Пример #1
static int
magick_fill_region( VipsRegion *out, 
	void *seq, void *a, void *b, gboolean *stop )
	Read *read = (Read *) a;
	VipsRect *r = &out->valid;
	int y;

	for( y = 0; y < r->height; y++ ) {
		int top = r->top + y;
		int frame = top / read->frame_height;
		int line = top % read->frame_height;

		PixelPacket *pixels;

		g_mutex_lock( read->lock );
		pixels = get_pixels( read->frames[frame], 
			r->left, line, r->width, 1 );
		g_mutex_unlock( read->lock );

		if( !pixels ) {
			vips_error( "magick2vips", 
				"%s", _( "unable to read pixels" ) );
			return( -1 );

		unpack_pixels( read->im, VIPS_REGION_ADDR( out, r->left, top ), 
			pixels, r->width );

	return( 0 );
Пример #2
void ShootMovement::update(float dt)
    double add_x, add_y;
    get_dir(instance->direction, add_x, add_y);
    double m = get_pixels(speed) * instance->frame->timer_mul;
    move(add_x * m, add_y * m);
Пример #3
void EightDirections::update(float dt)
    if (max_speed == 0)

    bool on = false;
    int dir = get_joystick_direction(1);
    if (dir == 8)
        dir = instance->direction;
    else {
        on = true;
        dir *= 4;
        instance->set_direction(dir, false);
    double mul = instance->frame->timer_mul;

    double change;
    if (on)
        change = get_accelerator(acceleration);
        change = -get_accelerator(deceleration);

    set_speed(int_max(0, int_min(speed + change * mul, max_speed)));

    if (speed == 0)

    double add_x, add_y;
    get_dir(instance->direction, add_x, add_y);
    double m = get_pixels(speed) * mul;
    move(add_x * m, add_y * m);
    last_move = m;
Пример #4
   // apply the transform to the vertices of the proxy mesh
   PIXEL o = _patch->get_old_sample_center();
   PIXEL n = _patch->get_sample_center();
   VEXEL z = _patch->get_z();

   CBvert_list&  verts = _proxy_mesh->verts();    // vertices of the proxy mesh
   PIXEL_list   pixels = get_pixels(verts, this); // their old pixel locations

   // compute and apply the transform to each vertex:
   for (int i=0; i<verts.num(); i++) {
      set_pix(verts[i], this, n + cmult(pixels[i] - o, z));

   //cache _uv_orig, _uv_u_pt, _uv_v_pt so that we can grow new quads
   _o = n + cmult(_o - o, z);
   _u_o = n + cmult(_u_o - o, z);
   _v_o = n + cmult(_v_o - o, z);

   // take care of bizness:
   _proxy_mesh->changed(); //BMESH::VERT_POSITIONS_CHANGED
Пример #5
ImageBuf::write (ImageOutput *out,
                 ProgressCallback progress_callback,
                 void *progress_callback_data) const
    stride_t as = AutoStride;
    bool ok = true;
    if (m_localpixels) {
        // In-core pixel buffer for the whole image
        ok = out->write_image (m_spec.format, m_localpixels, as, as, as,
                               progress_callback, progress_callback_data);
    } else if (deep()) {
        // Deep image record
        ok = out->write_deep_image (m_deepdata);
    } else {
        // Backed by ImageCache
        std::vector<char> tmp (m_spec.image_bytes());
        get_pixels (xbegin(), xend(), ybegin(), yend(), zbegin(), zend(),
                    m_spec.format, &tmp[0]);
        ok = out->write_image (m_spec.format, &tmp[0], as, as, as,
                               progress_callback, progress_callback_data);
        // FIXME -- not good for huge images.  Instead, we should read
        // little bits at a time (scanline or tile blocks).
    if (! ok)
        error ("%s", out->geterror ());
    return ok;
Пример #6
 * This routine will convert one MCU from YUYV planar storage into 4
 * DCT macro blocks, converting from 8-bit format in the planar
 * storage to 16-bit format used in the DCT.
 * \param j pointer to jpeg_enc structure, and also storage for DCT macro blocks
 * \param x pixel x-coordinate for the first pixel
 * \param y pixel y-coordinate for the first pixel
 * \param y_data pointer to the Y plane
 * \param u_data pointer to the U plane
 * \param v_data pointer to the V plane
static av_always_inline void fill_block(jpeg_enc_t *j, int x, int y,
		unsigned char *y_data, unsigned char *u_data,
		unsigned char *v_data)
	int i, k;
	short int *dest;
	unsigned char *source;

	// The first Y, Y0
	get_pixels(j->s->block[0], y*8*j->y_rs + 16*x + y_data, j->y_rs);
	// The second Y, Y1
	get_pixels(j->s->block[1], y*8*j->y_rs + 16*x + 8 + y_data, j->y_rs);

	if (!j->bw && j->cheap_upsample) {
		source = y * 4 * j->u_rs + 8*x + u_data;
		dest = j->s->block[2];
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
				dest[k] = source[k];   // First row
				dest[k+8] = source[k]; // Duplicate to next row

			dest += 16;
			source += j->u_rs;
		source = y * 4 * j->v_rs + 8*x + v_data;
		dest = j->s->block[3];
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
				dest[k] = source[k];
				dest[k+8] = source[k];
			dest += 16;
			source += j->u_rs;
	} else if (!j->bw && !j->cheap_upsample) {
		// U
		get_pixels(j->s->block[2], y*8*j->u_rs + 8*x + u_data, j->u_rs);
		// V
		get_pixels(j->s->block[3], y*8*j->v_rs + 8*x + v_data, j->v_rs);
Пример #7
image_frame_rgbx& image_frame_rgbx::resize(uint32_t nwidth, uint32_t nheight, rescaler_group& rescalers)
	if(width == nwidth && height == nheight)
		return *this;
	image_frame_rgbx* newf = new image_frame_rgbx(nwidth, nheight);
	if(width == 0 && height == 0) {
		//Fill with black.
		memset(newf->get_pixels(), 0, newf->get_data_size());
		return *newf;
	rescalers(newf->get_pixels(), nwidth, nheight, get_pixels(), width, height);
	return *newf;
Пример #8
void PathMovement::update(float dt)
    node_changed = false;
    if (current_node < 0) {
    PathNode & node = nodes[current_node];
    float m = get_pixels(speed) * instance->frame->timer_mul;
    float move_dist = std::min<float>(m, distance_left);
    float move_val = move_dist * dir;
    int old_x = instance->x;
    int old_y = instance->y;
    move(node.dir_x * move_val, node.dir_y * move_val);
    start_x -= instance->x - old_x;
    start_y -= instance->y - old_y;
    distance_left -= move_dist;
    if (distance_left <= 0.0f) {
        int final_x = instance->x + start_x + node.x * dir;
        int final_y = instance->y + start_y + node.y * dir;
        instance->set_position(final_x, final_y);
        add_x = add_y = 0;
        start_x = start_y = 0;
        node_changed = true;
        int next_node = current_node+dir;
        bool is_last = next_node == nodes.size() || next_node == -1;
        if (!is_last) {
        if (has_reverse && dir == 1) {
            dir = -1;
        if (!has_reverse && dir == 1)
            move(-end_x, -end_y);
        if (!loop) {
            current_node = -2;
        if (has_reverse || dir == -1)
            dir = -dir;
        next_node = (current_node+dir) % nodes.size();
Пример #9
void BallMovement::update()
    if (stop_speed != 0 || speed == 0) {
    } else
    double add_x, add_y;
    get_dir(instance->direction, add_x, add_y);
    double m = get_pixels(speed) * instance->frame->timer_mul;

    if (speed > 100 && has_back_col) {
        double move_x = add_x * m;
        double move_y = add_y * m;

        int steps = 4;

        move_x /= steps;
        move_y /= steps;

        old_x = instance->x;
        old_y = instance->y;


        for (int i = 0; i < steps; ++i) {
            this->add_x += move_x;
            this->add_y += move_y;
            double xx = floor(this->add_x);
            double yy = floor(this->add_y);
            this->add_x -= xx;
            this->add_y -= yy;
            instance->set_position(instance->x + xx,
                                   instance->y + yy);

            if (instance->overlaps_background())
    } else {
        move(add_x * m, add_y * m);
    if (deceleration != 0)
        speed_change -= get_accelerator(deceleration)
                        * instance->frame->timer_mul;
    int change = (int)speed_change;
    speed_change -= change;
    speed = int_max(0, speed + change);
Пример #10
void detect_ellipses(unsigned char** sobel_output, int w, int h, double threshold, int min_dist, EllipseList* ellipses_result_list) {

	List* pixels = get_pixels(sobel_output, w, h);

	if(pixels->size < 3) {

		printf("To few pixels\n");

	//minor axis
	double acc[BSIZE];

	int i;
	for(i=0; i<BSIZE; i++) {
		acc[i] = 0.;

	Node *i_node, *j_node, *k_node;

	double center_x, center_y, a, b, d, f, alpha, cosine, cosine_sq, sin_sq, max_acc;
	printf("przed przetw %d\n", pixels->size);
//	print_list(pixels);

	for(i_node = pixels->head; i_node->next; i_node = i_node->next) {

		for(j_node = i_node->next; j_node; j_node = j_node->next) {
			if(get_dist(INODEX, INODEY, JNODEX, JNODEY) > min_dist) {

//				printf("Rozwazane punkty: (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n",

				center_x = (INODEX + JNODEX)/2;
				center_y = (INODEY + JNODEY)/2;

				a = get_dist(INODEX, INODEY, JNODEX, JNODEY)/2;

				if(JNODEX != INODEX)
					alpha = atan((JNODEY - INODEY)/(JNODEX - INODEX));

//				printf("a = %lf\n", a);

				for(k_node = i_node->next; k_node != j_node; k_node = k_node->next) {

					if((KNODEY != INODEY) && (KNODEY != JNODEY)) {

						if((d = get_dist(KNODEX, KNODEY, center_x, center_y)) > min_dist) {

//							printf("Rozwazane punkty: (%d, %d), (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n",

							f = get_dist(KNODEX, KNODEY, JNODEX, JNODEY);

							cosine = (a*a + d*d - f*f)/(2*a*d);

							cosine_sq = cosine*cosine;
							sin_sq = 1 - cosine_sq;

							double tmp2 = (a*a - d*d *cosine_sq);
							double tmp1 = (a*a * d*d * sin_sq);

//							printf("tmp1 = %lf, tmp2=%lf\t", tmp1, tmp2);

							if(tmp1 < 0)
								tmp1 = -tmp1;

							if(tmp2 < 0)
								tmp2 = -tmp2;

							b = sqrt(tmp1/tmp2);

							int round_b = round(b);

							if(round_b < BSIZE && round_b > 0) {

								k_node->b_ellipse = round_b;

							} else {
//								printf("BLAD!!\n");
//								printf("Rozwazane punkty: (%d, %d), (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n",
//								printf("tmp1 = %lf, tmp2=%lf\n", tmp1, tmp2);
//								printf("a = %lf\n", a);
//								printf("b = %lf\n\n", b);


				max_acc = 0.;
				double max_wart = 0.;

				for(i=0; i<BSIZE; i++) {
					if(acc[i] > max_wart) {
//						printf("%d ", (int)acc[i]);
						max_wart = acc[i];
						max_acc = i;

				double obwod;

				if(abs(a-max_acc) < 4)
					obwod = M_PI*a*2/3;
					obwod = M_PI*(3/2 * (a+max_acc) - sqrt(a*max_acc))*1/2;

				if(max_wart >= obwod*4/5 && max_wart >= threshold && max_wart>0 && (int)max_acc>10) {
//					printf("ELLIPSE FOUND!! %d %d %d %d\n", 512-(int)center_x, (int)center_y, (int)a, (int)max_acc);
//					printf("(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n\n", 512-INODEX, INODEY, 512-JNODEX, JNODEY);

					add_first_ellipse(ellipses_result_list, (int)center_y, (int)center_x, (int)max_acc, (int)a);

					drawEllipse("output_ellipse.bmp", (int)center_y, (int)center_x, (int)max_acc, (int)a, 512, 512);

					removeEllipseFromImage(i_node, j_node, max_acc);

					i_node->b_ellipse = 0.;
					j_node->b_ellipse = 0.;

				for(i=0; i<BSIZE; i++) {
					acc[i] = 0.;


Пример #11
ITunesPixelFormat ivis_render( ITunesVis* plugin, short audio_data[][512], float freq_data[][512],
                               void* buffer, long buffer_size, bool idle )
  ITunesPixelFormat format = ITunesPixelFormatUnknown;

  /* make sure we have a plugin and a visual handler */
  if ( !plugin || !plugin->imports.visual_handler )
    return format;

  int i=0, w=0;
  RenderVisualData visual_data;
  DSPSplitComplex splitComplex[2];
  float *data[2];

  /* perform FFT if we're not idling */
  if ( ! idle )
    /* allocate some complex vars */
    for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
      splitComplex[i].realp = calloc( 512, sizeof(float) );
      splitComplex[i].imagp = calloc( 512, sizeof(float) );
      data[i] = calloc( 512, sizeof(float) );

    /* 2 channels for spectrum and waveform data */
    visual_data.numWaveformChannels = 2;
    visual_data.numSpectrumChannels = 2;

    /* copy spectrum audio data to visual data strucure */
    for ( w = 0 ; w < 512 ; w++ )
      /* iTunes visualizers expect waveform data from 0 - 255, with level 0 at 128 */
      visual_data.waveformData[0][w] = (UInt8)( (long)(audio_data[0][w]) / 128 + 128 );
      visual_data.waveformData[1][w] = (UInt8)( (long)(audio_data[1][w]) / 128 + 128 );

      /* scale to -1, +1 */
      *( data[0] + w ) = (float)(( audio_data[0][w]) / (2.0 * 8192.0) );
      *( data[1] + w ) = (float)(( audio_data[1][w]) / (2.0 * 8192.0) );

    /* FFT scaler */
    float scale = ( 1.0 / 1024.0 ) ; /* scale by length of input * 2 (due to how vDSP does FFTs) */
    float nyq=0, dc=0, freq=0;

    for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
      /* pack data into format fft_zrip expects it */
      vDSP_ctoz( (COMPLEX*)( data[i] ), 2, &( splitComplex[i] ), 1, 256 );

      /* perform FFT on normalized audio data */
      fft_zrip( plugin->fft_setup, &( splitComplex[i] ), 1, 9, FFT_FORWARD );

      /* scale the values */
      vDSP_vsmul( splitComplex[i].realp, 1, &scale, splitComplex[i].realp, 1, 256 );
      vDSP_vsmul( splitComplex[i].imagp, 1, &scale, splitComplex[i].imagp, 1, 256 );

      /* unpack data */
      vDSP_ztoc( &splitComplex[i], 1, (COMPLEX*)( data[i] ), 2, 256 );

      /* ignore phase */
      dc = *(data[i]) = fabs( *(data[i]) );
      nyq = fabs( *(data[i] + 1) );

      for ( w = 1 ; w < 256 ; w++ )
        /* don't use vDSP for this since there's some overflow */
        freq = hypot( *(data[i] + w * 2), *(data[i] + w * 2 + 1) ) * 256 * 16;
        freq = MAX( 0, freq );
        freq = MIN( 255, freq );
        visual_data.spectrumData[i][ w - 1 ] = (UInt8)( freq );
      visual_data.spectrumData[i][256] = nyq;

    /* deallocate complex vars */
    for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
      free( splitComplex[i].realp );
      free( splitComplex[i].imagp );
      free( data[i] );

    /* update the render message with the new visual data and timestamp */
    plugin->visual_message.u.renderMessage.renderData = &visual_data;

  /* update time */
  plugin->visual_message.u.renderMessage.currentPositionInMS =
    ivis_current_time() - plugin->start_time; // FIXME: real time

  /* save our GL context and send the vis a render message */
  CGLContextObj currentContext = CGLGetCurrentContext();
  if ( plugin->gl_context )
    aglSetCurrentContext( (AGLContext)(plugin->gl_context ) );

  /* call the plugin's render method */
  if ( idle )
    /* idle message */
    if ( plugin->wants_idle )
      plugin->imports.visual_handler( kVisualPluginIdleMessage,
                                      &( plugin->visual_message ),
                                      plugin->vis_ref );
    /* render message */
    plugin->imports.visual_handler( kVisualPluginRenderMessage,
                                    &( plugin->visual_message ),
                                    plugin->vis_ref );

    /* set position message */
      = plugin->visual_message.u.renderMessage.currentPositionInMS;
    plugin->imports.visual_handler( kVisualPluginSetPositionMessage, &( plugin->visual_message ),
                                    plugin->vis_ref );
  /* update message */
  plugin->imports.visual_handler( kVisualPluginUpdateMessage, NULL,
                                  plugin->vis_ref );

  /* read pixels and restore our GL context */
  CGLLockContext( CGLGetCurrentContext() );

  switch ( get_pixels( buffer, buffer_size, CGLGetCurrentContext() != currentContext ) )
  case 3:
    format = ITunesPixelFormatRGB24;

  case 4:
    format = ITunesPixelFormatRGBA32;


  CGLUnlockContext ( CGLGetCurrentContext() );

  /* restore our GL context */
  CGLSetCurrentContext( currentContext );
  return format;
Пример #12
std::shared_ptr<Image_8> Bitmap_Handler::get_Image(const char * file_name)

	auto input = std::ifstream{ file_name, std::ios::binary };
	if (input.is_open()) {

		// get length of file:
		input.seekg(0, input.end);
		unsigned long length = input.tellg();
		input.seekg(0, input.beg);

		if (length > 50) {

			//Should be replaced by an import into a vector
			char *buffer = new char[length];
			input.read(buffer, length);

			auto data_offset = merge_bytes_unsigned(buffer, 10, 4);

			auto size_x = merge_bytes_unsigned(buffer, 18, 4);

			auto size_y = merge_bytes_unsigned(buffer, 22, 4);

			auto biBitCount = merge_bytes_unsigned(buffer, 28, 2);

			auto bCompression = merge_bytes_unsigned(buffer, 30, 24);

			auto output = std::make_shared<Image_8>(size_x, size_y);

			unsigned long index = data_offset;

			unsigned int row_ind = 0;

			auto pixels = output->get_pixels();

			unsigned int z = 0;

			for (auto it = pixels->begin(); it != pixels->end(); it++) {
				(*it).set_RGB((unsigned char)(buffer[index]),(unsigned char)(buffer[index + 1]),(unsigned char)(buffer[index + 2]));
				index += 3;
				row_ind += 3;
				//Catch last Bytes in Row
				if (z == (size_x)) {
					while (row_ind % 4 != 0) { index++; row_ind++; }
					row_ind = 0;
					z = 0;


			delete[] buffer;

			return output;
	else {
		return std::make_shared<Image_8>(0, 0);
		std::cout << "Image not found" << std::endl;