversableMotor = true; // Set initial output value m_calibrationUtil->startChannelOutput(servoid, NEUTRAL_OUTPUT_RATE_MILLISECONDS); m_calibrationUtil->stopChannelOutput(); } } else if (servoid < totalUsedChannels) { // Set to servo safe values m_actuatorSettings[servoid].channelMin = NEUTRAL_OUTPUT_RATE_MILLISECONDS; m_actuatorSettings[servoid].channelNeutral = NEUTRAL_OUTPUT_RATE_MILLISECONDS; m_actuatorSettings[servoid].channelMax = NEUTRAL_OUTPUT_RATE_MILLISECONDS; // Set initial servo output value m_calibrationUtil->startChannelOutput(servoid, NEUTRAL_OUTPUT_RATE_MILLISECONDS); m_calibrationUtil->stopChannelOutput(); } else { // "Disable" these channels m_actuatorSettings[servoid].channelMin = LOW_OUTPUT_RATE_MILLISECONDS; m_actuatorSettings[servoid].channelNeutral = LOW_OUTPUT_RATE_MILLISECONDS; m_actuatorSettings[servoid].channelMax = LOW_OUTPUT_RATE_MILLISECONDS; } } }
bool InputPage::validatePage() { if (ui->pwmButton->isChecked()) { getWizard()->setInputType(SetupWizard::INPUT_PWM); } else if (ui->ppmButton->isChecked()) { getWizard()->setInputType(SetupWizard::INPUT_PPM); } else if (ui->sbusButton->isChecked()) { getWizard()->setInputType(SetupWizard::INPUT_SBUS); } else if (ui->spectrumButton->isChecked()) { getWizard()->setInputType(SetupWizard::INPUT_DSM); } else if (ui->multiplexButton->isChecked()) { getWizard()->setInputType(SetupWizard::INPUT_SRXL); } else { getWizard()->setInputType(SetupWizard::INPUT_PWM); } getWizard()->setRestartNeeded(getWizard()->isRestartNeeded() || restartNeeded(getWizard()->getInputType())); return true; }
void SavePage::writeToController() { if(!getWizard()->getConnectionManager()->isConnected()) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText(tr("An OpenPilot controller must be connected to your computer to save the " "configuration.\nPlease connect your OpenPilot controller to your computer and try again.")); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.exec(); return; } enableButtons(false); VehicleConfigurationHelper helper(getWizard()); connect(&helper, SIGNAL(saveProgress(int, int, QString)),this, SLOT(saveProgress(int, int, QString))); m_successfulWrite = helper.setupVehicle(); disconnect(&helper, SIGNAL(saveProgress(int, int, QString)),this, SLOT(saveProgress(int, int, QString))); ui->saveProgressLabel->setText(QString("<font color='%1'>%2</font>").arg(m_successfulWrite ? "green" : "red", ui->saveProgressLabel->text())); enableButtons(true); emit completeChanged(); }
void EndPage::openInputWizard() { ExtensionSystem::PluginManager *pm = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance(); ConfigGadgetFactory* configGadgetFactory = pm->getObject<ConfigGadgetFactory>(); if(configGadgetFactory) { //Core::ModeManager::instance()->activateModeByWorkspaceName("Configuration"); getWizard()->close(); configGadgetFactory->startInputWizard(); } else { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText(tr("Unable to open Input Wizard since the Config Plugin is not\nloaded in the current workspace.")); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.exec(); } }
void OutputCalibrationPage::customBackClicked() { if (m_currentWizardIndex >= 0) { m_currentWizardIndex--; if (ui->calibrateAllMotors->isChecked()) { while (m_currentWizardIndex > 0 && m_wizardIndexes[m_currentWizardIndex] == 1 && m_wizardIndexes[m_currentWizardIndex - 1] == 1) { m_currentWizardIndex--; } } } if (m_currentWizardIndex >= 0) { setWizardPage(); } else { getWizard()->back(); } }
bool OutputCalibrationPage::validatePage() { if (!isFinished()) { m_currentWizardIndex++; if (ui->calibrateAllMotors->isChecked() && m_currentWizardIndex > 0 && m_wizardIndexes[m_currentWizardIndex - 1] == 1) { while (!isFinished() && m_wizardIndexes[m_currentWizardIndex] == 1) { m_currentWizardIndex++; } } } if (isFinished()) { getWizard()->setActuatorSettings(m_actuatorSettings); return true; } else { setWizardPage(); return false; } }
ControllerPage::ControllerPage(SetupWizard *wizard, QWidget *parent) : AbstractWizardPage(wizard, parent), ui(new Ui::ControllerPage) { ui->setupUi(this); m_connectionManager = getWizard()->getConnectionManager(); Q_ASSERT(m_connectionManager); connect(m_connectionManager, SIGNAL(availableDevicesChanged(QLinkedList<Core::DevListItem>)), this, SLOT(devicesChanged(QLinkedList<Core::DevListItem>))); ExtensionSystem::PluginManager *pluginManager = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance(); Q_ASSERT(pluginManager); m_telemtryManager = pluginManager->getObject<TelemetryManager>(); Q_ASSERT(m_telemtryManager); connect(m_telemtryManager, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(connectionStatusChanged())); connect(m_telemtryManager, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(connectionStatusChanged())); connect(ui->connectButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(connectDisconnect())); setupBoardTypes(); setupDeviceList(); }
void OutputCalibrationPage::setupVehicle() { m_actuatorSettings = getWizard()->getActuatorSettings(); m_wizardIndexes.clear(); m_vehicleElementIds.clear(); m_vehicleElementTypes.clear(); m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes.clear(); m_channelIndex.clear(); m_currentWizardIndex = 0; m_vehicleScene->clear(); resetOutputCalibrationUtil(); switch (getWizard()->getVehicleSubType()) { case SetupWizard::MULTI_ROTOR_TRI_Y: // Loads the SVG file resourse and sets the scene loadSVGFile(MULTI_SVG_FILE); // The m_wizardIndexes array contains the index of the QStackedWidget // in the page to use for each step. m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 2; // All element ids to load from the svg file and manage. m_vehicleElementIds << "tri" << "tri-frame" << "tri-m1" << "tri-m2" << "tri-m3" << "tri-s1"; // The type of each element. m_vehicleElementTypes << FULL << FRAME << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR << SERVO; // The index of the elementId to highlight ( not dim ) for each step // this is the index in the m_vehicleElementIds - 1. m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4; // The channel number to configure for each step. m_channelIndex << 0 << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3; setupActuatorMinMaxAndNeutral(0, 2, 4); getWizard()->setActuatorSettings(m_actuatorSettings); break; case SetupWizard::MULTI_ROTOR_QUAD_X: loadSVGFile(MULTI_SVG_FILE); m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1; m_vehicleElementIds << "quad-x" << "quad-x-frame" << "quad-x-m1" << "quad-x-m2" << "quad-x-m3" << "quad-x-m4"; m_vehicleElementTypes << FULL << FRAME << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR; m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4; m_channelIndex << 0 << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3; setupActuatorMinMaxAndNeutral(0, 3, 4); break; case SetupWizard::MULTI_ROTOR_QUAD_PLUS: loadSVGFile(MULTI_SVG_FILE); m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1; m_vehicleElementIds << "quad-p" << "quad-p-frame" << "quad-p-m1" << "quad-p-m2" << "quad-p-m3" << "quad-p-m4"; m_vehicleElementTypes << FULL << FRAME << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR; m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4; m_channelIndex << 0 << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3; setupActuatorMinMaxAndNeutral(0, 3, 4); break; case SetupWizard::MULTI_ROTOR_HEXA: loadSVGFile(MULTI_SVG_FILE); m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1; m_vehicleElementIds << "hexa" << "hexa-frame" << "hexa-m1" << "hexa-m2" << "hexa-m3" << "hexa-m4" << "hexa-m5" << "hexa-m6"; m_vehicleElementTypes << FULL << FRAME << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR; m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5 << 6; m_channelIndex << 0 << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5; setupActuatorMinMaxAndNeutral(0, 5, 6); break; case SetupWizard::MULTI_ROTOR_HEXA_COAX_Y: loadSVGFile(MULTI_SVG_FILE); m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1; m_vehicleElementIds << "hexa-y6" << "hexa-y6-frame" << "hexa-y6-m2" << "hexa-y6-m1" << "hexa-y6-m4" << "hexa-y6-m3" << "hexa-y6-m6" << "hexa-y6-m5"; m_vehicleElementTypes << FULL << FRAME << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR; m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 2 << 1 << 4 << 3 << 6 << 5; m_channelIndex << 0 << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5; setupActuatorMinMaxAndNeutral(0, 5, 6); break; case SetupWizard::MULTI_ROTOR_HEXA_H: loadSVGFile(MULTI_SVG_FILE); m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1; m_vehicleElementIds << "hexa-h" << "hexa-h-frame" << "hexa-h-m1" << "hexa-h-m2" << "hexa-h-m3" << "hexa-h-m4" << "hexa-h-m5" << "hexa-h-m6"; m_vehicleElementTypes << FULL << FRAME << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR; m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5 << 6; m_channelIndex << 0 << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5; setupActuatorMinMaxAndNeutral(0, 5, 6); break; case SetupWizard::MULTI_ROTOR_HEXA_X: loadSVGFile(MULTI_SVG_FILE); m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1; m_vehicleElementIds << "hexa-x" << "hexa-x-frame" << "hexa-x-m1" << "hexa-x-m2" << "hexa-x-m3" << "hexa-x-m4" << "hexa-x-m5" << "hexa-x-m6"; m_vehicleElementTypes << FULL << FRAME << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR << MOTOR; m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5 << 6; m_channelIndex << 0 << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5; setupActuatorMinMaxAndNeutral(0, 5, 6); break; // Fixed Wing case SetupWizard::FIXED_WING_DUAL_AILERON: loadSVGFile(FIXEDWING_SVG_FILE); m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2 << 2 << 2 << 2; m_vehicleElementIds << "aileron" << "aileron-frame" << "aileron-motor" << "aileron-ail-left" << "aileron-ail-right" << "aileron-elevator" << "aileron-rudder"; m_vehicleElementTypes << FULL << FRAME << MOTOR << SERVO << SERVO << SERVO << SERVO; m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5; m_channelIndex << 0 << 2 << 0 << 5 << 1 << 3; setupActuatorMinMaxAndNeutral(2, 2, 6); // should be 5 instead 6 but output 5 is not used getWizard()->setActuatorSettings(m_actuatorSettings); break; case SetupWizard::FIXED_WING_AILERON: loadSVGFile(FIXEDWING_SVG_FILE); m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2 << 2 << 2; m_vehicleElementIds << "singleaileron" << "singleaileron-frame" << "singleaileron-motor" << "singleaileron-aileron" << "singleaileron-elevator" << "singleaileron-rudder"; m_vehicleElementTypes << FULL << FRAME << MOTOR << SERVO << SERVO << SERVO; m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4; m_channelIndex << 0 << 2 << 0 << 1 << 3; setupActuatorMinMaxAndNeutral(2, 2, 4); getWizard()->setActuatorSettings(m_actuatorSettings); break; case SetupWizard::FIXED_WING_ELEVON: loadSVGFile(FIXEDWING_SVG_FILE); m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2 << 2; m_vehicleElementIds << "elevon" << "elevon-frame" << "elevon-motor" << "elevon-left" << "elevon-right"; m_vehicleElementTypes << FULL << FRAME << MOTOR << SERVO << SERVO; m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3; m_channelIndex << 0 << 2 << 0 << 1; setupActuatorMinMaxAndNeutral(2, 2, 3); getWizard()->setActuatorSettings(m_actuatorSettings); break; case SetupWizard::FIXED_WING_VTAIL: loadSVGFile(FIXEDWING_SVG_FILE); m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2 << 2 << 2 << 2; m_vehicleElementIds << "vtail" << "vtail-frame" << "vtail-motor" << "vtail-ail-left" << "vtail-ail-right" << "vtail-rudder-left" << "vtail-rudder-right"; m_vehicleElementTypes << FULL << FRAME << MOTOR << SERVO << SERVO << SERVO << SERVO; m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5; m_channelIndex << 0 << 2 << 0 << 5 << 3 << 1; setupActuatorMinMaxAndNeutral(2, 2, 6); // should be 5 instead 6 but output 5 is not used getWizard()->setActuatorSettings(m_actuatorSettings); break; // Ground vehicles case SetupWizard::GROUNDVEHICLE_CAR: loadSVGFile(GROUND_SVG_FILE); m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2; m_vehicleElementIds << "car" << "car-frame" << "car-motor" << "car-steering"; m_vehicleElementTypes << FULL << FRAME << MOTOR << SERVO; m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2; m_channelIndex << 0 << 1 << 0; setupActuatorMinMaxAndNeutral(1, 1, 2); getWizard()->setActuatorSettings(m_actuatorSettings); break; case SetupWizard::GROUNDVEHICLE_DIFFERENTIAL: loadSVGFile(GROUND_SVG_FILE); m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 1; m_vehicleElementIds << "tank" << "tank-frame" << "tank-left-motor" << "tank-right-motor"; m_vehicleElementTypes << FULL << FRAME << MOTOR << MOTOR; m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2; m_channelIndex << 0 << 0 << 1; setupActuatorMinMaxAndNeutral(0, 1, 2); getWizard()->setActuatorSettings(m_actuatorSettings); break; case SetupWizard::GROUNDVEHICLE_MOTORCYCLE: loadSVGFile(GROUND_SVG_FILE); m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2; m_vehicleElementIds << "motorbike" << "motorbike-frame" << "motorbike-motor" << "motorbike-steering"; m_vehicleElementTypes << FULL << FRAME << MOTOR << SERVO; m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2; m_channelIndex << 0 << 1 << 0; setupActuatorMinMaxAndNeutral(1, 1, 2); getWizard()->setActuatorSettings(m_actuatorSettings); break; default: break; } setupVehicleItems(); }
void OutputCalibrationPage::setupVehicle() { m_actuatorSettings = getWizard()->getActuatorSettings(); m_wizardIndexes.clear(); m_vehicleElementIds.clear(); m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes.clear(); m_channelIndex.clear(); m_currentWizardIndex = 0; m_vehicleScene->clear(); switch (getWizard()->getVehicleSubType()) { case SetupWizard::MULTI_ROTOR_TRI_Y: m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4; m_vehicleElementIds << "tri" << "tri-frame" << "tri-m1" << "tri-m2" << "tri-m3" << "tri-s1"; m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 4 << 4; m_channelIndex << 0 << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 3 << 3; m_actuatorSettings[3].channelMin = 1500; m_actuatorSettings[3].channelNeutral = 1500; m_actuatorSettings[3].channelMax = 1500; getWizard()->setActuatorSettings(m_actuatorSettings); break; case SetupWizard::MULTI_ROTOR_QUAD_X: m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1; m_vehicleElementIds << "quad-x" << "quad-x-frame" << "quad-x-m1" << "quad-x-m2" << "quad-x-m3" << "quad-x-m4"; m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4; m_channelIndex << 0 << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3; break; case SetupWizard::MULTI_ROTOR_QUAD_PLUS: m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1; m_vehicleElementIds << "quad-p" << "quad-p-frame" << "quad-p-m1" << "quad-p-m2" << "quad-p-m3" << "quad-p-m4"; m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4; m_channelIndex << 0 << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3; break; case SetupWizard::MULTI_ROTOR_HEXA: m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1; m_vehicleElementIds << "hexa" << "hexa-frame" << "hexa-m1" << "hexa-m2" << "hexa-m3" << "hexa-m4" << "hexa-m5" << "hexa-m6"; m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5 << 6; m_channelIndex << 0 << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5; break; case SetupWizard::MULTI_ROTOR_HEXA_COAX_Y: m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1; m_vehicleElementIds << "hexa-y6" << "hexa-y6-frame" << "hexa-y6-m2" << "hexa-y6-m1" << "hexa-y6-m4" << "hexa-y6-m3" << "hexa-y6-m6" << "hexa-y6-m5"; m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 2 << 1 << 4 << 3 << 6 << 5; m_channelIndex << 0 << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5; break; case SetupWizard::MULTI_ROTOR_HEXA_H: m_wizardIndexes << 0 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1; m_vehicleElementIds << "hexa-h" << "hexa-h-frame" << "hexa-h-m1" << "hexa-h-m2" << "hexa-h-m3" << "hexa-h-m4" << "hexa-h-m5" << "hexa-h-m6"; m_vehicleHighlightElementIndexes << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5 << 6; m_channelIndex << 0 << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5; break; default: break; } VehicleConfigurationHelper helper(getWizard()); helper.setupVehicle(false); if (m_calibrationUtil) { delete m_calibrationUtil; m_calibrationUtil = 0; } m_calibrationUtil = new OutputCalibrationUtil(); setupVehicleItems(); }
bool ControllerPage::validatePage() { getWizard()->setControllerType((SetupWizard::CONTROLLER_TYPE)ui->boardTypeCombo->itemData(ui->boardTypeCombo->currentIndex()).toInt()); return true; }
void SummaryPage::showDiagram() { ConnectionDiagram diagram(this, getWizard()); diagram.exec(); }
bool FixedWingPage::validatePage(SelectionItem *selectedItem) { getWizard()->setVehicleSubType((SetupWizard::VEHICLE_SUB_TYPE)selectedItem->id()); return true; }
void AutoUpdatePage::updateStatus(uploader::AutoUpdateStep status, QVariant value) { switch (status) { case uploader::WAITING_DISCONNECT: getWizard()->setWindowFlags(getWizard()->windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); disableButtons(); ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Waiting for all boards to be disconnected")); break; case uploader::WAITING_CONNECT: getWizard()->setWindowFlags(getWizard()->windowFlags() | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); getWizard()->setWindowIcon(qApp->windowIcon()); disableButtons(); getWizard()->show(); ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Please connect the board to the USB port (don't use external supply)")); ui->levellinProgressBar->setValue(value.toInt()); break; case uploader::JUMP_TO_BL: ui->levellinProgressBar->setValue(0); ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Board going into bootloader mode")); break; case uploader::LOADING_FW: ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Loading firmware")); break; case uploader::UPLOADING_FW: ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Uploading firmware")); ui->levellinProgressBar->setValue(value.toInt()); break; case uploader::UPLOADING_DESC: ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Uploading description")); break; case uploader::BOOTING: ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Booting the board")); break; case uploader::SUCCESS: enableButtons(true); ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Board Updated, please press the 'next' button below")); break; case uploader::FAILURE_FILENOTFOUND: getWizard()->setWindowFlags(getWizard()->windowFlags() | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); getWizard()->setWindowIcon(qApp->windowIcon()); enableButtons(true); getWizard()->show(); ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("File for this controller board not packaged in GCS")); case uploader::FAILURE: getWizard()->setWindowFlags(getWizard()->windowFlags() | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); getWizard()->setWindowIcon(qApp->windowIcon()); enableButtons(true); getWizard()->show(); ui->statusLabel->setText(tr("Something went wrong, you will have to manually upgrade the board using the uploader plugin")); break; default: Q_ASSERT(0); } }