Пример #1
void destroy_itemset( struct itemset * this_itemset ) {
    int i;
    char * key;
    struct list * key_list = new_list();
    list_keys_in_hash( this_itemset->items, key_list, "" );
    for ( i = 0; i < key_list->next_index; i++ ) {
        key = listlookup( key_list, i );
        struct item * data = hashlookup( this_itemset->items, key )->data;
        free( data );
    destroy_key_list( key_list );
    destroy_hash( this_itemset->items );
    key_list = new_list();
    list_keys_in_hash( this_itemset->ready_for, key_list, "" );
    for ( i = 0; i < key_list->next_index; i++ ) {
        key = listlookup( key_list, i );
        struct list * ready_items = hashlookup( this_itemset->ready_for, key )->data;
        destroy_list( ready_items );
    destroy_key_list( key_list );
    destroy_hash( this_itemset->ready_for );
    destroy_list( this_itemset->complete );
    free( this_itemset );
Пример #2
void fill_FOLLOW() {
    FOLLOW = new_hash();
    char * symbol;
    char * next_symbol;
    char * lhs;
    int i;
    int j;
    struct list * production;
    int change;
    struct hash * symbol_followers;

    struct list * key_list = new_list();
    list_keys_in_hash( IS_TERMINAL, key_list, "" );
    for ( i = 0; i < key_list->next_index; i++ ) {
        symbol = listlookup( key_list, i );
        if ( ( (int *) hashlookup( IS_TERMINAL, symbol )->data ) == &FALSE ) {
            symbol_followers = new_hash();
            add_to_hash( FOLLOW, symbol, (void *) symbol_followers );
    destroy_key_list( key_list );
    change = 1;
    while ( change ) {
        change = 0;
        for ( i = 0; i < NUM_PRODUCTIONS; i++ ) {
            production = GRAMMAR[i].production;
            lhs = listlookup( production, 0 );
            for ( j = 1; j < production->next_index; j++ ) { // Loop RHS symbols.
                symbol = listlookup( production, j );
                if ( ( (int *) hashlookup( IS_TERMINAL, symbol )->data ) == &TRUE ) { // No FOLLOW for terminals.
                symbol_followers = hashlookup( FOLLOW, symbol )->data;
                if ( j + 1 < production->next_index ) { // There is an adjacent symbol.
                    next_symbol = listlookup( production, j + 1 );
                    struct hash * next_symbol_firsts = hashlookup( FIRST, next_symbol )->data;

                    // Everything in FIRST{next_symbol} should be in FOLLOW{symbol}.
                    change = expand_hash( symbol_followers, next_symbol_firsts ) || change;
                else { // Last symbol in production is nonterminal.
                    struct hash * lhs_followers = hashlookup( FOLLOW, lhs )->data;

                    // Everything in FOLLOW{lhs} should be in FOLLOW{symbol}.
                    change = expand_hash( symbol_followers, lhs_followers ) || change;
int main() {    
    struct hash * frequency_hash = new_hash();
    char char_string[2] = { ' ', '\0' };
    int number_of_characters = 0;
    int i;
    char c;

    while ( ( c = getchar() ) != EOF ) {
        if ( c == '\n' ) {
        char_string[0] = c;
        struct hash * looked_up = hashlookup( frequency_hash, char_string );
        struct index_frequency * data;
        if ( !looked_up ) {
            data = malloc( sizeof( struct index_frequency ) );
            data->index = number_of_characters;
            data->frequency = 0;
            looked_up = add_to_hash( frequency_hash, char_string, (void *) data );
        data = looked_up->data;
        int frequency = data->frequency;
        data->frequency = frequency + 1;

    struct list * key_list = new_list();
    list_keys_in_hash( frequency_hash, key_list, "" );
    int min_index = number_of_characters + 1;
    char * min_key = "";
    int min_frequency = number_of_characters + 1;
    for ( i = 0; i < key_list->next_index; i++ ) {
        char * key = listlookup( key_list, i );
        struct index_frequency * data;
        data = hashlookup( frequency_hash, key )->data;
        if ( data->frequency < min_frequency ) {
            min_index = data->index;
            min_frequency = data->frequency;
            min_key = key;
        } else if ( data->frequency == min_frequency ) {
            if ( data->index < min_index ) {
                min_index = data->index;
                min_key = key;
    printf( "The first non-repeated character is: \n%s\n", min_key );

Пример #4
int expand_hash( struct hash * target, struct hash * source ) {
    int i;
    char * symbol;
    void * value;
    int change = 0;
    struct list * key_list = new_list();
    list_keys_in_hash( source, key_list, "" );
    for ( i = 0; i < key_list->next_index; i++ ) {
        symbol = listlookup( key_list, i );
        struct hash * looked_up = hashlookup( target, symbol );
        if ( ! looked_up ) {
            value = hashlookup( source, symbol )->data;
            add_to_hash( target, symbol, value ); // Use the same value or pointer.
            change = 1;
    return change;
Пример #5
void analyze_productions() {
    int i;
    int j;
    struct list * production;
    struct list * productions_for_symbol;
    char * symbol;
    if ( ! IS_TERMINAL ) {
        IS_TERMINAL = new_hash();
    if ( ! PRODUCTIONS_FOR ) {
        PRODUCTIONS_FOR = new_hash();
    for ( i = 0; i < NUM_PRODUCTIONS; i++ ) {
        production = GRAMMAR[i].production;
        if ( production->next_index > GSIZE ) {
            GSIZE = production->next_index;
        for ( j = 0; j < production->next_index; j++ ) {
            symbol = listlookup( production, j );
            struct hash * looked_up = hashlookup( IS_TERMINAL, symbol );
            if ( ! looked_up ) { // Assume each new symbol is a terminal.
                add_to_hash( IS_TERMINAL, symbol, (void *) &TRUE );
            if ( j == 0 ) { // Symbols on the left side of a productions are nonterminal.
                add_to_hash( IS_TERMINAL, symbol, (void *) &FALSE );
                looked_up = hashlookup( PRODUCTIONS_FOR, symbol );
                if ( ! looked_up ) {
                    productions_for_symbol = new_list();
                    add_to_hash( PRODUCTIONS_FOR, symbol, (void *) productions_for_symbol );
                else {
                    productions_for_symbol = looked_up->data;

                append_to_list( productions_for_symbol, (void *) (long int) i );
Пример #6
void fill_FIRST() {
    FIRST = new_hash();
    int i;
    int j;
    char * symbol;
    char * lhs;
    char * left_corner;
    struct list * key_list = new_list();
    list_keys_in_hash( IS_TERMINAL, key_list, "" );
    for ( i = 0; i < key_list->next_index; i++ ) {
        symbol = listlookup( key_list, i );
        struct hash * symbol_firsts = new_hash();
         if ( ( (int *) hashlookup( IS_TERMINAL, symbol )->data ) == &TRUE ) { // Terminals self-derive.
            add_to_hash( symbol_firsts, symbol, (void *) (long int) 1 );
        add_to_hash( FIRST, symbol, (void *) symbol_firsts );
    destroy_key_list( key_list );
    int change = 1;
    while ( change ) {
        change = 0;
        for ( i = 0; i < NUM_PRODUCTIONS; i++ ) {
            struct list * production = GRAMMAR[i].production;
            lhs = listlookup( production, 0 );
            left_corner = listlookup( production, 1 );
            key_list = new_list();
            list_keys_in_hash( hashlookup( FIRST, left_corner )->data, key_list, "" );
            for ( j = 0; j <  key_list->next_index; j++ ) { // Go through all the firsts of left_corner.
                symbol = listlookup( key_list, j );
                struct hash * lhs_firsts = hashlookup( FIRST, lhs )->data;
                struct hash * looked_up = hashlookup( lhs_firsts, symbol );
                if ( ! looked_up ) {
                    add_to_hash( lhs_firsts, symbol, (void *) &TRUE ); // Add them to firsts of lhs.
                    change = 1;
            destroy_key_list( key_list );
struct hash * copy_shallow_hash( struct hash * original ) {
    struct hash * copy = new_hash();
    struct list * key_list = new_list();
    list_keys_in_hash( original, key_list, "" );
    char * key = NULL;
    int i = key_list->next_index;
    while ( i-- ) {
        key = listlookup( key_list, i );
        add_to_hash( copy, key, hashlookup( original, key ) );
    destroy_key_list( key_list );
    return copy;
Пример #8
void install_complete_transitions( int i, struct itemset * current_itemset, struct parser_generator * self ) {
    struct list * table = self->TABLE;
    struct list * complete_items = current_itemset->complete;
    char * lhs;
    struct item * complete_item;
    struct list * complete_production;
    int j; int k;
    struct hash * table_row = listlookup( self->TABLE, i );
    for ( j = 0; j < complete_items->next_index; j++ ) {
        complete_item = listlookup( complete_items, j );
        int prod_num = complete_item->prod_num;
        complete_production = GRAMMAR[prod_num].production;
        lhs = listlookup( complete_production, 0 );

        // Loop all terminals which can follow this lhs.
        struct list * key_list = new_list();
        list_keys_in_hash( hashlookup( FOLLOW, lhs )->data, key_list, "" );
        for ( k = 0; k < key_list->next_index; k++ ) {
            struct list * trans_list;
            char * follower = listlookup( key_list, k );

            // Add a reduce transition on each follower token.
            struct hash * looked_up = hashlookup( table_row, follower );
            if ( ! looked_up ) {
                trans_list = new_list();
                add_to_hash( table_row, follower, (void *) trans_list );
            else {
                trans_list = looked_up->data;
            struct transition * reduce_transition = new_transition();
            reduce_transition->action = "reduce";
            reduce_transition->arg = prod_num;
            append_to_list( trans_list, reduce_transition );
        destroy_key_list( key_list );
Пример #9
void install_incomplete_transitions( int i, struct itemset * current_itemset, struct parser_generator * self ) {
    struct list * itemsets = self->itemsets;
    struct hash * itemsets_by_key = self->itemsets_by_key;
    struct hash * ready_for = current_itemset->ready_for;

    // Prepare to loop through the keys of current_itemset->ready_for.
    struct list * key_list = new_list();
    list_keys_in_hash( ready_for, key_list, "" );
    int j;
    int k;
    for ( j = 0; j < key_list->next_index; j++ ) { // Loop ready-for symbols.
        char * symbol = listlookup( key_list, j );
        struct list * ready_for_symbol = hashlookup( ready_for, symbol )->data;
        struct itemset * proposed_itemset = new_itemset();
        for ( k = 0; k < ready_for_symbol->next_index; k++ ) { // Loop symbol items.
            struct item * ready_item = listlookup( ready_for_symbol, k );
            struct item * proposed_item = new_item();
            proposed_item->prod_num = ready_item->prod_num;
            proposed_item->dot = ready_item->dot + 1;
            char * proposed_item_key = create_item_key( proposed_item );
            add_to_hash( proposed_itemset->items, proposed_item_key, (void *) proposed_item );
            free( proposed_item_key ); // It's now in the hash.
        } // End symbol items loop.
        char * proposed_itemset_key = create_closure_key( proposed_itemset );
        struct hash * looked_up = hashlookup( itemsets_by_key, proposed_itemset_key );
        if ( ! looked_up ) {
            append_to_list( itemsets, (void *) proposed_itemset );
            int state_num = itemsets->next_index - 1;
            looked_up = add_to_hash( itemsets_by_key, proposed_itemset_key, (void *) (long int) state_num );
        else {
            destroy_itemset( proposed_itemset );
        int destination = (long int) looked_up->data;
        install_incomplete_transition( i, symbol, destination, self );
    } // End ready-for symbols loop.
Пример #10
static boolean tablemoveverb (hdltreenode hparam1, tyvaluerecord *v) {
	table.move (address, tableaddress): boolean; move the indicated table 
	entry to the given table
	9/30/91 dmb: use hashassign, not hashinsert, so existing item is overwritten
	10/3/91 dmb: use new fllanghashassignprotect flag to override protection

	5.0a15 dmb: on success, return address of moved value
	5.1.4 dmb: generate errors if item doesn't exist
	hdlhashtable ht1, ht2;
	bigstring bs;
	tyvaluerecord val;
	boolean fl;
	hdlhashnode hnode;
	if (!getvarparam (hparam1, 1, &ht1, bs))
		return (false);
	flnextparamislast = true;
	if (!gettablevalue (hparam1, 2, &ht2))
		return (false);
	pushhashtable (ht1);
	fl = hashlookup (bs, &val, &hnode);
	if (fl)
		hashdelete (bs, false, false); /*don't toss the value*/
	pophashtable ();
	if (!fl) {
		langparamerror (unknownidentifiererror, bs);
		return (false);
	if (!hashtableassign (ht2, bs, val))
		return (false);
	return (setaddressvalue (ht2, bs, v));
	} /*tablemoveverb*/
Пример #11
boolean claymovefile (const tybrowserspec *fs, const tybrowserspec *fsto) {
	tyvaluerecord val;
	hdlhashtable hdest;
	boolean fl;
	hdlhashnode hnode;
	if (!claygetdirid (fsto, &hdest)) {
		langerrormessage (BIGSTRING ("\x1b" "destination must be a table"));
		return (false);
	opstartinternalchange ();
	pushhashtable ((*fs).parID);
	fl = hashlookup ((*fs).name, &val, &hnode);
	if (fl) {
	//	if ((*fs).parID == agentstable)
		hashdelete ((*fs).name, false, false); /*don't toss the value*/
	pophashtable ();
	if (fl) {
		fl = hashtableassign (hdest, (*fs).name, val);
		if (fl && (hdest == agentstable) {
			hashtablelookupnode (hdest, (*fs).name, &hnode);
			scriptinstallagent (hnode);

	opendinternalchange ();
	return (true);

	} /*claymovefile*/
Пример #12
void fill_TRIE( struct hash * token_types ) {
    int i;
    char * path;
    char * accepting_type;
    TRIE = new_trie_node();
    struct list * key_list = new_list();
    list_keys_in_hash( token_types, key_list, "" );
    for ( i = 0; i < key_list->next_index; i++ ) {
        path = listlookup( key_list, i );
        accepting_type = hashlookup( token_types, path )->data;
        add_to_trie( TRIE, path, accepting_type );
    destroy_key_list( key_list );
Пример #13
void install_incomplete_transition( int i, char * symbol, int destination, struct parser_generator * self ) {
    struct hash * table_row = listlookup( self->TABLE, i );
    struct hash * goto_row = listlookup( self->GOTO, i );
    struct list * trans_list;
    struct hash * looked_up;
    if ( ( (int *) hashlookup( IS_TERMINAL, symbol )->data ) == &TRUE ) {

        // Transitions on terminals go in TABLE.
        looked_up = hashlookup( table_row, symbol );
        if  ( ! looked_up ) {
            trans_list = new_list();
            add_to_hash( table_row, symbol, (void *) trans_list );
        else {
            trans_list = looked_up->data;
        struct transition * terminal_transition = new_transition();
        terminal_transition->action = "shift";
        terminal_transition->arg = destination;
        if ( ! strcmp( symbol, "end" ) ) {
            terminal_transition->action = "accept";
        append_to_list( trans_list, (void *) terminal_transition );
    else { // Transitions on nonterminals go in GOTO.
        looked_up = hashlookup( goto_row, symbol );
        if ( ! looked_up ) {
            trans_list = new_list();
            add_to_hash( goto_row, symbol, (void *) trans_list );
        else {
            trans_list = looked_up->data;
        append_to_list( trans_list, (void *) (long int) destination );
Пример #14
static boolean tablemoveandrenameverb (hdltreenode hparam1, tyvaluerecord *v) {
	5.0a15 dmb: on success, return address of moved value
	5.1.4 dmb: generate errors if item doesn't exist
	hdlhashtable ht1, ht2;
	bigstring bs1, bs2;
	tyvaluerecord val;
	boolean fl;
	hdlhashnode hnode;
	if (!getvarparam (hparam1, 1, &ht1, bs1))
		return (false);
	flnextparamislast = true;
	if (!getvarparam (hparam1, 2, &ht2, bs2))
		return (false);
	pushhashtable (ht1);
	fl = hashlookup (bs1, &val, &hnode);
	if (fl)
		hashdelete (bs1, false, false); /*don't toss the value*/
	pophashtable ();
	if (!fl) {
		langparamerror (unknownidentifiererror, bs1);
		return (false);
	if (!hashtableassign (ht2, bs2, val))
		return (false);
	return (setaddressvalue (ht2, bs2, v));
	} /*tablemoveandrenameverb*/
Пример #15
// Negamax Function.
static s32bit
negamax(s32bit depth_remaining, s32bit whos_turn_t, s32bit alpha, s32bit beta)
  Move   movelist[MAXMOVES], best;
  s32bit whos_turn = whos_turn_t & PLAYER_MASK;
  s32bit opponent  = whos_turn_t ^ PLAYER_MASK;
  s32bit value;
  s32bit init_alpha = alpha, init_beta = beta;
  u32bit start_nodes = g_num_nodes;
  Move   forcefirst;
  s32bit who_wins_value;

  s32bit stage = 0, state = 0, true_count, i = 0, num_moves = 1;

  s32bit dyn_set;

  // increment a couple of stats
  stat_nodes[starting_depth - depth_remaining]++;

  // if no depth remaining stop search.
  if( depth_remaining <= 0 ){
    s32bit a = 0, b = 0;

    if( (a = does_next_player_win(whos_turn, 0)) > 0 ) {
      // current player wins.
      return 5000;

    if( (b = does_who_just_moved_win(opponent, 0)) >= 0 ) {
      // opponent wins.
      return -5000;
    return a - b;

  // Can we determine a winner yet (simple check).

  // does current player win
  if(g_info_totals[whos_turn].safe > g_info_totals[opponent].real){
    return 5000;
  // does opponent win
  if(g_info_totals[opponent].safe >= g_info_totals[whos_turn].real){
    return -5000;

  // check transposition table

  forcefirst.array_index = -1;
  if(hashlookup(&value, &alpha, &beta, depth_remaining,
                &forcefirst, whos_turn))
    return value;
  // since we aren't using iter deep not interested in forcefirst.
  forcefirst.array_index = -1;

  // Can we determine a winner yet (look harder).

  // does current player win
  if( (who_wins_value = does_next_player_win(whos_turn, 0)) > 0 ) {

    if(random() % 1000000 == -1){
      does_next_player_win(whos_turn, 1);

    return 5000;
  // does opponent win
  if( (who_wins_value = does_who_just_moved_win(opponent, 0)) >= 0 ) {

    if(who_wins_value < 3){ // && random() % 500 == -1){
      does_who_just_moved_win(opponent, 1);
      //  print_board(opponent);

    return -5000;

#if 0
    s32bit num;
    num = move_generator_stage1(movelist, whos_turn);
    num = move_generator_stage2(movelist, num, whos_turn);
    if(move_generator(movelist, whos_turn) != num)
      fatal_error(1, "NOPE\n");

  // Generate child nodes and examine them.

  // initialize a few variables. (some of them don't really need to be.)
  stage = state = true_count = i = 0;
  num_moves = 1;

  true_count = move_generator_stage1(movelist, whos_turn);
  if(true_count == 0){
    true_count = move_generator_stage2(movelist, 0, whos_turn);
    stage = 1;
    if(true_count == 0) fatal_error(1, "Should always have a move.\n");
  true_count = move_generator(movelist, whos_turn);
  stage = 1;
  if(true_count == 0)   fatal_error(1, "Should always have a move.\n");
  // score all the moves and move the best to the front.
  score_and_get_first(movelist, true_count, whos_turn, forcefirst);
  best = movelist[0];
  // need to sort moves and generate more moves in certain situations.
  while(state < 3){
    if(state == 0) {
      state = 1;
    } else if(state == 1){
      sort_moves(movelist, 1, true_count);
      num_moves = true_count;
      if(stage == 0) state = 2;
      else           state = 3;
    } else {
      num_moves = move_generator_stage2(movelist, num_moves, whos_turn);
      state = 3;
    // Iterate through all the moves.
    for(; i < num_moves; i++){

      // A few statistics
      g_move_number[starting_depth - depth_remaining] = i;
      g_move_player[starting_depth - depth_remaining] = whos_turn;
      g_move_position[starting_depth - depth_remaining] = movelist[i];

      // make move.
      g_empty_squares -= 2;
      toggle_move(movelist[i], whos_turn);
      dyn_set = set_move_value(movelist[i], whos_turn);
      // recurse.
      value = -negamax(depth_remaining-1,whos_turn^PLAYER_MASK,
                       -beta, -alpha);
      // undo move.
      g_empty_squares += 2;
      toggle_move(movelist[i], whos_turn);
      if(dyn_set != 0) unset_move_value(movelist[i], whos_turn);

#if 0
      if(starting_depth - depth_remaining == 8) {
        s32bit g;
        for(g = 0; g < 8; g++){
          printf(" :%c:%d(%d,%d)", 
                 (g_move_player[g] == VERTICAL) ? 'V' : 'H',
                 g_move_position[g].array_index - 1,
                 g_move_position[g].mask_index - 1);

      // If this is a cutoff, break.
      if(value >= beta){
        alpha = value;
        best  = movelist[i];
        stat_cutoffs[starting_depth - depth_remaining]++;
        if(i < 5) stat_nth_try[starting_depth - depth_remaining][i]++;
        else      stat_nth_try[starting_depth - depth_remaining][5]++;
      // If the current value is greater than alpha, increase alpha.
      if(value > alpha) {
        alpha = value;
        best  = movelist[i];

    // If we have broken out of previous FOR loop make sure we break out
    //   of this loop as well.
    if(value >= beta) break;
  // save the position in the hashtable
  hashstore(alpha, init_alpha, init_beta, (g_num_nodes - start_nodes) >> 5,
            depth_remaining, best, whos_turn);
  return alpha;
Пример #16
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  numb i,j,c;
  obj o;

  int repeatObj,sumRO,sumCollisions;

  if (argc != 4) {
    puts("Usage: hashexample N m k");
    puts("       where N is the number of objects to hash");
    puts("         and m is the length of the objects in bytes");
    puts("         and k is the number of times objects are expected");
    return 0;
  N = atol(argv[1]);
  m = (size_t) atol(argv[2]);
  m = (m + sizeof(numb) - 1) / sizeof(numb);
  m *= sizeof(numb);
  k = atol(argv[3]);


    /* printf("%s:initialise hash N=%d N/MPI_TASKS=%d\n",argv[0],N,N/size); */
    printf("%s:initialise hash N=%d N/MPI_TASKS=%d\n",argv[0],(int)N,(int)(N/size));

  /*    for(i=0;i<nobj;i++){

        printf("rank[%d] testVar %d\n",rank,c);
        printf("Get? rank[%d] testVar %d status %d\n",rank,c,status);

  for (i = 1; i <= k; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < N/size; j++) {
      o = newobj();
      c = hashlookup(o);
      if (c > 1)
      if (c != i) {

  /* write out stuff */
  /*    for(j=0;j<nobj;j++){
        printf("rank[%d] j %d #j %d *j %d collisions %d\n",rank, ((rank*nobj)+j),hashtab[j], hashtab[j],collisions);

  /* need to aggregate collisions and repititions */
    printf("finn: collisions %d repetitions %d\n",sumCollisions,sumRO);

  status = MPI_Win_free(&win);
  status = MPI_Win_free(&win2);

  return 0;
Пример #17
char * create_closure_key( struct itemset * current_itemset ) {
    struct item * current_item;
    struct hash * looked_up;
    struct list * production;
    int p;
    int d;
    int i;

    // Push all the items in the itemset onto the unchecked stack.
    struct list * unchecked = new_list();
    struct hash * current_items = current_itemset->items;
    struct list * key_list = new_list();
    list_keys_in_hash( current_items, key_list, "" );
    for ( i = 0; i < key_list->next_index; i++ ) {
        char * key = listlookup( key_list, i );
        append_to_list( unchecked, (void *) hashlookup( current_items, key )->data );
    destroy_key_list( key_list );

    // Now process unchecked items, possibly adding more along the way.
    while ( unchecked->next_index ) {
        current_item = pop_from_list( unchecked );
        p = current_item->prod_num;
        d = current_item->dot;
        production = GRAMMAR[p].production;
        if ( d == production->next_index - 1 ) { // This item is complete.
            append_to_list( current_itemset->complete, (void *) current_item );
            continue; // Nothing more to do here.
        // Otherwise, this item is incomplete, 
        // so record it in the appropriate ready_for slot for this itemset.
        char * predicted = listlookup( production, d + 1 );
        struct list * items_ready_for = NULL;
        struct hash * looked_up = hashlookup( current_itemset->ready_for, predicted );
        if ( ! looked_up ) {
            items_ready_for = new_list();
            add_to_hash( current_itemset->ready_for, predicted, (void *) items_ready_for );
        else {
            items_ready_for = looked_up->data;
        append_to_list( items_ready_for, (void *) current_item );
        // If the predicted symbol is terminal, this item is done processing.
        if ( ( (int *) hashlookup( IS_TERMINAL, predicted )->data ) == &TRUE ) {
            continue; // Can't expand terminals.
        // Otherwise, the predicted symbol is nonterminal, 
        // so expand the itemset using all applicable productions.
        struct list * predicted_productions = hashlookup( PRODUCTIONS_FOR, predicted )->data;
        for ( i = 0; i < predicted_productions->next_index; i++ ) {
            int predicted_p = (long int) listlookup( predicted_productions, i );
            struct item * predicted_item = new_item();
            predicted_item->prod_num = predicted_p;
            char * predicted_key = create_item_key( predicted_item );
            if ( looked_up = hashlookup( current_items, predicted_key ) ) { // Item unneeded.
                free( predicted_item );
                free( predicted_key );

            // Otherwise, add the new item to the itemset, and to the unchecked stack.
            add_to_hash( current_items, predicted_key, (void *) predicted_item );
            free( predicted_key );
            append_to_list( unchecked, (void *) predicted_item );

    // Now that the itemset has been filled out, create and return its identifying string.
    key_list = new_list();
    list_keys_in_hash( current_items, key_list, "" );
    char * closure_key = join_key_list( key_list, "_" );
    destroy_key_list( key_list );
    return closure_key;
Пример #18
struct lambda_expr * parse( char * string, char ** error ) {
    INPUT = string;
    struct lambda_expr * result;
    struct token * t = NULL;
    struct lambda_expr * (*action_function)( int, struct list * );
    int current_state = 0;
    struct list * stack = new_list();
    append_to_list( stack, (void *) (long int) 0 ); // Start stack with initial state.
    int i = 0;
    struct hash * row;
    struct hash * looked_up;
    struct list * trans_list;
    struct transition * trans;
    char * action;
    int arg;
    // Loop tokens of input.
    while ( 1 ) {
        if ( ! t ) {
            t = get_next_token( string, i );
            if ( strcmp( t->type, "end" ) ) {
                i += ( t->last - t->first + 1 );
        row = listlookup( TABLE, current_state );
        looked_up = hashlookup( row, t->type );
        if ( ! looked_up ) {
            *error = "No transition";
            return NULL;
        trans_list = looked_up->data;
        if ( trans_list->next_index == 0 ) {
            *error = "No transition";
            return NULL;
        if ( trans_list->next_index > 1 ) {
            *error = "Ambiguous transition.";
            return NULL;
        trans = listlookup( trans_list, 0 );
        action = trans->action;
        if ( !strcmp( action, "accept" ) ) {
            pop_from_list( stack ); // Throw away old state
            result = pop_from_list( stack );
            pop_from_list( stack ); // Throw away initial state number
            destroy_empty_list( stack );
            free( t );
            return result;
        arg = trans->arg;
        if ( !strcmp( action, "shift" ) ) {
            append_to_list( stack, (void *) t );
            append_to_list( stack, (void *) (long int) arg );
            current_state = arg; // Iterate state.
            t = NULL; // Force reading of another token,.

        // The action is "reduce"
        action_function = GRAMMAR[arg].reduction;
        result = (*action_function)( arg, stack ); // Perform action, change stack.
        current_state = (int) (long int) listlookup( stack, stack->next_index - 1  );
        append_to_list( stack, (void *) result );
        struct list * production = GRAMMAR[arg].production;
        char * lhs = listlookup( production, 0 );
        row = listlookup( GOTO, current_state );
        struct list * trans_list = hashlookup( row, lhs )->data;
        if ( !trans_list || trans_list->next_index == 0 ) {
            *error = "No transition.";
            return NULL;
        else if ( trans_list->next_index >= 2 ) {
            *error = "Ambiguous transition.";
            return NULL;
        current_state = (int) (long int) listlookup( trans_list, 0 );
        append_to_list( stack, (void *) (long int) current_state );
    } // End tokens of input loop.
    // Should never get here!