Пример #1
 * Close
void encac3Close( hb_work_object_t * w )
    hb_work_private_t * pv = w->private_data;

    if ( pv )
        if( pv->context )
            hb_deep_log( 2, "encac3: closing libavcodec" );
            if ( pv->context->codec )
                avcodec_flush_buffers( pv->context );
            hb_avcodec_close( pv->context );

        if ( pv->buf )
            free( pv->buf );
            pv->buf = NULL;

        if ( pv->samples )
            free( pv->samples );
            pv->samples = NULL;

        if ( pv->list )
            hb_list_empty( &pv->list );

        free( pv );
        w->private_data = NULL;
Пример #2
 * Close
void encfaacClose( hb_work_object_t * w )
    hb_work_private_t * pv = w->private_data;
    if ( pv )
        if ( pv->faac )
            faacEncClose( pv->faac );
            pv->faac = NULL;
        if ( pv->buf )
            free( pv->buf );
            pv->buf = NULL;
        if ( pv->obuf )
            free( pv->obuf );
            pv->obuf = NULL;
        if ( pv->list )
            hb_list_empty( &pv->list );

        free( pv );
        w->private_data = NULL;
Пример #3
 * Close
 * Free memory
static void decdcaClose( hb_work_object_t * w )
    hb_work_private_t * pv = w->private_data;
    dca_free( pv->state );
    hb_list_empty( &pv->list );
    free( pv );
    w->private_data = NULL;
Пример #4
 * Close
void enclameClose( hb_work_object_t * w )
    hb_work_private_t * pv = w->private_data;

    lame_close( pv->lame );
    hb_list_empty( &pv->list );
    free( pv->buf );
    free( pv );
    w->private_data = NULL;
Пример #5
 * Close
void encCoreAudioClose( hb_work_object_t * w )
    hb_work_private_t * pv = w->private_data;

    if( pv->converter )
        AudioConverterDispose( pv->converter );
        hb_list_empty( &pv->list );
        free( pv->obuf );
        free( pv->buf );
        free( pv );
        w->private_data = NULL;
Пример #6
 * Close
void encvorbisClose( hb_work_object_t * w )
    hb_work_private_t * pv = w->private_data;

    vorbis_block_clear( &pv->vb );
    vorbis_dsp_clear( &pv->vd );
    vorbis_comment_clear( &pv->vc );
    vorbis_info_clear( &pv->vi );

    if (pv->list)
        hb_list_empty( &pv->list );

    free( pv->buf );
    free( pv );
    w->private_data = NULL;
Пример #7
static void encavcodecaClose(hb_work_object_t * w)
    hb_work_private_t * pv = w->private_data;

    if (pv != NULL)
        if (pv->context != NULL)
            hb_deep_log(2, "encavcodeca: closing libavcodec");
            if (pv->context->codec != NULL)
            av_free( pv->context );

        if (pv->output_buf != NULL)
        if (pv->input_buf != NULL && pv->input_buf != pv->output_buf)
        pv->output_buf = pv->input_buf = NULL;

        if (pv->list != NULL)

        if (pv->avresample != NULL)

        w->private_data = NULL;
Пример #8
 * Close
void encCoreAudioClose(hb_work_object_t *w)
    hb_work_private_t *pv = w->private_data;

    if (pv != NULL)
        if (pv->converter)
        if (pv->buf != NULL)
        if (pv->remap != NULL)
        w->private_data = NULL;
Пример #9
 * ReaderFunc
static void ReaderFunc( void * _r )
    hb_reader_t  * r = _r;
    hb_fifo_t   ** fifos;
    hb_buffer_t  * buf;
    hb_list_t    * list;
    int            n;
    int            chapter = -1;
    int            chapter_end = r->job->chapter_end;

    if ( r->title->type == HB_BD_TYPE )
        if ( !( r->bd = hb_bd_init( r->title->path ) ) )
    else if ( r->title->type == HB_DVD_TYPE )
        if ( !( r->dvd = hb_dvd_init( r->title->path ) ) )
    else if ( r->title->type == HB_STREAM_TYPE ||
              r->title->type == HB_FF_STREAM_TYPE )
        if ( !( r->stream = hb_stream_open( r->title->path, r->title ) ) )
        // Unknown type, should never happen

    if (r->bd)
        if( !hb_bd_start( r->bd, r->title ) )
            hb_bd_close( &r->bd );
        if ( r->job->start_at_preview )
            // XXX code from DecodePreviews - should go into its own routine
            hb_bd_seek( r->bd, (float)r->job->start_at_preview /
                         ( r->job->seek_points ? ( r->job->seek_points + 1.0 ) : 11.0 ) );
        else if ( r->job->pts_to_start )
            // Note, bd seeks always put us to an i-frame.  no need
            // to start decoding early using r->pts_to_start
            hb_bd_seek_pts( r->bd, r->job->pts_to_start );
            r->job->pts_to_start = 0;
            r->start_found = 1;
            hb_bd_seek_chapter( r->bd, r->job->chapter_start );
        if (r->job->angle > 1)
            hb_bd_set_angle( r->bd, r->job->angle - 1 );
    else if (r->dvd)
         * XXX this code is a temporary hack that should go away if/when
         *     chapter merging goes away in libhb/dvd.c
         * map the start and end chapter numbers to on-media chapter
         * numbers since chapter merging could cause the handbrake numbers
         * to diverge from the media numbers and, if our chapter_end is after
         * a media chapter that got merged, we'll stop ripping too early.
        int start = r->job->chapter_start;
        hb_chapter_t *chap = hb_list_item( r->title->list_chapter, chapter_end - 1 );

        chapter_end = chap->index;
        if (start > 1)
           chap = hb_list_item( r->title->list_chapter, start - 1 );
           start = chap->index;
        /* end chapter mapping XXX */

        if( !hb_dvd_start( r->dvd, r->title, start ) )
            hb_dvd_close( &r->dvd );
        if (r->job->angle)
            hb_dvd_set_angle( r->dvd, r->job->angle );

        if ( r->job->start_at_preview )
            // XXX code from DecodePreviews - should go into its own routine
            hb_dvd_seek( r->dvd, (float)r->job->start_at_preview /
                         ( r->job->seek_points ? ( r->job->seek_points + 1.0 ) : 11.0 ) );
    else if ( r->stream && r->job->start_at_preview )
        // XXX code from DecodePreviews - should go into its own routine
        hb_stream_seek( r->stream, (float)( r->job->start_at_preview - 1 ) /
                        ( r->job->seek_points ? ( r->job->seek_points + 1.0 ) : 11.0 ) );

    else if ( r->stream && r->job->pts_to_start )
        int64_t pts_to_start = r->job->pts_to_start;
        // Find out what the first timestamp of the stream is
        // and then seek to the appropriate offset from it
        if ( ( buf = hb_stream_read( r->stream ) ) )
            if ( buf->start > 0 )
                pts_to_start += buf->start;
                r->pts_to_start += buf->start;
                r->job->pts_to_start += buf->start;
        if ( hb_stream_seek_ts( r->stream, pts_to_start ) >= 0 )
            // Seek takes us to the nearest I-frame before the timestamp
            // that we want.  So we will retrieve the start time of the
            // first packet we get, subtract that from pts_to_start, and
            // inspect the reset of the frames in sync.
            r->start_found = 2;
            r->job->pts_to_start = pts_to_start;
    else if( r->stream )
         * Standard stream, seek to the starting chapter, if set, and track the
         * end chapter so that we end at the right time.
        int start = r->job->chapter_start;
        hb_chapter_t *chap = hb_list_item( r->title->list_chapter, chapter_end - 1 );
        chapter_end = chap->index;
        if (start > 1)
            chap = hb_list_item( r->title->list_chapter, start - 1 );
            start = chap->index;
         * Seek to the start chapter.
        hb_stream_seek_chapter( r->stream, start );

    list  = hb_list_init();

    while( !*r->die && !r->job->done )
        if (r->bd)
            chapter = hb_bd_chapter( r->bd );
        else if (r->dvd)
            chapter = hb_dvd_chapter( r->dvd );
        else if (r->stream)
            chapter = hb_stream_chapter( r->stream );

        if( chapter < 0 )
            hb_log( "reader: end of the title reached" );
        if( chapter > chapter_end )
            hb_log( "reader: end of chapter %d (media %d) reached at media chapter %d",
                    r->job->chapter_end, chapter_end, chapter );

        if (r->bd)
          if( (buf = hb_bd_read( r->bd )) == NULL )
        else if (r->dvd)
          if( (buf = hb_dvd_read( r->dvd )) == NULL )
        else if (r->stream)
          if ( (buf = hb_stream_read( r->stream )) == NULL )
          if ( r->start_found == 2 )
            // We will inspect the timestamps of each frame in sync
            // to skip from this seek point to the timestamp we
            // want to start at.
            if ( buf->start > 0 && buf->start < r->job->pts_to_start )
                r->job->pts_to_start -= buf->start;
            else if ( buf->start >= r->job->pts_to_start )
                r->job->pts_to_start = 0;
                r->start_found = 1;

        if( r->job->indepth_scan )
             * Need to update the progress during a subtitle scan
            hb_state_t state;

#define p state.param.working

            state.state = HB_STATE_WORKING;
            p.progress = (double)chapter / (double)r->job->chapter_end;
            if( p.progress > 1.0 )
                p.progress = 1.0;
            p.rate_avg = 0.0;
            p.hours    = -1;
            p.minutes  = -1;
            p.seconds  = -1;
            hb_set_state( r->job->h, &state );

        (hb_demux[r->title->demuxer])( buf, list, &r->demux );

        while( ( buf = hb_list_item( list, 0 ) ) )
            hb_list_rem( list, buf );
            fifos = GetFifoForId( r->job, buf->id );

            if ( fifos && ! r->saw_video && !r->job->indepth_scan )
                // The first data packet with a PTS from an audio or video stream
                // that we're decoding defines 'time zero'. Discard packets until
                // we get one.
                if ( buf->start != -1 && buf->renderOffset != -1 &&
                     ( buf->id == r->title->video_id || is_audio( r, buf->id ) ) )
                    // force a new scr offset computation
                    r->scr_changes = r->demux.scr_changes - 1;
                    // create a stream state if we don't have one so the
                    // offset will get computed correctly.
                    id_to_st( r, buf, 1 );
                    r->saw_video = 1;
                    hb_log( "reader: first SCR %"PRId64" id 0x%x DTS %"PRId64,
                            r->demux.last_scr, buf->id, buf->renderOffset );
                    fifos = NULL;
            if( fifos )
                if ( buf->renderOffset != -1 )
                    if ( r->scr_changes != r->demux.scr_changes )
                        // This is the first audio or video packet after an SCR
                        // change. Compute a new scr offset that would make this
                        // packet follow the last of this stream with the 
                        // correct average spacing.
                        stream_timing_t *st = id_to_st( r, buf, 0 );

                        // if this is the video stream and we don't have
                        // audio yet or this is an audio stream
                        // generate a new scr
                        if ( st->is_audio ||
                             ( st == r->stream_timing && !r->saw_audio ) )
                            new_scr_offset( r, buf );
                            // defer the scr change until we get some
                            // audio since audio has a timestamp per
                            // frame but video & subtitles don't. Clear
                            // the timestamps so the decoder will generate
                            // them from the frame durations.
                            buf->start = -1;
                            buf->renderOffset = -1;
                if ( buf->start != -1 )
                    int64_t start = buf->start - r->scr_offset;
                    if ( !r->start_found )
                        UpdateState( r, start );

                    if ( !r->start_found &&
                        start >= r->pts_to_start )
                        // pts_to_start point found
                        r->start_found = 1;
                    // This log is handy when you need to debug timing problems
                    //hb_log("id %x scr_offset %ld start %ld --> %ld", 
                    //        buf->id, r->scr_offset, buf->start, 
                    //        buf->start - r->scr_offset);
                    buf->start -= r->scr_offset;
                if ( buf->renderOffset != -1 )
                    if ( r->scr_changes == r->demux.scr_changes )
                        // This packet is referenced to the same SCR as the last.
                        // Adjust timestamp to remove the System Clock Reference
                        // offset then update the average inter-packet time
                        // for this stream.
                        buf->renderOffset -= r->scr_offset;
                        update_ipt( r, buf );
                if ( !r->start_found )
                    hb_buffer_close( &buf );

                buf->sequence = r->sequence++;
                /* if there are mutiple output fifos, send a copy of the
                 * buffer down all but the first (we have to not ship the
                 * original buffer or we'll race with the thread that's
                 * consuming the buffer & inject garbage into the data stream). */
                for( n = 1; fifos[n] != NULL; n++)
                    hb_buffer_t *buf_copy = hb_buffer_init( buf->size );
                    hb_buffer_copy_settings( buf_copy, buf );
                    memcpy( buf_copy->data, buf->data, buf->size );
                    push_buf( r, fifos[n], buf_copy );
                push_buf( r, fifos[0], buf );
                hb_buffer_close( &buf );

    // send empty buffers downstream to video & audio decoders to signal we're done.
    if( !*r->die && !r->job->done )
        push_buf( r, r->job->fifo_mpeg2, hb_buffer_init(0) );

        hb_audio_t *audio;
        for( n = 0; (audio = hb_list_item( r->job->title->list_audio, n)); ++n )
            if ( audio->priv.fifo_in )
                push_buf( r, audio->priv.fifo_in, hb_buffer_init(0) );

        hb_subtitle_t *subtitle;
        for( n = 0; (subtitle = hb_list_item( r->job->title->list_subtitle, n)); ++n )
            if ( subtitle->fifo_in && subtitle->source == VOBSUB)
                push_buf( r, subtitle->fifo_in, hb_buffer_init(0) );

    hb_list_empty( &list );
    if (r->bd)
        hb_bd_stop( r->bd );
        hb_bd_close( &r->bd );
    else if (r->dvd)
        hb_dvd_stop( r->dvd );
        hb_dvd_close( &r->dvd );
    else if (r->stream)

    if ( r->stream_timing )
        free( r->stream_timing );

    hb_log( "reader: done. %d scr changes", r->demux.scr_changes );
    if ( r->demux.dts_drops )
        hb_log( "reader: %d drops because DTS out of range", r->demux.dts_drops );

    free( r );
    _r = NULL;