Пример #1
 * Function: pop_quit
 * Purpose: Quit the connection to the server,
 * Arguments:
 * 	server	The server to quit.
 * Return value: 0 for success, non-zero otherwise with error in
 * 	pop_error.
 * Side Effects: The popserver passed in is unusable after this
 * 	function is called, even if an error occurs.
pop_quit (popserver server)
  int ret = 0;

  if (server->file >= 0)
      if (pop_retrieve_flush (server))
	  ret = -1;

      if (sendline (server, "QUIT") || getok (server))
	  ret = -1;

      close (server->file);

  free (server->buffer);
  free ((char *) server);

  return (ret);
Пример #2
void perform_sync(int fd)
    unsigned char out[9];
    memset(out, COMMAND_SYNC, sizeof(out));
    out[8] = 0;
    raw_writebuf(fd, out, sizeof(out));

    if (getok(fd, 5, 1000 * 1000) != 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error getting okay during cmd\n");
Пример #3
int perform_custom(int fd, char *tag)
    int string;
    int addr;
    int red;
    int i;
    unsigned char out[4];

    if (strcmp(tag, "hammer") == 0)
        build_bulb(out, 0, 0, 0xcc, 0, 0, 13, 0);
        for (i = 0; i < 6000; i++)
            writebuf(fd, out, 4);
            if (getok(fd, 1, 1000 * 1000) < 0)
                fprintf(stderr, "Error:  did not get closing ack\n");

        return 0;

    if (strcmp(tag, "one") == 0)
        build_bulb(out, 0, 0, 0xcc, 15, 0, 0, 0);
        writebuf(fd, out, 4);
        for (red = 0; red < 500; red++)
        return 0;

    if (strcmp(tag, "red") == 0)
        while (1)
            for (red = 0; red <= 15; red++)
                for (addr = 0; addr <= 34; addr++)
                    for (string = 0; string <= 5; string++)
                        build_bulb(out, string, addr, 0xcc, red, 0, 0, string == 5 ? 0 : 1);
                        writebuf(fd, out, 4);
        return 0;

    return -1;
Пример #4
void writebuf(int fd, unsigned char *out, int size)
    if (raw_writebuf(fd, out, size) == 0)
        if (g_confirm_every > 0)
            if (g_writes % g_confirm_every == 0)
                if (getok(fd, 1, 1000 * 1000) < 0)
                    fprintf(stderr, "Error:  did not get periodic ack\n");
Пример #5
 * Function: pop_reset
 * Purpose: Reset the server to its initial connect state
 * Arguments:
 * 	server	The server.
 * Return value: 0 for success, non-0 with error in pop_error
 * 	otherwise.
 * Side effects: Closes the connection on error.
pop_reset (popserver server)
  if (pop_retrieve_flush (server))
      return (-1);

  if (sendline (server, "RSET") || getok (server))
    return (-1);

  return (0);
Пример #6
 * Function: pop_noop
 * Purpose: Send a noop command to the server.
 * Argument:
 * 	server	The server to send to.
 * Return value: 0 on success, non-zero with error in pop_error
 * 	otherwise.
 * Side effects: Closes connection on error.
pop_noop (popserver server)
  if (server->in_multi)
      strcpy (pop_error, "In multi-line query in pop_noop");
      return (-1);

  if (sendline (server, "NOOP") || getok (server))
    return (-1);

  return (0);
Пример #7
/* Function: pop_delete
 * Purpose: Delete a specified message.
 * Arguments:
 * 	server	Server from which to delete the message.
 * 	message	Message to delete.
 * Return value: 0 on success, non-zero with error in pop_error
 * 	otherwise.
pop_delete (popserver server, int message)
  if (server->in_multi)
      strcpy (pop_error, "In multi-line query in pop_delete");
      return (-1);

  sprintf (pop_error, "DELE %d", message);

  if (sendline (server, pop_error) || getok (server))
    return (-1);

  return (0);
Пример #8
int perform_cmd(int fd, int cmd)
    unsigned char out[4];
    memset(out, 0, sizeof(out));

    BULB_FLAG_ADDRESS(out) = cmd;
        BULB_BLUE_STRING(out) = g_blue_start << 4;
        BULB_GREEN_RED(out) = g_green_start << 4 | g_red_start;
        BULB_BRIGHT(out) = g_bright_start;

    writebuf(fd, out, sizeof(out));

    if (getok(fd, 5, 1000 * 1000) != 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error getting okay during cmd\n");
        return -1;

    return 0;
Пример #9
 * Function: pop_open (char *host, char *username, char *password,
 * 		       int flags)
 * Purpose: Establishes a connection with a post-office server, and
 * 	completes the authorization portion of the session.
 * Arguments:
 * 	host	The server host with which the connection should be
 * 		established.  Optional.  If omitted, internal
 * 		heuristics will be used to determine the server host,
 * 		if possible.
 * 	username
 * 		The username of the mail-drop to access.  Optional.
 * 		If omitted, internal heuristics will be used to
 * 		determine the username, if possible.
 * 	password
 * 		The password to use for authorization.  If omitted,
 * 		internal heuristics will be used to determine the
 * 		password, if possible.
 * 	flags	A bit mask containing flags controlling certain
 * 		functions of the routine.  Valid flags are defined in
 * 		the file pop.h
 * Return value: Upon successful establishment of a connection, a
 * 	non-null popserver will be returned.  Otherwise, null will be
 * 	returned, and the string variable pop_error will contain an
 * 	explanation of the error.
pop_open (char *host, char *username, char *password, int flags)
  int sock;
  popserver server;

  /* Determine the user name */
  if (! username)
      username = getenv ("USER");
      if (! (username && *username))
	  username = getlogin ();
	  if (! (username && *username))
	      struct passwd *passwd;
	      passwd = getpwuid (getuid ());
	      if (passwd && passwd->pw_name && *passwd->pw_name)
		  username = passwd->pw_name;
		  strcpy (pop_error, "Could not determine username");
		  return (0);

   *  Determine the mail host.

  if (! host)
      host = getenv ("MAILHOST");

#ifdef HESIOD
  if ((! host) && (! (flags & POP_NO_HESIOD)))
      struct hes_postoffice *office;
      office = hes_getmailhost (username);
      if (office && office->po_type && (! strcmp (office->po_type, "POP"))
	  && office->po_name && *office->po_name && office->po_host
	  && *office->po_host)
	  host = office->po_host;
	  username = office->po_name;

  if (! host)
      host = MAILHOST;

  if (! host)
      strcpy (pop_error, "Could not determine POP server");
      return (0);

  /* Determine the password */

  if ((! password) && (! DONT_NEED_PASSWORD))
      if (! (flags & POP_NO_GETPASS))
	  password = getpass ("Enter POP password:"******"Could not determine POP password");
	  return (0);
  if (password)			/* always true, detected 20060515 */
    flags |= POP_NO_KERBEROS;
    password = username;	/* dead code, detected 20060515 */
  /** "kpop" service is  never used: look for 20060515 to see why **/

  sock = socket_connection (host, flags);
  if (sock == -1)
    return (0);

  server = (popserver) malloc (sizeof (struct _popserver));
  if (! server)
      strcpy (pop_error, "Out of memory in pop_open");
      return (0);
  server->buffer = (char *) malloc (GETLINE_MIN);
  if (! server->buffer)
      strcpy (pop_error, "Out of memory in pop_open");
      free ((char *) server);
      return (0);

  server->file = sock;
  server->data = 0;
  server->buffer_index = 0;
  server->buffer_size = GETLINE_MIN;
  server->in_multi = false;
  server->trash_started = false;

  if (getok (server))
    return (0);

   * I really shouldn't use the pop_error variable like this, but....
  if (strlen (username) > ERROR_MAX - 6)
      pop_close (server);
      strcpy (pop_error,
	      "Username too long; recompile pop.c with larger ERROR_MAX");
      return (0);
  sprintf (pop_error, "USER %s", username);

  if (sendline (server, pop_error) || getok (server))
      return (0);

  if (strlen (password) > ERROR_MAX - 6)
      pop_close (server);
      strcpy (pop_error,
	      "Password too long; recompile pop.c with larger ERROR_MAX");
      return (0);
  sprintf (pop_error, "PASS %s", password);

  if (sendline (server, pop_error) || getok (server))
      return (0);

  return (server);
Пример #10
Text( )
int sys, ln, embedded, p, ix;
double x, y, theta, size;
char s1[40], s2[40];
FILE *fp;

gget( Buf, "System" );
if( Buf[0] == 'd' ) { 
	sys = DATA; 
	if( DXlo == 0 && DXhi == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "No graphics area.\n" ); gdp_exit(); }
else sys = ABSOLUTE;

gget( Buf, "Font" ); NTfont( Buf );
gget( Buf, "Size" ); size = atof( Buf ); NTptsize( size );
gget( Buf, "Position" ); 
sscanf( Buf, "%lf %lf", &x, &y );
gget( Buf, "Direction" ); theta = atof( Buf );

if( theta != 0 ) NTchardir( theta );

gget( Buf, "Embeddedcoords" );
if( Buf[0] == 'y' ) embedded = 1; else embedded = 0;

gget( Buf, "File" );
if( strlen( Buf ) > 0 ) fp = fopen( Buf, "r" );		/* text in a file */
else 	{		/* text given-- put it in a file */
	gget( Buf, "Text" );
	text_tofile( Buf, Tempfile );
	fp = fopen( Tempfile, "r" );
if( fp == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Cant open text file" );  gdp_exit(); }

/* read the file and print the text */
if( !embedded ) {
	if( sys == DATA ) NTm( x, y );
	else NTmov( x, y );

ln = 1;
while( fgets( Buf, 200, fp ) != NULL ) {
	if( embedded ) {
		ix = 0;
		strcpy( s1, getok( Buf, &ix ) );
		strcpy( s2, getok( Buf, &ix ) );
		if( goodnum( s1, &p ) && goodnum( s2, &p ) ) {
			x = atof( s1 ); y = atof( s2 );
			if( sys == DATA ) NTm( x, y );
			else NTmov( x, y );
			strcpy( Buf, &Buf[ix] );
			strip_ws( Buf );
	NTtext( Buf );
	if( sys == DATA ) NTmov( da_x(x), da_y(y)-(ln*Chh) ); 
	else NTmov( x, y-(ln*Chh) );

fclose( fp );
NTchardir( 0 );
Пример #11
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int fd;
    char *sp;
    int c;
    int i;
    int perform_init = 0;
    int addr, addr_start = 0, addr_end = 0;
    int string, string_start = 0, string_end = 0;
    int bright;
    int red;
    int green;
    int blue;
    int cmd = 0;
    int write_bulbs = 0;
    unsigned long delay = 100;
    char custom[256] = {0};
    unsigned char out[4];
    int rc = 0;

    static struct option long_options[] =
        {"verbose", no_argument,        NULL, 'v'},
        {"delay",   required_argument,  NULL, 'd'},
        {"every",   required_argument,  NULL, 'e'},
        {"custom",  required_argument,  NULL, 'c'},
        {"addr",    required_argument,  NULL, 'a'},
        {"string",  required_argument,  NULL, 's'},
        {"bright",  required_argument,  NULL, 'b'},
        {"red",     required_argument,  NULL, 'r'},
        {"green",   required_argument,  NULL, 'g'},
        {"blue",    required_argument,  NULL, 'l'},
        {0, 0, 0, 0}

    if (argc <= 1)

    while (1)
        c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "vd:e:c:a:s:b:r:g:l:", long_options, NULL);
        if (c == -1)

            case 'i':
                perform_init = 1;
            case 'v':
                g_verbose = 1;
            case 'a':
                parse_range(optarg, &addr_start, &addr_end);
            case 's':
                parse_range(optarg, &string_start, &string_end);
            case 'b':
                parse_range(optarg, &g_bright_start, &g_bright_end);
            case 'r':
                parse_range(optarg, &g_red_start, &g_red_end);
            case 'g':
                parse_range(optarg, &g_green_start, &g_green_end);
            case 'l':
                parse_range(optarg, &g_blue_start, &g_blue_end);
            case 'd':
                delay = atoi(optarg);
            case 'e':
                g_confirm_every = atoi(optarg);
            case 'm':
                cmd = atoi(optarg);
            case 'c':
                strcpy(custom, optarg);

    **  Connect to the arduino
    sp = getenv("ARDUINO_SERIAL_PORT");
    if (!sp)

    if (g_verbose)
        printf("Connecting to %s...\n", sp);

    fd = open_port(sp);
    if (fd <= 0)
        char buf[256];
        sprintf(buf, "Error opening %s:", sp);

    if (g_verbose)


    if (g_verbose)

    **  Look for and perform commands
    for (i = optind; i  < argc; i++)
        if (strcmp(argv[i], "init") == 0)
            rc = perform_cmd(fd, COMMAND_INIT);
        else if (strcmp(argv[i], "clear") == 0)
            rc = perform_cmd(fd, COMMAND_CLEAR);
        else if (strcmp(argv[i], "status") == 0)
        else if (strcmp(argv[i], "chase") == 0)
            rc = perform_cmd(fd, COMMAND_CHASE);
        else if (strcmp(argv[i], "flood") == 0)
            rc = perform_cmd(fd, COMMAND_FLOOD);
        else if (strcmp(argv[i], "display") == 0)
            rc = perform_cmd(fd, COMMAND_SCROLL_DISPLAY);
        else if (strcmp(argv[i], "displayoff") == 0)
            rc = perform_cmd(fd, COMMAND_SCROLL_DISPLAY_OFF);
        else if (strcmp(argv[i], "sync") == 0)
        else if (strcmp(argv[i],"bulb") == 0)
            write_bulbs = 1;
        else if (perform_custom(fd, argv[i]) != 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "Error:  unrecognized command '%s'\n", argv[i]);
            return -1;

    if (optind >= argc)
        write_bulbs = 1;

    if (cmd > 0)
        rc = perform_cmd(fd, cmd);

    if (write_bulbs)
        for (addr = addr_start; addr <= addr_end; addr++)
            for (bright = g_bright_start; bright <= g_bright_end; bright++)
                for (red = g_red_start; red <= g_red_end; red++)
                    for (green = g_green_start; green <= g_green_end; green++)
                        for (blue = g_blue_start; blue <= g_blue_end; blue++)
                            for (string = string_start; string <= string_end; string++)
                                build_bulb(out, string, addr, bright, red, green, blue, string == string_end ? 0 : 1);
                                writebuf(fd, out, 4);

                            if (delay > 0)



    if (getok(fd, 1, 1000 * 1000) < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error:  did not get closing ack\n");
        rc = -1;


    if (g_verbose)
        printf("Wrote %ld bulbs\n", g_writes);

    return rc;