Пример #1
static error_t
rootdir_gc_uptime (void *hook, char **contents, ssize_t *contents_len)
  struct timeval time, boottime, idletime;
  double up_secs, idle_secs;
  error_t err;

  err = gettimeofday (&time, NULL);
  if (err < 0)
    return errno;

  err = get_boottime (hook, &boottime);
  if (err)
    return err;

  err = get_idletime (hook, &idletime);
  if (err)
    return err;

  timersub (&time, &boottime, &time);
  up_secs = (time.tv_sec * 1000000. + time.tv_usec) / 1000000.;
  idle_secs = (idletime.tv_sec * 1000000. + idletime.tv_usec) / 1000000.;

  /* The second field is the total idle time. As far as I know we don't
     keep track of it.  However, procps uses it to compute "USER_HZ", and
     proc(5) specifies that it should be equal to USER_HZ times the idle value
     in ticks from /proc/stat.  So we assume a completely idle system both here
     and there to make that work.  */
  *contents_len = asprintf (contents, "%.2lf %.2lf\n", up_secs, idle_secs);

  return 0;
Пример #2
static error_t
rootdir_gc_stat (void *hook, char **contents, ssize_t *contents_len)
  struct timeval boottime, time, idletime;
  struct vm_statistics vmstats;
  unsigned long up_ticks, idle_ticks;
  error_t err;

  err = gettimeofday (&time, NULL);
  if (err < 0)
    return errno;

  err = get_boottime (hook, &boottime);
  if (err)
    return err;

  err = get_idletime (hook, &idletime);
  if (err)
    return err;

  err = vm_statistics (mach_task_self (), &vmstats);
  if (err)
    return EIO;

  timersub (&time, &boottime, &time);
  up_ticks = opt_clk_tck * (time.tv_sec * 1000000. + time.tv_usec) / 1000000.;
  idle_ticks = opt_clk_tck * (idletime.tv_sec * 1000000. + idletime.tv_usec) / 1000000.;

  *contents_len = asprintf (contents,
      "cpu  %lu 0 0 %lu 0 0 0 0 0\n"
      "cpu0 %lu 0 0 %lu 0 0 0 0 0\n"
      "intr 0\n"
      "page %d %d\n"
      "btime %lu\n",
      up_ticks - idle_ticks, idle_ticks,
      up_ticks - idle_ticks, idle_ticks,
      vmstats.pageins, vmstats.pageouts,

  return 0;
Пример #3
 * Returns the system uptime in centiseconds.
 * @note The value returned by this function is not identical to sysUpTime
 *   defined in RFC 1213. get_uptime() returns the system uptime while
 *   sysUpTime represents the time that has elapsed since the most recent
 *   restart of the network manager (snmpd).
 * @see See also netsnmp_get_agent_uptime().
#if defined(aix4) || defined(aix5) || defined(aix6) || defined(aix7)
    static char lbolt_name[] = "lbolt";
    struct nlist nl;
    int kmem;
    time_t lbolt;
    nl.n_name = lbolt_name;
    if(knlist(&nl, 1, sizeof(struct nlist)) != 0) return(0);
    if(nl.n_type == 0 || nl.n_value == 0) return(0);
    if((kmem = open("/dev/mem", 0)) < 0) return 0;
    lseek(kmem, (long) nl.n_value, L_SET);
    read(kmem, &lbolt, sizeof(lbolt));
#elif defined(solaris2)
    kstat_ctl_t    *ksc = kstat_open();
    kstat_t        *ks;
    kid_t           kid;
    kstat_named_t  *named;
    u_long          lbolt = 0;

    if (ksc) {
        ks = kstat_lookup(ksc, "unix", -1, "system_misc");
        if (ks) {
            kid = kstat_read(ksc, ks, NULL);
            if (kid != -1) {
                named = kstat_data_lookup(ks, "lbolt");
                if (named) {
                    lbolt = named->value.ui32;
                    lbolt = named->value.ul;
    return lbolt;
#elif defined(linux) || defined(cygwin)
    FILE           *in = fopen("/proc/uptime", "r");
    long            uptim = 0, a, b;
    if (in) {
        if (2 == fscanf(in, "%ld.%ld", &a, &b))
            uptim = a * 100 + b;
    return uptim;
    struct timeval  now;
    long            boottime_csecs, nowtime_csecs;

    boottime_csecs = get_boottime();
    if (boottime_csecs == 0)
        return 0;
    gettimeofday(&now, (struct timezone *) 0);
    nowtime_csecs = (now.tv_sec * 100) + (now.tv_usec / 10000);

    return (nowtime_csecs - boottime_csecs);