Пример #1
    static PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<CSSCalcExpressionNode> createSimplified(PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<CSSCalcExpressionNode> leftSide, PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<CSSCalcExpressionNode> rightSide, CalcOperator op)
        CalculationCategory leftCategory = leftSide->category();
        CalculationCategory rightCategory = rightSide->category();
        ASSERT(leftCategory != CalcOther && rightCategory != CalcOther);

        bool isInteger = isIntegerResult(leftSide.get(), rightSide.get(), op);

        // Simplify numbers.
        if (leftCategory == CalcNumber && rightCategory == CalcNumber) {
            return CSSCalcPrimitiveValue::create(evaluateOperator(leftSide->doubleValue(), rightSide->doubleValue(), op), CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::Number, isInteger);

        // Simplify addition and subtraction between same types.
        if (op == CalcAdd || op == CalcSubtract) {
            if (leftCategory == rightSide->category()) {
                CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType leftType = leftSide->typeWithCalcResolved();
                if (hasDoubleValue(leftType)) {
                    CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType rightType = rightSide->typeWithCalcResolved();
                    if (leftType == rightType)
                        return CSSCalcPrimitiveValue::create(evaluateOperator(leftSide->doubleValue(), rightSide->doubleValue(), op), leftType, isInteger);
                    CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitCategory leftUnitCategory = CSSPrimitiveValue::unitCategory(leftType);
                    if (leftUnitCategory != CSSPrimitiveValue::UOther && leftUnitCategory == CSSPrimitiveValue::unitCategory(rightType)) {
                        CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType canonicalType = CSSPrimitiveValue::canonicalUnitTypeForCategory(leftUnitCategory);
                        if (canonicalType != CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::Unknown) {
                            double leftValue = leftSide->doubleValue() * CSSPrimitiveValue::conversionToCanonicalUnitsScaleFactor(leftType);
                            double rightValue = rightSide->doubleValue() * CSSPrimitiveValue::conversionToCanonicalUnitsScaleFactor(rightType);
                            return CSSCalcPrimitiveValue::create(evaluateOperator(leftValue, rightValue, op), canonicalType, isInteger);
        } else {
            // Simplify multiplying or dividing by a number for simplifiable types.
            ASSERT(op == CalcMultiply || op == CalcDivide);
            CSSCalcExpressionNode* numberSide = getNumberSide(leftSide.get(), rightSide.get());
            if (!numberSide)
                return create(leftSide, rightSide, op);
            if (numberSide == leftSide && op == CalcDivide)
                return nullptr;
            CSSCalcExpressionNode* otherSide = leftSide == numberSide ? rightSide.get() : leftSide.get();

            double number = numberSide->doubleValue();
            if (std::isnan(number) || std::isinf(number))
                return nullptr;
            if (op == CalcDivide && !number)
                return nullptr;

            CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType otherType = otherSide->typeWithCalcResolved();
            if (hasDoubleValue(otherType))
                return CSSCalcPrimitiveValue::create(evaluateOperator(otherSide->doubleValue(), number, op), otherType, isInteger);

        return create(leftSide, rightSide, op);
Пример #2
 double doubleValue() const override
     if (hasDoubleValue(typeWithCalcResolved()))
         return m_value->getDoubleValue();
     return 0;
Пример #3
MediaTime::ComparisonFlags MediaTime::compare(const MediaTime& rhs, bool fuzzy) const
    if ((isPositiveInfinite() && rhs.isPositiveInfinite())
        || (isNegativeInfinite() && rhs.isNegativeInfinite())
        || (isInvalid() && rhs.isInvalid())
        || (isIndefinite() && rhs.isIndefinite()))
        return EqualTo;

    if (isInvalid())
        return GreaterThan;

    if (rhs.isInvalid())
        return LessThan;

    if (rhs.isNegativeInfinite() || isPositiveInfinite())
        return GreaterThan;

    if (rhs.isPositiveInfinite() || isNegativeInfinite())
        return LessThan;

    if (isIndefinite())
        return GreaterThan;

    if (rhs.isIndefinite())
        return LessThan;

    if (hasDoubleValue() && rhs.hasDoubleValue()) {
        if (m_timeValueAsDouble == rhs.m_timeValueAsDouble)
            return EqualTo;
        if (fuzzy && fabs(m_timeValueAsDouble - rhs.m_timeValueAsDouble) <= fuzzinessThreshold().toDouble())
            return EqualTo;

        return m_timeValueAsDouble < rhs.m_timeValueAsDouble ? LessThan : GreaterThan;

    MediaTime a = *this;
    MediaTime b = rhs;

    if (a.hasDoubleValue())

    if (b.hasDoubleValue())

    int64_t rhsWhole = b.m_timeValue / b.m_timeScale;
    int64_t lhsWhole = a.m_timeValue / a.m_timeScale;
    if (lhsWhole > rhsWhole)
        return GreaterThan;
    if (lhsWhole < rhsWhole)
        return LessThan;

    int64_t rhsRemain = b.m_timeValue % b.m_timeScale;
    int64_t lhsRemain = a.m_timeValue % a.m_timeScale;
    int64_t lhsFactor = lhsRemain * b.m_timeScale;
    int64_t rhsFactor = rhsRemain * a.m_timeScale;

    if (lhsFactor == rhsFactor)
        return EqualTo;
    return lhsFactor > rhsFactor ? GreaterThan : LessThan;
Пример #4
double MediaTime::toDouble() const
    if (isInvalid() || isIndefinite())
        return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
    if (isPositiveInfinite())
        return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    if (isNegativeInfinite())
        return -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    if (hasDoubleValue())
        return m_timeValueAsDouble;
    return static_cast<double>(m_timeValue) / m_timeScale;
Пример #5
MediaTime MediaTime::operator-(const MediaTime& rhs) const
    if (rhs.isInvalid() || isInvalid())
        return invalidTime();

    if (rhs.isIndefinite() || isIndefinite())
        return indefiniteTime();

    if (isPositiveInfinite() && rhs.isPositiveInfinite())
        return invalidTime();

    if (isNegativeInfinite() && rhs.isNegativeInfinite())
        return invalidTime();

    if (isPositiveInfinite() || rhs.isNegativeInfinite())
        return positiveInfiniteTime();

    if (isNegativeInfinite() || rhs.isPositiveInfinite())
        return negativeInfiniteTime();

    if (hasDoubleValue() && rhs.hasDoubleValue())
        return MediaTime::createWithDouble(m_timeValueAsDouble - rhs.m_timeValueAsDouble);

    MediaTime a = *this;
    MediaTime b = rhs;

    if (a.hasDoubleValue())
    else if (b.hasDoubleValue())

    int32_t commonTimeScale;
    if (!leastCommonMultiple(this->m_timeScale, rhs.m_timeScale, commonTimeScale) || commonTimeScale > MaximumTimeScale)
        commonTimeScale = MaximumTimeScale;
    while (!safeSub(a.m_timeValue, b.m_timeValue, a.m_timeValue)) {
        if (commonTimeScale == 1)
            return a.m_timeValue > 0 ? positiveInfiniteTime() : negativeInfiniteTime();
        commonTimeScale /= 2;
    return a;
Пример #6
void MediaTime::setTimeScale(int32_t timeScale)
    if (hasDoubleValue()) {
        *this = MediaTime::createWithDouble(m_timeValueAsDouble, timeScale);

    if (timeScale == m_timeScale)
    timeScale = std::min(MaximumTimeScale, timeScale);
    int64_t wholePart = m_timeValue / m_timeScale;

    // If setting the time scale will cause an overflow, divide the
    // timescale by two until the number will fit, and round the
    // result.
    int64_t newWholePart;
    while (!safeMultiply(wholePart, timeScale, newWholePart))
        timeScale /= 2;

    int64_t remainder = m_timeValue % m_timeScale;
    m_timeValue = newWholePart + (remainder * timeScale) / m_timeScale;
    m_timeScale = timeScale;